Esempio n. 1
def generate_quote_from_fileWC(request, outputformat, quotesource):
    ''' Function to generate the using either a generic template or a user specific one '''
    ''' Quote data is sourced from a test data file or from the specific current quote '''
    ''' Output can be rendered to screen or to an Email recipient as defined on the data from the form '''

    # Initial check to see if user specific PDF template file exists
    # If it does then use that template, if not then use the generic template
    usr_pdf_template_file = Path(
        settings.BASE_DIR +
    if os.path.isfile(usr_pdf_template_file):
        sourceHtml = "pdf/user_{}/serviceandorder_for_pdf.html".format(
            request.user.username)  # Under templates folder
        sourceHtml = "pdf/serviceandorder_for_pdf.html"  # Under templates folder

    # Determine where to source the quote data from - test_data.txt or the current quote for the user
    if quotesource == "testdata":
        quote_form_filename = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR + "/pdf_output_archive/westchem/test_data.txt")
    else:  # use the current quote data file
        quote_form_filename = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR +
        # if a current quote data file does not exist then revery back to using the test data file
        if not os.path.isfile(quote_form_filename):
            quote_form_filename = Path(
                settings.BASE_DIR +

    with open(quote_form_filename) as file:
        file_form_datax = []
        for line in file:

    file_form_data = file_form_datax
    #'product_id = file_form_data[8].get('product_choice')

    idx = Profile.objects.get(user=request.user)

    # Get the ProductPrice record selection
    #'if quotesource == "testdata":	# ProductPrice will come from the first user record or from the demo record
    #'	if ProductPrice.objects.filter(user = request.user).count() > 0 :	# Check if the user has created a product/price record
    #'		product_record = ProductPrice.objects.filter(user = request.user).first()	# A product price record exists - use the first one
    #'	else:	# Product Price record does not exist - select the Demo record
    #'		product_record = ProductPrice.objects.first()
    #'else:	# retrieve the user selected product record from the quote form
    #'	product_record = ProductPrice.objects.get(pk = int(product_id))

    frecords = Document.objects.filter(

    #'try:	# test to see if image is associated with product
    #'	img_record = Document.objects.get(id = )
    #'except: # if not then continue with empty object
    #'	img_record = ""

    # Calculate the daily_work_rate multiplied by the estimated_duration
    #'workload_cost = idx.daily_work_rate * int(file_form_data[8].get('estimated_duration')[0])
    # Calculate the total quote price for the quote
    #'total_quote_price = workload_cost + product_record.price

    # Determine whether to output to screen as PDF or HTML
    if outputformat == "PDFOutput":
        request.session['created_quote_template'] = True
        created_quote_template_group = Group.objects.get(
        pdf = render_to_pdf(sourceHtml, {
            'form_data': file_form_data,
            'idx': idx,
            'frecords': frecords
        return HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')

    elif outputformat == "EmailOutput":
        # Get customer lastname
        customer = (file_form_data[0].get('customer'))
        # Assign file name to store generated PDF
        outputFilename = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR +
                idx.quote_prefix, customer.replace(" ", "_"),
        )  # pad with leading zeros (5 positions)
        # Generate the PDF and write to disk
        convertHtmlToPdf2(sourceHtml, outputFilename, {
            'form_data': file_form_data,
            'idx': idx,
            'frecords': frecords
        # Generate the email, attach the pdf and send out
        fd = file_form_data
        msg = ""
        msg = msg + "Hello {}.\nThank you for your ongoing business. Your service and order report is on the attached PDF file.\n".format(
        msg = msg + "Can you please review the report and confirm your acceptance by return email.\n\n"
        msg = msg + "Should you have any further questions please feel free to contact me on {}.\n\n".format(
        msg = msg + "Kind regards,\n"
        msg = msg + idx.first_name
        email = EmailMessage(
            'Service and Order Report from {}'.format(idx.company_name), msg,
  , [fd[0]['customer_email']])
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/quoteemailed/')

    else:  # HTMLOutput
        return render(request, sourceHtml, {
            'form_data': file_form_data,
            'idx': idx,
            'frecords': frecords
Esempio n. 2
def customer_order(request):

    if request.method == "POST":

        ProductFormSet = formset_factory(ProductForm)

        # Grab the form from the POST variable
        formset = ProductFormSet(request.POST)

        if formset.is_valid():

            # Initialise calculated variables for output
            form_data = []
            sub_total = 0

            # Deconstruct and Reconstruct the formset adding extended price
            for f in formset:
                cd = f.cleaned_data
                extended_price = cd.get("quantity") * cd.get("price")
                sub_total += extended_price

                # Add the extended price to the dict.
                cd.update({'extended_price': extended_price})

            # Finalise calculated variables
            total_inc_vat = round(float(sub_total) * 0.20, 2)
            grand_total = round(float(sub_total) + total_inc_vat, 2)

            # Get the pdf template file
            usr_pdf_template_file = Path(
                settings.BASE_DIR +
            if os.path.isfile(usr_pdf_template_file):
                sourceHtml = "pdf/user_{}/customerorder_for_pdf.html".format(
                    request.user.username)  # Under templates folder
                sourceHtml = "pdf/customerorder_for_pdf.html"  # Under templates folder

            # Assign file name to store generated PDF (will need revisting to increment rather than overwrite)
            outputFilename = Path(
                settings.BASE_DIR +

            # Get the image file records
            frecords = Document.objects.filter(

            # Generate the PDF file
                sourceHtml, outputFilename, {
                    'form_data': form_data,
                    'frecords': frecords,
                    'sub_total': sub_total,
                    'total_inc_vat': total_inc_vat,
                    'grand_total': grand_total

        # Redirect to page listing the pdf output file(s)
        return redirect('/orderreportgenerated/')

    # If the form is not being processed, create a new ProductFormSet and render it

        product_list = []

        for product in ProductPrice.objects.filter(user=request.user):
                'model_name': product.model_name,
                'size': product.product_code,
                'price': product.price,
                'stock': 0,
                'quantity': 0

        ProductFormSet = formset_factory(ProductForm, extra=0)
        formset = ProductFormSet(initial=product_list)
        return render(request, 'westchem/orderforms/CustomerOrderForm.html',
                      {'formset': formset})
Esempio n. 3
    def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
        # Initial check to see if user specific PDF template file exists
        # If it does then use that template, if not use the generic template
        usr_pdf_template_file = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR +

        if os.path.isfile(usr_pdf_template_file):
            sourceHtml = "pdf/user_{}/serviceandorder_for_pdf.html".format(
                self.request.user.username)  # Under templates folder

            sourceHtml = "pdf/serviceandorder_for_pdf.html"  # Under templates folder
        print([form.cleaned_data for form in form_list])

        # Get the data for the Installer from Installer table to populate email(id) and pdf(idx)
        idx = Profile.objects.get(user=self.request.user)

        #'product_id = ([form.cleaned_data for form in form_list][1].get('product_choice').id)

        # Get the record of the product that was selected
        #'product_record = ProductPrice.objects.get(pk = product_id)

        # Get the record of the Product Image that was selected and handle exception
        # if no image exists.
        #'	img_record = Document.objects.get(id =
        #'except Exception as e:
        #'	img_record = None
        #'	print(type(e))
        #'	print("Error: No Image exists for the Product")

        # Calculate the daily_work_rate multiplied by the estimated_duration
        #'workload_cost = idx.daily_work_rate * int([form.cleaned_data for form in form_list][8].get('estimated_duration')[0])
        # Calculate the total quote price for the quote
        #'total_quote_price = workload_cost + product_record.price

        # Get the records of the images file for the current user
        #'frecords = Document.objects.filter(user=self.request.user.username).order_by('uploaded_at')

        # Get customer name
        customer = ([form.cleaned_data
                     for form in form_list][0].get('customer'))

        # Assign file name to store generated PDF
        outputFilename = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR +
                idx.quote_prefix, customer.replace(" ", "_"),
        )  # pad with leading zeros (5 positions)

        # Write the form data input to a file in the folder pdf_quote_archive/user_xxxx/current_quote.txt
        current_quote_form_filename = Path(
            settings.BASE_DIR +
        file = open(current_quote_form_filename, 'w')  #write to file
        for index, line in enumerate([form.cleaned_data
                                      for form in form_list]):
            #'if index == 1:
            # This code replaces the <object reference> in the form array[8] with the product_id
            #'string = str(line)
            #'firstDelPos=string.find("<") # get the position of <
            #'secondDelPos=string.find(">") # get the position of >
            #'stringAfterReplace = string.replace(string[firstDelPos:secondDelPos+1], "'" + str(product_id) + "'")
            #'file.write(str(stringAfterReplace) + "\n")
            file.write(str(line) + "\n")
        file.close()  #close file

        # Generate the PDF and write to disk
            sourceHtml, outputFilename, {
                'form_data': [form.cleaned_data for form in form_list],
                'idx': idx

        # Increment the Profile.current_quote_number by 1
        idx.current_quote_number = idx.current_quote_number + 1
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/reportgenerated/')