Esempio n. 1
def substitute_state_as(target_state_m, state, as_template, keep_name=False):
    """ Substitute a target state with a handed state

    The method generates a state model for the state to be inserted and use function substitute_state to finally
    substitute the state.
    In case the state to be inserted is a LibraryState it can be chosen to be inserted as template.
    It can be chosen that the inserted state keeps the name of the target state.

    :param rafcon.gui.models.state.AbstractStateModel target_state_m: State model of the state to be substituted
    :param rafcon.core.states.State state: State to be inserted
    :param bool as_template: The flag determines if a handed state of type LibraryState is insert as template
    :param bool keep_name: The flag to keep the name of the target state

    state_m = get_state_model_class_for_state(state)(state)
    # If inserted as template, we have to extract the state_copy and model otherwise keep original name
    if as_template:
        assert isinstance(state_m, LibraryStateModel)
        state_m = state_m.state_copy
        state_m.state.parent = None

    if keep_name: =

    assert target_state_m.parent.states[
        target_state_m.state.state_id] is target_state_m
    substitute_state(target_state_m, state_m, as_template)
Esempio n. 2
def add_state(container_state_m, state_type):
    """Add a state to a container state

    Adds a state of type state_type to the given container_state

    :param rafcon.gui.models.container_state.ContainerState container_state_m: A model of a container state to add
      the new state to
    :param rafcon.core.enums.StateType state_type: The type of state that should be added
    :return: True if successful, False else
    if container_state_m is None:
        logger.error("Cannot add a state without a parent.")
        return False

    if not isinstance(container_state_m, StateModel) or \
            (isinstance(container_state_m, StateModel) and not isinstance(container_state_m, ContainerStateModel)):
        logger.error("Parent state must be a container, for example a Hierarchy State." + str(container_state_m))
        return False

    state_class = state_type_to_state_class_dict.get(state_type, None)

    if state_class is None:
        logger.error("Cannot create state of type {0}".format(state_type))
        return False

    new_state = state_class()
    from rafcon.gui.models.abstract_state import get_state_model_class_for_state
    new_state_m = get_state_model_class_for_state(new_state)(new_state)
    gui_helper_meta_data.put_default_meta_on_state_m(new_state_m, container_state_m)
    return True
Esempio n. 3
def create_state_model_for_state(new_state, meta, state_element_models):
    """Create a new state model with the defined properties

    A state model is created for a state of the type of new_state. All child models in state_element_models (
    model list for port, connections and states) are added to the new model.

    :param StateModel new_state: The new state object with the correct type
    :param Vividict meta: Meta data for the state model
    :param list state_element_models: All state element and child state models of the original state model
    :return: New state model for new_state with all childs of state_element_models
    from rafcon.gui.models.abstract_state import get_state_model_class_for_state
    state_m_class = get_state_model_class_for_state(new_state)
    new_state_m = state_m_class(new_state, meta=meta, load_meta_data=False, expected_future_models=state_element_models)
    error_msg = "New state has not re-used all handed expected future models."
    check_expected_future_model_list_is_empty(new_state_m, msg=error_msg)

    return new_state_m
Esempio n. 4
def insert_state_as(target_state_m, state, as_template):
    """ Add a state into a target state

    In case the state to be insert is a LibraryState it can be chosen to be insert as template.

    :param rafcon.gui.models.container_state.ContainerStateModel target_state_m: State model of the target state
    :param rafcon.core.states.State state: State to be insert as template or not
    :param bool as_template: The flag determines if a handed state of type LibraryState is insert as template

    if not isinstance(target_state_m, ContainerStateModel) or \
            not isinstance(target_state_m.state, ContainerState):
        logger.error("States can only be inserted in container states")
        return False

    state_m = get_state_model_class_for_state(state)(state)
    if not as_template:
            state_m, target_state_m)

    # If inserted as template, we have to extract the state_copy and respective model
        assert isinstance(state, LibraryState)
        old_lib_state_m = state_m
        state_m = state_m.state_copy

        previous_state_size = state_m.get_meta_data_editor()['size']
            state_m, target_state_m)
        # TODO check if the not as template case maybe has to be run with the prepare call
        prepare_state_m_for_insert_as(state_m, previous_state_size)


    # explicit secure that there is no state_id conflict within target state child states
    while state_m.state.state_id in target_state_m.state.states:


    # secure possible missing models to be generated
    update_models_recursively(state_m, expected=False)