Esempio n. 1
def _q_access(request):
    if request.session.user == None:
        raise NotLoggedInError('Authorized access only.')
    if not (request.session.user.is_admin \
        or request.session.user.is_editor \
        or request.session.user.is_assistant):
        raise AccessError("You don't have access to this page.")
Esempio n. 2
    def create(self, request):
        user = request.user
        if not user:
            raise AccessError
        from_proj = request.get_form_var('from_proj')
        from_ref = request.get_form_var('from_ref')
        to_ref = request.get_form_var('to_ref')
        to_proj = request.get_form_var('to_proj')
        title = request.get_form_var('title', '').decode('utf-8')
        comment = request.get_form_var('body', '').decode('utf-8')
        if not all([from_ref, from_proj, to_ref, to_proj]):
            raise TraversalError
        from_proj = CodeDoubanProject.get_by_name(from_proj)
        to_proj = CodeDoubanProject.get_by_name(to_proj)
        if from_proj != to_proj:
            if not from_proj.has_push_perm(
                raise AccessError(
                    "Need push permission to create PR on another project")

        pullreq =, from_ref, to_proj, to_ref)
        ticket = Ticket(None, None,, title, comment, user.username,
                        None, None)
        pullreq = add_pull(ticket, pullreq, user)
        ticket = pullreq.ticket
        return request.redirect(
            str('/%s/pull/%s/' % (, ticket.ticket_id)))
Esempio n. 3
 def delete(self, request):
     gist = self.gist
     user = request.user
     if not user or user.username != gist.owner_id:
         raise AccessError()
     return request.redirect('/gist/%s' % user.username)
Esempio n. 4
    def new(self, request):
        user = request.user
        if not user:
            raise AccessError
        from_proj = self.project
        from_ref = request.get_form_var('head_ref', from_proj.default_branch)
        parent_proj = from_proj.get_forked_from()
        to_proj = request.get_form_var('base_repo')
        if to_proj:
            to_proj = CodeDoubanProject.get_by_name(to_proj)
        elif parent_proj:
            to_proj = parent_proj
            to_proj = from_proj
        if not to_proj:
            raise TraversalError("The PR's upstream project is not existed")
        to_ref = request.get_form_var('base_ref', to_proj.default_branch)
        if from_proj != to_proj:
            # Allow to create PR to a different project only if user has push perm
            # ~~A bit weird, maybe should be separate perms
            # ~~If from and to projects are the same, we should be in online edit mode
            if not from_proj.has_push_perm(
                raise AccessError(
                    "Need push permission to add a PR on another project")
        pullreq =, from_ref, to_proj, to_ref)
        family = from_proj.get_fork_network()
        from_branches = from_proj.repo.branches
        to_branches = to_proj.repo.branches
        from_commit = pullreq.from_commit
        to_commit = pullreq.to_commit
        if not pullreq.can_pull:
            raise TraversalError(
                "The PR's head_ref or base_ref is not existed")
        highlighted_projects = filter(None, [from_proj, parent_proj])
        commits = pullreq.commits
        n_commits = len(commits)
        n_authors = len(set( for c in commits))
        ticket_title, ticket_desc = self._choose_default_PR_title_and_description(
            commits)  # noqa

        # get diff
        diff = pullreq.get_diff(rename_detection=True)
        n_files = diff.length

        grouped_commits = groupby(commits, lambda c:

        prs = PullRequest.get_by_from_and_to(, from_ref,
                                   , to_ref)
        open_pullreqs = []
        for pr in prs:
            t = Ticket.get_by_projectid_and_ticketnumber(
      , pr.ticket_id)
            if t and t.closed is None:
        guideline_url = get_project_guidelines(to_proj)
        teams = Team.get_all_team_uids()
        return st('/pull/new.html', **locals())
Esempio n. 5
    def _q_access(self, request):
        gist = self.gist
        user = request.user

        if not gist:
            raise TraversalError()

        if not gist.is_public:
            if not user or user.username != gist.owner_id:
                raise AccessError()
Esempio n. 6
 def edit(self, request):
     gist = self.gist
     user = request.user
     if not user or user.username != gist.owner_id:
         raise AccessError()
     if request.method == 'POST':
         desc, is_public, names, contents, oids = _get_req_gist_data(
         gist.update(desc, names, contents, oids)
         return request.redirect(gist.url)
     tdt = dict(request=request, gist=gist, user=user)
     if is_mobile_device(request):
         return st('/m/gist/edit.html', **tdt)
     return st('/gist/edit.html', **tdt)
Esempio n. 7
 def _q_access(self):
     session = get_session()
     if not session.user:
         raise AccessError("you must have a username")
Esempio n. 8
def _q_access(request):
    if not request.user:
        raise AccessError('must login')