Esempio n. 1
def q57():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(['Joseph tells his brothers his dream',
                                    'Joseph gets sold into slavery by his brothers',
                                    "Joseph and Potiphar's wife",
                                    'Joseph interprets the dreams of the prisoners',
                                    "Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams",
                                    'Joseph meets his brothers as an Egyptian official',
                                    'Joseph meets Benjamin, his youngest brother',
                                    'Joseph brings his whole family to Egypt'])
Esempio n. 2
def q54():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(['Call of Abram', 
                                    'Abram lies to Pharaoh', 
                                    'Abram and Lot separate', 
                                    'Abram rescues Lot', 
                                    "Abraham is blessed by Melchizedek",
                                    "God credits Abraham's faith as righteousness",
                                    'Hagar bears Ishmael',
                                    "God changes Abram's name to Abraham",
                                    "Abraham intercedes for Sodom and Gomorrah",
                                    "God rescues Lot before Sodom's destruction",
                                    'Birth of Isaac',
                                    'Sacrifice of Isaac',
                                    'Abraham called the "Mighty prince of God"'])
Esempio n. 3
def q56():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(["Esau sells his birthright to Jacob",
                                    'Jacob deceives Isaac',
                                    "Jacob runs away to Laban",
                                    "Jacob's vision of the ladder to heaven",
                                    "Jacob sets up a pillar at Bethel and makes a vow to God",
                                    "Jacob waters Rachel's flocks",
                                    "Jacob marries Leah",
                                    'Jacob marries Rachel', 
                                    "Laban removes the male goats that are striped and spotted",
                                    'Jacob flees from Laban', 
                                    'Jacob wrestles with God near the River Jabbok',
                                    'Jacob meets Esau, who forgives him',
                                    "Jacob builds an altar at Bethel",
                                    "God renames Jacob",
                                    "Jacob and Esau bury Isaac and Rachel at Mamre",
                                    "Jacob goes to live in Egypt"])
Esempio n. 4
def q40():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(["Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream",
                                    "Joseph becomes an official",
                                    "Simeon bound in Egypt",
                                    "Silver cup found in Benjamin's saddle"])
Esempio n. 5
def q39():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(["Rachel's Death",
                                    "Joseph shares his dreams with family",
                                    "Judah and Tamar",
                                    "Joseph flees Potiphar's wife"])
Esempio n. 6
def q38():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(["Enoch walked with God",
                                    "God limits man's years to 120",
                                    "The flood waters come",
                                    "God's covenant with Noah"])
Esempio n. 7
def q37():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(['Sarai and Abram in Egypt',
                                    'Abram settles at the Oaks of Mamre',
                                    'God makes initial covenant with Abram',
                                    'Sarai and Hagar'])
Esempio n. 8
def q36():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(['Sarah laughs at promise of a child',
                                    'Abraham intercedes for Sodom',
                                    "Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt",
                                    'Sarah asks Abraham for Hagar to leave'])
Esempio n. 9
def q35():
    return qu.ask_ordered_question(['Rachel steals the gods',
                                      'Laban and Jacob make a covenant',
                                      'Jacob sends messengers to Esau',
                                      'Jacob wrestles with God'])