Esempio n. 1
	def post(self, question_id):
		# check the question
		if question_id not in question.all_by_id():
			return handlers.bad_request_error(self, 'Invalid question "%s"' % question_id);

		id = handlers.get_user_id(self.request);
		answerer = entities.Answerer.get_by_key_name(id);
		# check the answerer
		if answerer is None:
			return handlers.bad_request_error(self, 'Could not identify answerer "%s"' % id);
		# if they've already answered, just redirect
		if question_id in answerer.questions_answered:
			self.redirect('/result/%s' % question_id);
		# check the answer
		answer = self.request.get('answer');		
		if int(answer) not in range(0, len(question.all_by_id()[question_id].answers)):
			return handlers.bad_request_error(self, 'Invalid answer "%s" for question "%s"' % (answer, question_id)); 
		# otherwise, record the answer and redirect to the answer page
		# update the answerer
		# update the answer counter
		counter = entities.ShardedCounter(question_id + ':' + answer);
		# redirect to the answer page for that question
		self.redirect("/ask/%s" % question_id);
Esempio n. 2
	def get(self, question_id):		
		id = handlers.get_user_id(self.request);
		answerer = entities.Answerer.get_or_insert(id);	
		common_values = handlers.get_template_values_common(answerer);
		# if no question_id was passed, pick a random question and redirect to that
		if question_id is None or question_id == '':
			already_answered = True;
			while already_answered:
				question_to_ask = question.all()[random.randint(0, len(question.all()) - 1)].id;
				already_answered = question_to_ask in answerer.questions_answered;					
			self.redirect('/ask/%s' % question_to_ask);
		# error out on an invalid id since that's an invalid URL
		if question_id not in question.all_by_id():
			return handlers.bad_request_error(self, 'Invalid question identifier "%s"' % question_id);
		# determine the question to ask
		# if the user has answered all questions, redirect
		if len(answerer.questions_answered) == len(question.all()):
			self.redirect(); # TODO implement
		# if they already answered the question, redirect to the result page
		if question_id in answerer.questions_answered:
			self.redirect('/result/%s' % question_id);
		template_values = {
			'template': handlers.template_path('question'),
			'question': question.all_by_id()[question_id],
			'dump': {
				'id': handlers.get_user_id(self.request),
				'key2': answerer.key().name()

		path = handlers.template_path('index');
		self.response.out.write(template.render(path, dict(common_values.items() + template_values.items())));