def test_register_sweep(parameters):

    p = parameters["p"]
    sweep_object = sweep(p, start=0, stop=1, step_size=0.1)
    measurement = SweepMeasurement()

    with as datasaver:
        for data in sweep_object:

    data = datasaver.dataset.get_data(p)
    assert data == [[i / 10] for i in range(0, 11)]
Esempio n. 2
def test_getter_with_1_array_and_1_numeric_paramtype():
    This situation is indeed weird, because it is supposed to be achieved
    with two setters - a zip (?) of one setter with numeric paramtype,
    and another one with array paramtype.

    Due to the implementation of the setter and some other classes (Sweep,
    IteratorSweep), this case will not work (see the caught exception)
    @getter(('luck', '#', 'numeric'))
    def luck_param():
        return 1

    n_pts = 7
    phas_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    magn_val = 42

    @setter(("magn", "V"), ("phas", "deg", "array"))
    def dummy_setter(magn_val, phas_vals):

    assert isinstance(dummy_setter, SweepFunction)

    table = dummy_setter.parameter_table
    assert table.nests == [["magn", "phas"]]

    spec_magn, spec_phas = table.param_specs
    assert == "magn"
    assert spec_magn.unit == "V"
    assert spec_magn.type == "numeric"
    assert == "phas"
    assert spec_phas.unit == "deg"
    assert spec_phas.type == "array"

    # the exception originates from `numpy.atleast_1d` call in `Sweep` class
    # that is used by `setter` through `IteratorSweep`
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match="setting an array element with a "
        so = sweep(dummy_setter, [[magn_val, phas_vals]])(measure(luck_param))

        sweep_output = list(so)

        assert isinstance(sweep_output, list)
        assert 1 == len(sweep_output)
        assert magn_val == sweep_output[0]['magn']
        assert 1 == sweep_output[0]['luck']
        assert numpy.allclose(sweep_output[0]['phas'], phas_vals)
Esempio n. 3
def test_setter_with_2_numeric_paramtype():

    Assuming the setter function has some logic that needs both set point
    values at the same time for some reason...

    This works as expected.
    @getter(('luck', '#', 'numeric'))
    def luck_param():
        return 1

    n_pts = 7
    magn_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    phas_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)

    @setter(("magn", "V"), ("phas", "deg"))
    def dummy_setter(m_val, p_val):

    assert isinstance(dummy_setter, SweepFunction)

    table = dummy_setter.parameter_table
    assert table.nests == [["magn", "phas"]]

    spec_magn, spec_phas = table.param_specs
    assert == "magn"
    assert spec_magn.unit == "V"
    assert spec_magn.type == "numeric"
    assert == "phas"
    assert spec_phas.unit == "deg"
    assert spec_phas.type == "numeric"

    # notice the `zip` of lists in the `sweep` call
    so = sweep(dummy_setter, zip(magn_vals, phas_vals))(measure(luck_param))

    sweep_output = list(so)

    assert isinstance(sweep_output, list)
    expected_output = [{
        'luck': 1,
        'magn': m_val,
        'phas': p_val
    } for m_val, p_val in zip(magn_vals, phas_vals)]
    assert sweep_output == expected_output
Esempio n. 4
def test_getter_with_2_array_paramtype():

    Assuming the setter function has some logic that needs both set point
    values at the same time for some reason...

    This works as expected.
    @getter(('luck', '#', 'numeric'))
    def luck_param():
        return 1

    n_pts = 7
    magn_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    phas_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)

    @setter(("magn", "V", "array"), ("phas", "deg", "array"))
    def dummy_setter(m_vals, p_vals):

    assert isinstance(dummy_setter, SweepFunction)

    table = dummy_setter.parameter_table
    assert table.nests == [["magn", "phas"]]

    spec_magn, spec_phas = table.param_specs
    assert == "magn"
    assert spec_magn.unit == "V"
    assert spec_magn.type == "array"
    assert == "phas"
    assert spec_phas.unit == "deg"
    assert spec_phas.type == "array"

    # notice the list of lists in the `sweep` call
    so = sweep(dummy_setter, [[magn_vals, phas_vals]])(measure(luck_param))

    sweep_output = list(so)

    assert isinstance(sweep_output, list)
    assert 1 == len(sweep_output)
    assert {'luck', 'magn', 'phas'} == set(sweep_output[0].keys())
    assert 1 == sweep_output[0]['luck']
    assert numpy.allclose(magn_vals, sweep_output[0]['magn'])
    assert numpy.allclose(phas_vals, sweep_output[0]['phas'])
Esempio n. 5
def test_getter_with_2_numeric_paramtype():
    @setter(('repetition', '#', 'numeric'))
    def repetition_param(repetition):
        The purpose of this setter is to simulate a qcodes parameter without
        the need of importing it

    n_pts = 7
    rep_vals = list(range(n_pts))
    magn_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    magn_vals_iter = iter(magn_vals)
    phas_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    phas_vals_iter = iter(phas_vals)

    @getter(("magn", "V"), ("phas", "deg"))
    def alazar_output():
        return next(magn_vals_iter), next(phas_vals_iter)

    assert isinstance(alazar_output, MeasureFunction)

    table = alazar_output.parameter_table
    assert table.nests == [["magn"], ["phas"]]

    spec_magn, spec_phas = table.param_specs
    assert == "magn"
    assert spec_magn.unit == "V"
    assert spec_magn.type == "numeric"
    assert == "phas"
    assert spec_phas.unit == "deg"
    assert spec_phas.type == "numeric"

    so = sweep(repetition_param, rep_vals)(measure(alazar_output))

    sweep_output = list(so)

    assert isinstance(sweep_output, list)
    expected_output = [{
        'repetition': r_val,
        'magn': m_val,
        'phas': p_val
    } for r_val, m_val, p_val in zip(rep_vals, magn_vals, phas_vals)]
    assert sweep_output == expected_output
Esempio n. 6
def test_getter_with_2_array_paramtype():
    @setter(('repetition', '#', 'numeric'))
    def repetition_param(repetition):
        The purpose of this setter is to simulate a qcodes parameter without
        the need of importing it

    n_pts = 7
    magn_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)
    phas_vals = numpy.random.rand(n_pts)

    @getter(("magn", "V", "array"), ("phas", "deg", "array"))
    def alazar_output():
        return magn_vals, phas_vals

    assert isinstance(alazar_output, MeasureFunction)

    table = alazar_output.parameter_table
    assert table.nests == [["magn"], ["phas"]]

    spec_magn, spec_phas = table.param_specs
    assert == "magn"
    assert spec_magn.unit == "V"
    assert spec_magn.type == "array"
    assert == "phas"
    assert spec_phas.unit == "deg"
    assert spec_phas.type == "array"

    so = sweep(repetition_param, [1])(measure(alazar_output))

    sweep_output = list(so)

    assert isinstance(sweep_output, list)
    assert 1 == len(sweep_output)
    assert {'repetition', 'magn', 'phas'} == set(sweep_output[0].keys())
    assert 1 == sweep_output[0]['repetition']
    assert numpy.allclose(magn_vals, sweep_output[0]['magn'])
    assert numpy.allclose(phas_vals, sweep_output[0]['phas'])