def coverage(dictionaries, regions, bands, makeCov = False, filename = None): """ Read or make the coverage maps for the bands and regions Assumes one config: FI or TD (info will be read it from dictionatries[0]) Parameters: dictionaries: array of Qubic dictionaries regions: sky regions where coverage will be computed or read bands: 150 or 220GHz filename: Array of filenames of coverages maps. #filenames = #regions + #bands. Default: read this 4 files ["doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI150Q_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI220Q_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI150G_coverage.fits'", "doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_FI220G_coverage.fits'" ] Return: coveragesmaps: maps with format priority: region (in regions) and then band (in bands ascendent order). It take the first letter in regions to use in name when reading maps from files. Shape: (len(regions) +len(bands), npix) """ #regions = ['Qubic_field', 'GalCen_field'] #bands = ['150', '220'] global_dir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', datadir=os.environ['QUBIC_DATADIR']) if filename == None: import itertools config = dictionaries[0]['config'] filename = [global_dir + '/doc/FastSimulator/Data/DataFastSimulator_{}{}{}_coverage.fits'.format(config, jband, ireg[0]) \ for ireg, jband in itertools.product(regions, bands)] else: filename = filename coveragesmaps = np.zeros((len(regions) * len(bands), 12 * dictionaries[0]['nside'] ** 2, )) if makeCov: #Save coverage maps with format priority: region (in regions) and then band (in bands ascendent order) cov = np.shape((len(regions)+len(bands), dictionaries[0]['nf_recon'], 12 * dictionaries[0]['nside'] ** 2)) for jr, region in enumerate(regions): for jb, band in enumerate(bands): index = len(bands) * jr + jb cov[index] = make_cov[dictionaries[index]] coveragesmaps[index] = np.sum(cov[index], axis = 0) # Average the bands coveragesmaps[index] /= np.max(coveragesmaps[index]) # Normalize by the max else: for jr, region in enumerate(regions): for jb, band in enumerate(bands): index = len(bands) * jr + jb #print(index, len(coveragesmaps), len(regions), len(bands)) coveragesmaps[index] = FitsArray(filename[index]) return coveragesmaps
def get_dead_detectors_mask(self, quadrant=3): """ Build masks for the FP where bad detectors are NAN and good detectors are 1., one of shape (34x34) and one of shape (17x17) for one quadrant. We use the ONAFP frame. Parameters ---------- quadrant : int Quadrant of the focal plane in [1, 2, 3, 4] By default is 3 for the TD Returns ------- full_mask : array of shape (34x34) mask for the full FP. quart_mask = array of shape (17x17) mask for one quadrant """ FPidentity = make_id_focalplane() quad = np.rot90(np.reshape(FPidentity.quadrant, (34, 34)), k=-1, axes=(0, 1)) calfile_path = Qubic_DataDir(datafile=self.d['detarray']) calfile = + '/' + self.d['detarray']) if self.d['detarray'] == 'CalQubic_DetArray_P87_TD.fits': full_mask = np.rot90(calfile['removed'].data, k=-1, axes=(0, 1)) full_mask = np.where(full_mask == 1, np.nan, full_mask) full_mask = np.where(full_mask == 0, 1, full_mask) quart = full_mask[np.where(quad != quadrant, 6, full_mask) != 6] quart_mask = np.reshape(quart, (17, 17)) return full_mask, quart_mask else: print('There is no dead detectors in this calfile')
label='End-To-End Sub {}'.format(i + 1), color=p[0].get_color()) plt.axhline(y=1, color='k', ls=':') plt.xlabel(r'$\ell$') plt.ylabel(r'$C_\ell$') if dirsave is None: else: plt.savefig(dirsave + f'Ctheta_{nfsub}bands_' + config + '.pdf', format='pdf') plt.close() return allresults, allcth, allclth, lll, clth global_dir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', datadir=os.environ['QUBIC_DATADIR']) # Repository with full pipeline simulations datadir = os.environ['DATA_SPECTROIM'] + 'Data_for_FastSimulator/' # Repository where plots will be saved dirsave = os.environ['DATA_SPECTROIM'] + 'Data_for_FastSimulator/plots/' all_nf = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8] center = np.array([0, 0]) nptg = 10000 config = sys.argv[1] # TD150 or FI150 or FI220 nbins = 50 for nfsub in all_nf: print(f'\n STARTING nfsub = {nfsub}') residuals, coverage, seenmap = get_maps_from_louise(datadir, nfsub, config)
def rms_method(name, residuals_way, zones=1): """ Get the std of the residuals from one simulation. STD are computed over realisations and pixels for I, Q, U separately. Parameters ---------- name : str Simulation file. residuals_way : str Way to compute residuals. 3 keywords : noiseless, conv or mean_recon zones : int Number of zones to divide the patch. Returns ------- rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U : dictionarys containing RMS for IQU setpar : a dict with some parameters of the simu. """ # Get the repository where the simulation is rep_simu = Qubic_DataDir(datafile=name + '.dict') + '/' # print('rep_simu : ', rep_simu) # Dictionary saved during the simulation d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(rep_simu + name + '.dict') setpar = {'tol': d['tol'], 'nep': d['detector_nep'], 'npoint': d['npointings']} nf_recon = d['nf_recon'] rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U = dict(), dict(), dict() for irec in nf_recon: residuals = get_residuals(name, rep_simu, residuals_way, irec) files, maps_recon_patch, maps_conv_patch, maps_diff_patch = \ rmc.get_patch_many_files(rep_simu + name, '*nfrecon{}*False*'.format(irec), verbose=False) npix_patch = maps_diff_patch.shape[2] setpar.update({'pixpatch': npix_patch}) # print(setpar) nreals = np.shape(residuals)[0] # This if is for the number of zones (1 or more) if zones == 1: rms_i, rms_q, rms_u = np.empty((irec,)), np.empty((irec,)), np.empty((irec,)) for i in range(irec): # STD over pixels and realisations rms_i[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 0]) rms_q[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 1]) rms_u[i] = np.std(residuals[:, i, :, 2]) else: angle = False if zones == 2: angle = True center = qubic.equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) seenmap = rmc.get_seenmap(files[0]) nside = d['nside'] residuals_zones = np.empty((nreals, zones, irec, npix_patch, 3)) for real in range(nreals): pix_zones, residuals_zones[real] = rmc.make_zones(residuals[real], zones, nside, center, seenmap, angle=angle, dtheta=d['dtheta'], verbose=False, doplot=False) rms_i, rms_q, rms_u = np.empty((zones, irec,)), np.empty((zones, irec,)), np.empty((zones, irec,)) for izone in range(zones): for i in range(irec): rms_i[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 0]) rms_q[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 1]) rms_u[izone, i] = np.std(residuals_zones[:, izone, i, :, 2]) rms_I.update({str(irec): rms_i}) rms_Q.update({str(irec): rms_q}) rms_U.update({str(irec): rms_u}) return rms_I, rms_Q, rms_U, setpar
from qubic import AnalysisMC as amc import qubic from qubic import equ2gal from qubicpack.utilities import Qubic_DataDir stokes = ['I', 'Q', 'U'] # ================= Get the simulation files ================ # Simulation date and name date_name = '20190813_QU10' # Get the repository where the simulation is rep_simu = Qubic_DataDir(datafile=date_name + '.dict') + '/' # Dictionary saved during the simulation d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(rep_simu + date_name + '.dict') # Coordinates of the zone observed in the sky center = equ2gal(d['RA_center'], d['DEC_center']) # Number of subbands used during the simulation nf_recon = d['nf_recon'][0] nf_sub = d['nf_sub'] print('nf_sub = {}, nf_recon = {}'.format(nf_sub, nf_recon)) # Get fits files names in a list fits_noise = np.sort(glob.glob(rep_simu + date_name + '*nfrecon{}_noiselessFalse*.fits'.format(nf_recon)))
def MainProg(filepath, pklrep, tesdatrep): start = timeit.default_timer() repfile = filepath #strip Modal qb filename from filepath qbfilename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(repfile))[0] # Use a tool from qubicpack to get a path basedir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', ) print('basedir : ', basedir) dictfilename = basedir + '/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict' d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() #d.read_from_file('../qubic/qubic/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict') #change to moddded dictionary d.read_from_file( '/home/james/libraries/qubic/qubic/dicts/global_source_oneDetFI.dict') q = qubic.QubicMultibandInstrument(d) vtxs = q[0].detector.vertex vtxcounter = np.zeros(992) print("vertexes shape: ", vtxs.shape) MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY = getXYcoords( filepath, vtxs) print('getxycoordfunctest', max(MagXarr), MagXarr.shape) vtxcounter = np.vstack((vtxcounter, vtxcntarr)) vtxcounter = vtxcounter.T vtxcounter = vtxcounter[:, 1:3] #caluclate and return instensity values for given mag & phase PIXELS IntX, IntY, IntT = IntensityCalc(MagXarr, PhaXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr) print('intensity tests shape max', IntX.shape, max(IntX)) dat = np.vstack( (MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT)) dat = dat.T #save the mag&pha data with the calculated intensity values PIXELS #chose whether to bother even saving the un-normed data if it just gets overwitten #dataIO(dat, tesdatrep, qbfilename) datmodstring = 'datmod' #dataAnalysis function normalises the data PIXELS datmod = dataAnalysis(dat) dataIO(datmod, tesdatrep, qbfilename) #load MODAL style data point data dataCF1 = np.loadtxt(repfile, skiprows=1) xycoords = np.array(dataCF1[:, 2:4]) freq = dataCF1[0, 10] print('frequency', freq) #return intensity values for data points in the MODAL style Ix, Iy, IT = IntensityCalcRAW(repfile) ITnans = [(np.nan if x == 0 else x) for x in IT] ITnans = np.asarray(ITnans) #save in a folder as pickle files with all data accesible. SaveVars(MagXarr, PhaXarr, ReXarr, ImXarr, MagYarr, PhaYarr, ReYarr, ImYarr, vtxcntarr, PixCenX, PixCenY, IntX, IntY, IntT, Ix, Iy, IT, xycoords, qbfilename, freq, pklrep) os.system('spd-say "Main program has finished"') stop = timeit.default_timer() time = stop - start seconds = (time - int(time)) * 60 print(time / 60, 'm', seconds, 's')
xy[:, 1], marker='s', s=150, c=fl_mean[peak], vmin=0.2, vmax=0.40) plt.xlim((-0.06, 0.)) plt.ylim((-0.06, 0.)) plt.colorbar() return final_mean, final_std # =========== Radial TES distances on the FP ================ # Get a dictionary basedir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', ) print('basedir : ', basedir) dictfilename = basedir + '/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict' d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) print(d['detarray']) d['config'] = 'FI' q = qubic.QubicInstrument(d) tes_xy, rdist = get_tes_xycoords_radial_dist(q) # Remove thermometers r = rdist[rdist != 0.] x = tes_xy[:, 0]
param_guess, args=(t, stable_time, folded[tes - 1, :]), bounds=([0., -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2], [1., 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]), verbose=1 ) param_est[TESindex, :] = fit.x res_fit[TESindex] = make_combination(param_est[TESindex, :]) return t, folded_bothasics, param_est, res_w, res_fit # =============== Fringe simulations ================= rep = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='detcentres.txt') print('rep:', rep) # Get simulation files files = sorted(glob.glob(rep + '/*.dat')) # Get a dictionary basedir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', ) print('basedir : ', basedir) dictfilename = basedir + '/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict' d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) # Make an instrument q = qubic.QubicInstrument(d)
from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from qubicpack.utilities import Qubic_DataDir import qubic # import qubic.fibtools as ft # import qubic.sb_fitting as sbfit import qubic.selfcal_lib as sc # Use a tool from qubicpack to get a path basedir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', ) print('basedir : ', basedir) dictfilename = basedir + '/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict' # Get a dictionary d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) print(d['detarray']) # Create an object baseline = [25, 57] q = qubic.QubicInstrument(d) ca = sc.SelfCalibration(baseline, d) S, Cminus_i, Cminus_j, Sminus_ij, Ci, Cj, Sij = ca.get_power_combinations(q) plt.figure()
tanalpha_cut = tanalpha[(focal_length > mini) & (focal_length < maxi)] print(tes_dist_cut.shape, tanalpha_cut.shape) allfl_clip.append(fl_clip) alltes_dist_cut.append(tes_dist_cut) alltanalpha_cut.append(tanalpha_cut) fl_mean = [np.mean(fl) for fl in allfl_clip] fl_std = [np.std(fl) / np.sqrt(len(fl)) for fl in allfl_clip] return allfl_clip, fl_mean, fl_std # ================== Test with simulated beams from Qubic soft ================== # Get a dictionary basedir = Qubic_DataDir(datafile='', ) print('basedir : ', basedir) dictfilename = basedir + '/dicts/global_source_oneDet.dict' d = qubic.qubicdict.qubicDict() d.read_from_file(dictfilename) print(d['detarray']) d['config'] = 'TD' d['nside'] = 512 d['synthbeam_kmax'] = 1 q = qubic.QubicInstrument(d) s = qubic.QubicScene(d) tes_xy =[:, :2] rdist = np.sqrt(tes_xy[:, 0]**2 + tes_xy[:, 1]**2)