def create_widgets(self, opt): val = self.plugin.prefs[] if opt.type == 'number': c = QSpinBox if isinstance(opt.default, numbers.Integral) else QDoubleSpinBox widget = c(self) widget.setValue(val) elif opt.type == 'string': widget = QLineEdit(self) widget.setText(val if val else '') elif opt.type == 'bool': widget = QCheckBox(opt.label, self) widget.setChecked(bool(val)) elif opt.type == 'choices': widget = QComboBox(self) items = list(iteritems(opt.choices)) items.sort(key=lambda k_v: sort_key(k_v[1])) for key, label in items: widget.addItem(label, (key)) idx = widget.findData(val) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx) widget.opt = opt widget.setToolTip(textwrap.fill(opt.desc)) self.widgets.append(widget) r = self.l.rowCount() if opt.type == 'bool': self.l.addWidget(widget, r, 0, 1, self.l.columnCount()) else: l = QLabel(opt.label) l.setToolTip(widget.toolTip()) self.memory.append(l) l.setBuddy(widget) self.l.addWidget(l, r, 0, 1, 1) self.l.addWidget(widget, r, 1, 1, 1)
class DaysOfMonth(Base): HELP = _('''\ Download this periodical every month, on the specified days. The download will happen as soon after the specified time as possible on the specified days of each month. For example, if you choose the 1st and the 15th after 9:00 AM, the periodical will be downloaded on the 1st and 15th of every month, as soon after 9:00 AM as possible. ''') def __init__(self, parent=None): Base.__init__(self, parent) self.l1 = QLabel(_('&Days of the month:')) self.days = QLineEdit(self) self.days.setToolTip( _('Comma separated list of days of the month.' ' For example: 1, 15')) self.l1.setBuddy(self.days) self.l2 = QLabel(_('Download &after:')) self.time = QTimeEdit(self) self.time.setDisplayFormat('hh:mm AP') self.l2.setBuddy(self.time) self.l.addWidget(self.l1, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.l.addWidget(self.days, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.l.addWidget(self.l2, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.l.addWidget(self.time, 1, 1, 1, 1) def initialize(self, typ=None, val=None): if val is None: val = ((1, ), 6, 0) days_of_month, hour, minute = val self.days.setText(', '.join(map(str, map(int, days_of_month)))) self.time.setTime(QTime(hour, minute)) @property def schedule(self): parts = [ x.strip() for x in unicode_type(self.days.text()).split(',') if x.strip() ] try: days_of_month = tuple(map(int, parts)) except: days_of_month = (1, ) if not days_of_month: days_of_month = (1, ) t = self.time.time() hour, minute = t.hour(), t.minute() return 'days_of_month', (days_of_month, int(hour), int(minute))
class AdvancedGroupBox(DeviceOptionsGroupBox): def __init__(self, parent, device): super(AdvancedGroupBox, self).__init__(parent, device, _("Advanced options")) # self.setTitle(_("Advanced Options")) self.options_layout = QGridLayout() self.options_layout.setObjectName("options_layout") self.setLayout(self.options_layout) self.support_newer_firmware_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Attempt to support newer firmware"), _('Kobo routinely updates the firmware and the ' 'database version. With this option calibre will attempt ' 'to perform full read-write functionality - Here be Dragons!! ' 'Enable only if you are comfortable with restoring your kobo ' 'to factory defaults and testing software. ' 'This driver supports firmware V2.x.x and DBVersion up to ') + unicode_type(device.supported_dbversion), device.get_pref('support_newer_firmware')) self.debugging_title_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Title to test when debugging"), _('Part of title of a book that can be used when doing some tests for debugging. ' 'The test is to see if the string is contained in the title of a book. ' 'The better the match, the less extraneous output.'), device.get_pref('debugging_title')) self.debugging_title_label = QLabel(_('Title to test when debugging:')) self.debugging_title_edit = QLineEdit(self) self.debugging_title_edit.setToolTip( _('Part of title of a book that can be used when doing some tests for debugging. ' 'The test is to see if the string is contained in the title of a book. ' 'The better the match, the less extraneous output.')) self.debugging_title_edit.setText(device.get_pref('debugging_title')) self.debugging_title_label.setBuddy(self.debugging_title_edit) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.support_newer_firmware_checkbox, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.debugging_title_label, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.debugging_title_edit, 1, 1, 1, 1) @property def support_newer_firmware(self): return self.support_newer_firmware_checkbox.isChecked() @property def debugging_title(self): return self.debugging_title_edit.text().strip()
def __init__(self, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self._layout = l = QGridLayout(self) self.setLayout(l) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('mail.png'))) self.setWindowTitle(_('Select recipients')) self.recipients = r = QListWidget(self) l.addWidget(r, 0, 0, 1, -1) = la = QLabel(_('Add a new recipient:')) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { font-weight: bold }') l.addWidget(la, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) self.labels = tuple( map(QLabel, (_('&Address'), _('A&lias'), _('&Formats'), _('&Subject')))) tooltips = ( _('The email address of the recipient'), _('The optional alias (simple name) of the recipient'), _('Formats to email. The first matching one will be sent (comma separated list)' ), _('The optional subject for email sent to this recipient')) for i, name in enumerate(('address', 'alias', 'formats', 'subject')): c = i % 2 row = l.rowCount() - c self.labels[i].setText(str(self.labels[i].text()) + ':') l.addWidget(self.labels[i], row, (2 * c)) le = QLineEdit(self) le.setToolTip(tooltips[i]) setattr(self, name, le) self.labels[i].setBuddy(le) l.addWidget(le, row, (2 * c) + 1) self.formats.setText(prefs['output_format'].upper()) self.add_button = b = QPushButton(QIcon(I('plus.png')), _('&Add recipient'), self) b.clicked.connect(self.add_recipient) l.addWidget(b, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) = bb = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel) l.addWidget(bb, l.rowCount(), 0, 1, -1) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.setMinimumWidth(500) self.setMinimumHeight(400) self.resize(self.sizeHint()) self.init_list()
class CollectionsGroupBox(DeviceOptionsGroupBox): def __init__(self, parent, device): super().__init__(parent, device) self.setTitle(_("Collections")) self.options_layout = QGridLayout() self.options_layout.setObjectName("options_layout") self.setLayout(self.options_layout) self.setCheckable(True) self.setChecked(device.get_pref('manage_collections')) self.setToolTip(wrap_msg(_('Create new bookshelves on the Kobo if they do not exist. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.'))) self.collections_columns_label = QLabel(_('Collections columns:')) self.collections_columns_edit = QLineEdit(self) self.collections_columns_edit.setToolTip(_('The Kobo from firmware V2.0.0 supports bookshelves.' ' These are created on the Kobo. ' 'Specify a tags type column for automatic management.')) self.collections_columns_edit.setText(device.get_pref('collections_columns')) self.create_collections_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Create collections"), _('Create new bookshelves on the Kobo if they do not exist. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.'), device.get_pref('create_collections') ) self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox = create_checkbox( _('Delete empty bookshelves'), _('Delete any empty bookshelves from the Kobo when syncing is finished. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.'), device.get_pref('delete_empty_collections') ) self.ignore_collections_names_label = QLabel(_('Ignore collections:')) self.ignore_collections_names_edit = QLineEdit(self) self.ignore_collections_names_edit.setToolTip(_('List the names of collections to be ignored by ' 'the collection management. The collections listed ' 'will not be changed. Names are separated by commas.')) self.ignore_collections_names_edit.setText(device.get_pref('ignore_collections_names')) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.collections_columns_label, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.collections_columns_edit, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.create_collections_checkbox, 2, 0, 1, 2) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox, 3, 0, 1, 2) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.ignore_collections_names_label, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.ignore_collections_names_edit, 4, 1, 1, 1) @property def manage_collections(self): return self.isChecked() @property def collections_columns(self): return self.collections_columns_edit.text().strip() @property def create_collections(self): return self.create_collections_checkbox.isChecked() @property def delete_empty_collections(self): return self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox.isChecked() @property def ignore_collections_names(self): return self.ignore_collections_names_edit.text().strip()
class CheckLibraryDialog(QDialog): is_deletable = 1 is_fixable = 2 def __init__(self, parent, db): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.db = db self.setWindowTitle(_('Check library -- Problems found')) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('debug.png'))) self._tl = QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self._tl) self.splitter = QSplitter(self) self.left = QWidget(self) self.splitter.addWidget(self.left) self.helpw = QTextEdit(self) self.splitter.addWidget(self.helpw) self._tl.addWidget(self.splitter) self._layout = QVBoxLayout() self.left.setLayout(self._layout) self.helpw.setReadOnly(True) self.helpw.setText( _('''\ <h1>Help</h1> <p>calibre stores the list of your books and their metadata in a database. The actual book files and covers are stored as normal files in the calibre library folder. The database contains a list of the files and covers belonging to each book entry. This tool checks that the actual files in the library folder on your computer match the information in the database.</p> <p>The result of each type of check is shown to the left. The various checks are: </p> <ul> <li><b>Invalid titles</b>: These are files and folders appearing in the library where books titles should, but that do not have the correct form to be a book title.</li> <li><b>Extra titles</b>: These are extra files in your calibre library that appear to be correctly-formed titles, but have no corresponding entries in the database.</li> <li><b>Invalid authors</b>: These are files appearing in the library where only author folders should be.</li> <li><b>Extra authors</b>: These are folders in the calibre library that appear to be authors but that do not have entries in the database.</li> <li><b>Missing book formats</b>: These are book formats that are in the database but have no corresponding format file in the book's folder. <li><b>Extra book formats</b>: These are book format files found in the book's folder but not in the database. <li><b>Unknown files in books</b>: These are extra files in the folder of each book that do not correspond to a known format or cover file.</li> <li><b>Missing cover files</b>: These represent books that are marked in the database as having covers but the actual cover files are missing.</li> <li><b>Cover files not in database</b>: These are books that have cover files but are marked as not having covers in the database.</li> <li><b>Folder raising exception</b>: These represent folders in the calibre library that could not be processed/understood by this tool.</li> </ul> <p>There are two kinds of automatic fixes possible: <i>Delete marked</i> and <i>Fix marked</i>.</p> <p><i>Delete marked</i> is used to remove extra files/folders/covers that have no entries in the database. Check the box next to the item you want to delete. Use with caution.</p> <p><i>Fix marked</i> is applicable only to covers and missing formats (the three lines marked 'fixable'). In the case of missing cover files, checking the fixable box and pushing this button will tell calibre that there is no cover for all of the books listed. Use this option if you are not going to restore the covers from a backup. In the case of extra cover files, checking the fixable box and pushing this button will tell calibre that the cover files it found are correct for all the books listed. Use this when you are not going to delete the file(s). In the case of missing formats, checking the fixable box and pushing this button will tell calibre that the formats are really gone. Use this if you are not going to restore the formats from a backup.</p> ''')) self.log = QTreeWidget(self) self.log.itemChanged.connect(self.item_changed) self.log.itemExpanded.connect(self.item_expanded_or_collapsed) self.log.itemCollapsed.connect(self.item_expanded_or_collapsed) self._layout.addWidget(self.log) self.check_button = QPushButton(_('&Run the check again')) self.check_button.setDefault(False) self.check_button.clicked.connect(self.run_the_check) self.copy_button = QPushButton(_('Copy &to clipboard')) self.copy_button.setDefault(False) self.copy_button.clicked.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) self.ok_button = QPushButton(_('&Done')) self.ok_button.setDefault(True) self.ok_button.clicked.connect(self.accept) self.mark_delete_button = QPushButton(_('Mark &all for delete')) self.mark_delete_button.setToolTip(_('Mark all deletable subitems')) self.mark_delete_button.setDefault(False) self.mark_delete_button.clicked.connect(self.mark_for_delete) self.delete_button = QPushButton(_('Delete &marked')) self.delete_button.setToolTip( _('Delete marked files (checked subitems)')) self.delete_button.setDefault(False) self.delete_button.clicked.connect(self.delete_marked) self.mark_fix_button = QPushButton(_('Mar&k all for fix')) self.mark_fix_button.setToolTip(_('Mark all fixable items')) self.mark_fix_button.setDefault(False) self.mark_fix_button.clicked.connect(self.mark_for_fix) self.fix_button = QPushButton(_('&Fix marked')) self.fix_button.setDefault(False) self.fix_button.setEnabled(False) self.fix_button.setToolTip( _('Fix marked sections (checked fixable items)')) self.fix_button.clicked.connect(self.fix_items) self.bbox = QGridLayout() self.bbox.addWidget(self.check_button, 0, 0) self.bbox.addWidget(self.copy_button, 0, 1) self.bbox.addWidget(self.ok_button, 0, 2) self.bbox.addWidget(self.mark_delete_button, 1, 0) self.bbox.addWidget(self.delete_button, 1, 1) self.bbox.addWidget(self.mark_fix_button, 2, 0) self.bbox.addWidget(self.fix_button, 2, 1) h = QHBoxLayout() ln = QLabel(_('Names to ignore:')) h.addWidget(ln) self.name_ignores = QLineEdit() self.name_ignores.setText( db.new_api.pref('check_library_ignore_names', '')) self.name_ignores.setToolTip( _('Enter comma-separated standard file name wildcards, such as synctoy*.dat' )) ln.setBuddy(self.name_ignores) h.addWidget(self.name_ignores) le = QLabel(_('Extensions to ignore:')) h.addWidget(le) self.ext_ignores = QLineEdit() self.ext_ignores.setText( db.new_api.pref('check_library_ignore_extensions', '')) self.ext_ignores.setToolTip( _('Enter comma-separated extensions without a leading dot. Used only in book folders' )) le.setBuddy(self.ext_ignores) h.addWidget(self.ext_ignores) self._layout.addLayout(h) self._layout.addLayout(self.bbox) self.resize(950, 500) def do_exec(self): self.run_the_check() probs = 0 for c in self.problem_count: probs += self.problem_count[c] if probs == 0: return False self.exec_() return True def accept(self): self.db.new_api.set_pref('check_library_ignore_extensions', str(self.ext_ignores.text())) self.db.new_api.set_pref('check_library_ignore_names', str(self.name_ignores.text())) QDialog.accept(self) def box_to_list(self, txt): return [f.strip() for f in txt.split(',') if f.strip()] def run_the_check(self): checker = CheckLibrary(self.db.library_path, self.db) checker.scan_library(self.box_to_list(str(self.name_ignores.text())), self.box_to_list(str(self.ext_ignores.text()))) plaintext = [] def builder(tree, checker, check): attr, h, checkable, fixable = check list_ = getattr(checker, attr, None) if list_ is None: self.problem_count[attr] = 0 return else: self.problem_count[attr] = len(list_) tl = Item() tl.setText(0, h) if fixable and list: tl.setData(1, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, self.is_fixable) tl.setText(1, _('(fixable)')) tl.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable) tl.setCheckState(1, False) else: tl.setData(1, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, self.is_deletable) tl.setData(2, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, self.is_deletable) tl.setText(1, _('(deletable)')) tl.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable) tl.setCheckState(1, False) if attr == 'extra_covers': tl.setData(2, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, self.is_deletable) tl.setText(2, _('(deletable)')) tl.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable) tl.setCheckState(2, False) self.top_level_items[attr] = tl for problem in list_: it = Item() if checkable: it.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable) it.setCheckState(2, False) it.setData(2, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, self.is_deletable) else: it.setFlags(Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsEnabled) it.setText(0, problem[0]) it.setData(0, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole, problem[2]) it.setText(2, problem[1]) tl.addChild(it) self.all_items.append(it) plaintext.append(','.join([h, problem[0], problem[1]])) tree.addTopLevelItem(tl) t = self.log t.clear() t.setColumnCount(3) t.setHeaderLabels([_('Name'), '', _('Path from library')]) self.all_items = [] self.top_level_items = {} self.problem_count = {} for check in CHECKS: builder(t, checker, check) t.resizeColumnToContents(0) t.resizeColumnToContents(1) self.delete_button.setEnabled(False) self.fix_button.setEnabled(False) self.text_results = '\n'.join(plaintext) def item_expanded_or_collapsed(self, item): self.log.resizeColumnToContents(0) self.log.resizeColumnToContents(1) def item_changed(self, item, column): def set_delete_boxes(node, col, to_what): self.log.blockSignals(True) if col: node.setCheckState(col, to_what) for i in range(0, node.childCount()): node.child(i).setCheckState(2, to_what) self.log.blockSignals(False) def is_child_delete_checked(node): checked = False all_checked = True for i in range(0, node.childCount()): c = node.child(i).checkState(2) checked = checked or c == Qt.CheckState.Checked all_checked = all_checked and c == Qt.CheckState.Checked return (checked, all_checked) def any_child_delete_checked(): for parent in self.top_level_items.values(): (c, _) = is_child_delete_checked(parent) if c: return True return False def any_fix_checked(): for parent in self.top_level_items.values(): if (, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_fixable and parent.checkState(1) == Qt.CheckState.Checked): return True return False if item in self.top_level_items.values(): if item.childCount() > 0: if, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole ) == self.is_fixable and column == 1: if 2, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_deletable: set_delete_boxes(item, 2, False) else: set_delete_boxes(item, column, item.checkState(column)) if column == 2: self.log.blockSignals(True) item.setCheckState(1, False) self.log.blockSignals(False) else: item.setCheckState(column, Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) else: for parent in self.top_level_items.values(): if, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_deletable: (child_chkd, all_chkd) = is_child_delete_checked(parent) if all_chkd and child_chkd: check_state = Qt.CheckState.Checked elif child_chkd: check_state = Qt.CheckState.PartiallyChecked else: check_state = Qt.CheckState.Unchecked self.log.blockSignals(True) if 1, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_fixable: parent.setCheckState(2, check_state) else: parent.setCheckState(1, check_state) if child_chkd and 1, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_fixable: parent.setCheckState(1, Qt.CheckState.Unchecked) self.log.blockSignals(False) self.delete_button.setEnabled(any_child_delete_checked()) self.fix_button.setEnabled(any_fix_checked()) def mark_for_fix(self): for it in self.top_level_items.values(): if (it.flags() & Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable and, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_fixable and it.childCount() > 0): it.setCheckState(1, Qt.CheckState.Checked) def mark_for_delete(self): for it in self.all_items: if (it.flags() & Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable and 2, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) == self.is_deletable): it.setCheckState(2, Qt.CheckState.Checked) def delete_marked(self): if not confirm( '<p>' + _('The marked files and folders will be ' '<b>permanently deleted</b>. Are you sure?') + '</p>', 'check_library_editor_delete', self): return # Sort the paths in reverse length order so that we can be sure that # if an item is in another item, the sub-item will be deleted first. items = sorted(self.all_items, key=lambda x: len(x.text(1)), reverse=True) for it in items: if it.checkState(2) == Qt.CheckState.Checked: try: p = os.path.join(self.db.library_path, str(it.text(2))) if os.path.isdir(p): delete_tree(p) else: delete_file(p) except: prints('failed to delete', os.path.join(self.db.library_path, str(it.text(2)))) self.run_the_check() def fix_missing_formats(self): tl = self.top_level_items['missing_formats'] child_count = tl.childCount() for i in range(0, child_count): item = tl.child(i) id = int(, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)) all = self.db.formats(id, index_is_id=True, verify_formats=False) all = {f.strip() for f in all.split(',')} if all else set() valid = self.db.formats(id, index_is_id=True, verify_formats=True) valid = {f.strip() for f in valid.split(',')} if valid else set() for fmt in all - valid: self.db.remove_format(id, fmt, index_is_id=True, db_only=True) def fix_missing_covers(self): tl = self.top_level_items['missing_covers'] child_count = tl.childCount() for i in range(0, child_count): item = tl.child(i) id = int(, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)) self.db.set_has_cover(id, False) def fix_extra_covers(self): tl = self.top_level_items['extra_covers'] child_count = tl.childCount() for i in range(0, child_count): item = tl.child(i) id = int(, Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)) self.db.set_has_cover(id, True) def fix_items(self): for check in CHECKS: attr = check[0] fixable = check[3] tl = self.top_level_items[attr] if fixable and tl.checkState(1): func = getattr(self, 'fix_' + attr, None) if func is not None and callable(func): func() self.run_the_check() def copy_to_clipboard(self): QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.text_results)
class CollectionsGroupBox(DeviceOptionsGroupBox): def __init__(self, parent, device): super().__init__(parent, device) self.setTitle(_("Collections")) self.options_layout = QGridLayout() self.options_layout.setObjectName("options_layout") self.setLayout(self.options_layout) self.setCheckable(True) self.setChecked(device.get_pref('manage_collections')) self.setToolTip( wrap_msg( _('Create new bookshelves on the Kobo if they do not exist. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.' ))) self.use_collections_columns_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Collections columns:"), _('Use a column to generate collections.'), device.get_pref('use_collections_columns')) self.collections_columns_edit = QLineEdit(self) self.collections_columns_edit.setToolTip( _('The Kobo from firmware V2.0.0 supports bookshelves.' ' These are created on the Kobo. ' 'Specify a tags type column for automatic management.')) self.collections_columns_edit.setText( device.get_pref('collections_columns')) self.use_collections_template_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Collections template:"), _('Use a template to generate collections.'), device.get_pref('use_collections_template')) self.collections_template_edit = TemplateConfig( device.get_pref('collections_template'), tooltip= _("Enter a template to generate collections." " The result of the template will be combined with the values from Collections column." " The template should return a list of collection names separated by ':@:' (without quotes)." )) self.create_collections_checkbox = create_checkbox( _("Create collections"), _('Create new bookshelves on the Kobo if they do not exist. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.' ), device.get_pref('create_collections')) self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox = create_checkbox( _('Delete empty bookshelves'), _('Delete any empty bookshelves from the Kobo when syncing is finished. This is only for firmware V2.0.0 or later.' ), device.get_pref('delete_empty_collections')) self.ignore_collections_names_label = QLabel(_('Ignore collections:')) self.ignore_collections_names_edit = QLineEdit(self) self.ignore_collections_names_edit.setToolTip( _('List the names of collections to be ignored by ' 'the collection management. The collections listed ' 'will not be changed. Names are separated by commas.')) self.ignore_collections_names_edit.setText( device.get_pref('ignore_collections_names')) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.use_collections_columns_checkbox, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.collections_columns_edit, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.use_collections_template_checkbox, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.collections_template_edit, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.create_collections_checkbox, 3, 0, 1, 2) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox, 4, 0, 1, 2) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.ignore_collections_names_label, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.options_layout.addWidget(self.ignore_collections_names_edit, 5, 1, 1, 1) self.use_collections_columns_checkbox.clicked.connect( self.use_collections_columns_checkbox_clicked) self.use_collections_template_checkbox.clicked.connect( self.use_collections_template_checkbox_clicked) self.use_collections_columns_checkbox_clicked( device.get_pref('use_collections_columns')) self.use_collections_template_checkbox_clicked( device.get_pref('use_collections_template')) def use_collections_columns_checkbox_clicked(self, checked): self.collections_columns_edit.setEnabled(checked) def use_collections_template_checkbox_clicked(self, checked): self.collections_template_edit.setEnabled(checked) @property def manage_collections(self): return self.isChecked() @property def use_collections_columns(self): return self.use_collections_columns_checkbox.isChecked() @property def collections_columns(self): return self.collections_columns_edit.text().strip() @property def use_collections_template(self): return self.use_collections_template_checkbox.isChecked() @property def collections_template(self): return self.collections_template_edit.template @property def create_collections(self): return self.create_collections_checkbox.isChecked() @property def delete_empty_collections(self): return self.delete_empty_collections_checkbox.isChecked() @property def ignore_collections_names(self): return self.ignore_collections_names_edit.text().strip()