Esempio n. 1
    def create_single_task():

        t1 = Task()             = 'simulation'
        t1.executable       = '/bin/date'
        t1.copy_input_data  = []
        t1.copy_output_data = []
        return t1
    def create_single_task():

        t1 = Task() = 'simulation'
        t1.executable = ['/bin/date']
        t1.copy_input_data = []
        t1.copy_output_data = []

        return t1
def create_single_task():

    t1 = Task() = 'simulation'
    t1.executable = ['/bin/echo']
    t1.arguments = ['hello']
    t1.copy_input_data = []
    t1.copy_output_data = []

    return t1
Esempio n. 4
    def foo(value):

        t1 = Task(name='simulation')
        t1.environment = ['module load gromacs']
        t1.executable = ['gmx mdrun']
        t1.arguments = ['a', 'b', 'c']
        t1.copy_input_data = []
        t1.copy_output_data = []

        return t1
Esempio n. 5
def create_single_task():

    t1 = Task() = 'dummy_task'
    t1.executable = ['placeholder']
    t1.arguments = ['a','b','c']
    t1.copy_input_data = []
    t1.copy_output_data = []

    return t1
Esempio n. 6
    def create_single_task():

        t1 = Task() = 'simulation'
        t1.executable = ['/bin/echo']
        t1.arguments = ['hello']
        t1.copy_input_data = []
        t1.copy_output_data = []

        return t1
def create_single_task():

    t1 = Task() = 'simulation'
    t1.executable = ['gmx mdrun']
    t1.arguments = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    t1.copy_input_data = []
    t1.copy_output_data = []

    return t1
Esempio n. 8
def create_pipeline():

    p = Pipeline()
    s = Stage()
    t = Task()             = 'simulation'
    t.executable       = ['/bin/echo']
    t.arguments        = ['hello']
    t.copy_input_data  = []
    t.copy_output_data = []


    return p
    def create_pipeline():

        p = Pipeline()

        s = Stage()

        t1 = Task() = 'simulation'
        t1.executable = ['/bin/echo']
        t1.arguments = ['hello']
        t1.copy_input_data = []
        t1.copy_output_data = []



        return p
Esempio n. 10
def test_assignment_exceptions():

    t = Task()

    data_type = [1, 'a', True, list()]

    for data in data_type:

        if not isinstance(data, str):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
       = data

        if not isinstance(data, list):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.pre_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.executable = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.arguments = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.post_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.upload_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.link_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_output_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.download_output_data = data
def test_task_to_dict():

    **Purpose**: Test if the 'to_dict' function of Task class converts all expected attributes of the Task into a

    t = Task()
    d = t.to_dict()

    assert d == {   'uid': None,
                    'name': None,
                    'state': states.INITIAL,
                    'state_history': [states.INITIAL],
                    'pre_exec': [],
                    'executable': str(),
                    'arguments': [],
                    'post_exec': [],
                    'cpu_reqs': { 'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'gpu_reqs': { 'processes': 0,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 0,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'lfs_per_process': 0,
                    'upload_input_data': [],
                    'copy_input_data': [],
                    'link_input_data': [],
                    'move_input_data': [],
                    'copy_output_data': [],
                    'move_output_data': [],
                    'download_output_data': [],
                    'stdout': None,
                    'stderr': None,
                    'exit_code': None,
                    'path': None,
                    'tag': None,
                    'parent_stage': {'uid':None, 'name': None},
                    'parent_pipeline': {'uid':None, 'name': None}}

    t = Task()
    t.uid = 'test.0000' = 'new'
    t.pre_exec = ['module load abc']
    t.executable = ['sleep']
    t.arguments = ['10']
    t.cpu_reqs['processes'] = 10
    t.cpu_reqs['threads_per_process'] = 2
    t.gpu_reqs['processes'] = 5
    t.gpu_reqs['threads_per_process'] = 3
    t.lfs_per_process = 1024
    t.upload_input_data = ['test1']
    t.copy_input_data = ['test2']
    t.link_input_data = ['test3']
    t.move_input_data = ['test4']
    t.copy_output_data = ['test5']
    t.move_output_data = ['test6']
    t.download_output_data = ['test7']
    t.stdout = 'out'
    t.stderr = 'err'
    t.exit_code = 1
    t.path = 'a/b/c'
    t.tag = 'task.0010'
    t.parent_stage = {'uid': 's1', 'name': 'stage1'}
    t.parent_pipeline = {'uid': 'p1', 'name': 'pipeline1'}

    d = t.to_dict()

    assert d == {   'uid': 'test.0000',
                    'name': 'new',
                    'state': states.INITIAL,
                    'state_history': [states.INITIAL],
                    'pre_exec': ['module load abc'],
                    'executable': 'sleep',
                    'arguments': ['10'],
                    'post_exec': [],
                    'cpu_reqs': { 'processes': 10,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 2,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'gpu_reqs': { 'processes': 5,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 3,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'lfs_per_process': 1024,
                    'upload_input_data': ['test1'],
                    'copy_input_data': ['test2'],
                    'link_input_data': ['test3'],
                    'move_input_data': ['test4'],
                    'copy_output_data': ['test5'],
                    'move_output_data': ['test6'],
                    'download_output_data': ['test7'],
                    'stdout': 'out',
                    'stderr': 'err',
                    'exit_code': 1,
                    'path': 'a/b/c',
                    'tag': 'task.0010',
                    'parent_stage': {'uid': 's1', 'name': 'stage1'},
                    'parent_pipeline': {'uid': 'p1', 'name': 'pipeline1'}}

    t.executable = 'sleep'
    d = t.to_dict()

    assert d == {   'uid': 'test.0000',
                    'name': 'new',
                    'state': states.INITIAL,
                    'state_history': [states.INITIAL],
                    'pre_exec': ['module load abc'],
                    'executable': 'sleep',
                    'arguments': ['10'],
                    'post_exec': [],
                    'cpu_reqs': { 'processes': 10,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 2,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'gpu_reqs': { 'processes': 5,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 3,
                                'thread_type': None
                    'lfs_per_process': 1024,
                    'upload_input_data': ['test1'],
                    'copy_input_data': ['test2'],
                    'link_input_data': ['test3'],
                    'move_input_data': ['test4'],
                    'copy_output_data': ['test5'],
                    'move_output_data': ['test6'],
                    'download_output_data': ['test7'],
                    'stdout': 'out',
                    'stderr': 'err',
                    'exit_code': 1,
                    'path': 'a/b/c',
                    'tag': 'task.0010',
                    'parent_stage': {'uid': 's1', 'name': 'stage1'},
                    'parent_pipeline': {'uid': 'p1', 'name': 'pipeline1'}}
Esempio n. 12
def create_workflow(Kconfig, args):

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cur_iter = int(Kconfig.start_iter)  #0
    #assumed of iteration non zero that files are in combined_path
    if str(socket.gethostname()) == '':
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory) + '-giotto'
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory
                            )  #'/u/sciteam/hruska/scratch/extasy-tica'
    num_parallel = int(Kconfig.NODESIZE)
    num_replicas = int(Kconfig.num_replicas)
    #if cur_iter==0:
    #	restart_iter=0
    #	restart_iter=cur_iter

    if cur_iter == 0:
        pre_proc_stage = Stage()
        pre_proc_task = Task()
        pre_proc_task.pre_exec = [
            'export tasks=pre_proc_task',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task.executable = ['mv']
        pre_proc_task.arguments = [
            combined_path, combined_path + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        pre_proc_task.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig),
            '$SHARED/ > %s/' % combined_path,
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            (Kconfig.md_run_file, combined_path, Kconfig.md_run_file)
        pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    while (cur_iter < int(Kconfig.num_iterations)):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There arei 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        def_rep_per_thread = int(num_replicas / num_parallel) + 1
        num_allocated_rep = 0
        num_used_threads = 0
        while (num_allocated_rep < num_replicas):
            if (num_used_threads == num_parallel):
                print("ALLERT tried use more gpus than allocated")
            if ((num_replicas - num_allocated_rep) > def_rep_per_thread):
                use_replicas = def_rep_per_thread
                use_replicas = (num_replicas - num_allocated_rep)
            sim_task = Task()
            sim_task.executable = ['python']

            pre_exec_arr = [
                'module unload PrgEnv-cray', 'module load PrgEnv-gnu',
                'module unload bwpy', 'module load bwpy',
                'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw',
                'module add cray-netcdf',
                'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
                'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan xalt',
                'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
                'export FC=ftn',
                'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
                'export tasks=md',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #  pre_exec_arr = pre_exec_arr + [ 'mv %s']
            sim_task.pre_exec = pre_exec_arr
            sim_task.gpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 1,
                'thread_type': None
            sim_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 0,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 0,
                'thread_type': None
            sim_task.arguments = [
                '', '--trajstride', '10', '--idxstart',
                str(num_allocated_rep), '--idxend',
                str((num_allocated_rep + use_replicas)), '--path',
                combined_path, '--iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--md_steps',
                str(Kconfig.md_steps), '--save_traj', 'True', '>', 'md.log'
            link_arr = [
                '$SHARED/%s >' %
            copy_arr = []
            if cur_iter == 0:
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
                    copy_arr = copy_arr + [
                        '$SHARED/%s > %s/iter0_input%s.pdb' %
                        (Kconfig.md_input_file, combined_path, idx)
            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #   copy_arr = copy_arr +['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig)]
            sim_task.link_input_data = link_arr  #+ copy_arr
            sim_task.copy_input_data = copy_arr
            if str(Kconfig.strategy) == 'extend':
                copy_out = []
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
                    copy_out = copy_out + [
                        '%s/iter%s_out%s.pdb > %s/iter%s_input%s.pdb' %
                        (combined_path, cur_iter, idx, combined_path,
                         (cur_iter + 1), idx)

                sim_task.copy_output_data = copy_out
                #if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:
                #    sim_task.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)))

            num_allocated_rep = num_allocated_rep + use_replicas
            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # pre_ana_task:
        #     Purpose:   The output of each gromacs instance in the simulaxftion stage is a small coordinate file.
        #                 Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file.
        #     Arguments:
        #             numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated
        if str(Kconfig.strategy) != 'extend':
            ana_stage = Stage()
            ana_task = Task()
            ana_task.pre_exec = [
                'module unload PrgEnv-cray', 'module load PrgEnv-gnu',
                'module unload bwpy', 'module load bwpy/0.3.0',
                'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw',
                'module add cray-netcdf',
                'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
                'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan xalt',
                'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
                'export FC=ftn',
                'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
                'export tasks=tica_msm_ana', 'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
            ana_task.executable = ['python']
            ana_task.arguments = [
                '', '--path', combined_path, '--n_select',
                str(num_replicas), '--cur_iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--Kconfig',
                str(args.Kconfig), '>', 'analyse.log'

            ana_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 1,
                'thread_type': None

            ana_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/ >',
                '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)

            #for sim_num in range(min(int(Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim),int(Kconfig.num_replicas))):
            ana_task.copy_output_data = [
                'analyse.log > %s/iter%s_analyse.log' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter)

            #ana_task.copy_output_data = ['tmpha.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
            #                              'tmp.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]
            #'tmp.gro > resource://iter_%s/tmp.gro' % cur_iter

            ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
                wf.uid, ana_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # lsdmap:
        #     Purpose: Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values.
        #     Arguments:
        #             config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap

        #if(cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
        #     post_ana_task.download_output_data = ['out.gro > output/iter_%s/out.gro' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'weight_out.w > output/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > output/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   ' > output/iter_%s/' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   '%s/iter_%s/tmp.gro > output/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter,cur_iter)
        #                                   ]

        #post_ana_task.copy_output_data = [' > %s/iter_%s/' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'weight_out.w > %s/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'out.gro > %s/iter_%s/out.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]

        #post_ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s'%(wf.uid, post_ana_stage.uid, post_ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        cur_iter += 1
        Kconfig.start_iter = str(cur_iter)

    return wf
Esempio n. 13
def test_task_exceptions(s, l, i, b):
    **Purpose**: Test if all attribute assignments raise exceptions for invalid values

    t = Task()

    data_type = [s, l, i, b]

    for data in data_type:

        if not isinstance(data, str):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
       = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.path = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.parent_stage = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.parent_pipeline = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.stdout = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.stderr = data

        if not isinstance(data, list):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.pre_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.executable = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.arguments = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.post_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.upload_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.link_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.move_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_output_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.download_output_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.move_output_data = data

        if not isinstance(data, str) and not isinstance(data, unicode):

            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': data,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': None
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': data
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': data,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': data

        if not isinstance(data, int):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': data,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': None
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': data,
                    'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': data,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': data,
                    'thread_type': None
Esempio n. 14
def test_task_to_dict():
    **Purpose**: Test if the 'to_dict' function of Task class converts all expected attributes of the Task into a

    t = Task()
    d = t.to_dict()

    assert d == {
        'uid': None,
        'name': None,
        'state': states.INITIAL,
        'state_history': [states.INITIAL],
        'pre_exec': [],
        'executable': [],
        'arguments': [],
        'post_exec': [],
        'cpu_reqs': {
            'processes': 1,
            'process_type': None,
            'threads_per_process': 1,
            'thread_type': None
        'gpu_reqs': {
            'processes': 0,
            'process_type': None,
            'threads_per_process': 0,
            'thread_type': None
        'lfs_per_process': 0,
        'upload_input_data': [],
        'copy_input_data': [],
        'link_input_data': [],
        'move_input_data': [],
        'copy_output_data': [],
        'move_output_data': [],
        'download_output_data': [],
        'stdout': None,
        'stderr': None,
        'exit_code': None,
        'path': None,
        'tag': None,
        'parent_stage': {
            'uid': None,
            'name': None
        'parent_pipeline': {
            'uid': None,
            'name': None

    t = Task()
    t.uid = 'test.0000' = 'new'
    t.pre_exec = ['module load abc']
    t.executable = ['sleep']
    t.arguments = ['10']
    t.cpu_reqs['processes'] = 10
    t.cpu_reqs['threads_per_process'] = 2
    t.gpu_reqs['processes'] = 5
    t.gpu_reqs['threads_per_process'] = 3
    t.lfs_per_process = 1024
    t.upload_input_data = ['test1']
    t.copy_input_data = ['test2']
    t.link_input_data = ['test3']
    t.move_input_data = ['test4']
    t.copy_output_data = ['test5']
    t.move_output_data = ['test6']
    t.download_output_data = ['test7']
    t.stdout = 'out'
    t.stderr = 'err'
    t.exit_code = 1
    t.path = 'a/b/c'
    t.tag = 'task.0010'
    t.parent_stage = {'uid': 's1', 'name': 'stage1'}
    t.parent_pipeline = {'uid': 'p1', 'name': 'pipeline1'}

    d = t.to_dict()

    assert d == {
        'uid': 'test.0000',
        'name': 'new',
        'state': states.INITIAL,
        'state_history': [states.INITIAL],
        'pre_exec': ['module load abc'],
        'executable': ['sleep'],
        'arguments': ['10'],
        'post_exec': [],
        'cpu_reqs': {
            'processes': 10,
            'process_type': None,
            'threads_per_process': 2,
            'thread_type': None
        'gpu_reqs': {
            'processes': 5,
            'process_type': None,
            'threads_per_process': 3,
            'thread_type': None
        'lfs_per_process': 1024,
        'upload_input_data': ['test1'],
        'copy_input_data': ['test2'],
        'link_input_data': ['test3'],
        'move_input_data': ['test4'],
        'copy_output_data': ['test5'],
        'move_output_data': ['test6'],
        'download_output_data': ['test7'],
        'stdout': 'out',
        'stderr': 'err',
        'exit_code': 1,
        'path': 'a/b/c',
        'tag': 'task.0010',
        'parent_stage': {
            'uid': 's1',
            'name': 'stage1'
        'parent_pipeline': {
            'uid': 'p1',
            'name': 'pipeline1'
Esempio n. 15
def create_workflow(Kconfig, args):

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cur_iter = int(Kconfig.start_iter)  #0
    #assumed of iteration non zero that files are in combined_path
    combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory)
    num_parallel = int(Kconfig.NODESIZE) * int(Kconfig.GPUs_per_NODE)
    num_replicas = int(Kconfig.num_replicas)
    script_ana = str(Kconfig.script_ana)
    config_file = str(args.Kconfig).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        systemxml = str(Kconfig.systemxml)
        systemxml = 'system-5.xml'
        integratorxml = str(Kconfig.integratorxml)
        integratorxml = 'integrator-5.xml'
    md_settings = Kconfig.md_env
    if Kconfig.env_ana_same == 'True':
        ana_settings = md_settings
        ana_settings = Kconfig.ana_env
    print("set", num_parallel, md_settings)
    iter_found = 0
    while len(glob.glob('%s/iter%s_input*.pdb' %
                        (combined_path, iter_found))) >= num_replicas:
        iter_found += 1
    cur_iter = max(0, iter_found - 1)
    print("cur_iter", cur_iter)
    #if cur_iter==0:
    #  pre_proc_stage2 = Stage()
    #  pre_proc_task2 = Task()
    #  pre_proc_task2.pre_exec = ['export tasks=pre_proc_task','export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1']
    #  pre_proc_task2.executable = ['ls']
    #  pre_proc_task2.arguments = ['-l']
    #  pre_proc_task2.copy_input_data = ['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (config_file,combined_path, config_file),
    #                                 '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (script_ana,combined_path,script_ana),
    #                                 '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (Kconfig.md_run_file,combined_path,Kconfig.md_run_file),
    #                                   '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (Kconfig.md_reference, combined_path, Kconfig.md_reference)]# '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % ('', combined_path, '') ]
    #  pre_proc_task_ref2 = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (wf.uid, pre_proc_stage2.uid, pre_proc_task2.uid)
    #  pre_proc_stage2.add_tasks(pre_proc_task2)
    #  wf.add_stages(pre_proc_stage2)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    start_iter = cur_iter
    while (cur_iter < int(Kconfig.num_iterations)
           and cur_iter < start_iter + 1):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There arei 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        num_allocated_rep = 0
        num_used_parallel = 0
        while (num_allocated_rep < num_replicas):
            def_rep_per_thread = int(
                    float(num_replicas - num_allocated_rep) /
                    float(num_parallel - num_used_parallel)))
            use_replicas = min(def_rep_per_thread,
                               num_replicas - num_allocated_rep)
            print("u", cur_iter, use_replicas, num_replicas, num_parallel,
                  def_rep_per_thread, num_allocated_rep, num_used_parallel)
            sim_task = Task()
            sim_task.executable = ['python']

            pre_exec_arr = md_settings + [
                'export tasks=md',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #  pre_exec_arr = pre_exec_arr + [ 'mv %s']
            sim_task.pre_exec = pre_exec_arr
            sim_task.gpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 1,
                'thread_type': 'CUDA'
            sim_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 10,
                'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
            sim_task.arguments = [
                '', '--Kconfig', config_file, '--idxstart',
                str(num_allocated_rep), '--idxend',
                str(num_allocated_rep + use_replicas), '--path', combined_path,
                '>', 'md.log'
            #'--trajstride', str(Kconfig.trajstride),'--Kconfig', str(args.Kconfig),
            #'--idxstart',str(num_allocated_rep), '--idxend',str((num_allocated_rep+use_replicas)),
            #'--md_steps',str(Kconfig.md_steps), '--save_traj', 'True','>', 'md.log']
            if Kconfig.md_use_xml == 'yes':
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (systemxml, systemxml),
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (integratorxml, integratorxml),
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (config_file, config_file)
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (config_file, config_file)
            copy_arr = []
            if cur_iter == 0:
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    copy_arr = copy_arr + [
                        '$SHARED/%s > %s/iter0_input%s.pdb' %
                        (Kconfig.md_input_file, combined_path, idx)
                #if num_allocated_rep==0:
                #  copy_arr=copy_arr + ['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig,combined_path, args.Kconfig),
                #                         '$SHARED/ > %s/' % combined_path,
                #                         '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (Kconfig.md_run_file,combined_path,Kconfig.md_run_file)
                #                           ]

            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #   copy_arr = copy_arr +['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig)]
            sim_task.link_input_data = link_arr  #+ copy_arr
            sim_task.copy_input_data = copy_arr
            copy_out = []
            #if str(Kconfig.strategy)=='extend':
            #  for idx in range(num_allocated_rep, num_allocated_rep+use_replicas):
            #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
            #    copy_out=copy_out+['%s/iter%s_out%s.pdb > %s/iter%s_input%s.pdb' % (combined_path, cur_iter, idx, combined_path, (cur_iter+1), idx)]

            #for idx in range(num_allocated_rep, num_allocated_rep+use_replicas):
            ##     #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
            #     copy_out=copy_out+['md.log > %s/md_logs/iter%s_md%s.log' % (combined_path, cur_iter, idx)]

            sim_task.copy_output_data = copy_out
            #if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:
            #    sim_task.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)))

            num_allocated_rep = num_allocated_rep + use_replicas
            num_used_parallel = num_used_parallel + 1
            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))
        if str(Kconfig.strategy) != 'extend':
            for anatask in range(1):
                print("analysis task", anatask)
                ana_task = Task()
                ana_task.executable = ['python']
                pre_exec_arr = ana_settings
                ana_task.pre_exec = pre_exec_arr
                ana_task.link_input_data = [
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (script_ana, script_ana),
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (config_file, config_file)
                ana_task.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': 'CUDA'
                ana_task.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 10,
                    'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
                ana_task.arguments = [
                    script_ana, '--Kconfig', config_file, '>', "analysis.log"
                ana_task.copy_output_data = [
                    'analysis.log > %s/analysis_iter%s_r%s.log' %
                    (combined_path, cur_iter, anatask)
                ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
                    wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)
        cur_iter += 1
        Kconfig.start_iter = str(cur_iter)

    return wf
def test_create_cud_from_task():
    **Purpose**: Test if the 'create_cud_from_task' function generates a RP ComputeUnitDescription with the complete
    Task description

    pipeline = 'p1'
    stage = 's1'
    task = 't1'

    placeholder_dict = {
        pipeline: {
            stage: {
                task: '/home/vivek/some_file.txt'

    t1 = Task() = 't1'
    t1.pre_exec = ['module load gromacs']
    t1.executable = ['grompp']
    t1.arguments = ['hello']
    t1.cpu_reqs = {'processes': 4,
                   'process_type': 'MPI',
                   'threads_per_process': 1,
                   'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
    t1.gpu_reqs = {'processes': 4,
                   'process_type': 'MPI',
                   'threads_per_process': 2,
                   'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
    t1.post_exec = ['echo test']

    t1.upload_input_data = ['upload_input.dat']
    t1.copy_input_data = ['copy_input.dat']
    t1.link_input_data = ['link_input.dat']
    t1.copy_output_data = ['copy_output.dat']
    t1.download_output_data = ['download_output.dat']

    p = Pipeline() = 'p1'
    s = Stage() = 's1'
    s.tasks = t1
    p.stages = s


    cud = create_cud_from_task(t1, placeholder_dict)

    assert == '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (t1.uid,,
                                              t1.parent_stage['uid'], t1.parent_stage['name'],
                                              t1.parent_pipeline['uid'], t1.parent_pipeline['name'])
    assert cud.pre_exec == t1.pre_exec

    # rp returns executable as a string regardless of whether assignment was using string or list
    assert cud.executable == t1.executable
    assert cud.arguments == t1.arguments
    assert cud.cpu_processes == t1.cpu_reqs['processes']
    assert cud.cpu_threads == t1.cpu_reqs['threads_per_process']
    assert cud.cpu_process_type == t1.cpu_reqs['process_type']
    assert cud.cpu_thread_type == t1.cpu_reqs['thread_type']
    assert cud.gpu_processes == t1.gpu_reqs['processes']
    assert cud.gpu_threads == t1.gpu_reqs['threads_per_process']
    assert cud.gpu_process_type == t1.gpu_reqs['process_type']
    assert cud.gpu_thread_type == t1.gpu_reqs['thread_type']
    assert cud.post_exec == t1.post_exec

    assert {'source': 'upload_input.dat', 'target': 'upload_input.dat'} in cud.input_staging
    assert {'source': 'copy_input.dat', 'action': rp.COPY, 'target': 'copy_input.dat'} in cud.input_staging
    assert {'source': 'link_input.dat', 'action': rp.LINK, 'target': 'link_input.dat'} in cud.input_staging
    assert {'source': 'copy_output.dat', 'action': rp.COPY, 'target': 'copy_output.dat'} in cud.output_staging
    assert {'source': 'download_output.dat', 'target': 'download_output.dat'} in cud.output_staging
Esempio n. 17
def get_pipeline(instance, iterations):

    # Create a Pipeline object
    p = Pipeline()

    # Create Stage 1
    s1 = Stage()

    # Create a Task
    t1 = Task()
    t1.pre_exec = ['module load python/2.7.7-anaconda']
    t1.executable = ['python']
    t1.arguments = [
        '', '--template', 'CB7G3_template.mdp', '--newname',
        'CB7G3_run.mdp', '--wldelta', '2', '--equilibrated', 'False',
        '--lambda_state', '0', '--seed',
        '%s' % SEED
    t1.cores = 1
    t1.copy_input_data = [
        '$SHARED/CB7G3_template.mdp', '$SHARED/'

    # Add the Task to the Stage

    # Add Stage to the Pipeline

    for it in range(1, iterations + 1):

        # Create Stage 2
        s2 = Stage()

        # Create a Task
        t2 = Task()
        t2.pre_exec = [
            'source /home/trje3733/pkgs/gromacs/5.1.3.wlmod/bin/GMXRC.bash'
        t2.executable = ['gmx grompp']
        t2.arguments = [
            '-f', 'CB7G3_run.mdp', '-c', 'CB7G3.gro', '-p', '', '-n',
            'CB7G3.ndx', '-o', 'CB7G3.tpr', '-maxwarn', '10'
        t2.cores = 1
        t2.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/CB7G3.ndx', '$SHARED/', '$SHARED/3atomtypes.itp',
            '$SHARED/3_GMX.itp', '$SHARED/cucurbit_7_uril_GMX.itp'

        if it == 0:
            t2.copy_input_data += [
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3_run.mdp' %
                (p.uid, s1.uid, t1.uid), '$SHARED/CB7G3.gro'
            t2.copy_input_data += [
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3_run.mdp' %
                (p.uid, s4.uid, t4.uid),
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3.gro' %
                (p.uid, s3.uid, t3.uid)

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

        # Create Stage 3
        s3 = Stage()

        # Create a Task
        t3 = Task()
        t3.pre_exec = [
            'source /home/trje3733/pkgs/gromacs/5.1.3.wlmod/bin/GMXRC.bash'
        t3.executable = ['gmx mdrun']
        t3.arguments = [
        t3.cores = 20
        # t3.mpi = True
        t3.copy_input_data = [
            '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3.tpr' % (p.uid, s2.uid, t2.uid)
        t3.copy_output_data = [
            'CB7G3_dhdl.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_dhdl.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3_pullf.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullf.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3_pullx.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullx.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3.log > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.log'.format(it, instance)
        t3.download_output_data = [
            'CB7G3.xtc > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.xtc'.format(it, instance),
            'CB7G3.log > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.log'.format(it, instance),
            'CB7G3_dhdl.xvg > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_dhdl.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3_pullf.xvg > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullf.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3_pullx.xvg > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullx.xvg'.format(
                it, instance),
            'CB7G3.gro > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.gro'.format(it, instance)

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

        # Create Stage 4
        s4 = Stage()

        # Create a Task
        t4 = Task()
        t4.pre_exec = [
            'module load python',
            'export PYTHONPATH=/home/vivek91/modules/alchemical-analysis/alchemical_analysis:$PYTHONPATH',
            'export PYTHONPATH=/home/vivek91/modules/alchemical-analysis:$PYTHONPATH',
            'export PYTHONPATH=/home/vivek91/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH',
            'ln -s ../staging_area data'
        t4.executable = ['python']
        t4.arguments = [
            '--gen={0}'.format(it, instance),
            '--run={1}'.format(it, instance)
        t4.cores = 1
        t4.link_input_data = [
        t4.download_output_data = [
            'analyze_1/results.txt > results_run{1}_gen{0}.txt'.format(
                it, instance),
            'STDOUT > stdout_run{1}_gen{0}'.format(it, instance),
            'STDERR > stderr_run{1}_gen{0}'.format(it, instance),
            'CB7G3_run.mdp > CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.mdp'.format(it, instance),
            'results_average.txt > results_average_run{1}_gen{0}.txt'.format(
                it, instance)

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

    return p
Esempio n. 18
def test_output_list_from_task():
    **Purpose**: Test if the 'get_output_list_from_task' function generates the
                 correct RP output transfer directives when given a Task.

    pipeline = str(ru.generate_id('pipeline'))
    stage = str(ru.generate_id('stage'))
    task = str(ru.generate_id('task'))

    placeholders = {pipeline: {stage: {task: '/home/vivek/some_file.txt'}}}

    for t in [1, 'a', list(), dict(), True]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            t = list()
            get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    # Test copy output data
    t = Task()
    t.copy_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.COPY
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.copy_output_data[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.copy_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.copy_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.COPY
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.copy_output_data[0].split('>')[0].strip()
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(

    # Test move output data
    t = Task()
    t.move_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.MOVE
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.move_output_data[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.move_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.move_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.MOVE
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.move_output_data[0].split('>')[0].strip()
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(

    # Test download input data

    t = Task()
    t.download_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert 'action' not in ip_list[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.download_output_data[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.download_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.download_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholders)

    assert 'action' not in ip_list[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.download_output_data[0].split('>')[0] \
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(
def create_workflow(Kconfig):

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cur_iter = int(Kconfig.start_iter)  #0
    #assumed of iteration non zero that files are in combined_path
    combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory
                        )  #'/u/sciteam/hruska/scratch/extasy-grlsd'
    if cur_iter == 0:
        restart_iter = 0
        restart_iter = cur_iter

    if cur_iter == 0:
        pre_proc_stage = Stage()
        pre_proc_task = Task()
        pre_proc_task.pre_exec = [
            'module load bwpy', 'export tasks=pre_proc', 'export iter=-1',
            'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task.executable = ['python']
        pre_proc_task.arguments = [
            '', '-n', Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim, '-gro',
            'input.gro', '--clone',
        pre_proc_task.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/iter_%s/input.gro' %
            (os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file), combined_path, cur_iter),
            '$SHARED/%s > input.gro' % os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file),
            '$SHARED/ >', '$SHARED/ >'

        pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        pre_proc_stage = Stage()
        pre_proc_task = Task()
        pre_proc_task.pre_exec = [
            'module load bwpy', 'export tasks=pre_proc', 'export iter=-1',
            'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task.executable = ['python']
        pre_proc_task.arguments = [
            '', '-n', Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim, '-gro',
        pre_proc_task.copy_input_data = [
            '%s/iter_%s/out.gro > input.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter - 1),
            '$SHARED/ >', '$SHARED/ >'
        pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)

    while (cur_iter < int(Kconfig.num_iterations)):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        for sim_num in range(

            sim_task = Task()
            if Kconfig.use_gpus == 'False':
                sim_task.executable = [
                sim_task.pre_exec = [
                    'module load bwpy',
                    'export PYTHONPATH="/u/sciteam/hruska/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/u/sciteam/hruska/local:/u/sciteam/hruska/local/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH"',
                    'export PATH=/u/sciteam/hruska/local/bin:$PATH',
                    'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
                sim_task.cores = int(
                )  #on bluewaters tasks on one node are executed concurently
                sim_task.executable = ['python']
                sim_task.pre_exec = [
                    'module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu', 'module add bwpy',
                    'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw',
                    'module add cray-netcdf',
                    'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
                    'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan, xalt',
                    'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic',
                    'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes', 'export FC=ftn',
                    'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
                    'export tasks=md',
                    'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
                sim_task.gpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 1,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 1,
                    'thread_type': None
                sim_task.cpu_reqs = {
                    'processes': 0,
                    'process_type': None,
                    'threads_per_process': 0,
                    'thread_type': None
            sim_task.arguments = [
                '', '--gro', 'start.gro', '--out', 'out.gro',
                str(Kconfig.md_steps), '--save_traj', 'False', '>', 'md.log'
            sim_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/%s >' %

            #if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:
            #    sim_task.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)))
            if restart_iter == cur_iter:
                    '%s/temp/start%s.gro > start.gro' %
                    (pre_proc_task_ref, sim_num))
                    '%s/temp/start%s.gro > start.gro' %
                    (post_ana_task_ref, sim_num))

            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # pre_ana_task:
        #     Purpose:   The output of each gromacs instance in the simulaxftion stage is a small coordinate file.
        #                 Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file.
        #     Arguments:
        #             numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated

        pre_ana_stage = Stage()
        pre_ana_task = Task()
        pre_ana_task.pre_exec = [
            'module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu', 'module add bwpy',
            'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw', 'module add cray-netcdf',
            'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
            'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan, xalt',
            'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
            'export FC=ftn',
            'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
            'export tasks=pre_ana',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_ana_task.executable = ['python']
        pre_ana_task.arguments = ['']

        pre_ana_task.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/ >'

        for sim_num in range(
            pre_ana_task.link_input_data += [
                '%s/out.gro > out%s.gro' % (sim_task_ref[sim_num], sim_num)

        pre_ana_task.copy_output_data = [
            'tmpha.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
            'tmp.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter)
        #'tmp.gro > resource://iter_%s/tmp.gro' % cur_iter

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # lsdmap:
        #     Purpose: Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values.
        #     Arguments:
        #             config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap

        ana_stage = Stage()
        ana_task = Task()
        ana_task.pre_exec = [
            'module load PrgEnv-gnu', 'module unload bwpy',
            'module load bwpy/0.3.0', 'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw',
            'module add cray-netcdf',
            'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
            'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan xalt',
            'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
            'export FC=ftn',
            'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
            'export tasks=lsdmap',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        ana_task.executable = ['lsdmap']  #/u/sciteam/hruska/local/bin/lsdmap
        ana_task.arguments = [
            os.path.basename(Kconfig.lsdm_config_file), '-c', 'tmpha.gro',
            '-n', 'out.nn', '-w', 'weight.w'

        ana_task.cores = 1
        ana_task.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(
            '%s/iter_%s/tmpha.gro > tmpha.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter)
        ana_task.copy_output_data = [
            'lsdmap.log > $SHARED/results/iter_%s_lsdmap.log' % cur_iter,
            ' > $SHARED/results/' % cur_iter,
            #'lsdmap.log > output/iter_%s/lsdmap.log'%cur_iter,
            'tmpha.ev > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.ev' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
            'tmpha.eps > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.eps' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
            ' > %s/iter_%s/' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
            'out.nn > %s/iter_%s/out.nn' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
            'lsdmap.log > %s/iter_%s/lsdmap.log' % (combined_path, cur_iter)
        if cur_iter > 0:
            ana_task.link_input_data += [
                '%s/iter_%s/weight_out.w > weight.w' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter - 1)

        if (cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
            ana_task.download_output_data = [
                'lsdmap.log > ./results/iter_%s_lsdmap.log' % cur_iter

        ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, ana_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # post_lsdmap:
        #     Purpose:   Use the weights, eigen values generated in lsdmap along with other parameter files from pre_loop
        #                 to generate the new coordinate file to be used by the simulation_step in the next iteration.
        #     Arguments:
        #             num_replicas              = number of configurations to be generated in the new coordinate file
        #             out                   = output filename
        #             cycle                 = iteration number
        #             max_dead_neighbors    = max dead neighbors to be considered
        #             max_alive_neighbors   = max alive neighbors to be considered
        #             numCUs                = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files

        post_ana_stage = Stage()
        post_ana_task = Task()
        post_ana_task._name = 'post_ana_task'
        if Kconfig.restarts == 'clustering':
            post_ana_task.pre_exec = [
                'module unload PrgEnv-cray', 'module load PrgEnv-gnu',
                'module unload bwpy', 'module add bwpy/0.3.0',
                'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw',
                'module add cray-netcdf',
                'module add cudatoolkit/7.5.18-1.0502.10743.2.1',
                'module add cmake', 'module unload darshan xalt',
                'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
                'export FC=ftn',
                'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy2/bin/activate',
                'export tasks=post_ana', 'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
            post_ana_task.executable = ['python']
            post_ana_task.arguments = [
                '', Kconfig.num_replicas, 'tmpha.ev',
                '', 'tmp.gro', 'out.nn', 'weight.w', 'out.gro',
                Kconfig.max_alive_neighbors, Kconfig.max_dead_neighbors,
                'input.gro', cur_iter, Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim,
                'weight_out.w', ''

            post_ana_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/ >',
                '$SHARED/ >',
                '$SHARED/ >',
                '$SHARED/ >',
                '$SHARED/ >', '$SHARED/ >',
                '%s/iter_%s/weight_out.w > weight.w' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter - 1),
                '%s/iter_%s/tmp.gro > tmp.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                '%s/iter_%s/tmpha.ev > tmpha.ev' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                '%s/iter_%s/ >' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                '%s/iter_%s/out.nn > out.nn' % (combined_path, cur_iter)

            if (cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
                post_ana_task.download_output_data = [
                    'out.gro > output/iter_%s/out.gro' % cur_iter,
                    'weight_out.w > output/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % cur_iter,
                    'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > output/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png'
                    % (cur_iter),
                    ' > output/iter_%s/' % (cur_iter),
                    '%s/iter_%s/tmp.gro > output/iter_%s/tmp.gro' %
                    (combined_path, cur_iter, cur_iter)

            post_ana_task.copy_output_data = [
                ' > %s/iter_%s/' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'weight_out.w > %s/iter_%s/weight_out.w' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'out.gro > %s/iter_%s/out.gro' % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png'
                % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png'
                % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png'
                % (combined_path, cur_iter),
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > ./results/iter_%s_plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png'
                % cur_iter,
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png > ./results/iter_%s_plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png'
                % cur_iter,
                'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png > ./results/iter_%s_plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png'
                % cur_iter

        post_ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, post_ana_stage.uid, post_ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        cur_iter += 1
        Kconfig.start_iter = str(cur_iter)

    return wf
def test_output_list_from_task():
    **Purpose**: Test if the 'get_output_list_from_task' function generates the correct RP output transfer directives
    when given a Task

    pipeline = str(ru.generate_id('pipeline'))
    stage = str(ru.generate_id('stage'))
    task = str(ru.generate_id('task'))

    placeholder_dict = {
        pipeline: {
            stage: {
                task: '/home/vivek/some_file.txt'

    for t in [1, 'a', list(), dict(), True]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            t = list()
            get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    # Test copy output data
    t = Task()
    t.copy_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.copy_output_data[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.COPY
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.copy_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.copy_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.copy_output_data[0].split('>')[0].strip()
    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.COPY
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.copy_output_data[0].split('>')[1].strip())

    # Test move output data
    t = Task()
    t.move_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.move_output_data[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.MOVE
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.move_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.move_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.move_output_data[0].split('>')[0].strip()
    assert ip_list[0]['action'] == rp.MOVE
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.move_output_data[0].split('>')[1].strip())

    # Test download input data

    t = Task()
    t.download_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.download_output_data[0]
    assert 'action' not in ip_list[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.download_output_data[0])

    t = Task()
    t.download_output_data = ['/home/vivek/test.dat > new_test.dat']
    ip_list = get_output_list_from_task(t, placeholder_dict)

    assert ip_list[0]['source'] == t.download_output_data[0].split('>')[0].strip()
    assert 'action' not in ip_list[0]
    assert ip_list[0]['target'] == os.path.basename(t.download_output_data[0].split('>')[1].strip())
Esempio n. 21
    def func_on_true():

        global cur_iter, book

        # Create Stage 2
        s2 = Stage() = 'iter%s-s2' % cur_iter[instance]

        # Create a Task
        t2 = Task() = 'iter%s-s2-t2' % cur_iter[instance]

        t2.pre_exec = ['source %s/bin/GMXRC.bash' % GMX_PATH]
        t2.executable = ['gmx grompp']
        t2.arguments = [
            '-f', 'CB7G3_run.mdp', '-c', 'CB7G3.gro', '-p', '', '-n',
            'CB7G3.ndx', '-o', 'CB7G3.tpr', '-maxwarn', '10'
        t2.cores = 1
        t2.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/CB7G3.ndx', '$SHARED/', '$SHARED/3atomtypes.itp',
            '$SHARED/3_GMX.itp', '$SHARED/cucurbit_7_uril_GMX.itp'

        if cur_iter[instance] == 1:
            t2.copy_input_data += [
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3_run.mdp' %
                (, book[]['stages'][-1]['name'],
                 book[]['stages'][-1]['task']), '$SHARED/CB7G3.gro'
            t2.copy_input_data += [
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3_run.mdp' %
                (, book[]['stages'][-1]['name'],
                '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3.gro' %
                (, book[]['stages'][-2]['name'],

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add current Task and Stage to our book
        book[]['stages'].append({'name':, 'task':})

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

        # Create Stage 3
        s3 = Stage() = 'iter%s-s3' % cur_iter[instance]

        # Create a Task
        t3 = Task() = 'iter%s-s3-t3' % cur_iter[instance]
        t3.pre_exec = ['source %s/bin/GMXRC.bash' % GMX_PATH]
        t3.executable = ['gmx mdrun']
        t3.arguments = [
        t3.cores = 20
        # t3.mpi = True
        t3.copy_input_data = [
            '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s/CB7G3.tpr' %
            (, book[]['stages'][-1]['name'],
        t3.copy_output_data = [
            'CB7G3_dhdl.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_dhdl.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_pullf.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullf.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_pullx.xvg > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullx.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3.log > $SHARED/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.log'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance)
        t3.download_output_data = [
            'CB7G3.xtc > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.xtc'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3.log > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.log'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_dhdl.xvg > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_dhdl.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_pullf.xvg > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullf.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_pullx.xvg > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}_pullx.xvg'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3.gro > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.gro'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance)

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add current Task and Stage to our book
        book[]['stages'].append({'name':, 'task':})

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

        # Create Stage 4
        s4 = Stage() = 'iter%s-s4' % cur_iter[instance]

        # Create a Task
        t4 = Task() = 'iter%s-s4-t4' % cur_iter[instance]
        t4.pre_exec = [
            'module load python/2.7.7-anaconda',
            'export PYTHONPATH=%s/alchemical_analysis:$PYTHONPATH' %
            'export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH' % ALCH_ANA_PATH,
            'export PYTHONPATH=/home/vivek91/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH',
            'ln -s ../staging_area data'
        t4.executable = ['python']
        t4.arguments = [
            # '--prev_data=%s'%DATA_LOC
            '--gen={0}'.format(cur_iter[instance], instance),
            '--run={1}'.format(cur_iter[instance], instance)
        t4.cores = 1
        t4.copy_input_data = [

        t4.download_output_data = [
            'analyze_1/results.txt > ./output/results_run{1}_gen{0}.txt'.
                   instance), 'STDOUT > ./output/stdout_run{1}_gen{0}'.format(
                       cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'STDERR > ./output/stderr_run{1}_gen{0}'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'CB7G3_run.mdp > ./output/CB7G3_run{1}_gen{0}.mdp'.format(
                cur_iter[instance], instance),
            'results_average.txt > ./output/results_average_run{1}_gen{0}.txt'.
            format(cur_iter[instance], instance)

        s4.post_exec = {
            'condition': func_condition,
            'on_true': func_on_true,
            'on_false': func_on_false

        # Add the Task to the Stage

        # Add current Task and Stage to our book
        book[]['stages'].append({'name':, 'task':})

        # Add Stage to the Pipeline

        print book
Esempio n. 22
def create_workflow(Kconfig, args):

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cur_iter = int(Kconfig.start_iter)  #0
    #assumed of iteration non zero that files are in combined_path
    if str(socket.gethostname()) == '':
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory) + '-giotto'
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory
                            )  #'/u/sciteam/hruska/scratch/extasy-tica'
    num_parallel = int(Kconfig.NODESIZE) * int(Kconfig.GPUs_per_NODE)
    num_replicas = int(Kconfig.num_replicas)
    script_ana = str(Kconfig.script_ana)

    md_settings = Kconfig.md_env
    if Kconfig.env_ana_same == 'True':
        ana_settings = md_settings
        ana_settings = Kconfig.ana_env
    print("set", num_parallel, md_settings)
    iter_found = 0
    while len(glob.glob('%s/iter%s_input*.pdb' %
                        (combined_path, iter_found))) >= num_replicas:
        iter_found += 1
    cur_iter = max(0, iter_found - 1)
    print("cur_iter", cur_iter)
    if cur_iter == 0:
        #pre_proc_stage = Stage()
        #pre_proc_task = Task()
        #pre_proc_task.pre_exec = ['export tasks=pre_proc_task','export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1']
        #pre_proc_task.executable = ['mv']
        #pre_proc_task.arguments = [ combined_path, combined_path + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") ]
        #pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)
        pre_proc_stage2 = Stage()
        pre_proc_task2 = Task()
        pre_proc_task2.pre_exec = [
            'export tasks=pre_proc_task',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task2.executable = ['ls']
        pre_proc_task2.arguments = ['-l']
        pre_proc_task2.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (script_ana, combined_path, script_ana),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            (Kconfig.md_run_file, combined_path, Kconfig.md_run_file),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            (Kconfig.md_reference, combined_path, Kconfig.md_reference)
        ]  # '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % ('', combined_path, '') ]
        pre_proc_task_ref2 = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage2.uid, pre_proc_task2.uid)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    start_iter = cur_iter
    while (cur_iter < int(Kconfig.num_iterations)
           and cur_iter < start_iter + 1):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There arei 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        num_allocated_rep = 0
        num_used_parallel = 0
        while (num_allocated_rep < num_replicas):
            #if (num_used_threads>=num_parallel):
            #   print("ALLERT tried use more gpus than allocated")
            def_rep_per_thread = int(
                    float(num_replicas - num_allocated_rep) /
                    float(num_parallel - num_used_parallel)))
            use_replicas = min(def_rep_per_thread,
                               num_replicas - num_allocated_rep)
            #if ((num_replicas-num_allocated_rep)>def_rep_per_thread):  # check if use all threads
            #   use_replicas=def_rep_per_thread
            #else:  #use pnly part of threads
            #   use_replicas=(num_replicas-num_allocated_rep)
            print("u", cur_iter, use_replicas, num_replicas, num_parallel,
                  def_rep_per_thread, num_allocated_rep, num_used_parallel)
            sim_task = Task()
            sim_task.executable = ['python']

            pre_exec_arr = md_settings + [
                'export tasks=md',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #  pre_exec_arr = pre_exec_arr + [ 'mv %s']
            sim_task.pre_exec = pre_exec_arr
            sim_task.gpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 1,
                'thread_type': 'CUDA'
            sim_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 20,
                'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
            sim_task.arguments = [
                '', '--trajstride',
                str(Kconfig.trajstride), '--Kconfig',
                str(args.Kconfig), '--idxstart',
                str(num_allocated_rep), '--idxend',
                str((num_allocated_rep + use_replicas)), '--path',
                combined_path, '--iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--md_steps',
                str(Kconfig.md_steps), '--save_traj',
                str(Kconfig.save_alltraj), '>', 'md.log'
            if Kconfig.md_use_xml == 'yes':
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/system-5.xml > system-5.xml',
                    '$SHARED/integrator-5.xml > integrator-5.xml',
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)
            copy_arr = []
            if cur_iter == 0:
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    copy_arr = copy_arr + [
                        '$SHARED/%s > %s/iter0_input%s.pdb' %
                        (Kconfig.md_input_file, combined_path, idx)
                #if num_allocated_rep==0:
                #  copy_arr=copy_arr + ['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig,combined_path, args.Kconfig),
                #                         '$SHARED/ > %s/' % combined_path,
                #                         '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (Kconfig.md_run_file,combined_path,Kconfig.md_run_file)
                #                           ]

            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #   copy_arr = copy_arr +['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig)]
            sim_task.link_input_data = link_arr  #+ copy_arr
            sim_task.copy_input_data = copy_arr
            copy_out = []
            #if str(Kconfig.strategy)=='extend':
            #  for idx in range(num_allocated_rep, num_allocated_rep+use_replicas):
            #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
            #    copy_out=copy_out+['%s/iter%s_out%s.pdb > %s/iter%s_input%s.pdb' % (combined_path, cur_iter, idx, combined_path, (cur_iter+1), idx)]

            #for idx in range(num_allocated_rep, num_allocated_rep+use_replicas):
            ##     #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
            #     copy_out=copy_out+['md.log > %s/md_logs/iter%s_md%s.log' % (combined_path, cur_iter, idx)]

            sim_task.copy_output_data = copy_out
            #if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:
            #    sim_task.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)))

            num_allocated_rep = num_allocated_rep + use_replicas
            num_used_parallel = num_used_parallel + 1
            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # pre_ana_task:
        #     Purpose:   The output of each gromacs instance in the simulaxftion stage is a small coordinate file.
        #                 Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file.
        #     Arguments:
        #             numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated
        if str(Kconfig.strategy) != 'extend':
            ana_stage = Stage()
            ana_task = Task()
            ana_task.pre_exec = ana_settings + [
                'export tasks=tica_msm_ana',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
            ana_task.executable = ['python']
            ana_task.arguments = [
                script_ana, '--path', combined_path, '--n_select',
                str(num_replicas), '--cur_iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--Kconfig',
                str(args.Kconfig), '--ref',
                str(Kconfig.md_reference), '>', 'analyse.log'

            ana_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': 'MPI',
                'threads_per_process': 16,
                'thread_type': None

            ana_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (script_ana, script_ana),
                '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)

            #for sim_num in range(min(int(Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim),int(Kconfig.num_replicas))):
            ana_task.copy_output_data = [
                'analyse.log > %s/iter%s_analyse.log' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter)

            #ana_task.copy_output_data = ['tmpha.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
            #                              'tmp.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]
            #'tmp.gro > resource://iter_%s/tmp.gro' % cur_iter

            ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
                wf.uid, ana_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # lsdmap:
        #     Purpose: Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values.
        #     Arguments:
        #             config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap

        #if(cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
        #     post_ana_task.download_output_data = ['out.gro > output/iter_%s/out.gro' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'weight_out.w > output/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > output/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   ' > output/iter_%s/' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   '%s/iter_%s/tmp.gro > output/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter,cur_iter)
        #                                   ]

        #post_ana_task.copy_output_data = [' > %s/iter_%s/' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'weight_out.w > %s/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'out.gro > %s/iter_%s/out.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]

        #post_ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s'%(wf.uid, post_ana_stage.uid, post_ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        cur_iter += 1
        Kconfig.start_iter = str(cur_iter)

    return wf
Esempio n. 23
def create_workflow(Kconfig, args):

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cur_iter = int(Kconfig.start_iter)  #0
    #assumed of iteration non zero that files are in combined_path
    if str(socket.gethostname()) == '':
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory) + '-giotto'
        combined_path = str(Kconfig.remote_output_directory
                            )  #'/u/sciteam/hruska/scratch/extasy-tica'
    num_parallel = int(Kconfig.NODESIZE)
    num_replicas = int(Kconfig.num_replicas)
    script_ana = str(Kconfig.script_ana)
    vpy4_settings = [
        'module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu', 'module load bwpy/1.2.4',
        'module add bwpy-mpi', 'module add fftw/',
        'module add cray-netcdf',
        'module add cudatoolkit/9.1.85_3.10-1.0502.df1cc54.3.1',
        'module add cmake/3.1.3', 'module unload darshan xalt',
        'export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic', 'export CRAY_ADD_RPATH=yes',
        'export FC=ftn',
        'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy4/bin/activate',
        'printenv > env.log', 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1',
        'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1'
    vpy4_2_settings = [
        'module unload bwpy', 'module load bwpy',
        'export MODULEPATH="/sw/bw/bwpy/modulefiles/:${MODULEPATH}"',
        'export CPATH="${BWPY_INCLUDE_PATH}"',
        'export LIBRARY_PATH="${BWPY_LIBRARY_PATH}"',
        'export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--rpath=${BWPY_LIBRARY_PATH}"',
        'module load craype-ml-plugin-py3/1.1.0',
        'export MPICH_GNI_MALLOC_FALLBACK=enabled',
        ' export MPICH_GNI_MAX_VSHORT_MSG_SIZE=64',
        'export MPICH_MAX_THREAD_SAFETY=multiple',
        'export MPICH_RMA_OVER_DMAPP=1',
        'export OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR=/mnt/bwpy/single/usr/lib/plugin',
        'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy4/bin/activate',
        'bwpy-environ', 'printenv > env.log', 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1',
        'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1'
    vpy8_settings = [
        'module unload PrgEnv-cray', 'module load PrgEnv-gnu',
        'module unload gcc', 'module load gcc/5.3.0', 'module unload bwpy',
        'module load bwpy/2.0.0-pre0', 'module load bwpy-mpi',
        'module add cudatoolkit',
        'export MODULEPATH="/sw/bw/bwpy/modulefiles/:${MODULEPATH}"',
        'export CPATH="${BWPY_INCLUDE_PATH}"',
        'export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--rpath=${BWPY_LIBRARY_PATH}"',
        'module load craype-ml-plugin-py3/1.1.0',
        'export MPICH_GNI_MALLOC_FALLBACK=enable',
        'export MPICH_GNI_MAX_VSHORT_MSG_SIZE=64',
        'export MPICH_MAX_THREAD_SAFETY=multiple',
        'export MPICH_RMA_OVER_DMAPP=1',
        'export OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR=/mnt/bwpy/single/usr/lib/plugins',
        'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy8/bin/activate',
        'printenv > env.log', 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1',
        'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1'
    vpy9_settings = [
        'module unload PrgEnv-cray', 'module load PrgEnv-gnu',
        'module unload gcc', 'module load gcc/5.3.0', 'module unload bwpy',
        'module load bwpy/2.0.0-pre1', 'module load bwpy-mpi',
        'module add cudatoolkit',
        'export MODULEPATH="/sw/bw/bwpy/modulefiles/:${MODULEPATH}"',
        'export CPATH="${BWPY_INCLUDE_PATH}"',
        'export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--rpath=${BWPY_LIBRARY_PATH}"',
        'export MPICH_GNI_MALLOC_FALLBACK=enable',
        'export MPICH_GNI_MAX_VSHORT_MSG_SIZE=64',
        'export MPICH_MAX_THREAD_SAFETY=multiple',
        'export MPICH_RMA_OVER_DMAPP=1',
        'export OPENMM_PLUGIN_DIR=/mnt/bwpy/single/usr/lib/plugins',
        'source /projects/sciteam/bamm/hruska/vpy9/bin/activate',
        'printenv > env.log', 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1',
        'export PYEMMA_NJOBS=1'
    ]  #'module load craype-ml-plugin-py3/1.1.0'
    if Kconfig.md_env == 'vpy4':
        md_settings = vpy4_settings
    if Kconfig.md_env == 'vpy8':
        md_settings = vpy8_settings
    if Kconfig.ana_env == 'vpy8':
        ana_settings = vpy8_settings
    if Kconfig.md_env == 'vpy9':
        md_settings = vpy9_settings
    if Kconfig.ana_env == 'vpy9':
        ana_settings = vpy9_settings

    #if cur_iter==0:
    #	restart_iter=0
    #	restart_iter=cur_iter

    if cur_iter == 0:
        pre_proc_stage = Stage()
        pre_proc_task = Task()
        pre_proc_task.pre_exec = [
            'export tasks=pre_proc_task',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task.executable = ['mv']
        pre_proc_task.arguments = [
            combined_path, combined_path + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)
        pre_proc_stage2 = Stage()
        pre_proc_task2 = Task()
        pre_proc_task2.pre_exec = [
            'export tasks=pre_proc_task',
            'export iter=%s' % cur_iter, 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
        pre_proc_task2.executable = ['ls']
        pre_proc_task2.arguments = ['-l']
        pre_proc_task2.copy_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (script_ana, combined_path, script_ana),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            (Kconfig.md_run_file, combined_path, Kconfig.md_run_file),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            (Kconfig.md_reference, combined_path, Kconfig.md_reference),
            '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' %
            ('', combined_path, '')

        pre_proc_task_ref2 = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, pre_proc_stage2.uid, pre_proc_task2.uid)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    while (cur_iter < int(Kconfig.num_iterations)):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There arei 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        def_rep_per_thread = int(np.ceil(num_replicas / num_parallel))
        num_allocated_rep = 0
        num_used_threads = 0
        while (num_allocated_rep < num_replicas):
            if (num_used_threads == num_parallel):
                print("ALLERT tried use more gpus than allocated")
            if ((num_replicas - num_allocated_rep) > def_rep_per_thread):
                use_replicas = def_rep_per_thread
                use_replicas = (num_replicas - num_allocated_rep)
            sim_task = Task()
            sim_task.executable = ['bwpy-environ']  #'python']

            pre_exec_arr = md_settings + [
                'export tasks=md',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #  pre_exec_arr = pre_exec_arr + [ 'mv %s']
            sim_task.pre_exec = pre_exec_arr
            sim_task.gpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 1,
                'thread_type': None
            sim_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 0,
                'process_type': None,
                'threads_per_process': 0,
                'thread_type': None
            sim_task.arguments = [
                'python', '', '--trajstride',
                str(Kconfig.trajstride), '--Kconfig',
                str(args.Kconfig), '--idxstart',
                str(num_allocated_rep), '--idxend',
                str((num_allocated_rep + use_replicas)), '--path',
                combined_path, '--iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--md_steps',
                str(Kconfig.md_steps), '--save_traj', 'True', '>', 'md.log'
            if Kconfig.md_use_xml == 'yes':
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/system-5.xml > system-5.xml',
                    '$SHARED/integrator-5.xml > integrator-5.xml',
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)
                link_arr = [
                    '$SHARED/%s >' %
                    '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)
            copy_arr = []
            if cur_iter == 0:
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    copy_arr = copy_arr + [
                        '$SHARED/%s > %s/iter0_input%s.pdb' %
                        (Kconfig.md_input_file, combined_path, idx)
                #if num_allocated_rep==0:
                #  copy_arr=copy_arr + ['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig,combined_path, args.Kconfig),
                #                         '$SHARED/ > %s/' % combined_path,
                #                         '$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (Kconfig.md_run_file,combined_path,Kconfig.md_run_file)
                #                           ]

            #if cur_iter==0 and num_allocated_rep==0:
            #   copy_arr = copy_arr +['$SHARED/%s > %s/%s' % (args.Kconfig, combined_path, args.Kconfig)]
            sim_task.link_input_data = link_arr  #+ copy_arr
            sim_task.copy_input_data = copy_arr
            copy_out = []
            if str(Kconfig.strategy) == 'extend':
                for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                                 num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                    #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
                    copy_out = copy_out + [
                        '%s/iter%s_out%s.pdb > %s/iter%s_input%s.pdb' %
                        (combined_path, cur_iter, idx, combined_path,
                         (cur_iter + 1), idx)

            for idx in range(num_allocated_rep,
                             num_allocated_rep + use_replicas):
                #copy_arr=copy_arr+['$SHARED/%s > iter0_input%s.pdb' % (Kconfig.md_input_file, idx)]
                copy_out = copy_out + [
                    'md.log > %s/md_logs/iter%s_md%s.log' %
                    (combined_path, cur_iter, idx)

            sim_task.copy_output_data = copy_out
            #if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:
            #    sim_task.link_input_data.append('$SHARED/{0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.ndx_file)))

            num_allocated_rep = num_allocated_rep + use_replicas
            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # pre_ana_task:
        #     Purpose:   The output of each gromacs instance in the simulaxftion stage is a small coordinate file.
        #                 Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file.
        #     Arguments:
        #             numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated
        if str(Kconfig.strategy) != 'extend':
            ana_stage = Stage()
            ana_task = Task()
            ana_task.pre_exec = ana_settings + [
                'export tasks=tica_msm_ana',
                'export iter=%s' % cur_iter
            ana_task.executable = ['bwpy-environ']
            ana_task.arguments = [
                'python', script_ana, '--path', combined_path, '--n_select',
                str(num_replicas), '--cur_iter',
                str(cur_iter), '--Kconfig',
                str(args.Kconfig), '--ref',
                str(Kconfig.md_reference), '>', 'analyse.log'

            ana_task.cpu_reqs = {
                'processes': 1,
                'process_type': 'MPI',
                'threads_per_process': 16,
                'thread_type': None

            ana_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (script_ana, script_ana),
                '$SHARED/%s > %s' % (args.Kconfig, args.Kconfig)

            #for sim_num in range(min(int(Kconfig.num_parallel_MD_sim),int(Kconfig.num_replicas))):
            ana_task.copy_output_data = [
                'analyse.log > %s/iter%s_analyse.log' %
                (combined_path, cur_iter)

            #ana_task.copy_output_data = ['tmpha.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmpha.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
            #                              'tmp.gro > %s/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]
            #'tmp.gro > resource://iter_%s/tmp.gro' % cur_iter

            ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
                wf.uid, ana_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # lsdmap:
        #     Purpose: Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values.
        #     Arguments:
        #             config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap

        #if(cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
        #     post_ana_task.download_output_data = ['out.gro > output/iter_%s/out.gro' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'weight_out.w > output/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % cur_iter,
        #                                   'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > output/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   ' > output/iter_%s/' % (cur_iter),
        #                                   '%s/iter_%s/tmp.gro > output/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter,cur_iter)
        #                                   ]

        #post_ana_task.copy_output_data = [' > %s/iter_%s/' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'weight_out.w > %s/iter_%s/weight_out.w' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'out.gro > %s/iter_%s/out.gro' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-counts.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter),
        #                           'plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png > %s/iter_%s/plot-scatter-cluster-10d-ncopiess.png' % (combined_path,cur_iter)]

        #post_ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s'%(wf.uid, post_ana_stage.uid, post_ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        cur_iter += 1
        Kconfig.start_iter = str(cur_iter)

    return wf
Esempio n. 24
def test_create_cud_from_task():
    **Purpose**: Test if the 'create_cud_from_task' function generates a RP
                 ComputeUnitDescription with the complete Task description.

    pipeline = 'p1'
    stage = 's1'
    task = 't1'

    placeholders = {pipeline: {stage: {task: '/home/vivek/some_file.txt'}}}

    t1 = Task() = 't1'
    t1.pre_exec = ['module load gromacs']
    t1.executable = 'grompp'
    t1.arguments = ['hello']
    t1.cpu_reqs = {
        'processes': 4,
        'process_type': 'MPI',
        'threads_per_process': 1,
        'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
    t1.gpu_reqs = {
        'processes': 4,
        'process_type': 'MPI',
        'threads_per_process': 2,
        'thread_type': 'OpenMP'
    t1.post_exec = ['echo test']
    t1.upload_input_data = ['upload_input.dat']
    t1.copy_input_data = ['copy_input.dat']
    t1.link_input_data = ['link_input.dat']
    t1.copy_output_data = ['copy_output.dat']
    t1.download_output_data = ['download_output.dat']

    p = Pipeline() = 'p1'

    s = Stage() = 's1'
    s.tasks = t1
    p.stages = s

    cud = create_cud_from_task(t1, placeholders)

    assert == '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (
        t1.uid,, t1.parent_stage['uid'], t1.parent_stage['name'],
        t1.parent_pipeline['uid'], t1.parent_pipeline['name'])
    assert cud.pre_exec == t1.pre_exec

    # rp returns executable as a string regardless of whether assignment was using string or list
    assert cud.executable == t1.executable
    assert cud.arguments == t1.arguments
    assert cud.post_exec == t1.post_exec
    assert cud.cpu_processes == t1.cpu_reqs['processes']
    assert cud.cpu_threads == t1.cpu_reqs['threads_per_process']
    assert cud.cpu_process_type == t1.cpu_reqs['process_type']
    assert cud.cpu_thread_type == t1.cpu_reqs['thread_type']
    assert cud.gpu_processes == t1.gpu_reqs['processes']
    assert cud.gpu_threads == t1.gpu_reqs['threads_per_process']
    assert cud.gpu_process_type == t1.gpu_reqs['process_type']
    assert cud.gpu_thread_type == t1.gpu_reqs['thread_type']

    assert {
        'source': 'upload_input.dat',
        'target': 'upload_input.dat'
    } in cud.input_staging
    assert {
        'source': 'copy_input.dat',
        'action': rp.COPY,
        'target': 'copy_input.dat'
    } in cud.input_staging
    assert {
        'source': 'link_input.dat',
        'action': rp.LINK,
        'target': 'link_input.dat'
    } in cud.input_staging
    assert {
        'source': 'copy_output.dat',
        'action': rp.COPY,
        'target': 'copy_output.dat'
    } in cud.output_staging
    assert {
        'source': 'download_output.dat',
        'target': 'download_output.dat'
    } in cud.output_staging
Esempio n. 25
def create_workflow(Kconfig):

    # User settings
    ENSEMBLE_SIZE = int(Kconfig.num_CUs)  # Number of ensemble members
    TOTAL_ITERS = int(
        Kconfig.num_iterations)  # Number of iterations to run current trial

    wf = Pipeline()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    pre_proc_stage :
        Purpose : Transfers files, Split the input file into smaller files to be used by each of the
            gromacs instances in the first iteration.

        Arguments :     
            inputfile = file to be split
            numCUs    = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files
    pre_proc_stage = Stage()
    pre_proc_task = Task()
    pre_proc_task.pre_exec = ['module load bwpy']
    pre_proc_task.executable = ['python']
    pre_proc_task.arguments = [
        '', Kconfig.num_CUs,
    pre_proc_task.copy_input_data = [
        '$SHARED/%s' % os.path.basename(Kconfig.md_input_file),
        '$SHARED/', '$SHARED/'
    pre_proc_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
        wf.uid, pre_proc_stage.uid, pre_proc_task.uid)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    cur_iter = 0
    while (cur_iter < TOTAL_ITERS):

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # sim_stage:
        #     Purpose:  In iter=1, use the input files from pre_loop, else use the outputs of the analysis stage in the
        #               previous iteration. Run gromacs on each of the smaller files. Parameter files and executables
        #                are input from pre_loop. There are 'numCUs' number of instances of gromacs per iteration.
        #     Arguments :
        #           grompp    = gromacs parameters filename
        #           topol     = topology filename

        sim_stage = Stage()
        sim_task_ref = list()
        for sim_num in range(ENSEMBLE_SIZE):

            sim_task = Task()
            sim_task.pre_exec = [
                'source /u/sciteam/balasubr/modules/gromacs/build-cpu-serial/bin/GMXRC.bash',
                'module load bwpy', 'module load platform-mpi',
                'export PYTHONPATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH',
                'export PATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/bin:$PATH'
            sim_task.executable = ['python']
            sim_task.cores = 16
            sim_task.arguments = [
                '', '--mdp',
                os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file), '--top',
                os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file), '--gro', 'start.gro',
                '--out', 'out.gro'
            sim_task.link_input_data = [
                '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.mdp_file)),
                '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(os.path.basename(Kconfig.top_file)),
                '$SHARED/ >'

            if Kconfig.ndx_file is not None:

            if (cur_iter == 0):
                    '%s/temp/start%s.gro > start.gro' %
                    (pre_proc_task_ref, sim_num))

                    '%s/temp/start%s.gro > start.gro' %
                    (post_ana_task_ref, sim_num))

            sim_task_ref.append('$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' %
                                (wf.uid, sim_stage.uid, sim_task.uid))

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # pre_ana_task:
        #     Purpose:   The output of each gromacs instance in the simulation stage is a small coordinate file.
        #                 Concatenate such files from each of the gromacs instances to form a larger file.
        #     Arguments:
        #             numCUs = number of simulation instances / number of small files to be concatenated

        pre_ana_stage = Stage()
        pre_ana_task = Task()
        pre_ana_task.pre_exec = [
            'source /u/sciteam/balasubr/modules/gromacs/build-cpu-serial/bin/GMXRC.bash',
            'module load bwpy'
        pre_ana_task.executable = ['python']
        pre_ana_task.arguments = [
            '', Kconfig.num_CUs, 'tmp.gro', '.'

        pre_ana_task.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/ >'
        for sim_num in range(ENSEMBLE_SIZE):
            pre_ana_task.link_input_data += [
                '%s/out.gro > out%s.gro' % (sim_task_ref[sim_num], sim_num)

        pre_ana_task.copy_output_data = [
            'tmpha.gro > $SHARED/iter_%s/tmpha.gro' % cur_iter,
            'tmp.gro > $SHARED/iter_%s/tmp.gro' % cur_iter

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # lsdmap:
        #     Purpose: Perform LSDMap on the large coordinate file to generate weights and eigen values.
        #     Arguments:
        #             config = name of the config file to be used during LSDMap

        ana_stage = Stage()
        ana_task = Task()
        ana_task.pre_exec = [
            'module load bwpy', 'module load platform-mpi',
            'export PYTHONPATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH',
            'export PATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/bin:$PATH',
            'source /u/sciteam/balasubr/ve-extasy/bin/activate'
        ana_task.executable = ['lsdmap']
        ana_task.arguments = [
            os.path.basename(Kconfig.lsdm_config_file), '-c', 'tmpha.gro',
            '-n', 'out.nn', '-w', 'weight.w'

        ana_task.cores = 1
        ana_task.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/{0} > {0}'.format(
            '$SHARED/iter_%s/tmpha.gro > tmpha.gro' % cur_iter
        ana_task.copy_output_data = [
            'tmpha.ev > $SHARED/iter_%s/tmpha.ev' % cur_iter,
            'out.nn > $SHARED/iter_%s/out.nn' % cur_iter
        if cur_iter > 0:
            ana_task.link_input_data += [
                '%s/weight.w > weight.w' % ana_task_ref
            ana_task.copy_output_data += [
                'weight.w > $SHARED/iter_%s/weight.w' % cur_iter

        if (cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
            ana_task.download_output_data = [
                'lsdmap.log > output/iter%s/lsdmap.log' % cur_iter

        ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, ana_stage.uid, ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # post_lsdmap:
        #     Purpose:   Use the weights, eigen values generated in lsdmap along with other parameter files from pre_loop
        #                 to generate the new coordinate file to be used by the simulation_step in the next iteration.
        #     Arguments:
        #             num_runs              = number of configurations to be generated in the new coordinate file
        #             out                   = output filename
        #             cycle                 = iteration number
        #             max_dead_neighbors    = max dead neighbors to be considered
        #             max_alive_neighbors   = max alive neighbors to be considered
        #             numCUs                = number of simulation instances/ number of smaller files

        post_ana_stage = Stage()
        post_ana_task = Task()
        post_ana_task.pre_exec = [
            'module load bwpy',
            'export PYTHONPATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH',
            'export PATH=/u/sciteam/balasubr/.local/bin:$PATH',
            'source /u/sciteam/balasubr/ve-extasy/bin/activate'
        post_ana_task.executable = ['python']
        post_ana_task.arguments = [
            '', Kconfig.num_runs, 'tmpha.ev', '',
            'tmp.gro', 'out.nn', 'weight.w', 'out.gro',
            Kconfig.max_alive_neighbors, Kconfig.max_dead_neighbors,
            'input.gro', cur_iter, Kconfig.num_CUs

        post_ana_task.link_input_data = [
            '$SHARED/ >',
            '$SHARED/ >',
            '$SHARED/ >',
            '$SHARED/ >', '$SHARED/ >',
            '$SHARED/iter_%s/tmp.gro > tmp.gro' % cur_iter,
            '$SHARED/iter_%s/tmpha.ev > tmpha.ev' % cur_iter,
            '$SHARED/iter_%s/out.nn > out.nn' % cur_iter,
            '$SHARED/input.gro > input.gro'

        if cur_iter > 0:
            post_ana_task.link_input_data += [
                '%s/weight.w > weight_new.w' % ana_task_ref

        if (cur_iter % Kconfig.nsave == 0):
            post_ana_task.download_output_data = [
                'out.gro > output/iter%s/out.gro' % cur_iter,
                'weight.w > output/iter%s/weight.w' % cur_iter

        post_ana_task_ref = '$Pipeline_%s_Stage_%s_Task_%s' % (
            wf.uid, post_ana_stage.uid, post_ana_task.uid)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        cur_iter += 1

    return wf
def test_task_exceptions(s,l,i,b):

    **Purpose**: Test if all attribute assignments raise exceptions for invalid values

    t = Task()

    data_type = [s,l,i,b]

    for data in data_type:

        if not isinstance(data,str):
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
       = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.path = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.parent_stage = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.parent_pipeline = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.stdout = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.stderr = data

        if not isinstance(data,list):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.pre_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.arguments = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.post_exec = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.upload_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.link_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.move_input_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.copy_output_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.download_output_data = data

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.move_output_data = data

        if not isinstance(data, str) and not isinstance(data, list):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.executable = data

        if not isinstance(data, str) and not isinstance(data, unicode):

            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': data,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': None
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': data
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': data,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': data

        if not isinstance(data, int):

            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': data,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': None
                t.cpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': data,
                                'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': data,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': 1,
                                'thread_type': None
                t.gpu_reqs = {
                                'processes': 1,
                                'process_type': None,
                                'threads_per_process': data,
                                'thread_type': None