def handle_command(command, channel): """ Executes bot command if the command is known """ # Default response is help text for the user default_response = "Not sure what you mean. Try *{}*.".format( EXAMPLE_COMMAND) # Finds and executes the given command, filling in response response = None # This is where you start to implement more commands! if command.startswith(EXAMPLE_COMMAND): response = "Sure...write some more code then I can do that!" if 'weather' in command: response = weather.current_weather() #print(response) if 'joke' in command: response = jokes.get_joke() if 'quote' in command or 'motivation' in command: response = quotes.get_quote() #print(response) # Sends the response back to the channel slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response or default_response)
def inspire(update, context): """Send a quote""" quote = quotes.get_quote() lad_bot.send_message(, text=f"{r.choice(msgs).replace('_', 'quote')}, {update.message.from_user.first_name}:", disable_notification=True) sleep(1) lad_bot.send_message(, text=f"<i><b>{quote}</b></i>", parse_mode='HTML', disable_notification=True) print(f"{update.message.from_user.first_name} {update.message.from_user.last_name} (username: {update.message.from_user.username}) was inspired.")
def main_content(fonts): f_list = "" for font in fonts: f_with_ext = os.path.basename(font) f_without_ext = os.path.splitext(f_with_ext)[0] f_list = f_list + ''' <li> <p class = "font-title">{}</p> <p class = "font-preview" contenteditable = "true" spellcheck="false" style = "font-family : {};">{}</p> </li> '''.format(str(f_without_ext[0:35]), str(f_without_ext), quotes.get_quote()) return f_list
def read(bot): global Bot Bot = bot if bot.remote['nick'] and bot.remote['nick'] != bot.nick: if bot.remote['message'].startswith("!"): args = bot.remote['message'][1:].rstrip().split(" ") command = args[0].lower() alibrary = { 'reload': lambda: bot._reload(args), 'voice': lambda: voice(args), 'nick': lambda: cnick(args), 'release': lambda: release(args), 'identify': lambda: ident(), 'join': lambda: join(args), 'part': lambda: part(args), 'kick': lambda: kick(args), 'mode': lambda: mode(args), 'perms': lambda: perms(args), 'eval': lambda: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], eval.parse(bot, args)), 'raw': lambda: raw(args) } clibrary = { 'topic': lambda: topic(bot, args), 'help': lambda: "Available commands: %s" % ', '.join(sorted(clibrary.keys())), 'abort': lambda: abort(args), 'time': lambda: time(bot, args), 'say': lambda: say(bot, args), 'calc': lambda: wolframalpha.wa(bot, args), 'go': lambda:, args), 'wiki': lambda:, args), 'tell': lambda: tell.answer(bot, args), 'twss': lambda: fun.twss(bot, args), 'cookie': lambda: fun.cookie(bot, args), 'choose': lambda: fun.choose(bot, args), '8ball': lambda: fun.m8b(bot, args), 'quotes': lambda: quotes.get_quote(bot, args), 'js': lambda: js.execute(bot, args), 'benis': lambda: fun.benis(bot, args), 'tr': lambda: translate.translate(bot, args), 'nab': lambda:, args), 'frites': lambda: fun.frites(bot, args), 'etym': lambda: etymology.etym(bot, args), 'mrpass': lambda: fun.monsieurp(bot, args), 'sysinfo': lambda: fun.sysinfo(bot, args), 'ud': lambda: ud.ud(bot, args) } if bot.remote['nick'].lower() not in bot.inv['banned']: if command in alibrary: if bot.remote['host'] in [host.strip() for host in bot.config.get(, 'admin_hostnames').split(',')]: alibrary[command]() bot.previous['user'] = bot.remote['sendee'] else: if bot.voice: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], "%s: Can't do that, noob." % bot.remote['nick']) elif bot.voice and command in clibrary: result = execute(command, clibrary[command]) bot.previous['user'] = bot.remote['sendee'] if result: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], result) elif bot.remote['message'].startswith("\x01") and bot.remote['message'].endswith("\x01"): type = bot.remote['message'][1:-1].split()[0] args = bot.remote['message'][1:-1].split()[1:] if type != "ACTION": ctcp(type, args) elif bot.remote['mid'] == "INVITE" and bot.remote['nick'].lower() not in bot.inv['banned']: join(bot.remote['message']) else: if bot.init['registered'] and not bot.init['identified']: if bot.remote['nick'] == "NickServ": if "registered" in bot.remote['message']: bot._login() elif "identified" in bot.remote['message']: bot.init['identified'] = True __import__('time').sleep(3) autojoin() if bot.voice: # start scanning messages for certain data result = execute(None, scanner.scan, bot) if result: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], result) else: if (bot.remote['mid'].startswith("4") or bot.remote['mid'].startswith("5")) and bot.remote['mid'] != "462": reply(bot.previous.get('user') or bot.admin, "Message from %s: Error #%s: %s" % (bot.remote['server'], bot.remote['mid'], bot.remote['message'])) if not bot.init['joined'] and not bot.init['registered']: autojoin()
def upload_insta(path): InstagramAPI.login() caption = get_quote() InstagramAPI.uploadPhoto(path, caption=caption)
import time from datetime import datetime from PIL import Image import pygame from pygame.locals import * from quotes import get_quote import os port_GPIO_BLUE = 19 port_GPIO_YELLOW = 13 port_GPIO_GREEN = 6 port_GPIO_RED = 5 up_face_script = "/home/pi/livrogne_backup/photomaton/graphAPI/up_facebook.js" last_photo = "" last_insta_photo = "" last_face_photo = "" print(get_quote()) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN) width, height = screen.get_size() user, pwd = 'livrognebar', 'azerty123' InstagramAPI = InstagramAPI(user, pwd) def upload_face(path): os.system(up_face_script + " " + path) def upload_insta(path):
def home(): quote = get_quote() return f"{quote[0]} -- {quote[1]}"
def json_quote(): quote = get_quote() return {'quote': quote[0], 'author': quote[1]}
def read(bot): global Bot Bot = bot if bot.remote['nick'] and bot.remote['nick'] != bot.nick: if bot.remote['message'].startswith("!"): args = bot.remote['message'][1:].rstrip().split(" ") command = args[0].lower() alibrary = { 'reload': lambda: bot._reload(args), 'voice': lambda: voice(args), 'nick': lambda: cnick(args), 'release': lambda: release(args), 'identify': lambda: ident(), 'join': lambda: join(args), 'part': lambda: part(args), 'kick': lambda: kick(args), 'mode': lambda: mode(args), 'perms': lambda: perms(args), 'eval': lambda: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], eval.parse(bot, args)), 'raw': lambda: raw(args) } clibrary = { 'topic': lambda: topic(bot, args), 'help': lambda: "Available commands: %s" % ', '.join(sorted(clibrary.keys())), 'time': lambda: time(bot, args), 'say': lambda: say(bot, args), 'calc': lambda: wolframalpha.wa(bot, args), 'go': lambda:, args), 'lookup': lambda: dnstools.lookup(bot, args), 'wiki': lambda:, args), 'tell': lambda: tell.answer(bot, args), 'twss': lambda: fun.twss(bot, args), 'cookie': lambda: fun.cookie(bot, args), 'spin': lambda: fun.spin(bot, args), 'man': lambda:, args), 'choose': lambda: fun.choose(bot, args), '8ball': lambda: fun.m8b(bot, args), 'ghetto': lambda: fun.ghetto(bot, args), 'sortinghat': lambda: fun.sorting_hat(bot, args), 'lotto': lambda: lotto.get_results(bot, args), 'quotes': lambda: quotes.get_quote(bot, args), 'imdb': lambda:, args), 'usage': lambda: usage.usage(bot, args), 'maxx': lambda: maxx.times(bot, args), 'js': lambda: js.execute(bot, args) } if bot.remote['nick'].lower() not in bot.inv['banned']: if command in alibrary: if bot.remote['host'] in [host.strip() for host in bot.config.get(, 'admin_hostnames').split(',')]: alibrary[command]() bot.previous['user'] = bot.remote['sendee'] else: if bot.voice: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], "%s: Can't do that, noob." % bot.remote['nick']) elif bot.voice and command in clibrary: try: result = clibrary[command]() except __import__('urllib2').HTTPError: result = "!%s: derping the herp" % args[0] except (__import__('urllib2').URLError, __import__('socket').timeout): result = "!%s: response timeout exceeded." % args[0] bot.previous['user'] = bot.remote['sendee'] if result: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], result) elif bot.remote['message'].startswith("\x01") and bot.remote['message'].endswith("\x01"): type = bot.remote['message'][1:-1].split()[0] args = bot.remote['message'][1:-1].split()[1:] if type != "ACTION": ctcp(type, args) else: if bot.init['registered'] and not bot.init['identified']: if bot.remote['nick'] == "NickServ": if "registered" in bot.remote['message']: bot._login() elif "identified" in bot.remote['message']: bot.init['identified'] = True __import__('time').sleep(3) autojoin() if bot.voice: # start scanning messages for certain data try: response = scanner.scan(bot) except (__import__('urllib2').URLError, __import__('socket').timeout): response = "fetch: response timeout exceeded." if response: reply(bot.remote['sendee'], response) else: if (bot.remote['mid'].startswith("4") or bot.remote['mid'].startswith("5")) and bot.remote['mid'] != "462": reply(bot.previous['user'], "Message from %s: Error #%s: %s" % (bot.remote['server'], bot.remote['mid'], bot.remote['message'])) if not bot.init['joined'] and not bot.init['registered']: autojoin()
from import Client from quotes import get_quote import requests message = get_quote() # Your Account Sid and Auth Token from account_sid = 'AC4061e8f2577e9ccdf3bd0bee5158b191' auth_token = 'd078e586a4e7e12cc50321d73b3632d0' client = Client(account_sid, auth_token) message = client.messages \ .create( body=message, from_='+18315402050', to='+14087592181' ) print(message.sid)