def netscan(cidr): """ do a quick network scan to see what's up or down something else will coma along behind this and scan the hosts that are up or down and haven't already been scanned and don't need a rescan """ proc = subprocess.Popen("nmap %s -sP -oX -" % (cidr), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) xmlstr = x = ET.fromstring(xmlstr) for host in x.findall('host'): # this scan we only get host, status, ip addr, mac addr (sometimes) if host.find('status').get('state') != "up": print "Host not up: ", host.find('address').get('addr') else: print "Host up: ", host.find('address').get('addr') hip = '' hmac = '' hmacvnd = '' for addr in host.findall('address'): if addr.get('addrtype') == 'ipv4': hip = addr.get('addr') if addr.get('addrtype') == 'mac': hmac = addr.get('addr') hmacvnd = addr.get('vendor') #hip = host.find('address').get('addr') try: hname = host.find('hostnames')[0].get('name') except: hname = "unknown" #try: #hmac = host.find('address')[0].get('mac') #except: #hmac = '' try: print "netscan: Attempting to find Host record with IP: ", host.find( 'address').get('addr') h = Host.objects.get(IP=hip) = hname h.mac = hmac h.macvnd = hmacvnd except: # TODO only create a new record if it's not in additional_ips # TODO optionally send a notification to someone when a new host appears on the network print "No record found, creating new Host record for ", host.find( 'address').get('addr') h = Host(IP=hip, name=hname, mac=hmac, macvnd=hmacvnd)
def hostscan(host): #(tf, tfn) = tempfile.mkstemp('quinn') #os.close(tf) # we don't want the file open, we just want a temp file name #proc = subprocess.Popen("nmap %s -oX %s" % (cidr, tfn), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc = subprocess.Popen("nmap %s -O -sV -oX -" % (host), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) xmlstr = x = ET.fromstring(xmlstr) doc = libxml2.parseDoc(xmlstr) for host in x.findall('host'): #pprint(host)#, host.find('status'))#, host.find('status').get('state')) if host.find('status').get('state') != "up": print "Host not up: ", host.find('address').get('addr') else: print "Host up: ", host.find('address').get('addr') hip = host.find('address').get('addr') try: hname = host.find('hostnames')[0].get('name') except: hname = "unknown" try: osvnd = host.find('os').find('osclass').get('vendor') except: osvnd = "unknown" try: oscls = host.find('os').find('osclass').get('family') except: oscls = "unknown" try: osname = host.find('os').find('osmatch').get('name') except: osname = "unknown" print hip, hname, osvnd, oscls, osname try: print "hostscan: Attempting to find Host record with IP: ", host.find( 'address').get('addr') h = Host.objects.get(IP=hip) = hname h.OS_vendor = osvnd h.OS_class = oscls h.OS_name = osname except: print "No record found, creating new Host record for ", host.find( 'address').get('addr') h = Host(IP=hip, name=hname, OS_vendor=osvnd, OS_class=oscls, OS_name=osname) pprint(h) for srvc in host.find('ports').findall('port'): s = Service(name=srvc.find('service').get('name'), host=h, port=srvc.get('portid')) pprint(s) ## add some common tags print "Tagging" # domain controller if doc.xpathEval('//port[@portid="135"]') and doc.xpathEval( '//port[@portid="1389"]'): Tag.objects.add_tag(h, 'Domain Controller')