Esempio n. 1
def test_inverse():
    # Random circuit
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1.23123, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TY(4.71572463191 / pi, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 1)

    circ_inv = circ.H

    ket =

    ket =

    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket =
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
def test_decomp_stdgates():
    gate0 = qf.I(0, 1)
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.SWAP(0, 1)
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.ISWAP(0, 1)
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.CNOT(0, 1)**0.5
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.SWAP(0, 1)**0.5
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate0 = qf.ISWAP(0, 1)**0.5
    gate1 = qf.canonical_decomposition(gate0).asgate()
    assert qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)
Esempio n. 3
def test_circuit_to_pyquil():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.X(0)

    prog = qf.forest.circuit_to_pyquil(circ)
    assert str(prog) == "X 0\n"

    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 = qf.Circuit()
    circ2 = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 += qf.RY(pi/2, 0)
    circ1 += qf.RX(pi, 0)
    circ1 += qf.RY(pi/2, 1)
    circ1 += qf.RX(pi, 1)
    circ1 += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-pi/2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(pi/2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-2*2.74973750579, 0)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-2*2.74973750579, 1)

    prog = qf.forest.circuit_to_pyquil(circ)


    assert QUILPROG == str(prog)
Esempio n. 4
def test_gates_close():
    assert not qf.gates_close(qf.I(), qf.identity_gate(2))
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.I(), qf.I())
    assert qf.gates_close(qf.P0(), qf.P0())
    assert not qf.gates_close(qf.P0(), qf.P1())

    assert qf.gates_close(qf.CNOT(0, 1), qf.CNOT(0, 1))
    assert not qf.gates_close(qf.CNOT(1, 0), qf.CNOT(0, 1))
Esempio n. 5
def test_cnot():
    # three cnots same as one swap
    gate = qf.identity_gate(2)
    gate = qf.CNOT(1, 0) @ gate
    gate = qf.CNOT(0, 1) @ gate
    gate = qf.CNOT(1, 0) @ gate
    res = qf.asarray(qf.inner_product(gate.vec, qf.SWAP().vec))
    assert abs(res) / 4 == ALMOST_ONE
Esempio n. 6
def test_gate_permute():
    gate0 = qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    gate1 = qf.CNOT(1, 0)

    assert not qf.gates_close(gate0, gate1)

    gate2 = gate1.permute([0, 1])
    assert gate2.qubits == (0, 1)
    assert qf.gates_close(gate1, gate2)
Esempio n. 7
def test_gates_to_latex():
    circ = qf.Circuit()

    circ += qf.I(7)
    circ += qf.X(0)
    circ += qf.Y(1)
    circ += qf.Z(2)
    circ += qf.H(3)
    circ += qf.S(4)
    circ += qf.T(5)
    circ += qf.S_H(6)
    circ += qf.T_H(7)

    circ += qf.RX(-0.5*pi, 0)
    circ += qf.RY(0.5*pi, 1)
    circ += qf.RZ((1/3)*pi, 1)
    circ += qf.RY(0.222, 1)

    circ += qf.TX(0.5, 0)
    circ += qf.TY(0.5, 1)
    circ += qf.TZ(0.4, 1)

    circ += qf.TZ(0.47276, 1)
    # Gate with cunning hack
    gate = qf.RZ(0.4, 1)
    gate.params['theta'] = qf.Parameter('\\theta')
    circ += gate

    circ += qf.CNOT(1, 2)
    circ += qf.CNOT(2, 1)
    circ += qf.CZ(1, 3)
    circ += qf.SWAP(1, 5)
    circ += qf.ISWAP(4, 2)

    # circ += qf.Barrier(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)  # Not yet supported

    circ += qf.CCNOT(1, 2, 3)
    circ += qf.CSWAP(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.P0(0)
    circ += qf.P1(1)

    circ += qf.Reset(2)
    circ += qf.Reset(4, 5, 6)

    circ += qf.H(4)
    # circ += qf.Reset()    # FIXME. Should fail with clear error message

    circ += qf.XX(0.25, 1, 3)
    circ += qf.YY(0.75, 1, 3)
    circ += qf.ZZ(1/3, 3, 1)

    circ += qf.Measure(0)

    latex = qf.circuit_to_latex(circ)

Esempio n. 8
def test_cnot_reverse():
    # Hadamards reverse control on CNOT
    gate0 = qf.identity_gate(2)
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.CNOT(1, 0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(0) @ gate0
    gate0 = qf.H(1) @ gate0

    assert qf.gates_close(qf.CNOT(), gate0)
Esempio n. 9
def test_chan_permute():
    chan0 = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel()
    chan1 = qf.CNOT(1, 0).aschannel()

    assert not qf.channels_close(chan0, chan1)

    chan2 = chan1.permute([0, 1])
    assert chan2.qubits == (0, 1)
    assert qf.channels_close(chan1, chan2)

    chan3 = chan1.relabel([0, 1])
    assert qf.channels_close(chan0, chan3)
Esempio n. 10
def _test_circ():
    # Adapted from referenceQVM
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 0)
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TY(4.71572463191 / np.pi, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / np.pi, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / np.pi, 1)
    return circ
Esempio n. 11
def test_diamond_norm():
    # Test cases borrowed from qutip,
    # which were in turn  generated using QuantumUtils for MATLAB
    # (
    RTOL = 0.01
    chan0 = qf.I(0).aschannel()
    chan1 = qf.X(0).aschannel()
    dn = qf.diamond_norm(chan0, chan1)
    assert np.isclose(2.0, dn, rtol=RTOL)

    turns_dnorm = [[1.000000e-03, 3.141591e-03],
                   [3.100000e-03, 9.738899e-03],
                   [1.000000e-02, 3.141463e-02],
                   [3.100000e-02, 9.735089e-02],
                   [1.000000e-01, 3.128689e-01],
                   [3.100000e-01, 9.358596e-01]]

    for turns, target in turns_dnorm:
        chan0 = qf.TX(0).aschannel()
        chan1 = qf.TX(turns).aschannel()

        dn = qf.diamond_norm(chan0, chan1)
        assert np.isclose(target, dn, rtol=RTOL)

    hadamard_mixtures = [[1.000000e-03, 2.000000e-03],
                         [3.100000e-03, 6.200000e-03],
                         [1.000000e-02, 2.000000e-02],
                         [3.100000e-02, 6.200000e-02],
                         [1.000000e-01, 2.000000e-01],
                         [3.100000e-01, 6.200000e-01]]

    for p, target in hadamard_mixtures:
        # FIXME: implement __rmul__ for channels
        chan0 = qf.I(0).aschannel() * (1 - p) + qf.H(0).aschannel() * p
        chan1 = qf.I(0).aschannel()

        dn = qf.diamond_norm(chan0, chan1)
        assert np.isclose(dn, target, rtol=RTOL)

    chan0 = qf.TY(0.5, 0).aschannel()
    chan1 = qf.I(0).aschannel()
    dn = qf.diamond_norm(chan0, chan1)
    assert np.isclose(dn, np.sqrt(2), rtol=RTOL)

    chan0 = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel()
    chan1 = qf.CNOT(1, 0).aschannel()
    qf.diamond_norm(chan0, chan1)
Esempio n. 12
def test_sample():
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.CNOT(0, 1).run(ket)

    samples = ket.sample(10)
    assert samples.sum() == 10
Esempio n. 13
def test_inner_product():
    # also tested via test_gate_angle

    for _ in range(REPS):
        theta = random.uniform(-4 * pi, +4 * pi)

        hs = qf.asarray(qf.inner_product(qf.RX(theta).vec, qf.RX(theta).vec))
        print('RX({}), hilbert_schmidt = {}'.format(theta, hs))
        assert hs / 2 == ALMOST_ONE

        hs = qf.asarray(qf.inner_product(qf.RZ(theta).vec, qf.RZ(theta).vec))
        print('RZ({}), hilbert_schmidt = {}'.format(theta, hs))
        assert hs / 2 == ALMOST_ONE

        hs = qf.asarray(qf.inner_product(qf.RY(theta).vec, qf.RY(theta).vec))
        print('RY({}), hilbert_schmidt = {}'.format(theta, hs))
        assert hs / 2 == ALMOST_ONE

        hs = qf.asarray(
        print('PSWAP({}), hilbert_schmidt = {}'.format(theta, hs))
        assert hs / 4 == ALMOST_ONE

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        qf.inner_product(qf.zero_state(0).vec, qf.X(0).vec)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        qf.inner_product(qf.CNOT(0, 1).vec, qf.X(0).vec)
Esempio n. 14
def test_components():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.H(0)
    circ += qf.H(1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2

    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    assert dag.component_nb() == 1

    circ0 = qf.ghz_circuit([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])

    circ = qf.Circuit()
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 2

    circ0 = qf.qft_circuit([0, 2, 4, 6])
    circ1 = qf.ghz_circuit([1, 3, 5, 7])
    circ += qf.H(10)
    dag = qf.DAGCircuit(circ)
    comps = dag.components()
    assert dag.component_nb() == 3
    assert len(comps) == 3
Esempio n. 15
def test_CH():
    # Construct a controlled Hadamard gate
    gate = qf.identity_gate(2)

    gate = qf.S(1).H @ gate
    gate = qf.H(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.T(1).H @ gate
    gate = qf.CNOT(0, 1) @ gate
    gate = qf.T(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.H(1) @ gate
    gate = qf.S(1) @ gate

    # Do nothing
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket =
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))

    # Do nothing
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = qf.X(0).run(ket)
    ket =

    ket = qf.H(1).run(ket)

    ket = qf.X(0).run(ket)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, qf.zero_state(2))
Esempio n. 16
def test_kronecker_decomp_errors():
    # Wrong number of qubits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Not kronecker product
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        qf.kronecker_decomposition(qf.CNOT(0, 1))
Esempio n. 17
def test_pseudo_hadamard():
    # 1-qubit pseudo-Hadamard gates turn a cnot into a CZ
    gate = qf.identity_gate(2)
    gate = qf.TY(3 / 2, 1).H @ gate
    gate = qf.CNOT(0, 1) @ gate
    gate = qf.TY(3 / 2, 1) @ gate

    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.CZ())
Esempio n. 18
def test_qaoa_circuit_turns():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 0)
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TY(4.71572463191 / pi, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(-2 * 2.74973750579 / pi, 1)

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket =

    assert qf.states_close(ket, true_ket())
Esempio n. 19
def test_print_gate():
    stream = io.StringIO()

    qf.print_gate(qf.CNOT(), file=stream)
    s = stream.getvalue()
    ref = ("00 -> 00 : (1+0j)\n" + "01 -> 01 : (1+0j)\n" +
           "10 -> 11 : (1+0j)\n" + "11 -> 10 : (1+0j)\n")

    assert s == ref
Esempio n. 20
def test_sample_bell():
    rho = qf.zero_state(2).asdensity()
    chan = qf.H(0).aschannel()
    rho = chan.evolve(rho)
    chan = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel()  # TODO: chanmul
    rho = chan.evolve(rho)
    prob = qf.asarray(rho.probabilities())

    assert np.allclose(prob, [[0.5, 0], [0, 0.5]])
Esempio n. 21
def test_qaoa_circuit():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.RY(pi / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.RX(pi, 0)
    circ += qf.RY(pi / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(pi, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(-pi / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(pi / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 0)
    circ += qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 1)

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket =

    assert qf.states_close(ket, true_ket())
Esempio n. 22
def test_circuit_wires():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 0)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 10)
    circ += qf.TY(1 / 2, 1)
    circ += qf.TX(1, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 4)

    bits = circ.qubits
    assert bits == (0, 1, 4, 10)
Esempio n. 23
def test_qaoa():
    ket_true = [
        0.00167784 + 1.00210180e-05 * 1j, 0.5 - 4.99997185e-01 * 1j,
        0.5 - 4.99997185e-01 * 1j, 0.00167784 + 1.00210180e-05 * 1j
    rho_true = qf.State(ket_true).asdensity()

    rho = qf.zero_state(2).asdensity()
    rho = qf.RY(pi / 2, 0).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(pi, 0).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RY(pi / 2, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(pi, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(-pi / 2, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(pi / 2, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 0).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    rho = qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 1).aschannel().evolve(rho)
    assert qf.densities_close(rho, rho_true)
Esempio n. 24
def test_channel_errors():
    chan = qf.CNOT(0, 1).aschannel()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    assert chan.aschannel() is chan

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        chan @ 123
Esempio n. 25
def test_repr():
    g = qf.H()
    assert str(g) == 'H 0'

    g = qf.RX(3.12)
    assert str(g) == 'RX(3.12) 0'

    g = qf.identity_gate(2)
    assert str(g) == 'I 0 1'

    g = qf.random_gate(4)
    assert str(g) == 'RAND4 0 1 2 3'

    g = qf.H(0)
    assert str(g) == 'H 0'

    g = qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    assert str(g) == 'CNOT 0 1'

    g = qf.Gate(qf.CNOT().tensor)
    assert str(g).startswith('<quantumflow.ops.Gate')
Esempio n. 26
def test_gatemul():
    # three cnots same as one swap
    gate0 = qf.identity_gate([0, 1])

    gate1 = qf.CNOT(1, 0)
    gate2 = qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    gate3 = qf.CNOT(1, 0)

    gate = gate0
    gate = gate1 @ gate
    gate = gate2 @ gate
    gate = gate3 @ gate
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.SWAP())

    # Again, but with labels
    gate0 = qf.identity_gate(['a', 'b'])

    gate1 = qf.CNOT('b', 'a')
    gate2 = qf.CNOT('a', 'b')
    gate3 = qf.CNOT('b', 'a')

    gate = gate0
    gate = gate1 @ gate
    gate = gate2 @ gate
    gate = gate3 @ gate
    assert qf.gates_close(gate, qf.SWAP('a', 'b'))

    gate4 = qf.X('a')
    gate = gate4 @ gate

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        gate = gate4 @ 3
Esempio n. 27
def test_elements():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 = qf.Circuit()
    circ2 = qf.Circuit()
    circ1 += qf.RY(pi / 2, 0)
    circ1 += qf.RX(pi, 0)
    circ1 += qf.RY(pi / 2, 1)
    circ1 += qf.RX(pi, 1)
    circ1 += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-pi / 2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(pi / 2, 1)
    circ2 += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 0)
    circ2 += qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 1)
    circ += circ1

    gates = list(circ.elements)
    assert len(gates) == 11
    assert circ.size() == 11
    assert gates[4].name == 'CNOT'
Esempio n. 28
def test_qubit_qaoa_circuit():
    # Adapted from reference QVM
    wf_true = np.array([
        0.00167784 + 1.00210180e-05 * 1j, 0.50000000 - 4.99997185e-01 * 1j,
        0.50000000 - 4.99997185e-01 * 1j, 0.00167784 + 1.00210180e-05 * 1j
    ket_true = qf.State(wf_true.reshape((2, 2)))

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket = qf.RY(pi / 2, 0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(pi, 0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RY(pi / 2, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(pi, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.CNOT(0, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(-pi / 2, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(pi / 2, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.CNOT(0, 1).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.RX(-2 * 2.74973750579, 1).run(ket)

    assert qf.states_close(ket, ket_true)
Esempio n. 29
def test_measure():
    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    res = ket.measure()
    assert np.allclose(res, [0, 0])

    ket = qf.X(0).run(ket)
    res = ket.measure()
    assert np.allclose(res, [1, 0])

    ket = qf.H(0).run(ket)
    ket = qf.CNOT(0, 1).run(ket)
    for _ in range(REPS):
        res = ket.measure()
        assert res[0] == res[1]  # Both qubits measured in same state
Esempio n. 30
def test_qaoa_circuit():
    circ = qf.Circuit()
    circ += qf.RY(pi/2, 0)
    circ += qf.RX(pi, 0)
    circ += qf.RY(pi/2, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(pi, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(-pi/2, 1)
    circ += qf.RY(4.71572463191, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(pi/2, 1)
    circ += qf.CNOT(0, 1)
    circ += qf.RX(-2*2.74973750579, 0)
    circ += qf.RX(-2*2.74973750579, 1)

    ket = qf.zero_state(2)
    ket =

    prog = qf.forest.circuit_to_pyquil(circ)

    qvm = qf.forest.QuantumFlowQVM()
    wf = qvm.load(prog).run().wait().wavefunction()

    state = qf.forest.wavefunction_to_state(wf)
    assert qf.states_close(ket, state)