def bloch(ex_values, tlist, ops): """Plots expectation values of sx, sy and sz on the Bloch sphere. If one of these operators is not calculated, zeros are passed for that operator. Parameters: ----------- ex_values : qutip.Result.expect or list expectation values per operator tlist : list, or numpy array times at which expectation values are evaluated ops : list operators of which the expectation values are found in ex_values Remark: ------- Does not plot a color bar yet. The lines from the QuTiP tutorial (, commented out down here, give an error which I have not been able to solve yet. """ if 'sx' in ops: sx_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sx')] elif 'sx' not in ops: sx_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) if 'sy' in ops: sy_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sy')] elif 'sy' not in ops: sy_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) if 'sz' in ops: sz_exp = ex_values[ops.index('sz')] elif 'sz' not in ops: sz_exp = np.zeros(len(list(tlist))) b = Bloch() b.add_points([sx_exp, sy_exp, sz_exp], 'm') nrm = Normalize(-2,10) colors = b.point_color = list(colors) b.point_marker = ['o'] # TODO: Plot color bar # left, bottom, width, height = [0.98, 0.05, 0.05, 0.9] # ax2 = b.fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) # ColorbarBase(ax2,, norm=nrm, orientation='vertical')
def plot_point_test(self, fig, point_kws): b = Bloch(fig=fig) for kw in point_kws: points = kw.pop("points") b.add_points(points, **kw) b.render()