def get_document(self, path): import quotes style, mapping = quotes.get_quotes() return style
def start_q(self, tag): style, quote_mapping = quotes.get_quotes() #print "Q", tag.toString() type = tag.getAttribute("type"); who = tag.getAttribute("who"); tmp = tag.getAttribute("level"); level = int(tmp) if tmp else 1 mark = tag.getAttribute("marker"); # open <q> or <q sID... /> if ((not tag.isEmpty() and not tag.isEndTag()) or (tag.isEmpty() and tag.getAttribute("sID"))): # if <q> then remember it for the </q> if not tag.isEmpty(): self._quotes.append(tag.toString()) # Do this first so quote marks are included as WoC if (who == "Jesus"): self.write("<span class='WoC'>") # first check to see if we've been given an explicit mark if mark is not None: self.write(mark) # alternate " and ' elif (self.u.osisQToTick): self.write('"' if (level % 2) else '\'') if tag.getAttribute("sID"): qID = tag.getAttribute("sID").replace(".", "_") d = quote_mapping.get(qID, "") if not d: dprint(WARNING, "No who found for qID", qID) self.write_quote(qID, d, True) self._quotes_data.append((qID, d)) else: #print "non-sid Start", tag.toString() pass # close </q> or <q eID... /> elif ((tag.isEndTag()) or (tag.isEmpty() and tag.getAttribute("eID"))): # if it is </q> then pop the stack for the attributes if (tag.isEndTag() and self._quotes): tagData = self._quotes.pop() qTag = SW.XMLTag(tagData) type = qTag.getAttribute("type"); who = qTag.getAttribute("who"); tmp = qTag.getAttribute("level"); level = int(tmp) if tmp else 1 mark = qTag.getAttribute("marker"); qID = tag.getAttribute("eID") if qID: qID = qID.replace(".", "_") if not self._quotes_data: dprint(ERROR, "Quotes data empty", qID, self.u.key.getText()) else: d = self._quotes_data.pop() if d[0] != qID: dprint(ERROR, "Mismatching closing quotes", d, qID) self.write_quote(d[0], d[1], False) #else: # print tag.toString() # first check to see if we've been given an explicit mark if mark is not None: self.write(mark) # finally, alternate " and ', if config says we should supply a mark elif (self.u.osisQToTick): self.write('"' if (level % 2) else '\'') # Do this last so quote marks are included as WoC if (who == "Jesus"): self.write("</span>")
QOS = 0 def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): print("Disconnected") time.sleep(5) def on_publish(client, userdata, mid): print("Message published") client = paho.Client(protocol=paho.MQTTv31) #client = paho.Client(client_id="foogoo", clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol=paho.MQTTv31) client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect client.on_publish = on_publish client.connect("localhost", 1883, 60) client.loop_start() while True: message = get_quotes() (rc, mid) = client.publish("quotes", message, qos=QOS) time.sleep(3)