API_KEY = 'your key' API_SECRET = 'your secret' if API_KEY.startswith('your'): print u'必须正确填写 API_KEY 和 API_SECRET' raise SystemExit('You must set API_KEY and API_SECRET') auth = OAuthHandler(API_KEY, API_SECRET) ## use get_authorization_url if you haven't got a token url = auth.get_authorization_url() print 'Open', url, 'in your browser' webbrowser.open_new(url) verifier = raw_input('Your PIN: ').strip() auth.get_access_token(verifier) ## or if you already have token #token = 'your token' #tokenSecret = 'yourr tokenSecret' #auth.setToken(token, tokenSecret) # now you have a workable api api = API(auth, parser=JSONParser()) # or use `api = API(auth)` I = api.me() print I data = I['data'] print data['name'], data['nick'], data['location']