Esempio n. 1
def benchmark_qft_qsim(from_qubits, to_qubits, results):

    col_qsim = "qsim"
    results[col_qsim] = np.nan

    for i in range(from_qubits, to_qubits + 1):

        circ = qft_qsim(i)

        qsim_options = {"c": circ, "i": "", "t": 1, "v": 0}

        # Repeat multiple times for small number of qubits and get best time
        repeat = 4 if i <= 20 else 1

        qsim_time = np.nan
        for r in range(repeat):
            start_time = time.time()
            result = qsim.qsim_simulate(qsim_options)
            elapsed_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000
            qsim_time = elapsed_time if np.isnan(qsim_time) else min(
                qsim_time, elapsed_time)
        results[col_qsim][i] = qsim_time

Esempio n. 2
 def test_qsim_simulate(self):
   qsim_options = {
       'c': '2\n0 cnot 0 1\n1 cnot 1 0\n2 cz 0 1\n',
       'i': '00\n01\n10\n11',
       't': 1,
       'v': 0
       qsim.qsim_simulate(qsim_options), [(1 + 0j), 0j, 0j, 0j])
Esempio n. 3
    def compute_amplitudes_sweep(
        program: circuits.Circuit,
        bitstrings: Sequence[int],
        params: study.Sweepable,
        qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
    ) -> Sequence[Sequence[complex]]:
        """Computes the desired amplitudes using qsim.

      The initial state is assumed to be the all zeros state.

          program: The circuit to simulate.
          bitstrings: The bitstrings whose amplitudes are desired, input as an
            string array where each string is formed from measured qubit values
            according to `qubit_order` from most to least significant qubit,
            i.e. in big-endian ordering.
          param_resolver: Parameters to run with the program.
          qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This is
            often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the ordering of the
            computational basis states.

          List of amplitudes.
        if not isinstance(program, qsimc.QSimCircuit):
            program = qsimc.QSimCircuit(program, device=program.device)

        n_qubits = len(program.all_qubits())
        # qsim numbers qubits in reverse order from cirq
        bitstrings = [
            format(bitstring, 'b').zfill(n_qubits)[::-1]
            for bitstring in bitstrings

        options = {'i': '\n'.join(bitstrings)}

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)

        trials_results = []
        for prs in param_resolvers:

            solved_circuit = protocols.resolve_parameters(program, prs)

            options['c'] = solved_circuit.translate_cirq_to_qsim(qubit_order)
            options['s'] = self.get_seed()

            amplitudes = qsim.qsim_simulate(options)

        return trials_results