Esempio n. 1
def lotkin_determinant ( n ):

## LOTKIN_DETERMINANT returns the determinant of the LOTKIN matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    18 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real VALUE, the determinant.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  delta = 1.0

  for i in range ( 2, n + 1 ):
    delta = - r8_choose ( 2 * i - 2, i - 2 ) * r8_choose ( 2 * i - 2, i - 1 ) \
      * float ( 2 * i - 1 ) * delta

  value = 1.0 / delta

  return value
Esempio n. 2
def boothroyd ( n ):

## BOOTHROYD returns the BOOTHROYD matrix.
#  Formula:
#    A(I,J) = C(N+I-1,I-1) * C(N-1,N-J) * N / ( I + J - 1 )
#  Example:
#    N = 5
#     5    10    10     5     1
#    15    40    45    24     5
#    35   105   126    70    15
#    70   224   280   160    35
#   126   420   540   315    70
#  Properties:
#    A is not symmetric.
#    A is positive definite.
#    det ( A ) = 1.
#    The inverse matrix has the same entries, but with alternating sign.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    28 September 2007
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of A.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  a = np.zeros ( [ n, n ] )

  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    for i in range ( 0, n ):

      a[i,j] = r8_choose ( n + i, i ) * r8_choose ( n - 1, n - j - 1 ) * n \
        / ( i + j + 1 );

  return a
Esempio n. 3
def pascal1_condition ( n ):

## PASCAL1_CONDITION returns the L1 condition of the PASCAL1 matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    15 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real VALUE, the L1 condition.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  nhalf = ( ( n + 1 ) // 2 )
  a_norm = r8_choose ( n, nhalf )
  b_norm = r8_choose ( n, nhalf )
  value = a_norm * b_norm

  return value
Esempio n. 4
def lotkin_determinant(n):

    ## LOTKIN_DETERMINANT returns the determinant of the LOTKIN matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    18 February 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the determinant.
    from r8_choose import r8_choose

    delta = 1.0

    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        delta = - r8_choose ( 2 * i - 2, i - 2 ) * r8_choose ( 2 * i - 2, i - 1 ) \
          * float ( 2 * i - 1 ) * delta

    value = 1.0 / delta

    return value
Esempio n. 5
def bernstein_to_power(n):

    ## BERNSTEIN_TO_POWER returns the Bernstein-to-Power matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The Bernstein-to-Power matrix of degree N is an N+1xN+1 matrix A which can
    #    be used to transform the N+1 coefficients of a polynomial of degree N
    #    from a vector B of Bernstein basis polynomial coefficients ((1-x)^n,...,x^n).
    #    to a vector P of coefficients of the power basis (1,x,x^2,...,x^n).
    #    If we are using N=4-th degree polynomials, the matrix has the form:
    #      1   0   0   0  0
    #     -4   4   0   0  0
    #      6 -12   6   0  0
    #     -4  12 -12   4  0
    #      1  -4   6  -4  1
    #   and a polynomial with the Bernstein basis representation
    #     p(x) = 3/4 * b(4,1) + 1/2 b(4,2)
    #   whose Bernstein coefficient vector is
    #     B = ( 0, 3/4, 1/2, 0, 0 )
    #   will have the Bernstein basis coefficients
    #     P = A * B = ( 0, 3, -6, 3, 0 ).
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    16 March 2016
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomials.
    #    Output, real A(N+1,N+1), the Bernstein-to-Power matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from r8_mop import r8_mop

    a = np.zeros([n + 1, n + 1])

    for j in range(0, n + 1):
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            a[n-i,n-j] = r8_mop ( j - i ) * r8_choose ( n - i, j - i ) \
              * r8_choose ( n, i )

    return a
Esempio n. 6
def bernstein ( n ):

## BERNSTEIN returns the BERNSTEIN matrix.
#  Discussion:
#    The Bernstein matrix of order N is an NxN matrix A which can be used to
#    transform a vector of power basis coefficients C representing a polynomial 
#    P(X) to a corresponding Bernstein basis coefficient vector B:
#      B = A * C
#    The N power basis vectors are ordered as (1,X,X^2,...X^(N-1)) and the N 
#    Bernstein basis vectors as ((1-X)^(N-1), X*(1_X)^(N-2),...,X^(N-1)).
#  Example:
#    N = 5
#    1    -4     6    -4     1
#    0     4   -12    12    -4
#    0     0     6   -12     6
#    0     0     0     4    -4
#    0     0     0     0     1
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    15 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the Bernstein matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from r8_mop import r8_mop

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    for i in range ( 0, j + 1 ):
      a[i,j] = r8_mop ( j - i ) * r8_choose ( n - 1 - i, j - i ) \
        * r8_choose ( n - 1, i )

  return a
Esempio n. 7
def bernstein_matrix(n):

    ## BERNSTEIN_MATRIX returns the Bernstein matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The Bernstein matrix of order N is an NxN matrix A which can be used to
    #    transform a vector of power basis coefficients C representing a polynomial
    #    P(X) to a corresponding Bernstein basis coefficient vector B:
    #      B = A * C
    #    The N power basis vectors are ordered as (1,X,X^2,...X^(N-1)) and the N
    #    Bernstein basis vectors as ((1-X)^(N-1), X*(1-X)^(N-2),...,X^(N-1)).
    #  Example:
    #    N = 5
    #    1    -4     6    -4     1
    #    0     4   -12    12    -4
    #    0     0     6   -12     6
    #    0     0     0     4    -4
    #    0     0     0     0     1
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    15 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the Bernstein matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from r8_mop import r8_mop

    a = np.zeros((n, n))

    for j in range(0, n):
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            a[i,j] = r8_mop ( j - i ) * r8_choose ( n - 1 - i, j - i ) \
              * r8_choose ( n - 1, i )

    return a
Esempio n. 8
def bernstein_inverse(n):

    ## BERNSTEIN_INVERSE returns the inverse of the BERNSTEIN matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The inverse Bernstein matrix of order N is an NxN matrix A which can
    #    be used to transform a vector of Bernstein basis coefficients B
    #    representing a polynomial P(X) to a corresponding power basis
    #    coefficient vector C:
    #      C = A * B
    #    The N power basis vectors are ordered as (1,X,X^2,...X^(N-1)) and the N
    #    Bernstein basis vectors as ((1-X)^(N-1), X*(1_X)^(N-2),...,X^(N-1)).
    #  Example:
    #    N = 5
    #   1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
    #        0    0.2500    0.5000    0.7500    1.0000
    #        0         0    0.1667    0.5000    1.0000
    #        0         0         0    0.2500    1.0000
    #        0         0         0         0    1.0000
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    24 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the inverse Bernstein matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose

    a = np.zeros((n, n))

    for j in range(0, n):
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            a[i, j] = r8_choose(j, i) / r8_choose(n - 1, i)

    return a
Esempio n. 9
def bernstein_inverse ( n ):

## BERNSTEIN_INVERSE returns the inverse of the BERNSTEIN matrix.
#  Discussion:
#    The inverse Bernstein matrix of order N is an NxN matrix A which can 
#    be used to transform a vector of Bernstein basis coefficients B
#    representing a polynomial P(X) to a corresponding power basis 
#    coefficient vector C:
#      C = A * B
#    The N power basis vectors are ordered as (1,X,X^2,...X^(N-1)) and the N 
#    Bernstein basis vectors as ((1-X)^(N-1), X*(1_X)^(N-2),...,X^(N-1)).
#  Example:
#    N = 5
#   1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
#        0    0.2500    0.5000    0.7500    1.0000
#        0         0    0.1667    0.5000    1.0000
#        0         0         0    0.2500    1.0000
#        0         0         0         0    1.0000
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    24 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the inverse Bernstein matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    for i in range ( 0, j + 1 ):
      a[i,j] = r8_choose ( j, i ) / r8_choose ( n - 1, i )

  return a
Esempio n. 10
def power_to_bernstein(n):

    ## POWER_TO_BERNSTEIN returns the Power-to-Bernstein matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The Power-to-Bernstein matrix of degree N is an N+1xN+1 matrix A which can
    #    be used to transform the N+1 coefficients of a polynomial of degree N
    #    from a vector P of coefficients of the power basis (1,x,x^2,...,x^n)
    #    to a vector B of Bernstein basis polynomial coefficients ((1-x)^n,...,x^n).
    #    If we are using N=4-th degree polynomials, the matrix has the form:
    #          1   0    0    0   0
    #          1  1/4   0    0   0
    #      A = 1  1/2  1/6   0   0
    #          1  3/4  1/2  1/4  1
    #          1   1    1    1   1
    #   and a polynomial
    #     p(x) = 3x - 6x^2 + 3x^3
    #   whose power coefficient vector is
    #     P = ( 0, 3, -6, 3, 0 )
    #   will have the Bernstein basis coefficients
    #     B = A * P = ( 0, 3/4, 1/2, 0, 0 ).
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    16 March 2016
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomials.
    #    Output, real A[0:N,0:N], the Power-to-Bernstein matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose

    a = np.zeros([n + 1, n + 1])

    for j in range(0, n + 1):
        for i in range(0, j + 1):
            a[n - i, n - j] = r8_choose(j, i) / r8_choose(n, i)

    return a
Esempio n. 11
def bernstein_determinant ( n ):

## BERNSTEIN_DETERMINANT returns the determinant of the BERNSTEIN matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    15 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real VALUE, the determinant.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  value = 1.0
  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    value = value * r8_choose ( n - 1, i )

  return value
def bernstein_matrix_determinant(n):

    ## BERNSTEIN_MATRIX_DETERMINANT returns the determinant of the Bernstein matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    15 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the determinant.
    from r8_choose import r8_choose

    value = 1.0
    for i in range(0, n):
        value = value * r8_choose(n - 1, i)

    return value
Esempio n. 13
def bernstein_to_legendre(n):

    ## BERNSTEIN_TO_LEGENDRE returns the Bernstein-to-Legendre matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The Legendre polynomials are often defined on [-1,+1], while the
    #    Bernstein polynomials are defined on [0,1].  For this function,
    #    the Legendre polynomials have been shifted to share the [0,1]
    #    interval of definition.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    09 March 2016
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the maximum degree of the polynomials.
    #    Output, real A(N+1,N+1), the Bernstein-to-Legendre matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from r8_mop import r8_mop

    a = np.zeros([n + 1, n + 1])

    for i in range(0, n + 1):
        for j in range(0, n + 1):
            for k in range(0, i + 1):
                a[i,j] = a[i,j] \
                  + r8_mop ( i + k ) * r8_choose ( i, k ) ** 2 \
                  / r8_choose ( n + i, j + k )
            a[i,j] = a[i,j] * r8_choose ( n, j ) \
              * ( 2 * i + 1 ) / ( n + i + 1 )

    return a
Esempio n. 14
def boothroyd_inverse ( n ):

## BOOTHROYD_INVERSE returns the inverse of the BOOTHROYD matrix.
#  Example:
#    N = 5
#      5   -10    10    -5     1
#    -15    40   -45    24    -5
#     35  -105   126   -70    15
#    -70   224  -280   160   -35
#    126  -420   540  -315    70
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    24 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of A.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from r8_mop import r8_mop

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):

      a[i,j] = r8_mop ( i + j ) * r8_choose ( n + i, i ) \
        * r8_choose ( n-1, n-j-1 ) * float ( n  ) / float ( i + j + 1 )

  return a
Esempio n. 15
def normal_ms_moment(order, mu, sigma):

    ## NORMAL_MS_MOMENT evaluates a moment of the Normal MS distribution.
    #  Discussion:
    #    The formula was posted by John D Cook.
    #    Order  Moment
    #    -----  ------
    #      0    1
    #      1    mu
    #      2    mu ** 2 +         sigma ** 2
    #      3    mu ** 3 +  3 mu   sigma ** 2
    #      4    mu ** 4 +  6 mu ** 2 sigma ** 2 +   3      sigma ** 4
    #      5    mu ** 5 + 10 mu ** 3 sigma ** 2 +  15 mu   sigma ** 4
    #      6    mu ** 6 + 15 mu ** 4 sigma ** 2 +  45 mu ** 2 sigma ** 4 +  15      sigma ** 6
    #      7    mu ** 7 + 21 mu ** 5 sigma ** 2 + 105 mu ** 3 sigma ** 4 + 105 mu   sigma ** 6
    #      8    mu ** 8 + 28 mu ** 6 sigma ** 2 + 210 mu ** 4 sigma ** 4 + 420 mu ** 2 sigma ** 6 + 105 sigma ** 8
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    05 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer ORDER, the order of the moment.
    #    Input, real MU, the mean of the distribution.
    #    Input, real SIGMA, the standard deviation of the distribution.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the value of the moment.
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from r8_factorial2 import r8_factorial2

    j_hi = (order // 2)

    value = 0.0
    for j in range(0, j_hi + 1):
        value = value \
          + r8_choose ( order, 2 * j ) \
          * r8_factorial2 ( 2 * j - 1 ) \
          * mu ** ( order - 2 * j ) * sigma ** ( 2 * j )

    return value
def normal_ms_moment ( order, mu, sigma ):

## NORMAL_MS_MOMENT evaluates the moments of the Normal MS distribution.
#  Discussion:
#    The formula was posted by John D Cook.
#    Order  Moment
#    -----  ------
#      0    1
#      1    mu
#      2    mu ** 2 +         sigma ** 2
#      3    mu ** 3 +  3 mu   sigma ** 2
#      4    mu ** 4 +  6 mu ** 2 sigma ** 2 +   3      sigma ** 4
#      5    mu ** 5 + 10 mu ** 3 sigma ** 2 +  15 mu   sigma ** 4
#      6    mu ** 6 + 15 mu ** 4 sigma ** 2 +  45 mu ** 2 sigma ** 4 +  15      sigma ** 6
#      7    mu ** 7 + 21 mu ** 5 sigma ** 2 + 105 mu ** 3 sigma ** 4 + 105 mu   sigma ** 6
#      8    mu ** 8 + 28 mu ** 6 sigma ** 2 + 210 mu ** 4 sigma ** 4 + 420 mu ** 2 sigma ** 6 + 105 sigma ** 8
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    05 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer ORDER, the order of the moment.
#    Input, real MU, the mean of the distribution.
#    Input, real SIGMA, the standard deviation of the distribution.
#    Output, real VALUE, the value of the moment.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from r8_factorial2 import r8_factorial2

  j_hi = ( order // 2 )

  value = 0.0
  for j in range ( 0, j_hi + 1 ):
    value = value \
      + r8_choose ( order, 2 * j ) \
      * r8_factorial2 ( 2 * j - 1 ) \
      * mu ** ( order - 2 * j ) * sigma ** ( 2 * j )

  return value
Esempio n. 17
def boothroyd_condition ( n ):

## BOOTHROYD_CONDITION computes the L1 condition of the BOOTHROYD matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    04 April 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Output, real VALUE, the L1 condition.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  a_norm = 0.0

  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    s = 0.0
    for i in range ( 0, n ):
      s = s + r8_choose ( n + i, i ) * r8_choose ( n - 1, n - j - 1 ) * n \
        / ( i + j + 1 );
    a_norm = max ( a_norm, s )

  b_norm = a_norm

  value = a_norm * b_norm
  return value
Esempio n. 18
def lotkin_inverse(n):

    ## LOTKIN_INVERSE returns the inverse of the LOTKIN matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    27 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of A.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from r8_mop import r8_mop

    a = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):

            if (j == 0):

                a[i,j] = r8_mop ( n - i - 1 ) \
                  * r8_choose ( n + i, i ) \
                  * r8_choose ( n, i + 1 )


                a[i,j] = r8_mop ( i - j + 1 ) * float ( i + 1 ) \
                  * r8_choose ( i + j + 1, j ) \
                  * r8_choose ( i + j, j - 1 ) \
                  * r8_choose ( n + i, i + j + 1 ) \
                  * r8_choose ( n + j, i + j + 1 )

    return a
Esempio n. 19
def lotkin_inverse ( n ):

## LOTKIN_INVERSE returns the inverse of the LOTKIN matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    27 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of A.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from r8_mop import r8_mop

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):

      if ( j == 0 ):

        a[i,j] = r8_mop ( n - i - 1 ) \
          * r8_choose ( n + i, i ) \
          * r8_choose ( n, i + 1 )


        a[i,j] = r8_mop ( i - j + 1 ) * float ( i + 1 ) \
          * r8_choose ( i + j + 1, j ) \
          * r8_choose ( i + j, j - 1 ) \
          * r8_choose ( n + i, i + j + 1 ) \
          * r8_choose ( n + j, i + j + 1 )

  return a
def truncated_normal_ab_moment ( order, mu, sigma, a, b ):

## TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT: a moment of the truncated Normal distribution.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    09 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Reference:
#    Phoebus Dhrymes,
#    Moments of Truncated Normal Distributions,
#    May 2005.
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer ORDER, the order of the moment.
#    0 <= ORDER.
#    Input, real MU, SIGMA, the mean and standard deviation of the
#    parent Normal distribution.
#    0 < S.
#    Input, real A, B, the lower and upper truncation limits.
#    A < B.
#    Output, real VALUE, the moment of the PDF.
  from normal_01_cdf import normal_01_cdf
  from normal_01_pdf import normal_01_pdf
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from sys import exit

  if ( order < 0 ):
    print ''
    print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
    print '  ORDER < 0.'
    exit ( 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!' )

  if ( sigma <= 0.0 ):
    print ''
    print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
    print '  SIGMA <= 0.0.'
    exit ( 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!' )

  if ( b <= a ):
    print ''
    print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
    print '  B <= A.'
    exit ( 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!' )

  a_h = ( a - mu ) / sigma
  a_pdf = normal_01_pdf ( a_h )
  a_cdf = normal_01_cdf ( a_h )

  if ( a_cdf == 0.0 ):
    print ''
    print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
    print '  PDF/CDF ratio fails, because A_CDF is too small.'
    print '  A_PDF = %g' % ( a_pdf )
    print '  A_CDF = %g' % ( a_cdf )
    exit ( 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!' )

  b_h = ( b - mu ) / sigma
  b_pdf = normal_01_pdf ( b_h )
  b_cdf = normal_01_cdf ( b_h )

  if ( b_cdf == 0.0 ):
    print ''
    print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
    print '  PDF/CDF ratio fails, because B_CDF too small.'
    print '  B_PDF = %g' % ( b_pdf )
    print '  B_CDF = %g' % ( b_cdf )
    exit ( 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_AB_MOMENT - Fatal error!' )

  value = 0.0
  irm2 = 0.0
  irm1 = 0.0

  for r in range ( 0, order + 1 ):

    if ( r == 0 ):
      ir = 1.0
    elif ( r == 1 ):
      ir = - ( b_pdf - a_pdf ) / ( b_cdf - a_cdf )
      ir = ( r - 1 ) * irm2 \
        - ( b_h ** ( r - 1 ) * b_pdf - a_h ** ( r - 1 ) * a_pdf ) \
        / ( b_cdf - a_cdf )

    value = value + r8_choose ( order, r ) \
      * mu ** ( order - r ) \
      * sigma ** r * ir

    irm2 = irm1
    irm1 = ir

  return value
Esempio n. 21
def carry_eigen_right ( n, alpha ):

#% CARRY_EIGEN_RIGHT returns the right eigenvectors of the CARRY matrix.
#  Formula:
#    A(I,J) = sum ( N+1-J) <= K <= N )
#      S1(N,K) * C(K,N+1-J) ( N - I )^(K-N+J-1)
#    where S1(N,K) is a signed Sterling number of the first kind.
#  Example:
#    N = 4
#    1   6  11   6
#    1   2  -1  -2
#    1  -2  -1   2
#    1  -6  11  -6
#  Properties:
#    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
#    The first column is all 1's.
#    The last column is reciprocals of binomial coefficients with
#    alternating sign multiplied by (N-1).
#    The top and bottom rows are the unsigned and signed Stirling numbers
#    of the first kind.
#    The entries in the J-th column are a degree (J-1) polynomial
#    in the row index I.  (Column 1 is constant, the first difference
#    in column 2 is constant, the second difference in column 3 is
#    constant, and so on.)
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    16 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Reference:
#    John Holte,
#    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
#    The American Mathematical Monthly,
#    February 1997, pages 138-149.
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from stirling import stirling

  s1 = stirling ( n, n )

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):
      for k in range ( n - j, n + 1 ):
        if ( n - 1 - i == 0 and k - n + j == 0 ):
          a[i,j] = a[i,j] + s1[n-1,k-1] * r8_choose ( k, n - j )
          a[i,j] = a[i,j] + s1[n-1,k-1] * r8_choose ( k, n - j ) \
            * ( n - i - 1 ) ** ( k - n + j )

  return a
Esempio n. 22
def pascal2_inverse ( n ):

## PASCAL2_INVERSE returns the inverse of the PASCAL2 matrix.
#  Formula:
#    A(I,J) = sum ( max(I,J) <= K <= N )
#      (-1)^(J+I) * COMB(K-1,I-1) * COMB(K-1,J-1)
#  Example:
#    N = 5
#      5 -10  10  -5   1
#    -10  30 -35  19  -4
#     10 -35  46 -27   6
#     -5  19 -27  17  -4
#      1  -4   6  -4   1
#  Properties:
#    A is symmetric: A' = A.
#    Because A is symmetric, it is normal.
#    Because A is normal, it is diagonalizable.
#    A is integral, therefore det ( A ) is integral, and 
#    det ( A ) * inverse ( A ) is integral.
#    The first row sums to 1, the others to 0.
#    The first column sums to 1, the others to 0.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    16 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of A.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  from r8_mop import r8_mop

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):
      klo = max ( i + 1, j + 1 )
      for k in range ( klo, n + 1 ):
        a[i,j] = a[i,j] + r8_mop ( i + j ) * r8_choose ( k - 1, i ) \
          * r8_choose ( k - 1, j )

  return a
Esempio n. 23
def zernike_poly_coef ( m, n ):

## ## ZERNIKE_POLY_COEF: coefficients of a Zernike polynomial.
#  Discussion:
#    With our coefficients stored in COEFS(1:N+1), the
#    radial function R^M_N(RHO) is given by
#      R^M_N(RHO) = COEFS(1) 
#                 + COEFS(2) * RHO
#                 + COEFS(3) * RHO^2
#                 + ...
#                 + COEFS(N+1) * RHO^N
#    and the odd and even Zernike polynomials are
#      Z^M_N(RHO,PHI,odd)  = R^M_N(RHO) * sin(PHI)
#      Z^M_N(RHO,PHI,even) = R^M_N(RHO) * cos(PHI)
#    The first few "interesting" values of R are:
#    R^0_0 = 1
#    R^1_1 = RHO
#    R^0_2 = 2 * RHO^2 - 1
#    R^2_2 =     RHO^2
#    R^1_3 = 3 * RHO^3 - 2 * RHO
#    R^3_3 =     RHO^3
#    R^0_4 = 6 * RHO^4 - 6 * RHO^2 + 1
#    R^2_4 = 4 * RHO^4 - 3 * RHO^2
#    R^4_4 =     RHO^4
#    R^1_5 = 10 * RHO^5 - 12 * RHO^3 + 3 * RHO
#    R^3_5 =  5 * RHO^5 -  4 * RHO^3
#    R^5_5 =      RHO^5
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    05 October 2005
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Reference:
#    Eric Weisstein,
#    Zernike Polynomials,
#    CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics,
#    CRC Press, 1998,
#    QA5.W45
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer M, N, the parameters of the polynomial.
#    Normally, 0 <= M <= N and 0 <= N.
#    Output, real C(1:N+1), the coefficients of the polynomial.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  c = np.zeros ( n + 1 )

  if ( n < 0 ):
    return c

  if ( m < 0 ):
    return c
  if ( n < m ):
    return c

  if ( ( ( m - n ) % 2 ) == 1 ):
    return c

  nm_plus = ( ( m + n ) // 2 )
  nm_minus = ( ( n - m ) // 2 )

  c[n] = r8_choose ( n, nm_plus )

  for l in range ( 0, nm_minus ):

    c[n-2*l-2] = - float ( ( nm_plus - l ) * ( nm_minus - l ) ) * c[n-2*l] \
      / float ( ( n - l ) * ( l + 1 ) )

  return c
Esempio n. 24
def carry_eigen_right(n, alpha):

    #% CARRY_EIGEN_RIGHT returns the right eigenvectors of the CARRY matrix.
    #  Formula:
    #    A(I,J) = sum ( N+1-J) <= K <= N )
    #      S1(N,K) * C(K,N+1-J) ( N - I )^(K-N+J-1)
    #    where S1(N,K) is a signed Sterling number of the first kind.
    #  Example:
    #    N = 4
    #    1   6  11   6
    #    1   2  -1  -2
    #    1  -2  -1   2
    #    1  -6  11  -6
    #  Properties:
    #    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
    #    The first column is all 1's.
    #    The last column is reciprocals of binomial coefficients with
    #    alternating sign multiplied by (N-1).
    #    The top and bottom rows are the unsigned and signed Stirling numbers
    #    of the first kind.
    #    The entries in the J-th column are a degree (J-1) polynomial
    #    in the row index I.  (Column 1 is constant, the first difference
    #    in column 2 is constant, the second difference in column 3 is
    #    constant, and so on.)
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    16 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Reference:
    #    John Holte,
    #    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
    #    The American Mathematical Monthly,
    #    February 1997, pages 138-149.
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from stirling import stirling

    s1 = stirling(n, n)

    a = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            for k in range(n - j, n + 1):
                if (n - 1 - i == 0 and k - n + j == 0):
                    a[i, j] = a[i, j] + s1[n - 1, k - 1] * r8_choose(k, n - j)
                    a[i,j] = a[i,j] + s1[n-1,k-1] * r8_choose ( k, n - j ) \
                      * ( n - i - 1 ) ** ( k - n + j )

    return a
Esempio n. 25
def carry(n, alpha):

    ## CARRY returns the CARRY matrix.
    #  Discussion:
    #    We assume that arithmetic is being done in base ALPHA.  We are adding
    #    a column of N digits base ALPHA, as part of adding N random numbers.
    #    We know the carry digit, between 0 and N-1, that is being carried into the
    #    column sum (the incarry digit), and we want to know the probability of
    #    the various carry digits 0 through N-1 (the outcarry digit) that could
    #    be carried out of the column sum.
    #    The carry matrix summarizes this data.  The entry A(I,J) represents
    #    the probability that, given that the incarry digit is I-1, the
    #    outcarry digit will be J-1.
    #  Formula:
    #    A(I,J) = ( 1 / ALPHA )^N * sum ( 0 <= K <= J-1 - floor ( I-1 / ALPHA ) )
    #      (-1)^K * C(N+1,K) * C(N-I+(J-K)*ALPHA, N )
    #  Example:
    #    ALPHA = 10, N = 4
    #    0.0715 0.5280 0.3795 0.0210
    #    0.0495 0.4840 0.4335 0.0330
    #    0.0330 0.4335 0.4840 0.0495
    #    0.0210 0.3795 0.5280 0.0715
    #  Square Properties:
    #    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
    #    A is a Markov matrix.
    #    A is centrosymmetric: A(I,J) = A(N+1-I,N+1-J).
    #    LAMBDA(I) = 1 / ALPHA^(I-1)
    #    det ( A ) = 1 / ALPHA^((N*(N-1))/2)
    #    The eigenvectors do not depend on ALPHA.
    #    A is generally not normal: A' * A /= A * A'.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    28 December 2014
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Reference:
    #    John Holte,
    #    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
    #    The American Mathematical Monthly,
    #    February 1997, pages 138-149.
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    import numpy as np

    a = np.zeros([n, n])

    for j in range(0, n):
        for i in range(0, n):

            temp = 0.0
            s = -1.0

            for k in range(0, j - (i // alpha) + 1):
                s = -s
                c1 = r8_choose(n + 1, k)
                c2 = r8_choose(n - i - 1 + (j + 1 - k) * alpha, n)
                temp = temp + s * c1 * c2

            a[i, j] = temp / alpha**n

    return a
Esempio n. 26
def carry ( n, alpha ):

## CARRY returns the CARRY matrix.
#  Discussion:
#    We assume that arithmetic is being done in base ALPHA.  We are adding
#    a column of N digits base ALPHA, as part of adding N random numbers.
#    We know the carry digit, between 0 and N-1, that is being carried into the
#    column sum (the incarry digit), and we want to know the probability of
#    the various carry digits 0 through N-1 (the outcarry digit) that could
#    be carried out of the column sum.
#    The carry matrix summarizes this data.  The entry A(I,J) represents
#    the probability that, given that the incarry digit is I-1, the
#    outcarry digit will be J-1.
#  Formula:
#    A(I,J) = ( 1 / ALPHA )^N * sum ( 0 <= K <= J-1 - floor ( I-1 / ALPHA ) )
#      (-1)^K * C(N+1,K) * C(N-I+(J-K)*ALPHA, N )
#  Example:
#    ALPHA = 10, N = 4
#    0.0715 0.5280 0.3795 0.0210
#    0.0495 0.4840 0.4335 0.0330
#    0.0330 0.4335 0.4840 0.0495
#    0.0210 0.3795 0.5280 0.0715
#  Square Properties:
#    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
#    A is a Markov matrix.
#    A is centrosymmetric: A(I,J) = A(N+1-I,N+1-J).
#    LAMBDA(I) = 1 / ALPHA^(I-1)
#    det ( A ) = 1 / ALPHA^((N*(N-1))/2)
#    The eigenvectors do not depend on ALPHA.
#    A is generally not normal: A' * A /= A * A'.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    28 December 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Reference:
#    John Holte,
#    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
#    The American Mathematical Monthly,
#    February 1997, pages 138-149.
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  from r8_choose import r8_choose
  import numpy as np

  a = np.zeros ( [ n, n ] )

  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    for i in range ( 0, n ):

      temp = 0.0
      s = -1.0

      for k in range ( 0, j - ( i // alpha ) + 1 ):
        s = - s
        c1 = r8_choose ( n + 1, k )
        c2 = r8_choose ( n - i - 1 + ( j + 1 - k ) * alpha, n )
        temp = temp + s * c1 * c2

      a[i,j] = temp / alpha ** n

  return a
Esempio n. 27
def truncated_normal_b_moment(order, mu, sigma, b):

    ## TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT: a moment of upper truncated Normal distribution.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    09 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Reference:
    #    Phoebus Dhrymes,
    #    Moments of Truncated Normal Distributions,
    #    May 2005.
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer ORDER, the order of the moment.
    #    0 <= ORDER.
    #    Input, real MU, SIGMA, the mean and standard deviation of the
    #    parent Normal distribution.
    #    0 < S.
    #    Input, real B, the upper truncation limit.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the moment of the PDF.
    from normal_01_cdf import normal_01_cdf
    from normal_01_pdf import normal_01_pdf
    from r8_choose import r8_choose
    from sys import exit

    if (order < 0):
        print ''
        print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
        print '  ORDER < 0.'
        exit('TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!')

    if (sigma <= 0.0):
        print ''
        print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
        print '  SIGMA <= 0.0.'
        exit('TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!')

    b_h = (b - mu) / sigma
    b_pdf = normal_01_pdf(b_h)
    b_cdf = normal_01_cdf(b_h)

    if (b_cdf == 0.0):
        print ''
        print 'TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!'
        print '  PDF/CDF ratio fails, because B_CDF too small.'
        print '  B_PDF = %g' % (b_pdf)
        print '  B_CDF = %g' % (b_cdf)
        exit('TRUNCATED_NORMAL_B_MOMENT - Fatal error!')

    f = b_pdf / b_cdf

    value = 0.0
    irm2 = 0.0
    irm1 = 0.0

    for r in range(0, order + 1):

        if (r == 0):
            ir = 1.0
        elif (r == 1):
            ir = -f
            ir = -b_h**(r - 1) * f + (r - 1) * irm2

        value = value + r8_choose ( order, r ) \
          * mu ** ( order - r ) \
          * sigma ** r * ir

        irm2 = irm1
        irm1 = ir

    return value
Esempio n. 28
def carry_eigen_left(n, alpha):

    #% CARRY_EIGEN_LEFT returns the left eigenvectors for the CARRY matrix.
    #  Formula:
    #    A(I,J) = sum ( 0 <= K <= J-1 )
    #      (-1)^K * C(N+1,K) * ( J - K )^(N+1-I)
    #  Example:
    #    N = 4
    #    1  11  11   1
    #    1   3  -3  -1
    #    1  -1  -1   1
    #    1  -3   3  -1
    #  Properties:
    #    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
    #    Column 1 is all 1's, and column N is (-1)^(I+1).
    #    The top row is proportional to a row of Eulerian numbers, and
    #    can be normalized to represent the stationary probablities
    #    for the carrying process when adding N random numbers.
    #    The bottom row is proportional to a row of Pascal's triangle,
    #    with alternating signs.
    #    The product of the left and right eigenvector matrices of
    #    order N is N! times the identity.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    17 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Reference:
    #    John Holte,
    #    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
    #    The American Mathematical Monthly,
    #    February 1997, pages 138-149.
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8_choose import r8_choose

    a = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(0, n):
        for j in range(0, n):
            s = -1.0
            for k in range(0, j + 1):
                s = -s
                  j] = a[i, j] + s * r8_choose(n + 1, k) * (j + 1 - k)**(n - i)

    return a
Esempio n. 29
def carry_eigen_left ( n, alpha  ):

#% CARRY_EIGEN_LEFT returns the left eigenvectors for the CARRY matrix.
#  Formula:
#    A(I,J) = sum ( 0 <= K <= J-1 )
#      (-1)^K * C(N+1,K) * ( J - K )^(N+1-I)
#  Example:
#    N = 4
#    1  11  11   1
#    1   3  -3  -1
#    1  -1  -1   1
#    1  -3   3  -1
#  Properties:
#    A is generally not symmetric: A' /= A.
#    Column 1 is all 1's, and column N is (-1)^(I+1).
#    The top row is proportional to a row of Eulerian numbers, and
#    can be normalized to represent the stationary probablities
#    for the carrying process when adding N random numbers.
#    The bottom row is proportional to a row of Pascal's triangle,
#    with alternating signs.
#    The product of the left and right eigenvector matrices of
#    order N is N! times the identity.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    17 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Reference:
#    John Holte,
#    Carries, Combinatorics, and an Amazing Matrix,
#    The American Mathematical Monthly,
#    February 1997, pages 138-149.
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8_choose import r8_choose

  a = np.zeros ( ( n, n ) )

  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):
      s = -1.0
      for k in range ( 0, j + 1 ):
        s = - s
        a[i,j] = a[i,j] + s * r8_choose ( n + 1, k ) * ( j + 1 - k ) ** ( n - i )

  return a