Esempio n. 1
def test_error_handling():
    """The harmonic_balance function will tell you if it did not reach the 
    `stop_rerror` value. Make sure that this works by only running 1 
    iteration (i.e., don't give harmonic_balance enough time to find the 
    solution) and then make sure that the error flag is working."""

    # Input parameters ------------------------------------------------------

    NB = 15
    NF = 1
    NP = 1
    N = NF * NP

    # Embedding circuit
    circuit = qmix.circuit.EmbeddingCircuit(NF, NP)
    circuit.vph[1] = 0.30
    circuit.vt[1, 1] = circuit.vph[1] * 1.5
    circuit.zt[1, 1] = 0.3 - 1j*0.3

    # Run test ---------------------------------------------------------------

    # Perform harmonic balance (with impossible settings)
    vj, _, got_solution = harmonic_balance(circuit, RESP, NB, 

    # Make sure that no solution was found
    assert not got_solution, "A solution was found with only one iteration."
Esempio n. 2
def test_relative_error_in_hb_solution():
    """ The harmonic_balance module can be tested by running the harmonic 
    balance process and then checking that the optimized voltage from the 
    harmonic_balance function does actually lead to a balanced circuit."""

    # Input parameters ------------------------------------------------------

    NF = 2  # number of tones
    NP = 2  # number of harmonics
    N = NF * NP  # total number of signals
    NB = (15, 9)  # number of Bessel functions to use

    # Generate embedding circuit
    circuit = qmix.circuit.EmbeddingCircuit(NF, NP)
    # Photon voltage
    circuit.freq[1] = 0.30
    circuit.freq[2] = 0.32
    # Embedding voltage
    circuit.vt[1, 1] = circuit.freq[1] * 1.5
    circuit.vt[1, 2] = circuit.freq[1] * 0.1
    circuit.vt[2, 1] = circuit.freq[2] * 0.1
    circuit.vt[2, 2] = circuit.freq[2] * 0.01
    # Embedding impedance
    circuit.zt[1, 1] = 0.3 - 1j * 0.3
    circuit.zt[1, 2] = 0.3 - 1j * 0.3
    circuit.zt[2, 1] = 0.3 - 1j * 0.3
    circuit.zt[2, 2] = 0.3 - 1j * 0.3

    # Run test ---------------------------------------------------------------

    # Perform harmonic balance to calculate voltage across junction (vj)
    vj, _, solution_found = harmonic_balance(circuit,

    assert solution_found, "No solution found. Max iterations was reached!"

    # This function will raise an exception if the error function exceeds
    # the 'stop_error' value. Here we will set this value to maximum
    # error of 0.001. This is a relative error: error / vj. This is checked
    # for every tone, harmonic and bias voltage.
    check_hb_error(vj, circuit, RESP, NB, stop_rerror=0.001)
Esempio n. 3
def test_when_zthev_is_zero():
    """ Harmonic balance is not needed when all of the embedding impedances
    are set to zero. In this test, set all thevenin impedances to zero, and
    make sure that the harmonic balance function just returns the embedding

    NB = 15
    NF = 2
    NP = 2

    # Embedding circuit
    circuit = qmix.circuit.EmbeddingCircuit(NF, NP)
    circuit.vph[1] = 0.30
    circuit.vph[2] = 0.32
    circuit.vt[1, 1] = circuit.vph[1] * 1.5

    # Calculate junction voltage (should be equal to Thevenin voltage)
    vj = harmonic_balance(circuit, RESP, NB)
    for i in range(NPTS):
        assert (vj[:,:,i] == circuit.vt).all()
def three_tone():

    harmonic_balance(cct, resp, num_b=num_b, verbose=False)
cct = qmix.circuit.EmbeddingCircuit(1, 1)
cct.freq[1] = 0.3
cct.vt[1, 1] = 0.3
cct.zt[1, 1] = 0.5 - 1j * 0.3

def one_tone():

    harmonic_balance(cct, resp, num_b=num_b, verbose=False)

time_1tone = min(timeit.Timer(one_tone).repeat(50, 1))
print("1 tone:\t\t{:7.3f} ms".format(time_1tone * 1e3))

_, it, _ = harmonic_balance(cct, resp, num_b=num_b, verbose=False, mode='x')
print("\t -> {} iterations".format(it))

# 2 tone ---------------------------------------------------------------------

cct = qmix.circuit.EmbeddingCircuit(2, 1)
cct.freq[1] = 0.30
cct.freq[2] = 0.33
cct.vt[1, 1] = 0.3
cct.vt[2, 1] = 0.03
cct.zt[1, 1] = 0.5 - 1j * 0.3
cct.zt[2, 1] = 0.5 - 1j * 0.3

def two_tone():