Esempio n. 1
def userinit(x,img):
    global polygon

    w,h = 1360,768 
    img = rg.resize(img,w,h)
    imgw = img.shape[1]
    imgh = img.shape[0]
    canvasimg = np.array(img)
    minx = abs(min(x[:len(x)/2]))
    miny = abs(min(x[len(x)/2:]))
    # transform model points to image coord
    pts = zip(x[:len(x)/2],x[len(x)/2:])
    pts = [((point[0]+minx)/3.2,(point[1]+miny)/3.2) for point in pts]
    polygon = pts
    pinimg = [(int(y[0]*imgw),int(y[1]*imgh)) for y in pts]
    pinimg = np.array(np.array(pinimg).tolist(), np.int32)
    pinimg = pinimg.reshape((-1,1,2))
    #show gui
    cv.SetMouseCallback( 'choose', mouse, canvasimg)
    return [el for tple in zip(*polygon) for el in tple]
Esempio n. 2
def LOOFIT(k,m,inciset,enhancedgraphs, colors):
    for i in range(14):
        print "INCISOR: "+str(inciset[0]) + " LEFTOUT: "+str(i)
        trainingset = range(14)
        mask = segment(k,m,inciset,trainingset,enhancedgraphs, colors, i, 1)
        # save mask
Esempio n. 3
def plotinit(est, img, colors, imgidx):
    colors = [(0,0,255),(50,50,255),(100,100,255),(150,150,255),(255,0,0),(255,50,50),(255,100,100),(255,150,150)]
    dw,dh = 1360,768 
    image = rg.resize(cv2.cvtColor(img,cv.CV_GRAY2RGB),dw,dh)
    sx = (image.shape[1])
    sy = (image.shape[0])
    for i in range(len(est)):
        p = [[int(q[0]*(sx)),int(q[1]*(sy))] for q in zip(est[i][:len(est[i])/2],est[i][len(est[i])/2:])]
Esempio n. 4
def init(landmarks, img):
    """Allows the user to provide an initial fit for the given model in the
    given image by dragging the mean shape to the right position on a dental

        landmarks (Landmark): A model.
        img (nparray): An image to fit the model on.

        The centroid of the manual fit.
        The landmark points, adapted to the position chosen by the user and the
        scale of the image.

    global tooth

    oimgh = img.shape[0]
    img, scale = rg.resize(img, 1200, 800)
    imgh = img.shape[0]
    canvasimg = np.array(img)

    # transform model points to image coord
    points = landmarks.as_matrix()
    min_x = abs(points[:, 0].min())
    min_y = abs(points[:, 1].min())
    points = [((point[0] + min_x) * scale, (point[1] + min_y) * scale)
              for point in points]
    tooth = points
    pimg = np.array([(int(p[0] * imgh), int(p[1] * imgh)) for p in points])
    cv2.polylines(img, [pimg], True, (0, 255, 0))

    # show gui
    cv2.imshow('choose', img)
    cv.SetMouseCallback('choose', __mouse, canvasimg)

    centroid = np.mean(tooth, axis=0)

    return centroid, Landmarks(
        np.array([[point[0] * oimgh, point[1] * oimgh] for point in tooth]))
def init(landmarks, img):
    """Allows the user to provide an initial fit for the given model in the
    given image by dragging the mean shape to the right position on a dental

        landmarks (Landmark): A model.
        img (nparray): An image to fit the model on.

        The centroid of the manual fit.
        The landmark points, adapted to the position chosen by the user and the
        scale of the image.

    global tooth

    oimgh = img.shape[0]
    img, scale = rg.resize(img, 1200, 800)
    imgh = img.shape[0]
    canvasimg = np.array(img)

    # transform model points to image coord
    points = landmarks.as_matrix()
    min_x = abs(points[:, 0].min())
    min_y = abs(points[:, 1].min())
    points = [((point[0]+min_x)*scale, (point[1]+min_y)*scale) for point in points]
    tooth = points
    pimg = np.array([(int(p[0]*imgh), int(p[1]*imgh)) for p in points])
    cv2.polylines(img, [pimg], True, (0, 255, 0))

    # show gui
    cv2.imshow('choose', img)
    cv.SetMouseCallback('choose', __mouse, canvasimg)

    centroid = np.mean(tooth, axis=0)

    return centroid, Landmarks(np.array([[point[0]*oimgh, point[1]*oimgh] for point in tooth]))
Esempio n. 6
def create_database(radiographs):
    """Interactively select rectangle ROIs for the four upper/lower incisors
    and store list of bboxes.

        radiographs: A list with dental radiographs.

    .. _Based on:
    def draw_rect_roi(event, x, y, flags, param):
        """Mouse callback function"""
        # grab references to the global variables
        global rect_bbox, rect_endpoint_tmp, drawing, bbox

        # if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting
        # (x, y) coordinates and indicate that drawing is being
        # performed. set rect_endpoint_tmp empty list.
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            rect_endpoint_tmp = []
            rect_bbox = [(x, y)]
            drawing = True

        # check to see if the left mouse button was released
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            # record the ending (x, y) coordinates and indicate that
            # drawing operation is finished
            rect_bbox.append((x, y))
            drawing = False

            # for bbox find upper left and bottom right points
            p_1, p_2 = rect_bbox
            p_1x, p_1y = p_1
            p_2x, p_2y = p_2

            lx = min(p_1x, p_2x)
            ty = min(p_1y, p_2y)
            rx = max(p_1x, p_2x)
            by = max(p_1y, p_2y)

            # add bbox to list if both points are different
            if (lx, ty) != (rx, by):
                bbox = [(lx, ty), (rx, by)]

        # if mouse is drawing set tmp rectangle endpoint to (x,y)
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE and drawing:
            rect_endpoint_tmp = [(x, y)]

    # First do the upper incisors, next the upper incisors
    for is_lower in range(0, 2):
        if is_lower:
            print 'Select the region of the four lower incisors for each radiograph\n', \
                    'and press the c key when done or the d key to ignore the example.'
            print 'Select the region of the four upper incisors for each radiograph\n', \
                    'and press the c key when done or the d key to ignore the example.'

        bbox_list = []
        for ind, img in enumerate(radiographs):
            if is_lower:
                windowtitle = "Lower incisors [%d/%d]" % (
                    ind + 1,
                windowtitle = "Upper incisors [%d/%d]" % (
                    ind + 1,
            # clone image and setup the mouse callback function
            canvasimg = img.copy()
            # scale image to fit on screen
            canvasimg, scale = rg.resize(canvasimg, 1200, 800)
            cv2.setMouseCallback(windowtitle, draw_rect_roi)

            # keep looping until the 'c' key is pressed
            while True:
                # display the image and wait for a keypress
                rect_cpy = canvasimg.copy()
                if not drawing:
                    if bbox:
                        start_point = bbox[0]
                        end_point_tmp = bbox[1]
                        cv2.rectangle(rect_cpy, start_point, end_point_tmp,
                                      (0, 255, 0), 1)
                        cv2.imshow(windowtitle, rect_cpy)
                        cv2.imshow(windowtitle, canvasimg)
                elif drawing and rect_endpoint_tmp:
                    start_point = rect_bbox[0]
                    end_point_tmp = rect_endpoint_tmp[0]
                    cv2.rectangle(rect_cpy, start_point, end_point_tmp,
                                  (0, 255, 0), 1)
                    cv2.imshow(windowtitle, rect_cpy)

                key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
                # if the 'c' key is pressed, break from the loop, and store the example
                if key == ord('c'):
                # if the 'd' key is pressed, break from the loop and ignore the example
                if key == ord('d'):
            # close all open windows

        # rescale bounding boxes
        bbox_list = np.array([[(int(p[0] / scale), int(p[1] / scale))
                               for p in bb] for bb in bbox_list])

        # print results summary
        bbs = [bb[1] - bb[0] for bb in bbox_list]
        avg_width, avg_height = np.mean(bbs, axis=0)
        print 'Avg. height: ' + str(avg_height)
        print 'Avg. width: ' + str(avg_width)

        # save the results
        if is_lower:
  'Models/lower_incisor_model', bbox_list)
  'Models/upper_incisor_model', bbox_list)
def create_database(radiographs):
    """Interactively select rectangle ROIs for the four upper/lower incisors
    and store list of bboxes.

        radiographs: A list with dental radiographs.

    .. _Based on:
    def draw_rect_roi(event, x, y, flags, param):
        """Mouse callback function"""
        # grab references to the global variables
        global rect_bbox, rect_endpoint_tmp, drawing, bbox

        # if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting
        # (x, y) coordinates and indicate that drawing is being
        # performed. set rect_endpoint_tmp empty list.
        if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            rect_endpoint_tmp = []
            rect_bbox = [(x, y)]
            drawing = True

        # check to see if the left mouse button was released
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
            # record the ending (x, y) coordinates and indicate that
            # drawing operation is finished
            rect_bbox.append((x, y))
            drawing = False

            # for bbox find upper left and bottom right points
            p_1, p_2 = rect_bbox
            p_1x, p_1y = p_1
            p_2x, p_2y = p_2

            lx = min(p_1x, p_2x)
            ty = min(p_1y, p_2y)
            rx = max(p_1x, p_2x)
            by = max(p_1y, p_2y)

            # add bbox to list if both points are different
            if (lx, ty) != (rx, by):
                bbox = [(lx, ty), (rx, by)]

        # if mouse is drawing set tmp rectangle endpoint to (x,y)
        elif event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE and drawing:
            rect_endpoint_tmp = [(x, y)]

    # First do the upper incisors, next the upper incisors
    for is_lower in range(0, 2):
        if is_lower:
            print 'Select the region of the four lower incisors for each radiograph\n', \
                    'and press the c key when done or the d key to ignore the example.'
            print 'Select the region of the four upper incisors for each radiograph\n', \
                    'and press the c key when done or the d key to ignore the example.'

        bbox_list = []
        for ind, img in enumerate(radiographs):
            if is_lower:
                windowtitle = "Lower incisors [%d/%d]" % (ind+1, len(radiographs),)
                windowtitle = "Upper incisors [%d/%d]" % (ind+1, len(radiographs),)
            # clone image and setup the mouse callback function
            canvasimg = img.copy()
            # scale image to fit on screen
            canvasimg, scale = rg.resize(canvasimg, 1200, 800)
            cv2.setMouseCallback(windowtitle, draw_rect_roi)

            # keep looping until the 'c' key is pressed
            while True:
                # display the image and wait for a keypress
                rect_cpy = canvasimg.copy()
                if not drawing:
                    if bbox:
                        start_point = bbox[0]
                        end_point_tmp = bbox[1]
                        cv2.rectangle(rect_cpy, start_point, end_point_tmp, (0, 255, 0), 1)
                        cv2.imshow(windowtitle, rect_cpy)
                        cv2.imshow(windowtitle, canvasimg)
                elif drawing and rect_endpoint_tmp:
                    start_point = rect_bbox[0]
                    end_point_tmp = rect_endpoint_tmp[0]
                    cv2.rectangle(rect_cpy, start_point, end_point_tmp, (0, 255, 0), 1)
                    cv2.imshow(windowtitle, rect_cpy)

                key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
                # if the 'c' key is pressed, break from the loop, and store the example
                if key == ord('c'):
                # if the 'd' key is pressed, break from the loop and ignore the example
                if key == ord('d'):
            # close all open windows

        # rescale bounding boxes
        bbox_list = np.array([[(int(p[0]/scale), int(p[1]/scale))
                               for p in bb]
                              for bb in bbox_list])

        # print results summary
        bbs = [bb[1] - bb[0] for bb in bbox_list]
        avg_width, avg_height = np.mean(bbs, axis=0)
        print 'Avg. height: ' + str(avg_height)
        print 'Avg. width: ' + str(avg_width)

        # save the results
        if is_lower:
  'Models/lower_incisor_model', bbox_list)
  'Models/upper_incisor_model', bbox_list)