Esempio n. 1
def test_sPlanck_conversions(verbose=True, *args, **kwargs):

    if verbose:
        printm("Testing sPlanck conversions: ")

    s_cm = sPlanck(1000, 10000, T=1500, eps=0.3)
    I_cm2cm = s_cm.get("radiance_noslit", Iunit="mW/cm2/sr/cm_1")[1]
    I_cm2nm = s_cm.get("radiance_noslit", Iunit="mW/cm2/sr/nm")[1]

    s_nm = sPlanck(1000, 10000, T=1500, eps=0.3)
    I_nm2nm = s_nm.get("radiance_noslit", Iunit="mW/cm2/sr/nm")[1]
    I_nm2cm = s_nm.get("radiance_noslit", Iunit="mW/cm2/sr/cm_1")[1]

    assert np.allclose(I_cm2cm, I_nm2cm)
    assert np.allclose(I_nm2nm, I_cm2nm)
Esempio n. 2
def test_exceptions(verbose=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Here we test that the code actually crashes properly!'''

    import pytest

    # with both wavelength and wavenum
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # expected behavior
        sPlanck(wavelength_min=300, wavelength_max=2000,
                wavenum_min=300, wavenum_max=600,
                T=300, eps=1)

    # with no temperature
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # expected behavior
        sPlanck(wavelength_min=300, wavelength_max=2000,
                T=None, eps=1)

    # with a wrong epsilon
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # expected behavior
        sPlanck(wavelength_min=300, wavelength_max=2000,
                T=300, eps=10)
Esempio n. 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Blackbody radiation

Compute Planck's blackbody emission under RADIS format
for easier post-processing.

Uses :py:class:`~radis.phys.blackbody.sPlanck`.


from radis.phys.blackbody import sPlanck

sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=4000).plot()
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=5000).plot(nfig="same")
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=6000).plot(nfig="same")
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=7000).plot(nfig="same")
Esempio n. 4
def test_planck_nm(verbose=True, plot=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Test blackbody with Wien's law, Stefan's law and tabulated data 
    of maximum 


    Tabulated intensity (75.987...) was checked to match SpectraPlot and 
    manually calculated values


    if plot:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.ion()   # dont get stuck with Matplotlib if executing through pytest

    T = 2200
    eps = 0.36

    s = sPlanck(wavelength_min=300, wavelength_max=8000, T=T, eps=eps,

    w_nm = s.get_wavelength(medium='vacuum')
    w_cm = s.get_wavenumber()

    Iunit_per_nm = 'W/sr/nm/m2'
    Iunit_per_cm = 'W/sr/cm_1/m2'

    if plot:
        s.plot('radiance_noslit', Iunit=Iunit_per_nm)

    I_nm = s.get_radiance_noslit(Iunit=Iunit_per_nm)
    I_cm = s.get_radiance_noslit(Iunit=Iunit_per_cm)

    # Check Wien's law
    w_nm_max = w_nm[I_nm.argmax()]
    assert np.isclose(2898/T*1e3, w_nm_max, rtol=1e-4)
    if verbose:
        print('Maximum emission at T={0}K: {1:.2f}nm'.format(T, w_nm_max))
        print(".. Wien's law: OK")

    # Check Stefan's law
    sigma = 5.67e-8   # Stefan-Boltzmann constant   (W/m2/K-4)
    P_theory = eps*sigma*T**4             # Stefan's law (W/m2)
    P_calc = pi*s.get_power('W/m2/sr')    # Lambert's cosine law
    assert np.isclose(P_theory, P_calc, rtol=1e-1)
    if verbose:
            'Blackbody radiant intensity (Stefan law): {0:.2f} W/m2'.format(P_theory))
            'Blackbody radiant intensity (calculated): {0:.2f} W/m2'.format(P_calc))
        print(".. Stefan's law: OK")

    # Check that max is correct
    # hardcoded for 2200 K, epsilon = 0.36 (~1.3 µm)
    assert I_nm.max() == 75.98733181512608

    # Test planck and planck_wn
    assert np.allclose(planck(w_nm, T, eps, unit=Iunit_per_nm), I_nm)
    assert np.allclose(planck_wn(w_cm, T, eps, unit=Iunit_per_cm), I_cm,
                       rtol=1e-2)  # higher tolerance because of numerical error
    # during conversion Iunit_per_nm to Iunit_per_cm

    return True
Esempio n. 5
def test_planck_cm(verbose=True, plot=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Validate Planck calculation with wavenumber


    Earth blackbody radiation [1]_:

    - 294 K 
    - eps = 0.65
    - integrated over 2pi steradian


    .. [1] Simple Earth Climate Model `NASA Smidth 2010 <>`__


    if plot:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.ion()   # dont get stuck with Matplotlib if executing through pytest

    T = 287.2
    eps = 0.78

    s = sPlanck(wavenum_min=10, wavenum_max=3000, T=T, eps=eps,

    w_nm = s.get_wavelength()
    w_cm = s.get_wavenumber()

    I_nm = s.get_radiance_noslit(Iunit='mW/sr/m2/nm')
    I_cm = s.get_radiance_noslit(Iunit='mW/sr/m2/cm_1')
    I_cm *= 2*pi    # mW/m2/cm-1

    # Check Wien's law
    w_nm_max = w_nm[I_nm.argmax()]
    assert np.isclose(2898/T*1e3, w_nm_max, rtol=1e-3)
    if verbose:
        print('Maximum emission at T={0}K: {1:.2f}nm'.format(T, w_nm_max))
        print(".. Wien's law: OK")

    # Check Stefan's law
    sigma = 5.67e-8   # Stefan-Boltzmann constant   (W/m2/K-4)
    P_theory = eps*sigma*T**4             # Stefan's law (W/m2)
    P_calc = pi*s.get_power('W/m2/sr')    # Lambert's cosine law
    assert np.isclose(P_theory, P_calc, rtol=1e-3)
    if verbose:
            'Earth blackbody radiant intensity (Stefan law): {0:.2f} W/m2'.format(P_theory))
            'Earth blackbody radiant intensity (calculated): {0:.2f} W/m2'.format(P_calc))
        print(".. Stefan's law: OK")

    if plot:
        plt.figure(' test_planck_cm')
        plt.plot(w_cm, I_cm)
        plt.title('Earth blackbody ({0} K, eps={1})'.format(T, eps))
        plt.ylabel('Radiance (mW/m2/cm-1)')
        plt.xlabel('Wavenumber (cm-1)')

    return True