atoms.set_calculator(qmmm_pot) # *** Set up the initial QM region **** qm_list = update_hysteretic_qm_region(atoms, [], orig_crack_pos, qm_inner_radius, qm_outer_radius) qmmm_pot.set_qm_atoms(qm_list) # ********* Setup and run MD *********** # Set the initial temperature to 2*simT: it will then equilibriate to # simT, by the virial theorem MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0 * sim_T) # Initialise the dynamical system dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps) # Print some information every time step def printstatus(): if dynamics.nsteps == 1: print """ State Time/fs Temp/K Strain G/(J/m^2) CrackPos/A D(CrackPos)/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" log_format = ( '%(label)-4s%(time)12.1f%(temperature)12.6f' + '%(strain)12.5f%(G)12.4f%(crack_pos_x)12.2f (%(d_crack_pos_x)+5.2f)' )['label'] = dynamics.state_label # Label for the status line
try: defect.params['core'] except KeyError: defect.params['core'] = np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) defect = set_quantum(defect, params.n_core) MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(defect, 2.0 * sim_T) if dyn_type == 'eam': dynamics = VelocityVerlet(defect, timestep) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) elif dyn_type == 'LOTF':['core'] = np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) print 'Initializing LOTFDynamics' verbosity_push(PRINT_VERBOSE) dynamics = LOTFDynamics(defect, timestep, params.extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=False) dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) dynamics.attach(traj_writer, print_interval, defect) else: print 'No dyn_type chosen', 1 / 0 trajectory = AtomsWriter('{0}'.format(input_file)) print 'Running Crack Simulation' #Write cooked i.e. thermalized ceel to file. defect.set_cutoff(3.0) defect.calc_connect() new_core = pp_nye_tensor(defect, dis_type=dis_type)['core'] = new_core
# *** Set up the initial QM region **** qm_list = update_hysteretic_qm_region(atoms, [], orig_crack_pos, qm_inner_radius, qm_outer_radius) qmmm_pot.set_qm_atoms(qm_list) # ********* Setup and run MD *********** # Set the initial temperature to 2*simT: it will then equilibriate to # simT, by the virial theorem MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0 * sim_T) # Initialise the dynamical system dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=True) # Print some information every time step def printstatus(): if dynamics.nsteps == 1: print """ State Time/fs Temp/K Strain G/(J/m^2) CrackPos/A D(CrackPos)/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" log_format = ( '%(label)-4s%(time)12.1f%(temperature)12.6f' + '%(strain)12.5f%(G)12.4f%(crack_pos_x)12.2f (%(d_crack_pos_x)+5.2f)' )
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0*sim_T) # Save frames to the trajectory every `traj_interval` time steps # but only when interpolating trajectory = AtomsWriter(os.path.join(params.rundir, params.traj_file)) # Initialise the dynamical system system_timer('init_dynamics') if params.extrapolate_steps == 1: dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, params.timestep) check_force_error = False if not params.classical: qmmm_pot.set(calc_weights=True) dynamics.state_label = 'D' else: print 'Initializing LOTF Dynamics' dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, params.timestep, params.extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=check_force_error) system_timer('init_dynamics') #Function to update the QM region at the beginning of each extrapolation cycle if not check_force_error: if params.extrapolate_steps == 1: if not params.classical: dynamics.attach(update_qm_region, 1, dynamics.atoms) else: # choose appropriate update function for defects or crack. # or grainboundary. print 'Setting Update Function' if geom =='disloc': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) elif geom =='crack': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region_crack)
print 'Running WITH EAM as embedded cluster' qm_pot_file = os.path.join(pot_dir, 'PotBH_fakemod.xml') print qm_pot_file mm_init_args = 'IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale=1.01' # Classical potential qm_pot = Potential(mm_init_args, param_filename=qm_pot_file, cutoff_skin=cutoff_skin) qmmm_pot = set_qmmm_pot(atoms, atoms.params['CrackPos'], mm_pot, qm_pot) strain_atoms = fix_edges(atoms) print 'Setup dynamics' #If input_file is the cell has not been thermalized yet. #Otherwise it will recover temperature from the previous run. print 'Attaching trajectories to dynamics' trajectory = AtomsWriter(traj_file) #Only wriates trajectory if the system is in the LOTFDynamicas #Interpolation atoms.wrap() atoms.set_cutoff(3.0) atoms.calc_connect() print 'Running Crack Simulation' RELAXATION = False if RELAXATION: dynamics = FIRE(atoms) dynamics.attach(pass_trajectory_context(trajectory, dynamics), traj_interval, dynamics) else: dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps) dynamics.attach(pass_trajectory_context(trajectory, dynamics), traj_interval, dynamics) nsteps = 2000
pickle.dump(crack_dict,f) # Save frames to the trajectory every `traj_interval` time steps. trajectory = AtomsWriter(os.path.join(rundir, traj_file)) # Initialise the dynamical system system_timer('init_dynamics') if extrapolate_steps == 1: dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) check_force_error = False if not classical: qmmm_pot.set(calc_weights=True) dynamics.state_label = 'D' else: print 'Initializing LOTF Dynamics' dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=check_force_error) system_timer('init_dynamics') # Function to update the QM region at the beginning of each extrapolation cycle if not check_force_error: if extrapolate_steps == 1: if not classical: dynamics.attach(update_qm_region, 1, dynamics.atoms) else: # Choose appropriate update function for defects or crack or grainboundary print 'Setting Update Function' if geom =='disloc': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) elif geom =='crack': if quantumregion == 'Crack': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region_crack)
atoms.set_calculator(qmmm_pot) del_keys = ['force', 'forces', 'forces0'] array_keys = atoms.arrays.keys() prop_keys = for key in del_keys: if key in array_keys: del (atoms.arrays[key]) #under construction if False: np.random.seed(42) MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0 * sim_T) check_force_error = False dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=check_force_error) def log_pred_corr_errors(dynamics, logfile): logline = '%s err %10.1f%12.6f%12.6f\n' % ( dynamics.state_label, dynamics.get_time() / units.fs, dynamics.rms_force_error, dynamics.max_force_error) print logline logfile.write(logline) if check_force_error: pred_corr_logfile = open('pred-corr-error.txt', 'w') dynamics.attach(log_pred_corr_errors, 1, dynamics, pred_corr_logfile)
return check_if_cracked def update_qm_region_context(qmmm_pot, mm_pot, atoms): def update_qm_region(atoms): crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot) qm_list = qmmm_pot.get_qm_atoms() qm_list = update_hysteretic_qm_region(atoms, qm_list, crack_pos, qm_inner_radius, qm_outer_radius, update_marks=True) qmmm_pot.set_qm_atoms(qm_list) #lets try setting the atoms object properties by hand? atoms.hybrid[:] = HYBRID_NO_MARK atoms.hybrid[qm_list] = HYBRID_ACTIVE_MARK return update_qm_region if __name__=='__main__': #Randomize initial positions np.random.seed() MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0*sim_T) #dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps) dynamics.attach(check_if_cracked, 1, atoms) dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, timestep, extrapolate_steps) dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) #Writing the trajectory trajectory = AtomsWriter(traj_file) dynamics.attach(traj_writer, traj_interval, dynamics) dynamics.attach(printstatus) print 'Running Crack Simulation' print 'Crack Simulation Finished'