def enque(self, task): queue = self.queue if self.timeout == 0: self.execute_task(task) else: queue.put_nowait(task) self.execute_next()
async def enqueue_websocket_messages(endpoint, queue, ready, close, extra_headers=None, verify=True): websocket = await connect(endpoint, extra_headers, verify) pending = {websocket.recv()} # signal to the controlling process that we're ready ready.set() while True: done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, timeout=0.1) if done: for msg in done: queue.put_nowait(msg.result()) pending.add(websocket.recv()) if close.is_set(): break for msg in pending: msg.cancel() await websocket.close()
def runInstaBot(params): queue = params['queue'] try: bot = InstaBot(**params) bot.new_auto_mod() except: queue.put_nowait("Exception")
def _dream_process(self, queue, assoc=True, dump=True): dream_re = re.compile( r'^(\d+),(\d+),([0-9A-Fa-f]{12}),([0-9A-Fa-f]{12}),$') cmd = [ tools['dream'] ] \ + ([ '--a' ] if assoc else []) \ + ([ '--d', f'{self.phy}-{self.static_token}.cap' ] \ if dump else []) \ + [ '-tcbs' ] \ + [ self.mon ] dream = Popen(cmd, bufsize=-1, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=basepath, text=True) assert dream try: for line in iter(dream.stdout.readline, ''): line = line.rstrip() match = dream_re.match(line) if match: queue.put_nowait(match.groups()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
def oncePerMinute(): global next_interval_time while True: try: # Sleep for the remainder of the time until the next # interval, prevents timer drift. The calculated time # to sleep could be negative if our clock got updated # by ntptime so just sleep one minute in that case. next_interval_time += 60 sleep_time = next_interval_time - time.time() if sleep_time < 0: sleep_time = 60 time.sleep(sleep_time) device_time = str( current_cpm = cpm pressure = getPressure() sea_level_pressure = pressure / pow(1.0 - altitude_in_meters / 44330.0, 5.255) body = urllib.parse.urlencode({'cpm': current_cpm, 'device_time': device_time, 'pressure': '{0:0.2f}'.format(pressure), 'sea_level_pressure': '{0:0.2f}'.format(sea_level_pressure)}) queue.put_nowait(body) except: print("Unexpected onePerMinute error: {0}".format(sys.exc_info()[0])) else: print("Queued sample")
def _threads_work(it, queue): while True: try: item = next(it) except Exception as e: queue.put_nowait((None, e)) break queue.put_nowait((item, None))
def cryptobook_add(namespace): queue = dpget(namespace, "/cryptobook/queue") key, masher = return_key(namespace) try: queue.put_nowait((str(uuid.uuid4()), key, masher)) except queue.Full: pass return namespace
def reader(container): log = logging.getLogger('reader') stream = container.logs(stream=True) while True: try: queue.put_nowait(next(stream)) except StopIteration as e: log.debug("No more logs") time.sleep(0.001)
def put(self, msg, boxname = "inbox"): """Places an object on a queue which will be directed to a named inbox on the wrapped component.""" # print ("self.put msg", repr(msg), "boxname", boxname) if self.alive: queue = self.inQueues[boxname] queue.put_nowait(msg) self.inputComponent.whatInbox.put_nowait(boxname) else: raise AttributeError("shutdown was previously called, or we were never activated.")
def multiCIF_thread_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper to put results of multiCIF into a queue to be retrieved """ queue = args[0] root_win = args[1] try: results = multiCIF.main(*args[2:], **kwargs) queue.put(results) except ValueError as e: root_win.after(5, tkinter.messagebox.showerror, "Error", " ".join(e.args)) queue.put_nowait(None)
def basic_incognito_algorithm(self, priority_queue): self.init_C1_and_E1() queue = priority_queue marked_nodes = set() for i in range(1, len(self.Q) + 1): i_str = str(i) self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM C" + i_str + "") Si = set(self.cursor) # no edge directed to a node => root self.cursor.execute("SELECT C" + i_str + ".* FROM C" + i_str + ", E" + i_str + " WHERE C" + i_str + ".ID = E" + i_str + ".start EXCEPT SELECT C" + i_str + ".* FROM C" + i_str + ", E" + i_str + " WHERE C" + i_str + ".ID = E" + i_str + ".end ") roots = set(self.cursor) roots_in_queue = set() for node in roots: height = self.get_height_of_node(node) # -height because priority queue shows the lowest first. Syntax: (priority number, data) roots_in_queue.add((-height, node)) for upgraded_node in roots_in_queue: queue.put_nowait(upgraded_node) while not queue.empty(): upgraded_node = queue.get_nowait() # [1] => pick 'node' in (-height, node); node = upgraded_node[1] if node[0] not in marked_nodes: if node in roots: frequency_set = self.frequency_set_of_T_wrt_attributes_of_node_using_T( node) else: frequency_set = self.frequency_set_of_T_wrt_attributes_of_node_using_parent_s_frequency_set( node, i) if self.table_is_k_anonymous_wrt_attributes_of_node( frequency_set): self.mark_all_direct_generalizations_of_node( marked_nodes, node, i) else: Si.remove(node) self.insert_direct_generalization_of_node_in_queue( node, queue, i, Si) self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM C" + str(i) + " WHERE ID = " + str(node[0])) self.graph_generation(Si, i) marked_nodes = set()
def get_many(mp_queue, queue, n): """ Safely gets n items from the queue and inserts them into another one (if there are less items takes all of them) (if there are no items returns False) """ if mp_queue.empty(): return False for i in range(n): if mp_queue.empty(): break item = mp_queue.get() queue.put_nowait(item) return True
async def _main(self): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: queue = asyncio.Queue() while True: [queue.put_nowait(url) for url in self.urls] tasks = [] for i in range(self.concurrency): task = asyncio.create_task( self._check_health(queue, session)) tasks.append(task) # Wait until the queue is fully processed. started_at = time.monotonic() await queue.join() total_time = time.monotonic() - started_at # Cancel our worker tasks. for task in tasks: task.cancel() # Wait until all worker tasks are cancelled. await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True) print('====') print(f'total time: {total_time:.2f} seconds') await asyncio.sleep(self.interval)
def sendPendingOutput(self): """This method will take any outgoing data sent to us from a child component and stick it on a queue to the outside world.""" if python_lang_type == 2: items = self.childOutboxMapping.iteritems() else: items = self.childOutboxMapping.items() for childSource, parentSink in items: queue = self.outQueues[childSource] while self.dataReady(parentSink): if not queue.full(): msg = self.recv(parentSink) # TODO - what happens when the wrapped component terminates itself? We keep on going. Not optimal. queue.put_nowait(msg) else: break
def connect(port, queue, event): datas = {} count = 0 data_count = 0 serial_portname = port serial_port = serial.Serial(serial_portname, baudrate=115200, timeout=5.0) while event.is_set(): input = serial_port.readline().decode(encoding='ascii', errors='ignore').rstrip() if len(input) == 0: print("Serial device timed out, no data received.") else: if is_json(input): json_obj = ujson.loads(input) data = {} time = 0 for item in json_obj: ID = item['node'] time = item['time'] datas.setdefault(f'x{ID}', []).append(item['X']) datas.setdefault(f'y{ID}', []).append(item['Y']) datas.setdefault(f'z{ID}', []).append(item['Z']) if (count >= 30): for key in datas: data[key] = datas[key][-15:] df = pd.DataFrame(data) features = [extract_features(df)] df_test = pd.DataFrame(features, columns=feature_name()) pred = knn_clf.predict( df_test.iloc[:, 0:].to_numpy(dtype=float)) data_count += 1 queue.put_nowait(f'{pred[0]}') print(f'{time}:{pred[0]}') if data_count == 14: dash_thread = Thread(target=dashboard, args=(time, pred[0])) dash_thread.start() data_count = 0 else: print(count) progress = count / 30 queue.put_nowait(f'{progress:.2%}') count += 1 else: print(input)
def api_post_index(): errors = [] uri = flask.request.get_json() print(uri) uri = uri['spotify_uri'] *_, uri_type, _ = uri.split(':') if 'http' in uri_type: # given a url, so split by '/' *_, uri_type, _ = uri.split('/') try: tracks = globals()[f'handle_{uri_type}_uri'](uri) except spotipy.client.SpotifyException as e: app.logger.error(f'received error from spotify: {str(e)}') errors.append(str(e)) else: for track in tracks: track['artist'] = ', '.join(artist['name'] for artist in track['artists']) duration = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=track['duration_ms']) track['duration'] = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format( (duration.seconds % 3600) // 60, duration.seconds % 60, ) duration = float(track['duration_ms']) / 1000 queue.put_nowait((track, duration - 2)) app.logger.debug(f'current queue size: {queue.unfinished_tasks}') ret = {} if errors: ret['success'] = 0 ret['errors'] = errors else: ret['success'] = 1 ret['queue'] = list(queue.queue) return flask.jsonify(ret)
def queueRandomOutputParams(config, trainingMorphsList, queue): inputCnt = config.getShape()[0] outputCnt = config.getShape()[1] inputParams = [0] * inputCnt newFace = copy.deepcopy(config.getBaseFace()) # Choose random number to decide what modification we apply rand = random.random() # select which morphs to modify modifyIdxs = random.sample(range(len(newFace.morphFloats)), random.randint(1, 25)) if len(trainingMorphsList) > 10: randomIdxs = random.sample(range(len(trainingMorphsList)), 2) newFaceMorphs = trainingMorphsList[randomIdxs[0]] newFace.importFloatList(newFaceMorphs) if rand < .6: face2Morphs = trainingMorphsList[randomIdxs[1]] face2 = copy.deepcopy(config.getBaseFace()) face2.importFloatList(face2Morphs) mate(newFace, face2, modifyIdxs) queue.put_nowait(inputParams + newFace.morphFloats) elif rand < .9: for idx in modifyIdxs: newFace.changeMorph(idx, -1 + 2 * random.random()) queue.put_nowait(inputParams + newFace.morphFloats) elif rand < .95: numSteps = 5 #random.randint(5,15) for idx in modifyIdxs: face2 = copy.deepcopy(newFace) minVal = face2.morphInfo[idx]['min'] maxVal = face2.morphInfo[idx]['max'] stepSize = (maxVal - minVal) / numSteps face2.morphFloats[idx] = minVal queue.put(inputParams + face2.morphFloats) for step in range(numSteps): face2.changeMorph(idx, stepSize) queue.put(inputParams + face2.morphFloats) else: mutate(newFace, modifyIdxs) queue.put_nowait(inputParams + newFace.morphFloats) else: # 90% chance to use baseface, otherwise completely random morphs. if rand < .9: mutate(newFace, modifyIdxs) else: newFace.randomize() queue.put_nowait(inputParams + newFace.morphFloats)
def source_queue(self, procs, queues): while True: for index, proc in enumerate(procs): try: queue = queues[index] h, w, c = self.shape[index] frames_size = w * h * c nv12_data = if len(nv12_data) != frames_size: # logger.error("source_queue read error index %s len %s", index, len(nv12_data)) continue frame = np.frombuffer(nv12_data, dtype=np.uint8) img = np.array(frame, dtype=np.uint8).reshape((h, w, c)) if DEBUG: queue.put(img) else: queue.put_nowait(img) except Exception as e: # logger.error("source_queue queue full index %s", index) pass
def insert_direct_generalization_of_node_in_queue(self, node, queue, i, Si): i_str = str(i) self.cursor.execute("SELECT E" + i_str + ".end FROM C" + i_str + ", E" + i_str + " WHERE ID = E" + i_str + ".start and ID = " + str(node[0])) nodes_to_put = set(self.cursor) Si_indices = set() for node in Si: Si_indices.add(node[0]) for node_to_put in nodes_to_put: # node_to_put == (ID,) -.- if node_to_put[0] not in Si_indices: continue node_to_put = node_to_put[0] self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM C" + i_str + " WHERE ID = " + str(node_to_put)) node = (list(self.cursor)[0]) queue.put_nowait((-self.get_height_of_node(node), node))
def post_index(): errors = [] uri = flask.request.form.get('spotify_uri') *_, uri_type, _ = uri.split(':') if 'http' in uri_type: # given a url, so split by '/' *_, uri_type, _ = uri.split('/') try: tracks = globals()[f'handle_{uri_type}_uri'](uri) except spotipy.client.SpotifyException as e: app.logger.error(f'received error from spotify: {str(e)}') errors.append(str(e)) else: for track in tracks: track['artist'] = ', '.join(artist['name'] for artist in track['artists']) duration = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=track['duration_ms']) track['duration'] = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format( (duration.seconds % 3600) // 60, duration.seconds % 60, ) duration = float(track['duration_ms']) / 1000 queue.put_nowait((track, duration - 2)) app.logger.debug(f'current queue size: {queue.unfinished_tasks}') if errors: return flask.render_template('index.html', queue=queue.queue, errors=errors) else: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('get_index'))
def get_rating_review_stats(kwargs=None, queue=None): rnrArray = {} try: rnr = RatingsAndReviewsAPI(service_root=REVIEWS_SERVER) sat_res = rnr.server_status() if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): LOG.debug("review and rating service stat:%s", sat_res) statlist = rnr.review_stats() #distroseries='any' index = 0 for stat in statlist: rnrStat = ReviewRatingStat(stat.package_name) rnrStat.ratings_average = float(stat.ratings_average) rnrStat.ratings_total = int(stat.ratings_total) rnrStat.pkgname = stat.package_name rnrStat.reviews_total = 0 rnrStat.useful = 0 rnrArray[stat.package_name] = rnrStat index += 1 try: queue.put_nowait(rnrStat) except queue.Full: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print("queue put exception") if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): LOG.debug("got the rating and review list count:%d", len(rnrArray)) return rnrArray except Exception as e: LOG.error("exception when getting rating and review stat...") if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(e.args) return {}
def oncePerMinute(): global next_interval_time while True: try: # Sleep for the remainder of the time until the next # interval, prevents timer drift. The calculated time # to sleep could be negative if our clock got updated # by ntptime so just sleep one minute in that case. next_interval_time += 60 sleep_time = next_interval_time - time.time() if sleep_time < 0: sleep_time = 60 time.sleep(sleep_time) device_time = str( current_cpm = cpm pressure = getPressure() sea_level_pressure = pressure / pow( 1.0 - altitude_in_meters / 44330.0, 5.255) body = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'cpm': current_cpm, 'device_time': device_time, 'pressure': '{0:0.2f}'.format(pressure), 'sea_level_pressure': '{0:0.2f}'.format(sea_level_pressure) }) queue.put_nowait(body) except: print("Unexpected onePerMinute error: {0}".format( sys.exc_info()[0])) else: print("Queued sample")
def multiCIF_stop(process, listener, queue): """ Stop multiprocess, and safely end logging listener """ process.terminate() process.join() queue.put_nowait(None) listener.join()
def MyMightyQueue(item=None): if item.startswith("download"): queue.put_nowait(item) else: queue.put(item)
def rebuild_all(): queue.put_nowait(("rebuild_all", ()))
def stop_task(): queue.put_nowait(("exit", ()))
def log_chat(event, metadata): queue.put_nowait( ("log_chat", (, event, metadata)))
def clear_chat_log(nick): queue.put_nowait(("clear_chat_log", (, nick)))
def get_screenshots(kwargs, queue=None): screenshots = [] pkgname = kwargs['packagename'] version = kwargs['version'] cachedir = kwargs['cachedir'] thumbnail = kwargs['thumbnail'] screenshot = kwargs['screenshot'] thumbnailfile = kwargs['thumbnailfile'] screenshotfile = kwargs['screenshotfile'] screenshot_path_list = [] #if thumbnail and screenshot are not null,only get them if (thumbnail and screenshot and thumbnailfile and screenshotfile): try: # if not os.path.exists(thumbnailfile): # urlFile = urllib.request.urlopen(thumbnail) # rawContent = # if rawContent: # localFile = open(thumbnailfile,"wb") # localFile.write(rawContent) # localFile.close() # else: # print("get_screenshots,exists:",thumbnailfile) screenshot_path_list.append(thumbnailfile) queue.put_nowait(thumbnailfile) # if not os.path.exists(screenshotfile): # urlFile = urllib.request.urlopen(screenshot) # rawContent = # if rawContent: # localFile = open(screenshotfile,"wb") # localFile.write(rawContent) # localFile.close() # else: # print("get_screenshots,exists:",screenshotfile) screenshot_path_list.append(screenshotfile) queue.put_nowait(screenshotfile) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(e.code) except urllib.error.URLError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(str(e)) return screenshot_path_list else: #get urls of screenshots screenshotURL = SCREENSHOT_JSON_URL % pkgname rawContent = None try: urlFile = urllib.request.urlopen(screenshotURL) rawContent = if not rawContent: return [] except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(e.code) except urllib.error.URLError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(str(e)) if rawContent is None: return [] try: jsonContent = json.loads(rawContent) except ValueError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print("can not decode: '%s' (%s)" % (rawContent, e)) jsonContent = None return [] if isinstance(jsonContent, dict): # a list of screenshots as listsed online screenshots = jsonContent['screenshots'] else: # fallback to a list of screenshots as supplied by the axi screenshots = [] #we should choose the suitable ones for showing #???? screenshot_path_list = [] try: for item in screenshots: filename = item['small_image_url'].split(pkgname + '/')[1] destfile = cachedir + pkgname + item[ 'version'] + "_" + filename if not os.path.exists(destfile): urlFile = urllib.request.urlopen( item['small_image_url']) rawContent = if not rawContent: continue localFile = open(destfile, "wb") localFile.write(rawContent) localFile.close() screenshot_path_list.append(destfile) queue.put_nowait(destfile) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(e.code) except urllib.error.URLError as e: if (Globals.DEBUG_SWITCH): print(str(e)) return screenshot_path_list
def checkqueues(self, queues, resultlist): """ check if resultlist is to be sent to the queues. if so do it! """ for queue in queues: for item in resultlist: queue.put_nowait(item) return True return False
def receive_data(pin): queue.put_nowait(
def rebuild_all(period=7): queue.put_nowait(("rebuild_all", (period, )))
def clear_chat_log_msg(msgid): queue.put_nowait(("clear_chat_log_msg", (msgid, )))
def clear_chat_log(nick): queue.put_nowait( ("clear_chat_log", (, nick)))
def rebuild_all(period=7): queue.put_nowait(("rebuild_all", (period,)))
def clear_chat_log_msg(msgid): queue.put_nowait(("clear_chat_log_msg", (msgid,)))
def log_chat(event, metadata): queue.put_nowait(("log_chat", (, event, metadata)))
def send_all(self,msg): for queue in self.active_connections: queue.put_nowait(msg)