Esempio n. 1
def _patch_configdata(monkeypatch, stubs, symbol):
    """Patch the configdata module to provide fake data."""
    data = collections.OrderedDict([
                  stubs.FakeConfigType('fast', 'slow'),
                  default='slow'), 'Is an illusion.\n\nLunchtime doubly so.'),
              value.SettingValue(stubs.FakeConfigType('0', '11'),
                                 default='11'), 'Goes to 11'))),
                  stubs.FakeConfigType(('on', 'off')),
                  default='off'), 'Waggle your hands to control qutebrowser'),
                  stubs.FakeConfigType(('on', 'off')),
                  default='off'), 'Enable mind-control ui (experimental)'),
                  stubs.FakeConfigType(('on', 'off')),
                  default='off'), 'Whether to respond to voice commands'))),
             ('DEFAULT', '{}'),
    monkeypatch.setattr(symbol, data)
Esempio n. 2
     ('ignore-case', SettingValue(typ.IgnoreCase(), 'smart'),
      "Whether to find text on a page case-insensitively."),
     ('wrap-search', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
      "Whether to wrap finding text to the top when arriving at the end."),
     ('startpage', SettingValue(typ.List(), ''),
      "The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas."),
     ('auto-search', SettingValue(typ.AutoSearch(), 'naive'),
      "Whether to start a search when something else than a URL is "
     ('auto-save-config', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
      "Whether to save the config automatically on quit."),
      SettingValue(typ.ShellCommand(placeholder=True), 'gvim -f "{}"'),
      "The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command.\n\n"
      "Use `{}` for the filename. The value gets split like in a shell, so "
      "you can use `\"` or `'` to quote arguments."),
     ('editor-encoding', SettingValue(
         typ.Encoding(), 'utf-8'), "Encoding to use for editor."),
     ('private-browsing', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'),
      "Do not record visited pages in the history or store web page "
     ('developer-extras', SettingValue(
         typ.Bool(), 'false'), "Enable extra tools for Web developers.\n\n"
      "This needs to be enabled for `:inspector` to work and also adds an "
      "_Inspect_ entry to the context menu."),
     ('print-element-backgrounds', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'true'),
      "Whether the background color and images are also drawn when the "
      "page is printed."),
     ('xss-auditing', SettingValue(typ.Bool(), 'false'),
      "Whether load requests should be monitored for cross-site scripting "
      "Suspicious scripts will be blocked and reported in the inspector's "
      "JavaScript console. Enabling this feature might have an impact on "
     ('site-specific-quirks', SettingValue(
         typ.Bool(), 'true'), "Enable workarounds for broken sites."),
     ('default-encoding', SettingValue(typ.String(none_ok=True), ''),
      "Default encoding to use for websites.\n\n"
      "The encoding must be a string describing an encoding such as "
      '_utf-8_, _iso-8859-1_, etc. If left empty a default value will be '
      SettingValue(typ.NewInstanceOpenTarget(), 'window'),
      "How to open links in an existing instance if a new one is "