Esempio n. 1
def story(request):
    s = request.session
    r = request
    dbsession = DBSession()

    stories = queries.get_story_list(page_num = 1, per_page = 30, sort = 'new', request = r)
    last_update = stories['stories'][0].added_on.isoformat()
    request.response.content_type = "text/xml"
    site_name = r.registry.settings['site.site_name']
    return {'stories': stories['stories'], 'route': 'atom_story', 'last_update': last_update,
            'feed_title': '{0} stories'.format(site_name), 'feed_subtitle': 'newest stories on {0}'.format(site_name),
            'site_name': site_name,
Esempio n. 2
def combined(request):
    s = request.session
    r = request
    dbsession = DBSession()

    stories = queries.get_story_list(page_num = 1, per_page = 10, sort = 'new', request = r)
    comments = queries.get_recent_comments(10)

    agg = []
    [agg.append(i) for i in comments]
    [agg.append(i) for i in stories['stories']]
    agg.sort(key=lambda x: x.added_on, reverse=True)
    last_update = agg[0].added_on.isoformat()

    request.response.content_type = "text/xml"
    site_name = r.registry.settings['site.site_name']
    return {'interleaved': agg, 'route': 'atom_combined', 'last_update': last_update,
            'feed_title': '{0} all content'.format(site_name), 'feed_subtitle': 'newest content on {0}'.format(site_name),
            'site_name': site_name,
Esempio n. 3
def post(request):
    s = request.session
    p = request.session["safe_post"]
    r = request
    qs = s["safe_get"]
    s["message"] = "Post a story."
    dbsession = DBSession()
    stories = None

    new_url_text = ""
    new_title_text = ""

    # if uses came in with a share button, redirect to existing discussion if there is one
    if "from" in qs and qs["from"] == "button":
        existing_post = queries.get_story_by_url_oldest(qs["url"])
        if existing_post:
            return HTTPFound(r.route_url("full",
        new_url_text = qs["url"]
        if "title" in qs:
            new_title_text = qs["title"]

    if "new_post" in qs and qs["new_post"] == "y":
        if "logged_in" not in s:
            s["message"] = 'Sorry, you must <a href="{0}">log in</a> before you can share a link.'.format(
            return {"stories": [], "success": False, "code": "ENOLOGIN"}

    if p and "title" in p:
        if "logged_in" not in s:
            s["message"] = "Sorry, please log in first"
            return {"stories": [], "success": False, "code": "ENOLOGIN"}
        if p["url"] != "" and p["url"] is not None:
            p["url"] = queries.strip_all_html(p["url"])
            if not re.match(r"http[s]*:\/\/", p["url"]):
                p["url"] = "http://" + p["url"]
            # set to None so that NULL goes into the database
            p["url"] = None

        sub = Submission(p["title"][:100], p["description"], p["url"], s[""])
        v = Vote(, s[""], 1, "submission", None)
        v.direction = 1
        sub.slug = u"{title}-{uuid_first_octet}".format(
            title=slugify.slugify(unicode(p["title"][:100])), uuid_first_octet=str([:8]
        s["message"] = "Added."

            if request.registry.solr_conn:
                # we flush here to ensure we have a vaild id object when added to solr
                # we use this if statement so that the exception will be raised before
                # dbsession is flushed, hence avoiding an unnecessary flush if the site
                # is not using solr.
                request.registry.solr_conn.add({"id":, "title": sub.title, "description": sub.description})
        except AttributeError:
            # solr is not configured for this connection

    if r.params and "op" in r.params:
        sub_id = r.params["sub_id"]
        if r.params["op"] == "del":
                story_to_del = queries.get_story_by_id(sub_id)
            except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
                story_to_del = None
            if story_to_del:
                if queries.is_user_allowed_admin_action(s[""], str(
                    story_to_del.description = "[deleted]"
                    story_to_del.url = "#"
                    story_to_del.title = "[deleted]"
                    story_to_del.deleted = True
                    print("Illegal deletion attempted on {0}".format(

    if "sort.default_order" in r.registry.settings:
        sort = r.registry.settings["sort.default_order"]
        # default to new sort order if server-specific setting doesn't exist
        # this should only be the case on old clones; do NOT remove default_order
        # from the ini just because you want new by default.
        sort = "new"
    page_num = 1
    per_page = 30
    next_page = None
    prev_page = None

    # only pass through approved sort options
    if "sort" in qs:
        if qs["sort"] == "top":
            sort = "top"
        if qs["sort"] == "hot":
            sort = "hot"
        if qs["sort"] == "contro":
            sort = "contro"
        if qs["sort"] == "new":
            sort = "new"

    if "page_num" in qs:
            page_num = int(qs["page_num"])
            page_num = 1

    #   @FIXME: make per_page configurable in a safe location
    #   it is probably unwise to allow this to be set in the query string
    #   because then a malicious user could say per_page = 10000000000
    #   and easily launch a DoS via that mechanism.
    #   if 'per_page' in qs:
    #       per_page = qs['per_page']

    stories = queries.get_story_list(page_num=page_num, per_page=per_page, sort=sort, request=request)
    max_stories = stories["max_stories"]
    stories = stories["stories"]

    # this should be split into its own def under
    # as it is currently used in at least one other place
    if max_stories > (page_num * per_page):
        next_page = page_num + 1

    if page_num > 1:
        prev_page = page_num - 1

    vote_dict = {}
    if "logged_in" in s:
        vote_dict = queries.get_user_votes_on_all_submissions(s[""])
    for s in stories:
        # @TODO: Remember to not tally on every load once a real site deploys

    return {
        "stories": stories,
        "success": True,
        "code": 0,
        "vote_dict": vote_dict,
        "max_stories": max_stories,
        "prev_page": prev_page,
        "next_page": next_page,
        "new_url_text": new_url_text,
        "new_title_text": new_title_text,