Esempio n. 1
    def validate(self, value):
        # Verify the user input against the captcha

        # Captcha validation is one-time process to prevent hacking
        # This is the reason for in-line validation to be disabled.
        if detectInlineValidation(inline_validation):

        context = self.context
        request = self.request
        value = value or ''
        captcha_type = context.getCaptchaType()
        if captcha_type in ['static', 'dynamic']:
            hashkey = request.get('%shashkey' % self.widget.form.prefix, '')
            decrypted_key = decrypt(context.captcha_key, hashkey)
            parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)

            index = parsed_key['key']
            date = parsed_key['date']

            if captcha_type == 'static':
                img = getattr(context, '%s.jpg' % index)
                solution = img.title
                enc = encrypt1(value)
                enc = value
                solution = getWord(int(index))

            captcha_tool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_captchas')
            captcha_tool_has_key = captcha_tool.has_key
            if (enc != solution) or (captcha_tool_has_key(decrypted_key)) or \
               (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
                raise ValueError(_(u'Please re-enter validation code.'))
Esempio n. 2
 def validate(self, value):
     # Verify the user input against the captcha
     errors = ()
     context = self.context
     request = self.request
     value = value or ''
     captcha_type = context.getCaptchaType()
     if captcha_type in ['static', 'dynamic']:
         hashkey = request.get('%shashkey' % self.widget.form.prefix, '')
         decrypted_key = decrypt(context.captcha_key, hashkey)
         parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)
         index = parsed_key['key']
         date = parsed_key['date']
         if captcha_type == 'static':
             img = getattr(context, '%s.jpg' % index)
             solution = img.title
             enc = encrypt1(value)
             enc = value
             solution = getWord(int(index))
         captcha_tool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_captchas')
         if (enc != solution) or (captcha_tool.has_key(decrypted_key)) or (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
             raise ValueError(_(u'Please re-enter validation code.'))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_GetCaptcha_Key(self):
     decrypted_key = decrypt(self.captcha_key, self.hashkey)
     parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)
     # *key* must present after parsing decrypted key
     self.assertTrue('key' in parsed_key.keys())
     # index start from 1 and lower or equals to CAPTCHAS_COUNT
     index = int(parsed_key['key'])
     self.assertTrue(index >= 1 and index <= CAPTCHAS_COUNT)
     # encrypted key must be equals to title of the image
     key = getWord(index - 1)
     img = getattr(self.portal, '%s.jpg' % index)
     self.assertTrue(encrypt1(key) == img.title)
Esempio n. 4
 def test_GetCaptcha_Key(self):
     decrypted_key = decrypt(self.captcha_key, self.hashkey)
     parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)
     # *key* must present after parsing decrypted key
     self.assertTrue('key' in parsed_key.keys())
     # index start from 1 and lower or equals to CAPTCHAS_COUNT
     index = int(parsed_key['key'])
     self.assertTrue(index >= 1 and index <= CAPTCHAS_COUNT)
     # encrypted key must be equals to title of the image
     key = getWord(index - 1)
     img = getattr(self.portal, '%s.jpg' % index)
     self.assertTrue(encrypt1(key) == img.title)
Esempio n. 5
    def _toFieldValue(self, input):
        # Captcha validation is one-time process to prevent hacking
        # This is the reason for in-line validation to be disabled.
        if inline_validation and detectInlineValidation(inline_validation):
            return super(CaptchaWidget, self)._toFieldValue(input)

        # Verify the user input against the captcha.
        # Get captcha type (static or dynamic)
        site = self.get_site()
        captcha_type = site.getCaptchaType()

        # validate captcha input
        if input and captcha_type in ['static', 'dynamic']:
            # make up form prefix
            if self._prefix:
                prefix = '%s.' % self._prefix
                prefix = ''

            hashkey = self.request.get('%shashkey' % prefix, '')
            decrypted_key = decrypt(site.captcha_key, hashkey)
            parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)

            index = parsed_key['key']
            date = parsed_key['date']

            if captcha_type == 'static':
                img = getattr(site, '%s.jpg' % index)
                solution = img.title
                enc = encrypt1(input)
                enc = input
                solution = getWord(int(index))

            captcha_tool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_captchas')
            if (enc != solution) or (decrypted_key in captcha_tool.keys()) or \
               (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
                raise ConversionError(_(u'Please re-enter validation code.'))

        return super(CaptchaWidget, self)._toFieldValue(input)
Esempio n. 6
 def _toFieldValue(self, input):
     # Verify the user input against the captcha
     context = self.context.context
     request = context.REQUEST
     # get captcha type (static or dynamic)
     captcha_type = context.getCaptchaType()
     # validate captcha input
     if input and captcha_type in ['static', 'dynamic']:
         # make up form prefix
         if self._prefix:
             prefix = '%s.' % self._prefix
             prefix = ''
         hashkey = request.get('%shashkey' % prefix, '')
         decrypted_key = decrypt(context.captcha_key, hashkey)
         parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)
         index = parsed_key['key']
         date = parsed_key['date']
         if captcha_type == 'static':
             img = getattr(context, '%s.jpg' % index)
             solution = img.title
             enc = encrypt1(input)
             enc = input
             solution = getWord(int(index))
         captcha_tool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_captchas')
         if (enc != solution) or (captcha_tool.has_key(decrypted_key)) or (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
             raise ConversionError(_(u'Please re-enter validation code.'))
     return super(CaptchaWidget, self)._toFieldValue(input)
Esempio n. 7
    def __call__(self, emailaddress, name=''):

        """ helper method to enable osh mail subscription to anonymous user """

        reg_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_registration')
        host = getToolByName(self.context, 'MailHost')

        REQUEST = self.request
        if not emailaddress:
            emailaddress = REQUEST.get('emailaddress', '')
        refererstem = REQUEST.get('HTTP_REFERER').split('?')[0]
        referer = refererstem + '?'
        qs = REQUEST.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
        if qs:
            referer += '?' + qs + '&'

        if not reg_tool.isValidEmail(emailaddress):
            msg = _(u'You did not enter a valid email address.')
            referer += "err=email&msg=%s&" % msg
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

        # validate captcha
        test_key = REQUEST.get('key', '')
        hashkey = REQUEST.get('hashkey', '')
        decrypted_key = decrypt(self.context.captcha_key, hashkey)
        parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)

        index = parsed_key['key']
        date = parsed_key['date']

        if REQUEST.has_key('unsubscribe'):
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
                self.context.absolute_url() +
                "/confirm-unsubscription?emailaddress=%s" % (emailaddress))

        img = getattr(self.context, '%s.jpg' % index)
        solution = img.title
        enc = encrypt1(test_key)
        captcha_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_captchas')
        if (enc != solution) or (captcha_tool.has_key(decrypted_key)) \
                or (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
            msg = _(u"Please re-enter validation code.")
            referer += "err=captcha&msg={msg}&emailaddress={emailaddress}&".format(
                msg=msg, emailaddress=emailaddress)
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

        mesg = "subscribe OSHMail anonymous\n"
        mssg = _(
            "Thank you for subscribing to the OSHmail newsletter. You will "
            "receive an email to confirm your subscription.")

        recipient = '*****@*****.**'

        sender = emailaddress
        if name:
            sender = "%s <%s>" % (name, sender)

        subject = ''
            host.send(mesg, mto=recipient, mfrom=sender, subject=subject)
        except Exception, e:
            mssg = _("Your subscription could not be sent. Please try again.")
            mssg = u"%s %s" %(mssg, e)
Esempio n. 8
    def __call__(self, emailaddress, name=''):
        """ helper method to enable osh mail subscription to anonymous user """

        reg_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_registration')
        host = getToolByName(self.context, 'MailHost')

        REQUEST = self.request
        if not emailaddress:
            emailaddress = REQUEST.get('emailaddress', '')
        refererstem = REQUEST.get('HTTP_REFERER').split('?')[0]
        referer = refererstem + '?'
        qs = REQUEST.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
        if qs:
            referer += '?' + qs + '&'

        if not reg_tool.isValidEmail(emailaddress):
            msg = _(u'You did not enter a valid email address.')
            referer += "err=email&msg=%s&" % msg
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

        # validate captcha
        test_key = REQUEST.get('key', '')
        hashkey = REQUEST.get('hashkey', '')
        decrypted_key = decrypt(self.context.captcha_key, hashkey)
        parsed_key = parseKey(decrypted_key)

        index = parsed_key['key']
        date = parsed_key['date']

        if REQUEST.has_key('unsubscribe'):
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(
                self.context.absolute_url() +
                "/confirm-unsubscription?emailaddress=%s" % (emailaddress))

        img = getattr(self.context, '%s.jpg' % index)
        solution = img.title
        enc = encrypt1(test_key)
        captcha_tool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_captchas')
        if (enc != solution) or (captcha_tool.has_key(decrypted_key)) \
                or (DateTime().timeTime() - float(date) > 3600):
            msg = _(u"Please re-enter validation code.")
            referer += "err=captcha&msg={msg}&emailaddress={emailaddress}&".format(
                msg=msg, emailaddress=emailaddress)
            return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(referer)

        mesg = "subscribe OSHMail anonymous\n"
        mssg = _(
            "Thank you for subscribing to the OSHmail newsletter. You will "
            "receive an email to confirm your subscription.")

        recipient = '*****@*****.**'

        sender = emailaddress
        if name:
            sender = "%s <%s>" % (name, sender)

        subject = ''
            host.send(mesg, mto=recipient, mfrom=sender, subject=subject)
        except Exception, e:
            mssg = _("Your subscription could not be sent. Please try again.")
            mssg = u"%s %s" % (mssg, e)