def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        previous iteration. Run gromacs in each instance using these files.

        gromacs :-

                Purpose : Run the gromacs simulation on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables are input
                            from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.

                Arguments : --grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
                            --topol     = topology filename

        # GROMPP kernel

        k1 = Kernel(name="custom.grompp")
        k1.arguments = [

        k1.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)),
            '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file))

        k1.copy_output_data = [
            'topol.tpr > $SHARED/iter_{1}/topol_{0}.tpr'.format(
                instance - 1, iteration - 1)

        if (iteration - 1 == 0):
                '$PRE_LOOP/temp/start{0}.gro > start.gro'.format(instance - 1))

                '$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/temp/start{1}.gro > start.gro'
                .format(iteration - 1, instance - 1))

        # MDRUN kernel

        k2 = Kernel(name="custom.mdrun")
        k2.arguments = ["--size=1", "--tpr=topol.tpr", "--out=out.gro"]

        k2.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/iter_{1}/topol_{0}.tpr > topol.tpr'.format(
                instance - 1, iteration - 1)

        return [k1, k2]
    def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : Perform CoCo Analysis on the output of the simulation from the current iteration. Using the .ncdf
         files generated in all the instance, generate the .crd file to be used in the next simulation.

        coco :-

                Purpose : Runs CoCo analysis on a set of .ncdf files and generates a coordinate file.

                Arguments : --grid          = Number of points along each dimension of the CoCo histogram
                            --dims          = The number of projections to consider from the input pcz file
                            --frontpoints   = Number of CUs
                            --topfile       = Topology filename
                            --mdfile        = MD Input filename
                            --output        = Output filename
                            --cycle         = Current iteration number
        k1 = Kernel(name="custom.coco")
        k1.arguments = ["--grid={0}".format(Kconfig.grid),
        #k1.cores = min(Kconfig.num_CUs,RPconfig.PILOTSIZE)
        k1.cores = 64
        k1.uses_mpi = True

        k1.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file))]

        for iter in range(1,iteration+1):
#            for i in range(1,Kconfig.num_CUs+1):
	     for i in range(1+(instance-1)*64, instance*64 + 1):
                k1.link_input_data = k1.link_input_data + ['$SIMULATION_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_{1}/md{0}.ncdf > md_{0}_{1}.ncdf'.format(iter,i)]

        k1.copy_output_data = list()
        for i in range(0,64):
            k1.copy_output_data = k1.copy_output_data + ['pdbs{1}.pdb > $SHARED/pentaopt{0}{2}.pdb'.format(iteration,i,(instance-1)*64+i)]

            k1.download_output_data = ['coco.log > output/iter{0}/coco.log'.format(iteration,instance)]

        k2 = Kernel(name="custom.tleap",instance_type='single')
        k2.arguments = ["--numofsims={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs),

        k2.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/ >']
        for i in range(0,Kconfig.num_CUs):
            k2.link_input_data = k2.link_input_data + ['$SHARED/pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb > pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb'.format(iteration,i)]

        return [k1,k2]
Esempio n. 3
    def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):

        k1 = Kernel(name="misc.randval")
        k1.arguments            = ["--upperlimit=3", "--filename=iters.dat"]
        k1.download_output_data = "iters.dat"

        k2 = Kernel(name="misc.randval")
        k2.arguments = ["--upperlimit=16","--filename=sims.dat"]
        k2.download_output_data = "sims.dat"

        return [k1,k2]
Esempio n. 4
    def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):

        k1 = Kernel(name="misc.randval")
        k1.arguments = ["--upperlimit=3", "--filename=iters.dat"]
        k1.download_output_data = "iters.dat"

        k2 = Kernel(name="misc.randval")
        k2.arguments = ["--upperlimit=16", "--filename=sims.dat"]
        k2.download_output_data = "sims.dat"

        return [k1, k2]
    def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):

        function : In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        previous iteration. Run gromacs in each instance using these files.

        gromacs :-

                Purpose : Run the gromacs simulation on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables are input
                            from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.

                Arguments : --grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
                            --topol     = topology filename

        # GROMPP kernel

        k1 = Kernel(name="custom.grompp")
        k1.arguments = [

        k1.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)),
                              '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file))]

        k1.copy_output_data = ['topol.tpr > $SHARED/iter_{1}/topol_{0}.tpr'.format(instance-1,iteration-1)]

        if (iteration-1==0):
            k1.link_input_data.append('$PRE_LOOP/temp/start{0}.gro > start.gro'.format(instance-1))

            k1.link_input_data.append('$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/temp/start{1}.gro > start.gro'.format(iteration-1,instance-1))

        # MDRUN kernel

        k2 = Kernel(name="custom.mdrun")
        k2.arguments = [

        k2.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/iter_{1}/topol_{0}.tpr > topol.tpr'.format(instance-1,iteration-1)]

        return [k1,k2]
    def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : Perform CoCo Analysis on the output of the simulation from the current iteration. Using the .ncdf
         files generated in all the instance, generate the .crd file to be used in the next simulation.

        coco :-

                Purpose : Runs CoCo analysis on a set of .ncdf files and generates a coordinate file.

                Arguments : --grid          = Number of points along each dimension of the CoCo histogram
                            --dims          = The number of projections to consider from the input pcz file
                            --frontpoints   = Number of CUs
                            --topfile       = Topology filename
                            --mdfile        = MD Input filename
                            --output        = Output filename
                            --cycle         = Current iteration number
        k1 = Kernel(name="md.coco")
        k1.arguments = ["--grid={0}".format(Kconfig.grid),
        k1.cores = RPconfig.PILOTSIZE

        k1.copy_input_data = ['$PRE_LOOP/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file)),'$PRE_LOOP/ >']
        for iter in range(1,iteration+1):
            for i in range(1,Kconfig.num_CUs+1):
                k1.copy_input_data = k1.copy_input_data + ['$SIMULATION_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_{1}/md{0}.ncdf > md_{0}_{1}.ncdf'.format(iter,i)]

        for i in range(0,Kconfig.num_CUs):
            temp = temp + ['pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb > $PRE_LOOP/iter{0}/pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb'.format(iteration,i)]
	k1.copy_output_data = temp

        k2 = Kernel(name="md.tleap")
        k2.arguments = ["--numofsims={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs),

        for i in range(0,Kconfig.num_CUs):
            temp = temp + ['$PRE_LOOP/iter{0}/pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb > pentaopt{0}{1}.pdb'.format(iteration,i)]
	k2.link_input_data=temp + ['$PRE_LOOP/']

	for i in range(0,Kconfig.num_CUs):
	    temp = temp + ['min{0}{1}.crd > $PRE_LOOP/iter{2}/min{0}{1}.crd'.format(iteration,i,iteration+1)]
	k2.copy_output_data = temp

        return [k1,k2]
    def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : if iteration = 1, use .crd file from pre_loop, else use .crd output from analysis generated
        in the previous iteration. Perform amber on the .crd files to generate a set of .ncdf files.

        amber :-

                Purpose : Run amber on each of the coordinate files. Currently, a non-MPI version of Amber is used.
                            Generates a .ncdf file in each instance.

                Arguments : --mininfile = minimization filename
                            --mdinfile  = MD input filename
                            --topfile   = Topology filename
                            --cycle     = current iteration number
        k1 = Kernel(name="md.amber")
        k1.arguments = ["--mininfile={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.minimization_input_file)),
        k1.link_input_data = ['$PRE_LOOP/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.minimization_input_file)),
            k1.link_input_data = k1.link_input_data + ['$PRE_LOOP/{0} > min1.crd'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.initial_crd_file))]
            k1.link_input_data = k1.link_input_data + ['$PRE_LOOP/iter{2}/min{0}{1}.crd > min{2}.crd'.format(iteration-1,instance-1,iteration)]
        k1.copy_output_data = ['md{0}.crd > $PRE_LOOP/iter{0}/md_{0}_{1}.crd'.format(iteration,instance)]

        k2 = Kernel(name="md.amber")
        k2.arguments = [
        k2.link_input_data = [  
                                "$PRE_LOOP/iter{0}/md_{0}_{1}.crd > md{0}.crd".format(iteration,instance),
#        if(iteration%Kconfig.nsave==0):
#            k1.download_output_data = ['md{0}.ncdf > backup/iter{0}/md_{0}_{1}.ncdf'.format(iteration,instance)]

        k2.cores = 1
        return [k1,k2]
    def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : if iteration = 1, use .crd file from pre_loop, else use .crd output from analysis generated
        in the previous iteration. Perform amber on the .crd files to generate a set of .ncdf files.

        amber :-

                Purpose : Run amber on each of the coordinate files. Currently, a non-MPI version of Amber is used.
                            Generates a .ncdf file in each instance.

                Arguments : --mininfile = minimization filename
                            --mdinfile  = MD input filename
                            --topfile   = Topology filename and/or reference coordinates file filename
                            --cycle     = current iteration number
        k1 = Kernel(name="custom.amber")
        k1.arguments = ["--mininfile={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.minimization_input_file)),
        k1.link_input_data = ['$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.minimization_input_file)),
        k1.cores = Kconfig.num_cores_per_sim_cu
            k1.link_input_data = k1.link_input_data + ['$SHARED/{0} > min1.rst7'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.initial_crd_file))]
            k1.copy_output_data = ['min1.rst7 > $SHARED/md_{0}_{1}.rst'.format(iteration,instance)]
            k1.link_input_data = k1.link_input_data + ['$SHARED/min_{0}_{1}.rst7 > min{2}.rst7'.format(iteration-1,instance-1,iteration)]
            k1.copy_output_data = ['md{0}.rst > $SHARED/md_{0}_{1}.rst'.format(iteration,instance)]

        k2 = Kernel(name="custom.amber")
        k2.arguments = [
        k2.link_input_data = [  
                                "$SHARED/md_{0}_{1}.rst > md{0}.rst".format(iteration,instance),
	k2.cores = Kconfig.num_cores_per_sim_cu
            k2.download_output_data = ['md{0}.nc > output/iter{0}/md_{0}_{1}.nc'.format(iteration,instance)]

        return [k1,k2]
    def pre_loop(self):
        function : transfers input files and intermediate executables

        pre_grlsd_loop :-
                Purpose : Transfers files, Split the input file into smaller files to be used by each of the
                            gromacs instances in the first iteration.

                Arguments : --inputfile = file to be split
                            --numCUs    = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files
        k = Kernel(name="md.pre_grlsd_loop")
        k.upload_input_data = [
        k.download_input_data = [
            " >"
        k.arguments = [
        return k
    def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):

        function : In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        previous iteration. Run gromacs in each instance using these files.

        gromacs :-

                Purpose : Run the gromacs simulation on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables are input
                            from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.

                Arguments : --grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
                            --topol     = topology filename

        gromacs = Kernel(name="md.gromacs")
        gromacs.arguments = [
        gromacs.link_input_data = [
            "$PRE_LOOP/{0} > {0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)),
            "$PRE_LOOP/{0} > {0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file)),
            "$PRE_LOOP/ >",

        if iteration - 1 == 0:
            gromacs.link_input_data.append("$PRE_LOOP/temp/start{0}.gro > start.gro".format(instance - 1))

                "$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/temp/start{1}.gro > start.gro".format(iteration - 1, instance - 1)

        return gromacs
    def element_comparison(self, elements1, elements2):
        """In the comparison, we take the previously generated modified trajectory
           and perform a Hausdorff distance calculation between all the unique pairs
           of trajectories
        input_filenames1 = ["traj_flat%d.npz.npy" % (el1) for el1 in elements1]
        input_filenames2 = ["traj_flat%d.npz.npy" % (el2) for el2 in elements2]
        output_filename = "comparison-%03d-%03d.dat" % (elements1[0],

        print "Element Comparison {0} - {1}".format(elements1, elements2)

        k = Kernel(name="my.hausdorff")
        k.arguments = [
        k.upload_input_data = [""]

        # If the input data are in in a web server use the following
        # k.download_input_data = ["/<PATH>/<TO>/<WEB>?<SERVER>/<WITH>/ >"]
        # If the input data are in a folder to the target machine use the following
        # k.link_input_data = ["/<PATH>/<TO>/<FOLDER>/<WITH>/ >"]

        # The result files comparison-x-y.dat are downloaded.
        k.download_output_data = output_filename

        print "Element Comparison Finished {0} - {1}".format(
            elements1, elements2)

        return k
Esempio n. 12
 def stage_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="synapse.sample")
     k.arguments = [
         "--path=$HOME/ves/synapse_local", "--mode=sample", "--flops=1000",
     return k
Esempio n. 13
    def prepare_replica_for_exchange(self, replica):
        """Prepares md.re_exchange kernel to launch 
        script on target resource in order to populate columns of swap matrix.

        replica - object representing a given replica and it's attributes
        k - an instance of Kernel class

        basename = self.inp_basename[:-5]

        matrix_col = "matrix_column_{cycle}_{replica}.dat"\
                     .format(cycle=replica.cycle-1, )

        k = Kernel(name="md.re_exchange")
        k.arguments = [
            "--replica_id=" + str(,
            "--replica_cycle=" + str(replica.cycle - 1),
            "--replicas=" + str(self.replicas),
            "--replica_basename=" + str(basename)

        k.upload_input_data = ""
        k.download_output_data = matrix_col

        return k
 def set2element_initialization(self,element):
     # Creating an ASCII file by using the misc.mkfile kernel. Each file represents
     # a element of the set.
     print "Creating Element {0}".format(element)
     k = Kernel(name = "misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=10000", "--filename=newfile_{0}.dat".format(element)]
     return k
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """In the simulation step we
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile.dat"]
     k.exists_remote = ['asciifile.dat']
     return [k]
    def prepare_replica_for_md(self, replica):
        """Specifies input and output files and passes them to kernel

        replica - object representing a given replica and it's associated
        input_name = self.inp_basename + "_" + \
                     str( + "_" + \
                     str(replica.cycle) + ".md"
        output_name = self.inp_basename + "_" + \
                      str( + "_" + \
                      str(replica.cycle) + ".out"

        k = Kernel(name="misc.ccount")
        k.arguments = ["--inputfile=" + \
                       input_name + " " + \
                       self.sh_file, "--outputfile=" + \
        # no need to specify shared data here
        # everything in shared_files list will be staged in
        k.upload_input_data    = [input_name]
        k.download_output_data = output_name

        replica.cycle = replica.cycle + 1
        return k
    def element_comparison(self, elements1, elements2):
        """In the comparison, we take the previously generated modified trajectory
           and perform a Hausdorff distance calculation between all the unique pairs
           of trajectories
        input_filenames1 = ["traj_flat%d.npz.npy"%(el1) for el1 in elements1]
        input_filenames2 = ["traj_flat%d.npz.npy"%(el2) for el2 in elements2]
        output_filename = "comparison-%03d-%03d.dat"%(elements1[0],elements2[0])

        print "Element Comparison {0} - {1}".format(elements1,elements2)

        k = Kernel(name="my.hausdorff")
        k.arguments            = ["",
        k.upload_input_data = [""]

        # If the input data are in in a web server use the following
        # k.download_input_data = ["/<PATH>/<TO>/<WEB>?<SERVER>/<WITH>/ >"]
        # If the input data are in a folder to the target machine use the following
        # k.link_input_data = ["/<PATH>/<TO>/<FOLDER>/<WITH>/ >"]

        # The result files comparison-x-y.dat are downloaded.
        k.download_output_data = output_filename

        print "Element Comparison Finished {0} - {1}".format(elements1,elements2)

        return k
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = [
         "--filename=simulation-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)
     return k
    def step_1(self, instance):
        """The first step of the pipeline creates a 1 MB ASCI file.
        k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
        k.arguments = ["--size=1000000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)]
	k.download_output_data = ['asciifile-{0}.dat'.format(instance)]
        return k
    def prepare_replica_for_exchange(self, replica):
        """Prepares md.re_exchange kernel to launch 
        script on target resource in order to populate columns of swap matrix.

        replica - object representing a given replica and it's attributes
        k - an instance of Kernel class

        basename = self.inp_basename[:-5]

        matrix_col = "matrix_column_{cycle}_{replica}.dat"\
                     .format(cycle=replica.cycle-1, )

        k = Kernel(name="md.re_exchange")
        k.arguments = ["", 
                       "--replica_id=" + str(, 
                       "--replica_cycle=" + str(replica.cycle-1), 
                       "--replicas=" + str(self.replicas), 
                       "--replica_basename=" + str(basename)]

        k.upload_input_data    = ""
        k.download_output_data = matrix_col

        return k
Esempio n. 21
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """In the simulation step we simply create files with 1000 characters.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)]
     k.download_output_data = ['asciifile-{0}.dat > iter{1}/asciifile-{0}.dat'.format(instance,iteration)]
     return [k]
    def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
        function : In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        previous iteration. Run gromacs in each instance using these files.

        gromacs :-

                Purpose : Run the gromacs simulation on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables are input
                            from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.

                Arguments : --grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
                            --topol     = topology filename

        gromacs = Kernel(name="md.gromacs")
        gromacs.arguments = [
        gromacs.link_input_data = [
            '$PRE_LOOP/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)),
            '$PRE_LOOP/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file)),
            '$PRE_LOOP/ >'

        if (iteration - 1 == 0):
                '$PRE_LOOP/temp/start{0}.gro > start.gro'.format(instance - 1))

                '$ANALYSIS_ITERATION_{0}_INSTANCE_1/temp/start{1}.gro > start.gro'
                .format(iteration - 1, instance - 1))

        return gromacs
    def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):
        """In the analysis step, we take the previously generated simulation
           output and perform a Levenshtein distance calculation between it
           and the 'reference' file.

           ..note:: The placeholder ``$PRE_LOOP`` used in ``link_input_data`` is
                    a reference to the working directory of pre_loop.
                    The placeholder ``$PREV_SIMULATION`` used in ``link_input_data``
                    is a reference to the working directory of the previous
                    simulation step.

                    It is also possible to reference a specific
                    simulation step using ``$SIMULATION_N`` or all simulations
                    via ``$SIMULATIONS``. Analogous placeholders exist for
        input_filename  = "simulation-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)
        output_filename = "analysis-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)

        k = Kernel(name="misc.levenshtein")
        k.link_input_data      = ["$PRE_LOOP/reference.dat", "$SIMULATION_ITERATION_{1}_INSTANCE_{2}/{0}".format(input_filename,iteration,instance),"$PRE_LOOP/"]
        k.arguments            = ["--inputfile1=reference.dat",
        k.download_output_data = output_filename
        return k
    def step_1(self, instance):

        k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
        k.arguments            = ["--inputfile=UTF-8-demo.txt", "--outputfile=checksum{0}.sha1".format(instance)]
        k.download_input_data  = "htpttpt://malformed.url"
        k.download_output_data = "checksum{0}.sha1".format(instance)
        return k
    def pre_loop(self):
        function : transfers input files and intermediate executables

        pre_grlsd_loop :-
                Purpose : Transfers files, Split the input file into smaller files to be used by each of the
                            gromacs instances in the first iteration.

                Arguments : --inputfile = file to be split
                            --numCUs    = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files
        k = Kernel(name="md.pre_grlsd_loop")
        k.upload_input_data = [Kconfig.md_input_file,
        k.arguments = ["--inputfile={0}".format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file)),"--numCUs={0}".format(Kconfig.num_CUs)]
        return k
	def analysis_stage(self, iteration, instance):
		"""In the analysis stage, we take the previously generated simulation
		   output and perform a Levenshtein distance calculation between it
		   and the 'reference' file.

		   ..note:: The placeholder ``$PRE_LOOP`` used in ``link_input_data`` is
					a reference to the working directory of pre_loop.
					The placeholder ``$PREV_SIMULATION`` used in ``link_input_data``
					is a reference to the working directory of the previous
					simulation stage.

					It is also possible to reference a specific
					simulation stage using ``$SIMULATION_N`` or all simulations
					via ``$SIMULATIONS``. Analogous placeholders exist for
		input_filename  = "simulation-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)
		output_filename = "analysis-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)

		k = Kernel(name="misc.levenshtein")
		k.link_input_data      = ["$PRE_LOOP/reference.dat", "$SIMULATION_ITERATION_{1}_INSTANCE_{2}/{0}".format(input_filename,iteration,instance),"$PRE_LOOP/"]
		k.arguments            = ["--inputfile1=reference.dat",
		k.download_output_data = output_filename
		return k
    def prepare_replica_for_md(self, replica):
        """Specifies input and output files and passes them to kernel

        replica - object representing a given replica and it's associated
        input_name = self.inp_basename + "_" + \
                     str( + "_" + \
                     str(replica.cycle) + ".md"
        output_name = self.inp_basename + "_" + \
                      str( + "_" + \
                      str(replica.cycle) + ".out"

        k = Kernel(name="misc.ccount")
        k.arguments = ["--inputfile=" + \
                       input_name + " " + \
                       self.sh_file, "--outputfile=" + \
        # no need to specify shared data here
        # everything in shared_files list will be staged in
        k.upload_input_data = [input_name]
        k.download_output_data = output_name

        replica.cycle = replica.cycle + 1
        return k
Esempio n. 28
    def pre_loop(self):

        k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
        k.arguments            = ["--inputfile=UTF-8-demo.txt", "--outputfile=checksum.sha1"]
        k.download_input_data  = "htpttpt://malformed.url"
        k.download_output_data = "checksum.sha1"
        return k
Esempio n. 29
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """In the simulation step we
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)]
     k.download_output_data = ['asciifile-{0}.dat'.format(instance)]
     return [k]
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """In the simulation step we
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile.dat"]
     k.exists_remote = ["asciifile.dat"]
     return [k]
    def element_comparison(self, element1, element2):
        """In the comparison, we take the previously generated files
           and perform a difference between those files. Each file coresponds to
           an elements of the set.


        input_filename1 = "asciifile-{0}.dat".format(element1)
        input_filename2 = "asciifile-{0}.dat".format(element2)
        output_filename = "comparison-{0}-{1}.log".format(element1, element2)
        print "Comparing {0} with {1}. Saving result in {2}".format(
            input_filename1, input_filename2, output_filename)

        # Compare the previously generated files with the misc.diff kernel and
        # write the result of each comparison to a specific output file.

        k = Kernel(name="misc.diff")
        k.arguments = [

        # Download the result files.
        k.download_output_data = output_filename
        return k
    def pre_loop(self):
        function : transfers input files and intermediate executables

        pre_grlsd_loop :-
                Purpose : Transfers files, Split the input file into smaller files to be used by each of the
                            gromacs instances in the first iteration.

                Arguments : --inputfile = file to be split
                            --numCUs    = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files
        k = Kernel(name="md.pre_grlsd_loop")
        k.upload_input_data = [
            Kconfig.md_input_file, Kconfig.lsdm_config_file, Kconfig.top_file,
            Kconfig.mdp_file, '{0}/'.format(Kconfig.misc_loc),
        k.arguments = [
        return k
	def simulation_stage(self, iteration, instance):
		"""In the simulation stage we simply create files with 1000 characters.
		k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
		k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)]
		k.download_output_data = ['asciifile-{0}.dat > iter{1}/asciifile-{0}.dat'.format(instance,iteration)]
		return [k]
Esempio n. 34
 def stage_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="synapse.sample")
     k.arguments = [	"--path=$HOME/ves/synapse_local", 
     return k
Esempio n. 35
    def stage_2(self, instance):
        k2 = Kernel(name="md.gromacs")
        k2.link_input_data = ['$STAGE_1/in.tpr > in.tpr']
        k2.executable = ['path/to/gromacs/gmx']
        k2.arguments = ['mdrun', '-s', 'in.tpr', '-deffnm', 'out']
        k2.cores = 1

        return k2
Esempio n. 36
    def step_2(self, instances):

        k = Kernel(name="")
        k.upload_input_data = ['./output_file_2.txt > file2.txt']
        k.copy_input_data = ['$STEP_1/temp.txt > file1.txt']
        k.arguments = ["--file1=file1.txt", "--file2=file2.txt"]
        k.download_output_data = ['./file1.txt > output_file.txt']
        return k
Esempio n. 37
 def step_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.hello")
     k.upload_input_data = ['./input_file.txt > temp.txt']
     k.arguments = ["--file=temp.txt"]
     k.download_output_data = [
         './temp.txt > output_file_{0}.txt'.format(instance)
     return k
 def pre_loop(self):
     """pre_loop is executed before the main simulation-analysis loop is
        started. In this example we create an initial 1 kB random ASCII file
        that we use as the reference for all analysis steps.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=reference.dat"]
     return k
 def step_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.hello")
     k.upload_input_data = ['./input_file.txt > temp.txt']
     k.arguments = ["--file=temp.txt"]
     k.download_output_data = [
         './temp.txt > /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/EnsembleMDTesting/temp_results/remote_file.txt'
     return k
Esempio n. 40
 def step_1(self, instance):
     """The first step of the pipeline creates a 1 MB ASCI file.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = [
         "--size=1000000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     return k
Esempio n. 41
    def stage_1(self, instances):
        """This step sleeps for 60 seconds."""

        k = Kernel(name="spark")
        k.upload_input_data = ['','traj_positions.npy']
        k.arguments = ["--exec-mem=60g","--driver-mem=30g",
        return k
Esempio n. 42
 def pre_loop(self):
     """pre_loop is executed before the main simulation-analysis loop is
        started. In this example we create an initial 1 kB random ASCII file
        that we use as the reference for all analysis steps.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=reference.dat"]
     return k
    def stage_1(self, instance):
        k1 = Kernel(name="md.gromacs")
	k1.upload_input_data  = ['in.gro', '', '*.itp', 'in.mdp'] 
        k1.executable = ['path/to/gromacs/gmx']
        k1.arguments = ['grompp', '-f', 'in.mdp', '-c', 'in.gro', '-o', 'in.tpr', '-p', '']
        k1.cores = 1
        return k1
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """The simulation step generates a 1 kB file containing random ASCII
        characters that is compared against the 'reference' file in the
        subsequent analysis step.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=simulation-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)]
     return k
Esempio n. 45
	def stage_2(self, instances):

		k = Kernel(name="")
		k.upload_input_data = ['./output_file_2.txt > file2.txt']
		k.copy_input_data = ['$STAGE_1/temp.txt > file1.txt']
		k.arguments = ["--file1=file1.txt","--file2=file2.txt"]
		k.download_output_data = ['./file1.txt > output_file.txt']
		return k
Esempio n. 46
 def analysis_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """ In the analysis step, we use the 'randval' kernel to output a random number within 
     the upperlimit. The output is simply a number (and no other messages). Hence, we do not mention
     and extraction scripts. The pattern automatically picks up the number.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.randval")
     k.arguments = ["--upperlimit=16"]
     return [k]
 def stage_2(self, instance):
     k2 = Kernel(name="md.gromacs")
     k2.link_input_data = ['$STAGE_1/in.tpr > in.tpr']
     k2.executable = ['path/to/gromacs/gmx']    
     k2.arguments = ['mdrun', '-s', 'in.tpr', '-deffnm', 'out']
     k2.cores = 1              
     return k2
Esempio n. 48
 def step_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
     k.arguments = [
     k.download_input_data = ""
     k.download_output_data = "checksum{0}.sha1".format(instance)
	def analysis_stage(self, iteration, instance):
		""" In the analysis stage, we use the 'randval' kernel to output a random number within 
		the upperlimit. The output is simply a number (and no other messages). Hence, we do not mention
		and extraction scripts. The pattern automatically picks up the number.
		k = Kernel(name="misc.randval_2")
		k.arguments = ["--upperlimit=16"]
		return [k]
	def simulation_stage(self, iteration, instance):
		"""The simulation stage generates a 1 kB file containing random ASCII
		   characters that is compared against the 'reference' file in the
		   subsequent analysis stage.
		k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
		k.arguments = ["--size=1000", "--filename=simulation-{0}-{1}.dat".format(iteration, instance)]
		return k
Esempio n. 51
    def step_2(self, instance):
        """The second step of the pipeline does a character frequency analysis
           on the file generated the first step. 

        k = Kernel(name="misc.ccount")
        k.arguments            = ["--inputfile=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance), "--outputfile=cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance)]
        k.link_input_data      = "$STEP_1/asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)
        return k
Esempio n. 52
 def step_1(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
     k.arguments = [
     k.upload_input_data = self._upload_directives
     k.download_output_data = self._download_output
     return k
Esempio n. 53
 def simulation_step(self, iteration, instance):
     """In the simulation step we
     k = Kernel(name="misc.mkfile")
     k.arguments = [
         "--size=1000", "--filename=asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     k.download_output_data = ['asciifile-{0}.dat'.format(instance)]
     return [k]
Esempio n. 54
 def stage_2(self, instance):
     k = Kernel(name="misc.ccount")
     k.arguments = [
     k.copy_input_data = "$STAGE_1/asciifile-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     k.download_output_data = "cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     return k
Esempio n. 55
 def step_3(self, instance):
     """The third step of the pipeline creates a checksum of the output file
        of the second step. The result is transferred back to the host
        running this script.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
     k.arguments            = ["--inputfile=cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance), "--outputfile=cfreqs-{0}.sha1".format(instance)]
     k.link_input_data      = "$STEP_2/cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     k.download_output_data = "cfreqs-{0}.sha1".format(instance)
     return k
Esempio n. 56
 def step_3(self, instance):
     """The third step of the pipeline creates a checksum of the output file
        of the second step. The result is transferred back to the host
        running this script.
     k = Kernel(name="misc.chksum")
     k.arguments            = ["--inputfile=cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance), "--outputfile=cfreqs-{0}.sha1".format(instance)]
     k.link_input_data      = "$STEP_2/cfreqs-{0}.dat".format(instance)
     k.download_output_data = "cfreqs-{0}.sha1".format(instance)
     return k
Esempio n. 57
 def test_ArgumentError(self):
     from radical.ensemblemd import Kernel
     from radical.ensemblemd.exceptions import ArgumentError
         k = Kernel(name="misc.hello")
         k.arguments = ["a"]
     except ArgumentError, er:
         print 'ArgumentError: Passed: ', er
         assert "Invalid argument(s) for kernel 'misc.hello': Unknown / malformed argument 'a'. Valid arguments are {'--file=': {'_value': None, 'mandatory': True, 'description': 'The input file.', '_is_set': False}}." \
                in er