def measure(state):
    confs = list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=2))
    probabilities = []
    for m0, m1 in confs:
        P = qt.tensor([
            qt.basis(2, m0).proj(),
            qt.basis(2, m1).proj(),
        probabilities.append(np.real((state.dag() * P * state).full()[0][0]))
    return np.random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3], p=probabilities)
Esempio n. 2
def transmon_hamiltonian(Ec=0.386, EjEc=45, nstates=8, ng=0.0, T=10.0):
    """Transmon Hamiltonian

        Ec: capacitive energy
        EjEc: ratio `Ej` / `Ec`
        nstates: defines the maximum and minimum states for the basis. The
            truncated basis will have a total of ``2*nstates + 1`` states

        ng: offset charge
        T: gate duration

    Ej = EjEc * Ec
    n = np.arange(-nstates, nstates + 1)
    up = np.diag(np.ones(2 * nstates), k=-1)
    do = up.T
    H0 = qutip.Qobj(np.diag(4 * Ec * (n - ng)**2) - Ej * (up + do) / 2.0)
    H1 = qutip.Qobj(-2 * np.diag(n))
    return [H0, [H1, eps0]]
Esempio n. 3
def random_haar_effect(d, k=None, n=1, real=False):
    Generates a Haar distributed random POVM effect of Hilbert space dimension $d$, as if it were part of a POVM of $k$ elements, with mixedness $n$.
    k = k if type(k) != type(None) else (d**2 if not real else int(d*(d+1)/2))
    X = random_ginibre(d, n, real=real)
    W = X @ X.conjugate().T
    Y = random_ginibre(d, (k-1)*n, real=real)
    S = W + Y @ Y.conjugate().T
    S = sc.linalg.fractional_matrix_power(S, -1/2)
    return qt.Qobj(S @ W @ S.conjugate().T)
Esempio n. 4
    def plot_ST_bloch_sphere(self):
        mat = self.solver_obj.get_all_density_matrices()[:, 1:3, 1:3]

        k = np.linspace(0, len(mat) - 1, 100,
        b = qt.Bloch()
        b.xlabel = ['S', 'T']
        b.ylabel = ['S+iT', 'S-iT']
        b.zlabel = ['01', '10']

        x = []
        y = []
        z = []
        for i in k:
            x.append(qt.expect(qt.sigmax(), qt.Qobj(list(mat[i]))))
            y.append(qt.expect(qt.sigmay(), qt.Qobj(list(mat[i]))))
            z.append(qt.expect(qt.sigmaz(), qt.Qobj(list(mat[i]))))
        b.add_points([x, y, z], meth='l')
Esempio n. 5
def LMG_interaction_term(num_spins,
    """Interaction term of the LMG Hamiltonian.

    Given in the standard form - g / 4N * Sx^2
    if total_j is None:
        total_j = num_spins / 2
    Jx_squared = Jx_operator(num_spins, total_j)**2
    op = -g_value / (4 * num_spins) * Jx_squared
    if symmetry_sector == 'full':
        return op
    elif symmetry_sector == 'first':
        return qutip.Qobj(op.full()[::2, ::2])
    elif symmetry_sector == 'second':
        return qutip.Qobj(op.full()[1::2, 1::2])
        raise ValueError('Only accepted values are `full`, `first`, `second`.')
def to_majorana_basis(op, m):
    N = len(m)
    terms = []
    for n in range(N + 1):
        if n == 0:
            terms.append( / m[0].shape[0])
            for pr in combinations(list(range(N)), n):
                s = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [m[p] for p in pr])
                terms.append((s.dag() * op).tr() * 2**(n - 2))
    return qt.Qobj(np.array(terms))
Esempio n. 7
 def get_partial_trace_mid(self, rho, n):
     calculates partial trace of middle n sites
     :param rho: full density matrix
     :param n: block size
     :return: reduced density matrix
     kept_sites = self.get_keep_indices(n)
     qutip_dm = qutip.Qobj(rho, dims=[[2] * self.N] * 2)
     reduced_dm_via_qutip = qutip_dm.ptrace(kept_sites).full()
     return reduced_dm_via_qutip
Esempio n. 8
def pauli_S1():
    '''Define pauli spin matrices for spin 1'''
    identity = qutip.qeye(3)
    sx = qutip.jmat(1, 'x')
    sy = qutip.jmat(1, 'y')
    sz = qutip.jmat(1, 'z')

    szPseudoHalf = qutip.Qobj(
        -1.0 *
        sz[1:, 1:])  # Take the effective two level system bit out of the S1 sz
    return identity, sx, sy, sz, szPseudoHalf
Esempio n. 9
def coin_op(theta, xi):
    if type(theta) == np.ndarray:
        theta = theta[0]
    if type(xi) == np.ndarray:
        xi = xi[0]
    matrix = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
    matrix[0, 0] = np.cos(theta) * np.exp(1.j * xi)
    matrix[0, 1] = np.sin(theta)
    matrix[1, 0] = -np.sin(theta)
    matrix[1, 1] = np.cos(theta) * np.exp(-1.j * xi)
    return qutip.Qobj(matrix)
Esempio n. 10
    def test_two_level_detuning_positive(self):

        DETUNING = 10
        f_dict = {'coupled_levels': [[0, 1]], 'detuning': DETUNING, 
          'detuning_positive': False}
        oba = ob_atom.OBAtom(num_states=2, fields=[f_dict])

        H_Delta_test = qu.Qobj([[0., 0.], [0., 2*np.pi*DETUNING]])

Esempio n. 11
def random_altered_unitary_gate(delta,alpha,theta,beta,value):
    if delta == 0.0 and alpha == 0.0 and theta == math.pi and value == True:
        angles = ['delta','alpha','beta']
        angles = ['delta','alpha','theta','beta']
    altered_variable = choice(angles)
    if altered_variable == 'delta':
        delta = uniform(0.0,2.0*math.pi)
    if altered_variable == 'alpha':
        alpha = uniform(0.0,2.0*math.pi)
    if altered_variable == 'theta':
        theta = uniform(0.0,2.0*math.pi)
    if altered_variable == 'beta':
        beta = uniform(0.0,2.0*math.pi)
    gate = qt.Qobj(qt.phasegate(delta)*qt.rz(alpha)*qt.ry(theta)*qt.rz(beta))
    if value == True:
        gate = gate *qt.Qobj([[0,1],[1,0]])
        gate = gate
    return gate
Esempio n. 12
def convert_opstring_to_qobj(
    operator: str,
    subsystem: Union["QubitBaseClass", "Oscillator"],
    evecs: Optional[np.ndarray],
) -> qt.Qobj:
    dim = subsystem.truncated_dim

    if evecs is None:
        _, evecs = subsystem.eigensys(evals_count=dim)
    operator_matrixelements = subsystem.matrixelement_table(operator, evecs=evecs)
    return qt.Qobj(inpt=operator_matrixelements)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_cell_periodic_parts(self):
     lattice = _crow_lattice(2, np.pi / 4)
     eigensystems = zip(lattice.get_dispersion()[1].T,
     hamiltonians = lattice.bulk_Hamiltonians()[1]
     for hamiltonian, system in zip(hamiltonians, eigensystems):
         for eigenvalue, eigenstate in zip(*system):
             eigenstate = qutip.Qobj(eigenstate)
             np.testing.assert_allclose((hamiltonian * eigenstate).full(),
                                        (eigenvalue * eigenstate).full(),
Esempio n. 14
    def trans_comp_to_pauli(self, rho_comp):
        Converts a rho in the computational basis, or comp basis vector or Qobj of rho in computational basis to Pauli basis.
        if(rho_comp.shape[0] == self.n_states):
            basis_decomposition = np.ravel(rho_comp.full()) if (type(rho_comp) ==  qt.Qobj) else np.ravel(rho_comp)
            basis_decomposition = rho_comp

        return qt.Qobj(np.reshape(, [self.n_states, self.n_states]),
Esempio n. 15
def load_fiducial(d):
    Loads a Weyl-Heisenberg covariant SIC-POVM fiducial state of dimension $d$ from the repository provided here:
    f = pkg_resources.resource_stream(__name__, "sic_povms/d%d.txt" % d)
    fiducial = []
    for line in f:
        if line.strip() != "":
            re, im = [float(v) for v in line.split()]
            fiducial.append(re + 1j * im)
    return qt.Qobj(np.array(fiducial)).unit()
Esempio n. 16
    def custom_gate(self, qubit, gate):
        Applies a custom gate to the qubit.

            qubit(Qubit): Qubit to which the gate is applied.
            gate(np.ndarray): 2x2 array of the gate.
        gate = qutip.Qobj(gate)
        qubit_collection, name = qubit.qubit
        qubit_collection.apply_single_gate(gate, name)
Esempio n. 17
def setup(N):
    xmin = -5
    xmax = 5
    x0 = 0.3
    p0 = -0.2
    sigma0 = 1
    dx = (xmax - xmin) / N
    pmin = -np.pi / dx
    pmax = np.pi / dx
    dp = (pmax - pmin) / N

    samplepoints_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N, endpoint=False)
    samplepoints_p = np.linspace(pmin, pmax, N, endpoint=False)

    x = qt.Qobj(np.diag(samplepoints_x))
    row0 = [sum([p*np.exp(-1j*p*dxji) for p in samplepoints_p])*dp*dx/(2*np.pi) for dxji in samplepoints_x - xmin]
    row0 = np.array(row0)
    col0 = row0.conj()

    a = np.zeros([N, N], dtype=complex)
    for i in range(N):
        a[i, i:] = row0[:N - i]
        a[i:, i] = col0[:N - i]
    p = qt.Qobj(a)

    H = p**2 + 2 * x**2

    def gaussianstate(x0, p0, sigma0):
        alpha = 1./(np.pi**(1/4)*np.sqrt(sigma0))*np.sqrt(dx)
        data = alpha*np.exp(1j*p0*(samplepoints_x-x0/2) - (samplepoints_x-x0)**2/(2*sigma0**2))
        return qt.Qobj(data)

    psi0 = gaussianstate(x0, p0, sigma0)
    J = [x + 1j * p]

    options = qt.Options()
    options.nsteps = 1000000
    options.atol = 1e-8
    options.rtol = 1e-6

    return psi0, H, x, J, options
Esempio n. 18
def test_complex_control_rejection():
    """Test that complex controls are rejected"""
    H0 = qutip.Qobj(0.5 * np.diag([-1, 1]))
    H1 = qutip.Qobj(np.mat([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))

    psi0 = qutip.Qobj(np.array([1, 0]))
    psi1 = qutip.Qobj(np.array([0, 1]))

    def eps0(t, args):
        return 0.2 * np.exp(1j * t)

    def S(t):
        """Shape function for the field update"""
        return krotov.shapes.flattop(
            t, t_start=0, t_stop=5, t_rise=0.3, t_fall=0.3, func='sinsq'

    H = [H0, [H1, eps0]]

    objectives = [krotov.Objective(initial_state=psi0, target=psi1, H=H)]

    pulse_options = {H[1][1]: dict(lambda_a=5, update_shape=S)}

    tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 500)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
    assert 'all controls must be real-valued' in str(exc_info.value)

    def S2(t):
        """Shape function for the field update"""
        return 2.0 * krotov.shapes.flattop(
            t, t_start=0, t_stop=5, t_rise=0.3, t_fall=0.3, func='sinsq'
Esempio n. 19
def perm_mat(Q, order):
    dims, perm = qt.permute._perm_inds(Q.dims[0], order)
    nzs =[0]
    wh = np.where(perm == nzs)[0]
    data = np.ones(len(wh), dtype=int)
    cols = perm[wh].T[0]
    perm_matrix = sp.coo_matrix((data, (wh, cols)),
                                shape=(Q.shape[0], Q.shape[0]),
    perm_matrix = qt.Qobj(perm_matrix.tocsr().todense())
    perm_matrix.dims = [Q.dims[0], Q.dims[0]]
    return perm_matrix
Esempio n. 20
    def test_operator_between_cells(self):
        lattice_412 = qutip.Lattice1d(num_cell=4,
        op = qutip.sigmax()
        op_sp = lattice_412.operator_at_cells(op, cells=[1, 2])

        aop_sp = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=complex)
        aop_sp[2:4, 2:4] = aop_sp[4:6, 4:6] = op.full()
        sv_op_sp = qutip.Qobj(aop_sp, dims=[[4, 2], [4, 2]])
        assert op_sp == sv_op_sp
Esempio n. 21
def imperfect_state(coeff, error=0.2, H_rand=False, with_phase=False):
    s = state(*coeff)
    if H_rand == False:
        H_rand = q.rand_dm_ginibre(len(coeff))
    H_rand = H_rand / H_rand.norm()
    H_rand = q.Qobj(
        lin.block_diag(H_rand[:], np.zeros((N - len(coeff), N - len(coeff)))))
    s_e = q.sesolve(H_rand, s, [0., error]).states[1]
    if with_phase:
        return s_e
        return list(np.ndarray.flatten(np.abs(s_e[:len(coeff)])**2))
Esempio n. 22
 def update_symbol_basis(self):
     n = len(self.vocabulary)
     for i in range(n):
         for j in range(n):
             term = n*self.cross_counts[i][j]/(self.counts[i]*self.counts[j])
             if term == 0:
                 self.concordance_matrix[i][j] = 0
                 self.concordance_matrix[i][j] = cmath.log(n*self.cross_counts[i][j]/(self.counts[i]*self.counts[j]))
     self.left_basis, self.diag, self.right_basis = np.linalg.svd(self.concordance_matrix)
     for i in range(n):
          self.symbol_basis[self.vocabulary[i]] = (self.diag[i]**2) * qt.tensor(qt.Qobj(self.left_basis[i]), qt.Qobj(self.right_basis[i]))
Esempio n. 23
 def _x_recalc_couplings(self, hamiltonian):
     """ Updates coupling terms based of beta_i-beta_j due to change in RI"""
     hamiltonian = np.array(hamiltonian)
     dims = self.dims
     for row in range(dims):
         for col in range(dims):
             if row != col and hamiltonian[row, col] != 0:
                 db = hamiltonian[row, row] - hamiltonian[col, col]
                 cij = hamiltonian[row, col]
                 ceff = np.sqrt((db / 2)**2 + cij**2)
                 hamiltonian[row, col] = ceff
     return qt.Qobj(hamiltonian)
Esempio n. 24
def pro_avfid_superoperator_compsubspace_phasecorrected(U, L1, phases):
    Average process (gate) fidelity in the qubit computational subspace for two qutrits
    Leakage has to be taken into account, see Woods & Gambetta
    The phase is corrected with Z rotations considering both transmons as qubits

    Ucorrection = qtp.Qobj(
        [[np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[0])), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[1])), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[0])), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[2])), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             0, 0, 0, 0,
             np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[3] - phases[-1])), 0, 0, 0, 0
         ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
             np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[2])), 0, 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[0])), 0, 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[1])), 0],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
          np.exp(-1j * np.deg2rad(phases[0]))]],
        dims=[[3, 3], [3, 3]])

    if U.type == 'oper':
        U = Ucorrection * U
        inner = U.dag() * U_target
        part_idx = [0, 1, 3, 4]  # only computational subspace
        ptrace = 0
        for i in part_idx:
            ptrace += inner[i, i]
        dim = 4  # 2 qubits comp subspace

        return np.real(
            ((np.abs(ptrace))**2 + dim * (1 - L1)) / (dim * (dim + 1)))

    elif U.type == 'super':
        U = qtp.to_super(Ucorrection) * U
        kraus_form = qtp.to_kraus(U)
        dim = 4  # 2 qubits in the computational subspace
        part_idx = [0, 1, 3, 4]  # only computational subspace
        psum = 0
        for A_k in kraus_form:
            ptrace = 0
            inner = U_target_diffdims.dag(
            ) * A_k  # otherwise dimension mismatch
            for i in part_idx:
                ptrace += inner[i, i]
            psum += (np.abs(ptrace))**2

        return np.real((dim * (1 - L1) + psum) / (dim * (dim + 1)))
Esempio n. 25
def g_0n(D, Num_max, NFock):
    returns a D-squeezed 0-ancilla

    r = np.log(1 / D)
    psi0 = qt.squeeze(NFock, r) * qt.basis(NFock, 0)
    psi = qt.Qobj()
    for n in np.arange(-Num_max, Num_max + 1):
        psi += np.exp(-2 * np.pi * D**2 * n**2) * qt.displace(
            NFock, n * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * psi0
    return psi.unit()
Esempio n. 26
 def kraus(self):
     if self._kraus is None:
         # compute kraus operators by doing Cholesky decomp of the POVM
         # elements. requires sksparse module
         from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky
         d = self._povm_elements[0].data.shape[0]
         reg = 1e-12 * scipy.sparse.identity(d)
         self._kraus = [
             qt.Qobj(cholesky( + reg).L()).dag()
             for a in self.povm_elements
     return self._kraus
Esempio n. 27
def depolarizing_single_qubit(rho,p,c):
    # apply depolarizing to c'th qubit c with parameter p of state rho

    # Create Kraus operators
    A_0 = np.sqrt((1-3*p/4))*qt.identity(2)
    A_1 = np.sqrt(p/4)*qt.Qobj([[0,1],
    A_2 = np.sqrt(p/4)*qt.Qobj([[0,-1j],
    A_3 = np.sqrt(p/4)*qt.Qobj([[1,0],

    # Collect Kraus operators
    kraus_terms = [A_0,A_1,A_2,A_3]

    # Apply Kraus operators to state rho
    rho_new = []
    for ii in range(0,len(kraus_terms)):

    return sum(rho_new)
Esempio n. 28
def _remove_global_phase(qobj):
    Return a new Qobj with the gauge fixed for the global phase.  Explicitly,
    we set the first non-zero element to be purely real-positive.
    flat = qobj.full().flat.copy()
    for phase in flat:
        if phase != 0:
            # Fix the gauge for any global phase.
            flat = flat * np.exp(-1j * np.angle(phase))
    return qutip.Qobj(flat.reshape(qobj.shape), dims=qobj.dims)
Esempio n. 29
def _ket_expaned_dims(qubit_state, expanded_dims):
    all_qubit_basis = list(product([0, 1], repeat=len(expanded_dims)))
    old_dims = qubit_state.dims[0]
    expanded_qubit_state = np.zeros(reduce(mul, expanded_dims, 1),
    for basis_state in all_qubit_basis:
        old_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(basis_state, old_dims)
        new_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(basis_state, expanded_dims)
        expanded_qubit_state[new_ind] = qubit_state[old_ind, 0]
    expanded_qubit_state.reshape((reduce(mul, expanded_dims, 1), 1))
    return qutip.Qobj(expanded_qubit_state,
                      dims=[expanded_dims, [1] * len(expanded_dims)])
Esempio n. 30
 def H(self, nlev=None):
     """The cavity Hamiltonian in its eigenbasis.
     nlev : int, optional
         The number of cavity eigenstates if different from `self.nlev`.
         The Hamiltonian operator.
     return qt.Qobj(np.diag(self.levels(nlev=nlev)))