Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, caller, vcs_client, base_dir, paths):
        @param  caller: The calling object
        @type   caller: RabbitVCS extension
        @param  vcs_client: The vcs client
        @type   vcs_client: rabbitvcs.vcs
        @param  base_dir: The curent working directory
        @type   base_dir: string
        @param  paths: The selected paths
        @type   paths: list
        @param  conditions: The conditions class that determines menu item visibility
        @kind   conditions: ContextMenuConditions
        @param  callbacks: The callbacks class that determines what actions are taken
        @kind   callbacks: ContextMenuCallbacks
        self.caller = caller
        self.paths = paths
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.vcs_client = vcs_client

        self.conditions = GtkFilesContextMenuConditions(
            self.vcs_client, self.paths)

        self.callbacks = GtkFilesContextMenuCallbacks(self.caller,

        self.structure = [
            MenuRabbitVCSSvn, MenuRabbitVCSGit, MenuCheckout, MenuUpdate,
            MenuCommit, MenuPush, MenuInitializeRepository, MenuClone,
            MenuRabbitVCS, MenuDiffMenu, MenuDiff, MenuDiffPrevRev,
            MenuDiffMultiple, MenuCompareTool, MenuCompareToolPrevRev,
            MenuCompareToolMultiple, MenuShowChanges, MenuShowLog,
            MenuRepoBrowser, MenuCheckForModifications, MenuAdd, MenuStage,
            MenuUnstage, MenuAddToIgnoreList, MenuUpdateToRevision, MenuRename,
            MenuDelete, MenuRevert, MenuEditConflicts, MenuMarkResolved,
            MenuRelocate, MenuGetLock, MenuUnlock, MenuClean, MenuReset,
            MenuCleanup, MenuExport, MenuCreateRepository, MenuImport,
            MenuBranches, MenuTags, MenuRemotes, MenuBranchTag, MenuSwitch,
            MenuMerge, MenuAnnotate, MenuCreatePatch, MenuApplyPatch,
            MenuProperties, MenuHelp, MenuSettings, MenuAbout,
            MenuIgnoreByFilename, MenuIgnoreByFileExtension
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, caller, vcs_client, base_dir, paths=[], 
            conditions=None, callbacks=None):
        @param  caller: The calling object
        @type   caller: RabbitVCS extension
        @param  vcs_client: The vcs client
        @type   vcs_client: rabbitvcs.vcs
        @param  base_dir: The curent working directory
        @type   base_dir: string
        @param  paths: The selected paths
        @type   paths: list
        @param  conditions: The conditions class that determines menu item visibility
        @kind   conditions: ContextMenuConditions
        @param  callbacks: The callbacks class that determines what actions are taken
        @kind   callbacks: ContextMenuCallbacks
        self.caller = caller
        self.paths = paths
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.vcs_client = vcs_client

        self.conditions = conditions
        if self.conditions is None:
            self.conditions = GtkFilesContextMenuConditions(self.vcs_client, paths)

        self.callbacks = callbacks
        if self.callbacks is None:
            self.callbacks = MainContextMenuCallbacks(
        ignore_items = get_ignore_list_items(paths)

        # The first element of each tuple is a key that matches a
        # ContextMenuItems item.  The second element is either None when there
        # is no submenu, or a recursive list of tuples for desired submenus.        
        self.structure = [
            (MenuUpdate, None),
            (MenuCommit, None),
            (MenuPush, None),
            (MenuRabbitVCSSvn, [
                (MenuCheckout, None),
                (MenuDiffMenu, [
                    (MenuDiff, None),
                    (MenuDiffPrevRev, None),
                    (MenuDiffMultiple, None),
                    (MenuCompareTool, None),
                    (MenuCompareToolPrevRev, None),
                    (MenuCompareToolMultiple, None),
                    (MenuShowChanges, None),
                (MenuShowLog, None),
                (MenuRepoBrowser, None),
                (MenuCheckForModifications, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuAdd, None),
                (MenuAddToIgnoreList, ignore_items),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuUpdateToRevision, None),
                (MenuRename, None),
                (MenuDelete, None),
                (MenuRevert, None),
                (MenuEditConflicts, None),
                (MenuMarkResolved, None),
                (MenuRelocate, None),
                (MenuGetLock, None),
                (MenuUnlock, None),
                (MenuCleanup, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuExport, None),
                (MenuCreateRepository, None),
                (MenuImport, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuBranchTag, None),
                (MenuSwitch, None),
                (MenuMerge, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuAnnotate, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuCreatePatch, None),
                (MenuApplyPatch, None),
                (MenuProperties, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuSettings, None),
                (MenuAbout, None)
            (MenuRabbitVCSGit, [
                (MenuClone, None),
                (MenuInitializeRepository, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuDiffMenu, [
                    (MenuDiff, None),
                    (MenuDiffPrevRev, None),
                    (MenuDiffMultiple, None),
                    (MenuCompareTool, None),
                    (MenuCompareToolPrevRev, None),
                    (MenuCompareToolMultiple, None),
                    (MenuShowChanges, None),
                (MenuShowLog, None),
                (MenuStage, None),
                (MenuUnstage, None),
                (MenuAddToIgnoreList, ignore_items),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuRename, None),
                (MenuDelete, None),
                (MenuRevert, None),
                (MenuEditConflicts, None),
                (MenuClean, None),
                (MenuReset, None),
                (MenuCheckout, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuBranches, None),
                (MenuTags, None),
                (MenuRemotes, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuExport, None),
                (MenuMerge, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuAnnotate, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuCreatePatch, None),
                (MenuApplyPatch, None),
                (MenuSeparator, None),
                (MenuSettings, None),
                (MenuAbout, None)