def du(conn, credentials, path, verbose=False): 'Prints out capacity usage for the directory.' response = fs.read_dir_aggregates(conn, credentials, path.remote())[0] size = metricize(int(response['total_capacity']), 'B') mypath = path.remote() if path.complete: mypath = path.local() if verbose: print('{0: >10s} {1}'.format(bold(size), mypath)) filecount = metricize(int(response['total_files'])) dircount = metricize(int(response['total_directories'])) print(' {0} files, {1} directories'.format(filecount, dircount)) else: print('{0: >10s} {1}'.format(bold(size), mypath))
def statline(statname, statvalue, abbrev=''): 'Returns a single formatted statistics line, suitable for statcol()' # It would be easier to just ''.format the dots, but ANSI # codes change the effective length of the string, which # makes everything weird. dots = '.' * (13 - len(statname)) statname = bold(statname) + dots statvalue = '{0:.>9s}'.format(metricize(statvalue, abbrev)) return statname + statvalue