Esempio n. 1
 def test_bell_state(self):
     for i in range(4):
         bell_st = bell_state(i)
         proj_st = BellBasis(bell_st, [0, 1])
         j = i // 2
         k = i % 2
         assert proj_st.state[j][k] == 1
         back_st = BellBasis(proj_st, [0, 1])
         np.allclose(back_st.state, bell_st.state)
Esempio n. 2
 def test_quantum_teleportation(self):
     """Test quantum teleportation algorithm."""
     bell_st = bell_state(0)
     # generater a random state
     a = np.random.rand(3)
     alice = qubit(*a)
     phi = alice @ bell_st
     phi = CNOT(phi, [0, 1])
     phi = H(phi, [0])
     bits, result_state = Measure(phi, [0, 1])
     bit1, bit2 = bits
     if bit2:
         result_state = Pauli_X(result_state)
     if bit1:
         result_state = Pauli_Z(result_state)
     assert_allclose(result_state.state, alice.state)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_quantum_teleportation_bell_basis_permute(self):
     """Test quantum teleportation algorithm with bell basis and permutation."""
     bell_st = bell_state(0)
     # generate a random state
     a = np.random.rand(3)
     alice = qubit(*a)
     phi = bell_st @ alice
     phi = BellBasis(phi, [1, 2])
     bits, result_state = Measure(phi, [1, 2])
     if bits == (0, 1):
         result_state = Pauli_X(result_state)
     elif bits == (1, 0):
         result_state = Pauli_X(Pauli_Z((result_state)))
     elif bits == (1, 1):
         result_state = Pauli_Z(result_state)
     assert_allclose(result_state.state, alice.state)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_quantum_teleportation_permute(self):
     """Test quantum teleportation algorithm with permutation."""
     bell_st = bell_state(0)
     # generater a random state
     a = np.random.rand(3)
     alice = qubit(*a)
     phi = bell_st @ alice
     phi = CNOT(phi, [2, 1])
     phi = H(phi, [2])
     # assert False
     bits, result_state = Measure(phi, [2, 1])
     bit1, bit2 = bits
     if bit2:
         result_state = Pauli_X(result_state)
     if bit1:
         result_state = Pauli_Z(result_state)
     assert_allclose(result_state.state, alice.state)