def expandReferenceTrack(self, upFlankSize, downFlankSize):
        if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
            self._intersectedReferenceBins = None

            flankedGeneRegsTempFn = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(
                                              self._genome, upFlankSize,
            self._referenceTrackFn = flankedGeneRegsTempFn
Esempio n. 2
    def findTFsOccurringInRegions(cls, genome, tfSource, regionsBedFn, upFlankSize, downFlankSize, galaxyFn):
        uniqueWebPath = getUniqueWebPath(extractIdFromGalaxyFn(galaxyFn))
        #assert genome == 'hg18' #other genomes not supported. TF id links do not specify genome for pre-selection of analysis
        tfTrackNameMappings = TfInfo.getTfTrackNameMappings(genome)
        assert tfTrackNameMappings != {}, 'No TF info for genome: %s' % genome
        tfTrackName = tfTrackNameMappings[tfSource]
        if (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
            flankedRegionsFn = regionsBedFn
            flankedRegionsFn= uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'flankedRegs.bed'
            GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(regionsBedFn, flankedRegionsFn, genome, upFlankSize, downFlankSize)

        regSpec, binSpec = 'bed', flankedRegionsFn
        res = cls._runCategoryPointCount(genome, regSpec, binSpec, tfTrackName)

        tfNames = res.getResDictKeys()
        #print 'RES: ', res.getGlobalResult()[tfNames[0]], type(res.getGlobalResult()[tfNames[0]])
        import third_party.safeshelve as safeshelve
        pwm2tfids =[HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR,'data','pwm2TFids.shelf']), 'r')
        tf2class =[HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR,'data','TfId2Class.shelf']), 'r')
        pwmName2id=[HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR,'data','pwmName2id.shelf']), 'r')
        #print tfNames[0],tfNames[1], ' VS ', pwm2tfids.keys()[0], len(pwm2tfids)
        #tfs = list(reversed(sorted([(res.getGlobalResult()[tf], tf, '%s (%i hits (class %s))'%(tf, res.getGlobalResult()[tf]), '/'.join([tf2class[x] for x in pwm2tfids[tf]]) ) for tf in tfNames]))) #num hits, tfName, tfTextInclHits
        tfs = list(reversed(sorted([(res.getGlobalResult()[tf], tf, '%s (%i hits )'%(tf, res.getGlobalResult()[tf]) + \
                                     (' (class: %s)'%'/'.join(set([str(tf2class.get(x)) for x in pwm2tfids[pwmName2id[tf]] if x in tf2class]))\
                                      if (tf in pwmName2id and pwmName2id[tf] in pwm2tfids and any([x in tf2class for x in pwm2tfids[pwmName2id[tf]]]))\
                                    else '') ) \
                                    for tf in tfNames])) ) #num hits, tfName, tfTextInclHits
        tfsPlural = 's' if len(tfs)!=1 else ''
        print '<p>There are %i TF%s targeting your regions of interest, using "%s" as source of TF occurrences.</p>' % (len(tfs), tfsPlural, tfSource)
        expansionStr = ' flanked' if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0) else ''                

        idHtmlFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.html'],galaxyFn)
        idHtmlFileNamer.writeTextToFile('<br>'.join(['<a href=/hbdev/hyper?track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>'%( quote(':'.join(tfTrackName+[tf[1]])), tf[2]) for tf in tfs]))
        print '<p>', idHtmlFileNamer.getLink('Inspect html file'), ' of all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s regions of interest, with each TF ID linking to analysis with this TF pre-selected.</p>' % (expansionStr)

        idFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.txt'],galaxyFn)
        idFileNamer.writeTextToFile(os.linesep.join([tf[2] for tf in tfs]) + os.linesep)
        print '<p>', idFileNamer.getLink('Inspect text file'), ' listing all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s regions of interest.</p>' % (expansionStr)
        extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'],galaxyFn)
        GalaxyInterface.extractTrackManyBins(genome, tfTrackName, regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed', False, False, extractedTfbsFileNamer.getDiskPath(), True)
        print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLoadToHistoryLink('Inspect bed-file'), 'of all TF binding sites occurring within your%s regions of interest.</p>' % (expansionStr)

        for dummy,tf,dummy2 in tfs:            
            extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile([tf+'_tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'],galaxyFn)
            GalaxyInterface.extractTrackManyBins(genome, tfTrackName+[tf], regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed', False, False, extractedTfbsFileNamer.getDiskPath())
            print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLoadToHistoryLink('Binding sites of the TF %s' %tf, 'bed'), 'occurring within your%s regions of interest (bed-file).</p>' % (expansionStr)
 def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
     '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
     Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history.
     If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn.
     If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
     choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.
     inFn = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(choices.history.split(':'))
     treatTrackAs = ExpandBedSegmentsTool._TRACK_TYPE_CONVERSION_OPTIONS[choices.conversion]
     GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(inFn, galaxyFn, choices.genome, \
                                       int(choices.upstream), int(choices.downstream), \
                                       treatTrackAs, removeChrBorderCrossing=(choices.chrBorderHandling=='Removing'))
Esempio n. 4
    def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''):
        '''Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user.
        Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history.
        If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn.
        If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files).
        choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box.

        galaxyTn = choices.history.split(':')
        inFn = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(galaxyTn)
        suffix = ExternalTrackManager.extractFileSuffixFromGalaxyTN(galaxyTn)

        treatTrackAs = cls._TRACK_TYPE_CONVERSION_OPTIONS[choices.conversion]

        GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(inFn, galaxyFn, choices.genome, \
                                          parseShortenedSizeSpec(choices.upstream), parseShortenedSizeSpec(choices.downstream), \
                                          treatTrackAs, removeChrBorderCrossing=(choices.chrBorderHandling=='Removing'), suffix=suffix)
Esempio n. 5
    def findTFsTargetingGenes(cls, genome, tfSource, ensembleGeneIdList,
                              upFlankSize, downFlankSize, geneSource,
        #galaxyFn = '/usit/insilico/web/lookalike/galaxy_dist-20090924-dev/database/files/003/dataset_3347.dat'
        #print 'overriding galaxyFN!: ', galaxyFn
        uniqueWebPath = GalaxyRunSpecificFile([], galaxyFn).getDiskPath()

        assert genome in [
            'mm9', 'hg18', 'hg19'
        ]  #other genomes not supported. TF id links do not specify genome for pre-selection of analysis

        #if tfSource == 'UCSC tfbs conserved':
        #    tfTrackName = ['Gene regulation','TFBS','UCSC prediction track']
        #    raise
        tfTrackNameMappings = TfInfo.getTfTrackNameMappings(genome)
        tfTrackName = tfTrackNameMappings[tfSource]

        #Get gene track
        #targetGeneRegsTempFn = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'geneRegs.bed'
        #geneRegsTrackName = GenomeInfo.getStdGeneRegsTn(genome)
        #geneRegsFn = getOrigFn(genome, geneRegsTrackName, '.category.bed')
        #GalaxyInterface.getGeneTrackFromGeneList(genome, geneRegsTrackName, ensembleGeneIdList, targetGeneRegsTempFn )

        if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
            unflankedGeneRegsTempFn = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + '_geneRegs.bed'
            #flankedGeneRegsTempFn  = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'flankedGeneRegs.bed'
            flankedGeneRegsTempStaticFile = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(
                ['flankedGeneRegs.bed'], galaxyFn)
            flankedGeneRegsTempFn = flankedGeneRegsTempStaticFile.getDiskPath()
            geneRegsTrackName = GenomeInfo.getStdGeneRegsTn(genome)
            #geneRegsFn = getOrigFn(genome, geneRegsTrackName, '.category.bed')
            GalaxyInterface.getGeneTrackFromGeneList(genome, geneRegsTrackName,
            #flankedGeneRegsExternalTN = ['external'] +galaxyId +  [flankedGeneRegsTempFn]
            regSpec, binSpec = 'category.bed', flankedGeneRegsTempFn
            regSpec, binSpec = '__genes__', ','.join(ensembleGeneIdList)

        res = cls._runCategoryPointCount(genome, regSpec, binSpec, tfTrackName)

        #trackName1 = tfTrackName
        #analysisDef = 'Category point count: Number of elements each category of track1 (with overlaps)'+\
        #          '[tf1:=SegmentToStartPointFormatConverter:]'+\
        #          '-> FreqByCatStat'
        ##assert len(ensembleGeneIdList)==1
        ##geneId = ensembleGeneIdList[0]
        #print '<div class="debug">'
        #userBinSource, fullRunArgs = GalaxyInterface._prepareRun(trackName1, None, analysisDef, regSpec, binSpec, genome)
        #res = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, trackName1, None, userBinSource, **fullRunArgs).run()
        #print res
        ##GalaxyInterface._viewResults([res], galaxyFn)
        #print '</div>'
        tfs = res.getResDictKeys()

        genesPlural = 's' if len(ensembleGeneIdList) > 1 else ''
        tfsPlural = 's' if len(tfs) != 1 else ''
        print '<p>There are %i TF%s targeting your gene%s of interest (%s), using "%s" as source of TF occurrences.</p>' % (
            len(tfs), tfsPlural, genesPlural, ','.join(ensembleGeneIdList),
        if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
            print '(using ', flankedGeneRegsTempStaticFile.getLink(
                'these genomic regions'), ' for genes)'
        expansionStr = ' flanked' if not (
            upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0) else ''

        idHtmlFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.html'], galaxyFn)
            '<a href=%s/hyper?dbkey=%s&track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>' %
            (URL_PREFIX, genome, quote(':'.join(tfTrackName + [tf])), tf)
            for tf in tfs
        #idHtmlFileNamer.writeTextToFile('<br>'.join(['<a href=/hbdev/hyper?track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>'%( ':'.join(tfTrackName+[tf]), tf) for tf in tfs]))
        print '<p>', idHtmlFileNamer.getLink(
            'Inspect html file'
        ), ' of all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s gene region%s of interest, with each TF ID linking to analysis with this TF pre-selected.</p>' % (
            expansionStr, genesPlural)

        idFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.txt'], galaxyFn)
        idFileNamer.writeTextToFile(os.linesep.join(tfs) + os.linesep)
        print '<p>', idFileNamer.getLink(
            'Inspect text file'
        ), ' listing all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s gene region%s of interest.</p>' % (
            expansionStr, genesPlural)

        extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(
            ['tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'], galaxyFn)
            genome, tfTrackName, regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed', False, False,
        print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLink(
            'Inspect bed-file'
        ), 'of all TF binding sites occurring within your%s gene region%s of interest.</p>' % (
            expansionStr, genesPlural)
Esempio n. 6
    def findTFsOccurringInRegions(cls, genome, tfSource, regionsBedFn,
                                  upFlankSize, downFlankSize, galaxyFn):
        uniqueWebPath = GalaxyRunSpecificFile([], galaxyFn).getDiskPath()
        #assert genome == 'hg18' #other genomes not supported. TF id links do not specify genome for pre-selection of analysis

        tfTrackNameMappings = TfInfo.getTfTrackNameMappings(genome)
        assert tfTrackNameMappings != {}, 'No TF info for genome: %s' % genome

        tfTrackName = tfTrackNameMappings[tfSource]

        if (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
            flankedRegionsFn = regionsBedFn
            flankedRegionsFn = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'flankedRegs.bed'
            GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(regionsBedFn, flankedRegionsFn,
                                              genome, upFlankSize,

        regSpec, binSpec = 'bed', flankedRegionsFn
        res = cls._runCategoryPointCount(genome, regSpec, binSpec, tfTrackName)

        tfNames = res.getResDictKeys()
        #print 'RES: ', res.getGlobalResult()[tfNames[0]], type(res.getGlobalResult()[tfNames[0]])
        pwm2tfids =
            os.sep.join([HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR, 'data', 'pwm2TFids.shelf']),
        tf2class =
            os.sep.join([HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR, 'data', 'TfId2Class.shelf']),
        pwmName2id =
            os.sep.join([HB_SOURCE_CODE_BASE_DIR, 'data', 'pwmName2id.shelf']),
        #print tfNames[0],tfNames[1], ' VS ', pwm2tfids.keys()[0], len(pwm2tfids)
        #tfs = list(reversed(sorted([(res.getGlobalResult()[tf], tf, '%s (%i hits (class %s))'%(tf, res.getGlobalResult()[tf]), '/'.join([tf2class[x] for x in pwm2tfids[tf]]) ) for tf in tfNames]))) #num hits, tfName, tfTextInclHits
        tfs = list(reversed(sorted([(res.getGlobalResult()[tf], tf, '%s (%i hits )'%(tf, res.getGlobalResult()[tf]) + \
                                     (' (class: %s)'%'/'.join(set([str(tf2class.get(x)) for x in pwm2tfids[pwmName2id[tf]] if x in tf2class]))\
                                      if (tf in pwmName2id and pwmName2id[tf] in pwm2tfids and any([x in tf2class for x in pwm2tfids[pwmName2id[tf]]]))\
                                    else '') ) \
                                    for tf in tfNames])) ) #num hits, tfName, tfTextInclHits

        tfsPlural = 's' if len(tfs) != 1 else ''
        print '<p>There are %i TF%s targeting your regions of interest, using "%s" as source of TF occurrences.</p>' % (
            len(tfs), tfsPlural, tfSource)

        expansionStr = ' flanked' if not (
            upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0) else ''

        idHtmlFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.html'], galaxyFn)
            '<a href=/hbdev/hyper?track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>' %
            (quote(':'.join(tfTrackName + [tf[1]])), tf[2]) for tf in tfs
        print '<p>', idHtmlFileNamer.getLink(
            'Inspect html file'
        ), ' of all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s regions of interest, with each TF ID linking to analysis with this TF pre-selected.</p>' % (

        idFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.txt'], galaxyFn)
            os.linesep.join([tf[2] for tf in tfs]) + os.linesep)
        print '<p>', idFileNamer.getLink(
            'Inspect text file'
        ), ' listing all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s regions of interest.</p>' % (

        extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(
            ['tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'], galaxyFn)
            genome, tfTrackName, regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed', False, False,
            extractedTfbsFileNamer.getDiskPath(), True)
        print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLoadToHistoryLink(
            'Inspect bed-file'
        ), 'of all TF binding sites occurring within your%s regions of interest.</p>' % (

        for dummy, tf, dummy2 in tfs:
            extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(
                [tf + '_tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'], galaxyFn)
                genome, tfTrackName + [tf], regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed',
                False, False, extractedTfbsFileNamer.getDiskPath())
            print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLoadToHistoryLink(
                'Binding sites of the TF %s' % tf, 'bed'
            ), 'occurring within your%s regions of interest (bed-file).</p>' % (
 def expandReferenceTrack(self, upFlankSize, downFlankSize):        
     if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):
         self._intersectedReferenceBins = None
         flankedGeneRegsTempFn  = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['flankedGeneRegs.category.bed'],self._galaxyFn).getDiskPath()            
         GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(self._referenceTrackFn, flankedGeneRegsTempFn, self._genome, upFlankSize, downFlankSize)
         self._referenceTrackFn = flankedGeneRegsTempFn
Esempio n. 8
    def findTFsTargetingGenes(cls, genome, tfSource, ensembleGeneIdList,upFlankSize, downFlankSize, geneSource, galaxyFn):
        #galaxyFn = '/usit/insilico/web/lookalike/galaxy_dist-20090924-dev/database/files/003/dataset_3347.dat'
        #print 'overriding galaxyFN!: ', galaxyFn
        uniqueWebPath = getUniqueWebPath(extractIdFromGalaxyFn(galaxyFn))

        assert genome in ['mm9','hg18'] #other genomes not supported. TF id links do not specify genome for pre-selection of analysis
        #if tfSource == 'UCSC tfbs conserved':
        #    tfTrackName = ['Gene regulation','TFBS','UCSC prediction track']
        #    raise
        tfTrackNameMappings = TfInfo.getTfTrackNameMappings(genome)
        tfTrackName = tfTrackNameMappings[tfSource]
        #Get gene track
        #targetGeneRegsTempFn = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'geneRegs.bed'
        #geneRegsTrackName = GenomeInfo.getStdGeneRegsTn(genome)
        #geneRegsFn = getOrigFn(genome, geneRegsTrackName, '.category.bed')
        #GalaxyInterface.getGeneTrackFromGeneList(genome, geneRegsTrackName, ensembleGeneIdList, targetGeneRegsTempFn )
        if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0):            
            unflankedGeneRegsTempFn = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + '_geneRegs.bed'
            flankedGeneRegsTempFn  = uniqueWebPath + os.sep + 'flankedGeneRegs.bed'
            geneRegsTrackName = GenomeInfo.getStdGeneRegsTn(genome)
            #geneRegsFn = getOrigFn(genome, geneRegsTrackName, '.category.bed')
            GalaxyInterface.getGeneTrackFromGeneList(genome, geneRegsTrackName, ensembleGeneIdList, unflankedGeneRegsTempFn )
            GalaxyInterface.expandBedSegments(unflankedGeneRegsTempFn, flankedGeneRegsTempFn, genome, upFlankSize, downFlankSize)
            #flankedGeneRegsExternalTN = ['external'] +galaxyId +  [flankedGeneRegsTempFn]
            regSpec, binSpec = 'file', flankedGeneRegsTempFn
            regSpec, binSpec = '__genes__', ','.join(ensembleGeneIdList)

        res = cls._runCategoryPointCount(genome, regSpec, binSpec, tfTrackName)

        #trackName1 = tfTrackName
        #analysisDef = 'Category point count: Number of elements each category of track1 (with overlaps)'+\
        #          '[tf1:=SegmentToStartPointFormatConverter:]'+\
        #          '-> FreqByCatStat'
        ##assert len(ensembleGeneIdList)==1
        ##geneId = ensembleGeneIdList[0]
        #print '<div class="debug">'        
        #userBinSource, fullRunArgs = GalaxyInterface._prepareRun(trackName1, None, analysisDef, regSpec, binSpec, genome)
        #res = AnalysisDefJob(analysisDef, trackName1, None, userBinSource, **fullRunArgs).run()
        #print res        
        ##GalaxyInterface._viewResults([res], galaxyFn)
        #print '</div>'
        tfs = res.getResDictKeys()
        genesPlural = 's' if len(ensembleGeneIdList)>1 else ''
        tfsPlural = 's' if len(tfs)!=1 else ''
        print '<p>There are %i TF%s targeting your gene%s of interest (%s), using "%s" as source of TF occurrences.</p>' % (len(tfs), tfsPlural, genesPlural, ','.join(ensembleGeneIdList), tfSource)
        expansionStr = ' flanked' if not (upFlankSize == downFlankSize == 0) else ''                

        idHtmlFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.html'],galaxyFn)
        idHtmlFileNamer.writeTextToFile('<br>'.join(['<a href=%s/hyper?dbkey=%s&track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>'%(URL_PREFIX, genome, quote(':'.join(tfTrackName+[tf])), tf) for tf in tfs]))
        #idHtmlFileNamer.writeTextToFile('<br>'.join(['<a href=/hbdev/hyper?track1=%s&track2=>%s</a>'%( ':'.join(tfTrackName+[tf]), tf) for tf in tfs]))
        print '<p>', idHtmlFileNamer.getLink('Inspect html file'), ' of all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s gene region%s of interest, with each TF ID linking to analysis with this TF pre-selected.</p>' % (expansionStr, genesPlural)

        idFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['allTfIds.txt'],galaxyFn)
        idFileNamer.writeTextToFile(os.linesep.join(tfs) + os.linesep)
        print '<p>', idFileNamer.getLink('Inspect text file'), ' listing all TF IDs occurring 1 or more times within your%s gene region%s of interest.</p>' % (expansionStr, genesPlural)
        extractedTfbsFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['tfbsInGeneRegions.bed'],galaxyFn)
        GalaxyInterface.extractTrackManyBins(genome, tfTrackName, regSpec, binSpec, True, 'bed', False, False, extractedTfbsFileNamer.getDiskPath())
        print '<p>', extractedTfbsFileNamer.getLink('Inspect bed-file'), 'of all TF binding sites occurring within your%s gene region%s of interest.</p>' % (expansionStr, genesPlural)
        #idFile = idFileNamer.getFile()
        #idFile.write(', '.join([str(bin.val) for bin in targetBins if res[bin][resDictKey]>0]) + os.sep)
        #print idFileNamer.getLink('Text file'), ' of TF IDs'
       , tcGeneRegsExternalTN, analysisDef, regSpec, binSpec, genome, galaxyFn)':'.join(tfTrackName), ':'.join(tcGeneRegsExternalTN), analysisDef, regSpec, binSpec, genome, galaxyFn)