Esempio n. 1
 def _file(self, songs, box):
     length = 0
     size = 0
     for song in songs:
         length += song.get("~#length", 0)
         try: size += util.size(song["~filename"])
         except EnvironmentError: pass
     table = gtk.Table(2, 2)
     table.attach(Label(_("Total length:")), 0, 1, 0, 1,
         Label(util.format_time_long(length)), 1, 2, 0, 1)
     table.attach(Label(_("Total size:")), 0, 1, 1, 2,
     table.attach(Label(util.format_size(size)), 1, 2, 1, 2)
     box.pack_start(Frame(_("Files"), table),
                    expand=False, fill=False)
Esempio n. 2
    def _file(self, song, box):
        def ftime(t):
            if t == 0:
                return _("Unknown")
                timestr = time.strftime("%c", time.localtime(t))
                return timestr.decode(const.ENCODING)

        fn = util.fsdecode(util.unexpand(song["~filename"]))
        length = util.format_time_long(song.get("~#length", 0))
        size = util.format_size(
            song.get("~#filesize") or util.size(song["~filename"]))
        mtime = ftime(util.mtime(song["~filename"]))
        bitrate = song.get("~#bitrate", 0)
        if bitrate != 0:
            bitrate = _("%d kbps") % int(bitrate)
        else: bitrate = False

        t = gtk.Table(4, 2)
        table = [(_("length"), length),
                 (_("file size"), size),
                 (_("modified"), mtime)]
        if bitrate:
            table.insert(1, (_("bitrate"), bitrate))
        fnlab = Label(fn)
        t.attach(fnlab, 0, 2, 0, 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
        for i, (l, r) in enumerate(table):
            l = "<b>%s</b>" % util.capitalize(util.escape(l) + ":")
            lab = Label()
            t.attach(lab, 0, 1, i + 1, i + 2, xoptions=gtk.FILL)
            t.attach(Label(r), 1, 2, i + 1, i + 2)

        box.pack_start(Frame(_("File"), t), expand=False, fill=False)
Esempio n. 3
    def copy(self, songlist, song):
        if self.__load_db() is None: return False
        track = gpod.itdb_track_new()

        # All values should be utf-8 encoded strings
        # Filepaths should be encoded with the fs encoding

        # Either combine tags with comma, or only take the first value
        if self['all_tags']: tag = song.comma
        else: tag = lambda key: (song.list(key) or ('',))[0]

        title = tag('title')
        if self['title_version'] and song('version'):
            title = " - ".join([title, song('version')])
        track.title = util.encode(title)

        album = tag('album')
        if self['album_part'] and song('discsubtitle'):
            album = " - ".join([album, song('discsubtitle')])
        track.album = util.encode(album)

        # String keys
        for key in ['artist', 'genre', 'grouping', 'composer', 'albumartist']:
            if hasattr(track, key): # albumartist since libgpod-0.4.2
                setattr(track, key, util.encode(tag(key)))
        # Sort keys (since libgpod-0.5.0)
        for key in ['artist', 'album', 'albumartist']:
            if hasattr(track, 'sort_' + key):
                setattr(track, 'sort_' + key, util.encode(tag(key + 'sort')))
        # Numeric keys
        for key in ['bitrate', 'playcount', 'year']:
            try: setattr(track, key, int(song('~#'+key)))
            except ValueError: continue
        # Numeric keys where the names differ
        for key, value in {
            'cd_nr':         song('~#disc'),
            'cds':           song('~#discs'),
            'rating':        min(100, song('~#rating') * 100),
            'time_added':    self.__mactime(time.time()),
            'time_modified': self.__mactime(util.mtime(song('~filename'))),
            'track_nr':      song('~#track'),
            'tracklen':      song('~#length') * 1000,
            'tracks':        song('~#tracks'),
            'size':          util.size(song('~filename')),
            'soundcheck':    self.__soundcheck(song),
            try: setattr(track, key, int(value))
            except ValueError: continue

        track.filetype = song('~format')
        track.comment = util.encode(util.fsdecode(song('~filename')))

        # Associate a cover with the track
        if self['covers']:
            cover = song.find_cover()
            if cover:
                # libgpod will copy the file later when the iTunesDB
                # is saved, so we have to keep a reference around in
                # case the cover is a temporary file.
                    track, util.fsencode(

        # Add the track to the master playlist
        gpod.itdb_track_add(self.__itdb, track, -1)
        master = gpod.itdb_playlist_mpl(self.__itdb)
        gpod.itdb_playlist_add_track(master, track, -1)

        # Copy the actual file
        if gpod.itdb_cp_track_to_ipod(track, song['~filename'], None) == 1:
            return IPodSong(track)
            return False