def device_from_data(data): """ Create or find a device based on the provided scan data. """ sn = data.get('serial_number') ethernets = [('', mac, None) for mac in data.get('mac_addresses', [])] model_name = data.get('model_name') model_type = DeviceType.from_name(data.get('type', 'unknown').lower()) device = Device.create( sn=sn, ethernets=ethernets, model_name=model_name, model_type=model_type, ) set_device_data(device, data) return device
def device_from_data(data, save_priority=SAVE_PRIORITY, user=None): """ Create or find a device based on the provided scan data. """ sn = data.get('serial_number') ethernets = [('', mac, None) for mac in data.get('mac_addresses', [])] model_name = data.get('model_name') model_type = DeviceType.from_name( '_'.join( data.get('type', 'unknown',).split(), ).lower(), ) device = Device.create( sn=sn, ethernets=ethernets, model_name=model_name, model_type=model_type, ) set_device_data(device, data, save_priority=save_priority), user=user) return device
def get_device_data(device): """ Generate a dict with all information that is stored in the database about this device, in a format compatible with that returned by the discovery plugins. """ data = { 'id':, 'system_ip_addresses': [ ip.address for ip in device.ipaddress_set.filter(is_management=False) ], 'management_ip_addresses': [ ip.address for ip in device.ipaddress_set.filter(is_management=True) ], 'mac_addresses': [ eth.mac for eth in device.ethernet_set.all() ], } if != 'unknown': data['hostname'] = if device.model is not None: data['model_name'] = data['type'] = DeviceType.from_id(device.model.type).raw if is not None: data['serial_number'] = if device.chassis_position: data['chassis_position'] = device.chassis_position if device.dc: data['data_center'] = device.dc if device.rack: data['rack'] = device.rack if data['management'] = data['memory'] = [ { 'label': m.label, 'size': m.size, 'speed': m.speed, 'index': m.index, } for m in device.memory_set.order_by('index') ] data['processors'] = [ { 'model_name': if p.model else '', 'speed': p.speed, 'cores': p.get_cores(), 'family': if p.model else '', 'label': p.label, 'index': p.index, } for p in device.processor_set.order_by('index') ] disks = [] for disk in device.storage_set.order_by('sn', 'mount_point'): disk_data = { 'label': disk.label, 'size': disk.size, } if disk_data['serial_number'] = if disk.mount_point: disk_data['mount_point'] = disk.mount_point if disk.model: disk_data.update({ 'model_name':, 'family':, }) disks.append(disk_data) data['disks'] = disks data['disk_exports'] = [ { 'serial_number': share.wwn, 'full': share.full, 'size': share.size, 'snapshot_size': share.snapshot_size, 'label': share.label, 'share_id': share.share_id, 'model_name': if share.model else '', } for share in device.diskshare_set.order_by('wwn') ] disk_shares = [] for mount in device.disksharemount_set.order_by('volume', 'address'): mount_data = { 'serial_number': mount.share.wwn if mount.share else '', 'size': mount.size, 'address': mount.address.address if mount.address else '', 'is_virtual': mount.is_virtual, 'volume': mount.volume, } if mount.server: mount_data['server'] = { 'serial_number':, } else: mount_data['server'] = None disk_shares.append(mount_data) data['disk_shares'] = disk_shares data['installed_software'] = [ { 'label': soft.label, 'version': soft.version, 'path': soft.path, 'serial_number':, 'model_name': if soft.model else '', } for soft in device.software_set.order_by('label', 'version') ] data['fibrechannel_cards'] = [ { 'physical_id': fc.physical_id, 'label': fc.label, 'model_name': if fc.model else '', } for fc in device.fibrechannel_set.order_by('label') ] data['parts'] = [ { 'serial_number':, 'label': part.label, 'boot_firmware': part.boot_firmware, 'hard_firmware': part.hard_firmware, 'diag_firmware': part.diag_firmware, 'mgmt_firmware': part.mgmt_firmware, 'model_name': if part.model else '', 'type': ComponentType.from_id( part.model.type, ).raw if part.model else '', } for part in device.genericcomponent_set.order_by('sn') ] if device.model and device.model.type in (DeviceType.switch_stack,): data['subdevices'] = [ get_device_data(dev) for dev in device.logicalchild_set.order_by('id') ] else: data['subdevices'] = [ get_device_data(dev) for dev in device.child_set.order_by('id') ] if device.operatingsystem_set.exists(): system = device.operatingsystem_set.all()[0] data['system_label'] = system.label data['system_memory'] = system.memory data['system_storage'] = data['system_cores_count'] = system.cores_count if system.model: data['system_family'] = if 'ralph_assets' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from ralph_assets.api_ralph import get_asset asset = get_asset( if asset: data['asset'] = '{}, sn: {}'.format(asset['model'], asset['sn']) else: data['asset'] = None return data
def set_device_data(device, data): """ Go through the submitted data, and update the Device object in accordance with the meaning of the particular fields. """ keys = { 'sn': 'serial_number', 'name': 'hostname', 'dc': 'data_center', 'rack': 'rack', 'barcode': 'barcode', 'chassis_position': 'chassis_position', } for field_name, key_name in keys.iteritems(): if key_name in data: setattr(device, field_name, data[key_name]) if 'model_name' in data: try: model_type = DeviceType.from_name(data.get('type', 'unknown')) except ValueError: model_type = ComponentType.unknown try: # Don't use get_or_create, because we are in transaction device.model = DeviceModel.objects.get(name=data['model_name']) except DeviceModel.DoesNotExist: model = DeviceModel( type=model_type, name=data['model_name'], ) device.model = model else: if all(( device.model.type != model_type, model_type != ComponentType.unknown, )): device.model.type = model_type if 'disks' in data: _update_component_data( device, data['disks'], Storage, { 'sn': 'serial_number', 'device': 'device', 'size': 'size', 'speed': 'speed', 'mount_point': 'mount_point', 'label': 'label', 'family': 'family', 'model_name': 'model_name', }, [ ('sn',), ('device', 'mount_point'), ], ComponentType.disk, {'name'}, ) if 'processors' in data: for index, processor in enumerate(data['processors']): processor['index'] = index _update_component_data( device, data['processors'], Processor, { 'device': 'device', 'label': 'label', 'speed': 'speed', 'cores': 'cores', 'family': 'family', 'index': 'index', 'model_name': 'model_name', }, [ ('device', 'index'), ], ComponentType.processor, ) if 'memory' in data: for index, memory in enumerate(data['memory']): memory['index'] = index memory['speed'] = memory.get('speed', None) or None _update_component_data( device, data['memory'], Memory, { 'device': 'device', 'label': 'label', 'speed': 'speed', 'size': 'size', 'index': 'index', }, [ ('device', 'index'), ], ComponentType.memory, {'name'}, ) if 'mac_addresses' in data: _update_component_data( device, [{'mac': mac} for mac in data['mac_addresses']], Ethernet, { 'mac': 'mac', 'device': 'device', }, [ ('mac',), ], None, ) if 'management_ip_addresses' in data: _update_addresses(device, data['management_ip_addresses'], True) if 'system_ip_addresses' in data: _update_addresses(device, data['system_ip_addresses'], False) if 'fibrechannel_cards' in data: _update_component_data( device, data['fibrechannel_cards'], FibreChannel, { 'device': 'device', 'label': 'label', 'model_name': 'model_name', 'physical_id': 'physical_id', }, [ ('physical_id', 'device'), ], ComponentType.fibre, ) if 'parts' in data: _update_component_data( device, data['parts'], GenericComponent, { 'device': 'device', 'label': 'label', 'model_name': 'model_name', 'sn': 'serial_number', 'type': 'type', }, [ ('sn',), ], ) if 'disk_exports' in data: _update_component_data( device, data['disk_exports'], DiskShare, { 'device': 'device', 'label': 'label', 'wwn': 'serial_number', 'size': 'size', 'full': 'full', 'snapshot_size': 'snapshot_size', 'share_id': 'share_id', 'model_name': 'model_name', }, [ ('wwn',), ], ComponentType.share, ) if 'disk_shares' in data: for share in data['disk_shares']: if share.get('server'): servers = find_devices({ 'server': share['server'], }) if len(servers) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple servers found for share mount %r" % share, ) elif len(servers) <= 0: raise ValueError( "No server found for share mount %r" % share, ) share['server'] = servers[0] else: share['server'] = None share['share'] = DiskShare.objects.get(wwn=share['serial_number']) if share.get('address'): share['address'] = IPAddress.objects.get( address=share['address'], ) _update_component_data( device, data['disk_shares'], DiskShareMount, { 'share': 'share', 'size': 'size', 'address': 'address', 'is_virtual': 'is_virtual', 'volume': 'volume', 'server': 'server', 'device': 'device', }, [ ('device', 'share'), ], ) if 'installed_software' in data: _update_component_data( device, data['installed_software'], Software, { 'device': 'device', 'path': 'path', 'label': 'label', 'version': 'version', 'model_name': 'model_name', 'sn': 'serial_number', }, [ ('device', 'path'), ],, ) if ( 'system_label' in data or 'system_memory' in data or 'system_storage' in data or 'system_cores_count' in data or 'system_family' in data or 'system_model_name' in data ): _update_component_data( device, [data], OperatingSystem, { 'device': 'device', 'memory': 'system_memory', 'storage': 'system_storage', 'cores_count': 'system_cores_count', 'family': 'system_family', 'label': 'system_label', 'model_name': 'system_model_name', }, [ ('device',), ], ComponentType.os, ) if 'subdevices' in data: subdevice_ids = [] for subdevice_data in data['subdevices']: subdevice = device_from_data(subdevice_data) subdevice.parent = device subdevice_ids.append( for subdevice in device.child_set.exclude(id__in=subdevice_ids): subdevice.parent = None if 'asset' in data and 'ralph_assets' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: from ralph_assets.api_ralph import assign_asset if data['asset']: assign_asset(, data['asset'].id)