def plot_model(data): N = 5 #初始化 theta = radar_factory(N, frame='polygon') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.20, top=0.85, bottom=0.05) colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'y'] # Plot the four cases from the example data on separate axes #['L', 'R', 'F', 'M', 'C']('ZL', 'ZC', 'ZM', 'ZF', 'ZR') spoke_labels = ('ZL', 'ZC', 'ZM', 'ZF', 'ZR') ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='radar') plt.rgrids([0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5]) ax.set_title(u'客户群分析', weight='bold', size='medium', position=(0.5, 1.1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') for d, color in zip(data, colors): ax.plot(theta, d, color=color) ax.fill(theta, d, facecolor=color, alpha=0.25) ax.set_varlabels(spoke_labels) labels = ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5') legend = plt.legend(labels, loc=(0.9, .95), labelspacing=0.1) plt.setp(legend.get_texts(), fontsize='small')
def renderRadarFigure(dFrame, teamName, taskNames, outFileName): #the index of the current team in the dataFrame is needed to access the scores quickly teamIndex = list(dFrame.index).index(teamName) scores = [dFrame[curTask][teamIndex] for curTask in taskNames] font = {'family': 'normal', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 25} rc('font', **font) theta = radar_factory(len(taskNames), frame='polygon') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) plt.axes(projection='radar') plt.rgrids([0.1, 1, 2], ['0', '1', '2']) plt.plot(theta, scores, color='r', linewidth=2) plt.ylim(-1.5, 3) plt.gca().set_varlabels(taskNames) plt.gca().fill(theta, scores, facecolor='r', alpha=0.25) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.4, w_pad=0.8, h_pad=1.0) plt.savefig(outFileName) plt.close()
return averageStats r1 = requests.get( "") r2 = requests.get( "") jamesStats = r1.json() trentStats = r2.json() stats = ['Influence', 'Creativity', 'Threat'] lowerStats = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), stats)) jamesAverageStats = getAverageStats(lowerStats, jamesStats['history']) trentAverageStats = getAverageStats(lowerStats, trentStats['history']) theta = radar_chart.radar_factory(3) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 6), subplot_kw=dict(projection='radar')) ax.set_varlabels(stats, position=[0, 0.1]) ax.set_rlabel_position(60) ax.set_title("Reece James vs Trent Alexander-Arnold ICT", weight='bold', size='large', position=(0.5, 1.15), horizontalalignment='center') ax.plot(theta, jamesAverageStats, label="Reece James", color="blue") ax.fill(theta, jamesAverageStats, facecolor="blue", alpha=0.25) ax.plot(theta, trentAverageStats, label="Trent Alexander-Arnold", color="red") ax.fill(theta, trentAverageStats, facecolor="red", alpha=0.25) ax.legend(loc=(0.7, 1), fontsize="x-small")
def main(): # ID the top ten by lowest average MAPE top10 = df.loc[df.filter(regex="mape*").mean( axis=1).sort_values()[:10].index] data = top10[list(R32.param_names)].values N = 6 #theta = radar_factory(N, frame='polygon') theta = radar_factory(N, frame='circle') spoke_labels = [ "$\mathregular{\sigma_C}$", "$\mathregular{\sigma_F}$", "$\mathregular{\sigma_H}$", "$\mathregular{\epsilon_C}$", "$\mathregular{\epsilon_F}$", "$\mathregular{\epsilon_H}$", ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9), subplot_kw=dict(projection='radar')) colors = seaborn.color_palette('bright', n_colors=len(data)) # Plot the four cases from the example data on separate axes ax.set_rgrids([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) for d, color in zip(data, colors): ax.plot(theta, d, '-o', markersize=12, color=color, linewidth=3, zorder=-5, alpha=0.65, markeredgewidth=4) ax.fill(theta, d, facecolor=color, alpha=0.11, zorder=-5) ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_theta_offset(np.pi / 2) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0) ax.set_yticklabels([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0], fontsize=22) for label in ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_bbox( dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.25, boxstyle=mpatch.BoxStyle("round4"))) ax.set_varlabels(spoke_labels, fontsize=50) ax.set_rlabel_position(180 / N) for label in ax.get_xticklabels(): x, y = label.get_position() label.set_position((x, y - 0.1)) ax.yaxis.grid(linewidth=3, alpha=0.75) ax.spines['polar'].set_linewidth(4) fig.savefig("pdfs/fig_r32-top10-radar.pdf") # Plot all data = df[list(R32.param_names)].values N = 6 #theta = radar_factory(N, frame='polygon') theta = radar_factory(N, frame='circle') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9), subplot_kw=dict(projection='radar')) colors = seaborn.color_palette('bright', n_colors=len(data)) # Plot the four cases from the example data on separate axes ax.set_rgrids([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0]) for d, color in zip(data, colors): ax.plot(theta, d, '-o', markersize=10, color=color, linewidth=3, zorder=-5, alpha=0.65, markeredgewidth=2) ax.fill(theta, d, facecolor=color, alpha=0.06) ax.set_theta_direction(-1) ax.set_theta_offset(np.pi / 2) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.0) ax.set_yticklabels([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0], fontsize=26) for label in ax.get_yticklabels(): label.set_bbox( dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.25, boxstyle=mpatch.BoxStyle("round4"))) ax.set_varlabels(spoke_labels, fontsize=50) ax.set_rlabel_position(180 / N) for label in ax.get_xticklabels(): x, y = label.get_position() label.set_position((x, y - 0.1)) ax.yaxis.grid(linewidth=3, alpha=0.65) ax.spines['polar'].set_linewidth(4) fig.savefig("pdfs/fig_r32-all-radar.pdf")
[0.07, 0.95, 0.05, 0.04, 0.00, 0.02, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00], [0.01, 0.02, 0.86, 0.27, 0.16, 0.19, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], [0.01, 0.03, 0.00, 0.32, 0.29, 0.27, 0.00, 0.00, 0.95], [0.02, 0.00, 0.03, 0.37, 0.56, 0.47, 0.87, 0.00, 0.00]]), ('CO & O3', [[0.87, 0.01, 0.08, 0.00, 0.00, 0.04, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01], [0.09, 0.95, 0.02, 0.03, 0.00, 0.01, 0.13, 0.06, 0.00], [0.01, 0.02, 0.71, 0.24, 0.13, 0.16, 0.00, 0.50, 0.00], [0.01, 0.03, 0.00, 0.28, 0.24, 0.23, 0.00, 0.44, 0.88], [0.02, 0.00, 0.18, 0.45, 0.64, 0.55, 0.86, 0.00, 0.16]]) ] return data if __name__ == '__main__': N = 9 theta = radar_factory(N, frame='polygon') data = example_data() spoke_labels = data.pop(0) fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 9), nrows=2, ncols=2, subplot_kw=dict(projection='radar')) fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.20, top=0.85, bottom=0.05) colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'y'] # Plot the four cases from the example data on separate axes for ax, (title, case_data) in zip(axs.flat, data): ax.set_rgrids([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]) ax.set_title(title,