Esempio n. 1
def test_deviance():
    """Verify parser fails when spreadsheet is in error.

    The files are in the deviance/ subdirectory. The name of the files
    explains the type of assertion expected.
    for xlsx in glob.glob('deviance/*.xlsx'):
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            gen_parameters.parse_and_write(xlsx, '')
Esempio n. 2
def test_conformance():
    """Read sample files, and verify the generated python is correct

    The files are located in conformance/ subdirectory. All files
    should parse without exceptions.
    out_py = gen_parameters.parse_and_write(
        'conformance/metadata1.xlsx', '')
    m = _import(out_py)
    assert m.sect1().int_in == 1, 'default is not valid'
    assert m.sect1(int_in=3).int_in == 3, 'override of default invalid'
    assert type(m.sect2().arPrecF_1) == float
    assert m.sect2().arPrecF_1 == -1.3
    assert m.sect1().Is_Cap == True, \
        'validate type conversion and default'
    assert m.sect1(Is_Cap=0).Is_Cap == False, \
        '__setattr__ converts value'
    assert m.sect1(Is_Cap=None).Is_Cap is None, \
        '__setattr__ allows None'
    assert m.META.sect1.description == u'sect1 description'
    assert m.META.sect1.py_name == 'sect1'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.int_in.py_name == 'int_in'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.int_in.description == u'an integer measuring inches'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.int_in.display_name == 'int_in'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.int_in.is_primary == True, \
        'is_primary must be a bool and True'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.int_in.units == 'in'
    assert m.META.sect1.attrs.float_um.display_name == u'μMeter'