def __init__(self, graphSettings, areaGraph, restrictions, container, endDate): super(FillerProgSpeed, self).__init__(graphSettings.startAP, areaGraph, restrictions, container, endDate) distanceProp = 'GraphArea' if graphSettings.areaRando else 'Area' self.stdStart = GraphUtils.isStandardStart(self.startAP) self.progSpeedParams = ProgSpeedParameters( self.restrictions, len(container.unusedLocations)) self.choice = ItemThenLocChoiceProgSpeed(restrictions, self.progSpeedParams, distanceProp,
def __init__(self, startAP, graph, restrictions, container, endDate): super(FillerProgSpeedChozoSecondPhase, self).__init__(startAP, graph, restrictions, container, endDate) self.firstPhaseItemLocs = container.itemLocations self.progSpeedParams = ProgSpeedParameters(self.restrictions, len(container.unusedLocations))
class FillerProgSpeedChozoSecondPhase(Filler): def __init__(self, startAP, graph, restrictions, container, endDate): super(FillerProgSpeedChozoSecondPhase, self).__init__(startAP, graph, restrictions, container, endDate) self.firstPhaseItemLocs = container.itemLocations self.progSpeedParams = ProgSpeedParameters(self.restrictions, len(container.unusedLocations)) def initContainer(self): self.container = self.baseContainer def initFiller(self): super(FillerProgSpeedChozoSecondPhase, self).initFiller() self.conditions = [ ('Missile', lambda sm: sm.canOpenRedDoors()), ('Super', lambda sm: sm.canOpenGreenDoors()), ('PowerBomb', lambda sm: sm.canOpenYellowDoors()) ] self.container.resetCollected() self.firstPhaseContainer = ItemLocContainer(, [il.Item for il in self.firstPhaseItemLocs], [il.Location for il in self.firstPhaseItemLocs]) self.firstPhaseIndex = 0 def nextMetCondition(self): for cond in self.conditions: diff = cond[1]( if diff.bool == True and diff.difficulty <= self.settings.maxDiff: return cond return None def currentLocations(self): curLocs =, self.container) return, self.container, ComebackCheckType.JustComeback, None, curLocs) def determineParameters(self): speed = self.settings.progSpeed if speed == 'variable': speed = self.progSpeedParams.getVariableSpeed() self.restrictedItemProba = self.progSpeedParams.getChozoSecondPhaseRestrictionProb(speed) def step(self): if len(self.conditions) > 1: self.determineParameters() curLocs = [] while self.firstPhaseIndex < len(self.firstPhaseItemLocs): self.cache.reset() newCurLocs = [loc for loc in self.currentLocations() if loc not in curLocs] curLocs += newCurLocs cond = self.nextMetCondition() if cond is not None: self.log.debug('step. cond item='+cond[0]) self.conditions.remove(cond) break itemLoc = self.firstPhaseItemLocs[self.firstPhaseIndex] self.collect(itemLoc, container=self.firstPhaseContainer) self.firstPhaseIndex += 1 self.log.debug('step. curLocs='+getLocListStr(curLocs)) restrictedItemTypes = [cond[0] for cond in self.conditions] self.log.debug('step. restrictedItemTypes='+str(restrictedItemTypes)) basePool = self.container.itemPool[:] itemPool = [] self.log.debug('step. basePool: {}'.format(getItemListStr(basePool))) while len(itemPool) < len(curLocs): item = random.choice(basePool) if item.Type not in restrictedItemTypes or\ random.random() < self.restrictedItemProba or\ self.restrictedItemProba == 0 and not any(item for item in basePool if item.Type not in restrictedItemTypes): itemPool.append(item) basePool.remove(item) self.log.debug('step. itemPool='+getItemListStr(itemPool)) cont = ItemLocContainer(, itemPool, curLocs) self.container.transferCollected(cont) filler = FillerRandomItems(self.ap, self.graph, self.restrictions, cont, self.endDate) (stuck, itemLocs, prog) = filler.generateItems() if stuck: if len(filler.errorMsg) > 0: self.errorMsg += '\n'+filler.errorMsg return False for itemLoc in itemLocs: if itemLoc.Location in self.container.unusedLocations: self.log.debug("step. POST COLLECT "+itemLoc.Item.Type+" at "+itemLoc.Location.Name) self.container.collect(itemLoc) else: # merge collected of 1st phase and 2nd phase so far for seed to be solvable by random fill self.container.itemLocations += self.firstPhaseItemLocs self.log.debug("step. LAST FILL. cont: "+self.container.dump()) filler = FillerRandomNoCopy(self.startAP, self.graph, self.restrictions, self.container, self.endDate, diffSteps=100) (stuck, itemLocs, prog) = filler.generateItems() if len(filler.errorMsg) > 0: self.errorMsg += '\n'+filler.errorMsg if stuck: return False return True
class FillerProgSpeed(Filler): def __init__(self, graphSettings, areaGraph, restrictions, container, endDate): super(FillerProgSpeed, self).__init__(graphSettings.startAP, areaGraph, restrictions, container, endDate) distanceProp = 'GraphArea' if graphSettings.areaRando else 'Area' self.stdStart = GraphUtils.isStandardStart(self.startAP) self.progSpeedParams = ProgSpeedParameters(self.restrictions, len(container.unusedLocations)) self.choice = ItemThenLocChoiceProgSpeed(restrictions, self.progSpeedParams, distanceProp, def initFiller(self): super(FillerProgSpeed, self).initFiller() self.states = [] self.progressionItemLocs = [] self.progressionStatesIndices = [] self.rollbackItemsTried = {} self.lastFallbackStates = [] self.initState = FillerState(self) def determineParameters(self): speed = self.settings.progSpeed if speed == 'variable': speed = self.progSpeedParams.getVariableSpeed() self.currentProgSpeed = speed self.choice.determineParameters(speed) self.minorHelpProb = self.progSpeedParams.getMinorHelpProb(speed) self.itemLimit = self.progSpeedParams.getItemLimit(speed) if not self.isEarlyGame() else 0 self.locLimit = self.progSpeedParams.getLocLimit(speed) self.possibleSoftlockProb = self.progSpeedParams.getPossibleSoftlockProb(speed) self.progressionItemTypes = self.progSpeedParams.getProgressionItemTypes(speed) if self.restrictions.isEarlyMorph() and 'Morph' in self.progressionItemTypes: self.progressionItemTypes.remove('Morph') collectedAmmo = self.container.getCollectedItems(lambda item: item.Category == 'Ammo') collectedAmmoTypes = set([item.Type for item in collectedAmmo]) ammos = ['Missile', 'Super', 'PowerBomb'] if 'Super' in collectedAmmoTypes: ammos.remove('Missile') self.progressionItemTypes += [ammoType for ammoType in ammos if ammoType not in collectedAmmoTypes] def chooseItemLoc(self, itemLocDict, possibleProg): return self.choice.chooseItemLoc(itemLocDict, possibleProg, self.progressionItemLocs, self.ap, self.container) # during random fill at the end put suits first while there's still available locations which don't fall under the suits restriction def chooseItemLocNoLogic(self, itemLocDict): if self.settings.restrictions['Suits'] == True and self.container.hasItemInPool(lambda item: item.Type in ['Varia', 'Gravity']): itemLocDict = {key: value for key, value in itemLocDict.items() if key.Type in ['Varia', 'Gravity']} # pure random choice instead of prog-speed specific return ItemThenLocChoice.chooseItemLoc(self.choice, itemLocDict, False) def currentLocations(self, item=None): return, self.container, item=item) def getComebackCheck(self): if self.isEarlyGame() or, self.container): return ComebackCheckType.NoCheck if random.random() >= self.possibleSoftlockProb: return ComebackCheckType.ComebackWithoutItem return ComebackCheckType.JustComeback # from current accessible locations and an item pool, generate an item/loc dict. # return item/loc, or None if stuck def generateItem(self, comeback=ComebackCheckType.Undefined): comebackCheck = comeback if comeback != ComebackCheckType.Undefined else self.getComebackCheck() itemLocDict, possibleProg =, self.container, comebackCheck) if self.isEarlyGame() and possibleProg == True: # cheat a little bit if non-standard start: place early # progression away from crateria/blue brin if possible startAp = getAccessPoint(self.startAP) if startAp.GraphArea != "Crateria": newItemLocDict = {} for w, locs in itemLocDict.items(): filtered = [loc for loc in locs if loc.GraphArea != 'Crateria'] if len(filtered) > 0: newItemLocDict[w] = filtered if len(newItemLocDict) > 0: itemLocDict = newItemLocDict itemLoc = self.chooseItemLoc(itemLocDict, possibleProg) self.log.debug("generateItem. itemLoc="+"None" if itemLoc is None else getItemLocStr(itemLoc)) return itemLoc def getCurrentState(self): return self.states[-1] if len(self.states) > 0 else self.initState def appendCurrentState(self): curState = FillerState(self) self.states.append(curState) curState.states.append(curState) # collect specialization that stores progression and state def collect(self, itemLoc): isProg =, self.ap, self.container) super(FillerProgSpeed, self).collect(itemLoc) if isProg: n = len(self.states) self.log.debug("prog indice="+str(n)) self.progressionStatesIndices.append(n) self.progressionItemLocs.append(itemLoc) self.appendCurrentState() self.cache.reset() def isProgItem(self, item): if item.Type in self.progressionItemTypes: return True return, self.ap, self.container) def isEarlyGame(self): return len(self.progressionStatesIndices) <= 2 if self.stdStart else len(self.progressionStatesIndices) <= 3 # check if remaining locations pool is conform to rando settings when filling up # with non-progression items def checkLocPool(self): sm = # self.log.debug("checkLocPool {}".format([it.Name for it in self.itemPool])) if self.locLimit <= 0: return True progItems = self.container.getItems(self.isProgItem) self.log.debug("checkLocPool. progItems {}".format([it.Name for it in progItems])) # self.log.debug("curItems {}".format([it.Name for it in self.currentItems])) if len(progItems) == 0: return True isMinorProg = any(self.restrictions.isItemMinor(item) for item in progItems) isMajorProg = any(self.restrictions.isItemMajor(item) for item in progItems) accessibleLocations = [] # self.log.debug("unusedLocs: {}".format([loc.Name for loc in self.unusedLocations])) locs = self.currentLocations() for loc in locs: majAvail = self.restrictions.isLocMajor(loc) minAvail = self.restrictions.isLocMinor(loc) if ((isMajorProg and majAvail) or (isMinorProg and minAvail)) \ and, loc, None): accessibleLocations.append(loc) self.log.debug("accesLoc {}".format([loc.Name for loc in accessibleLocations])) if len(accessibleLocations) <= self.locLimit: sys.stdout.write('|') sys.stdout.flush() return False # check that there is room left in all main areas room = {'Brinstar' : 0, 'Norfair' : 0, 'WreckedShip' : 0, 'LowerNorfair' : 0, 'Maridia' : 0 } if not self.stdStart: room['Crateria'] = 0 for loc in self.container.unusedLocations: majAvail = self.restrictions.isLocMajor(loc) minAvail = self.restrictions.isLocMinor(loc) if loc.Area in room and ((isMajorProg and majAvail) or (isMinorProg and minAvail)): room[loc.Area] += 1 for r in room.values(): if r > 0 and r <= self.locLimit: sys.stdout.write('|') sys.stdout.flush() return False return True def addEnergyAsNonProg(self): collectedEnergy = self.container.getCollectedItems(lambda item: item.Category == 'Energy') return self.restrictions.split == 'Chozo' or (len(collectedEnergy) <= 2 and self.settings.progSpeed != 'slowest') def nonProgItemCheck(self, item): return (item.Category == 'Energy' and self.addEnergyAsNonProg()) or (not self.stdStart and item.Category == 'Ammo') or (self.restrictions.isEarlyMorph() and item.Type == 'Morph') or not self.isProgItem(item) def getNonProgItemPoolRestriction(self): return self.nonProgItemCheck def pickHelpfulMinor(self, item): self.helpfulMinorPicked = not if self.helpfulMinorPicked: self.log.debug('pickHelpfulMinor. pick '+item.Type) return self.helpfulMinorPicked def getNonProgItemPoolRestrictionStart(self): self.helpfulMinorPicked = random.random() >= self.minorHelpProb self.log.debug('getNonProgItemPoolRestrictionStart. helpfulMinorPicked='+str(self.helpfulMinorPicked)) return lambda item: (item.Category == 'Ammo' and not self.helpfulMinorPicked and self.pickHelpfulMinor(item)) or self.nonProgItemCheck(item) # return True if stuck, False if not def fillNonProgressionItems(self): if self.itemLimit <= 0: return False poolRestriction = self.getNonProgItemPoolRestrictionStart() self.container.restrictItemPool(poolRestriction) if self.container.isPoolEmpty(): self.container.unrestrictItemPool() return False itemLocation = None nItems = 0 locPoolOk = True self.log.debug("NON-PROG") while not self.container.isPoolEmpty() and nItems < self.itemLimit and locPoolOk: itemLocation = self.generateItem() if itemLocation is not None: nItems += 1 self.log.debug("fillNonProgressionItems: {} at {}".format(itemLocation.Item.Name, itemLocation.Location.Name)) # doing this first is actually important, as state is saved in collect self.container.unrestrictItemPool() self.collect(itemLocation) locPoolOk = self.checkLocPool() poolRestriction = self.getNonProgItemPoolRestriction() self.container.restrictItemPool(poolRestriction) else: break self.container.unrestrictItemPool() return itemLocation is None def generateItemFromStandardPool(self): self.log.debug('generateItemFromStandardPool') itemLoc = self.generateItem() if itemLoc is not None and self.currentProgSpeed in ['medium', 'slow', 'slowest'] and\ not self.isEarlyGame() and not, self.container): itemLocWithout = self.generateItem(ComebackCheckType.ComebackWithoutItem) if itemLocWithout is None: # the *only* available locations are locs we couldn't come back from without the item, # consider ourselves stuck (mitigates 'supers at spospo' syndrome) return None return itemLoc def getItemFromStandardPool(self): itemLoc = self.generateItemFromStandardPool() isStuck = itemLoc is None if not isStuck: sys.stdout.write('-') sys.stdout.flush() self.collect(itemLoc) return isStuck def initRollbackPoints(self): minRollbackPoint = 0 maxRollbackPoint = len(self.states) if len(self.progressionStatesIndices) > 0: minRollbackPoint = self.progressionStatesIndices[-1] self.log.debug('initRollbackPoints: min=' + str(minRollbackPoint) + ", max=" + str(maxRollbackPoint)) return minRollbackPoint, maxRollbackPoint def initRollback(self): self.log.debug('initRollback: progressionStatesIndices 1=' + str(self.progressionStatesIndices)) if len(self.progressionStatesIndices) > 0 and self.progressionStatesIndices[-1] == len(self.states) - 1: # the state we are about to remove was a progression state self.progressionStatesIndices.pop() if len(self.states) > 0: self.states.pop() # remove current state, it's the one we're stuck in self.log.debug('initRollback: progressionStatesIndices 2=' + str(self.progressionStatesIndices)) def getSituationId(self): progItems = str(sorted([il.Item.Type for il in self.progressionItemLocs])) position = str(sorted([ap.Name for ap in, self.container)])) return progItems+'/'+position def hasTried(self, itemLoc): if self.isEarlyGame(): return False itemType = itemLoc.Item.Type situation = self.getSituationId() ret = False if situation in self.rollbackItemsTried: ret = itemType in self.rollbackItemsTried[situation] if ret: self.log.debug('has tried ' + itemType + ' in situation ' + situation) return ret def updateRollbackItemsTried(self, itemLoc): itemType = itemLoc.Item.Type situation = self.getSituationId() if situation not in self.rollbackItemsTried: self.rollbackItemsTried[situation] = [] self.log.debug('adding ' + itemType + ' to situation ' + situation) self.rollbackItemsTried[situation].append(itemType) def getFallbackState(self): self.log.debug("getFallbackState") curState = self.getCurrentState() fallbackState = self.states[-2] if len(self.states) > 1 else self.initState if (len(self.lastFallbackStates) > 0 and curState == self.lastFallbackStates[-1]): self.log.debug("getFallbackState. rewind fallback") return fallbackState # n = sum(1 for state in self.lastFallbackStates if state == fallbackState) # if n >= 3: # self.log.debug("getFallbackState. kickstart needed") # self.lastFallbackStates = None # return None return curState # goes back in the previous states to find one where # we can put a progression item def rollback(self): nItemsAtStart = len(self.container.currentItems) nStatesAtStart = len(self.states) self.log.debug("rollback BEGIN: nItems={}, nStates={}".format(nItemsAtStart, nStatesAtStart)) ret = None self.initRollback() if len(self.states) == 0: self.initState.apply(self) self.log.debug("rollback END initState apply, nCurLocs="+str(len(self.currentLocations()))) if self.vcr != None: self.vcr.addRollback(nStatesAtStart) sys.stdout.write('<'*nStatesAtStart) sys.stdout.flush() return None # to stay consistent in case no solution is found as states list was popped in init fallbackState = self.getFallbackState() # if fallbackState is None: # kickstart needed # return None self.lastFallbackStates.append(fallbackState) i = 0 possibleStates = [] self.log.debug('rollback. nStates='+str(len(self.states))) while i >= 0 and len(possibleStates) == 0: states = self.states[:] + [fallbackState] minRollbackPoint, maxRollbackPoint = self.initRollbackPoints() i = maxRollbackPoint while i >= minRollbackPoint: state = states[i] state.apply(self) self.log.debug('rollback. state applied. Container=\n'+self.container.dump()) itemLoc = self.generateItemFromStandardPool() if itemLoc is not None and not self.hasTried(itemLoc) and, self.ap, self.container): possibleStates.append((state, itemLoc)) i -= 1 # nothing, let's rollback further a progression item if len(possibleStates) == 0 and i >= 0: if len(self.progressionStatesIndices) > 0: sys.stdout.write('!') sys.stdout.flush() self.progressionStatesIndices.pop() else: break if len(possibleStates) > 0: (state, itemLoc) = random.choice(possibleStates) self.updateRollbackItemsTried(itemLoc) state.apply(self) ret = itemLoc if self.vcr != None: nRoll = nItemsAtStart - len(self.container.currentItems) if nRoll > 0: self.vcr.addRollback(nRoll) else: self.log.debug('fallbackState apply') fallbackState.apply(self) if self.vcr != None: self.vcr.addRollback(1) sys.stdout.write('<'*(nStatesAtStart - len(self.states))) sys.stdout.flush() self.log.debug("rollback END: {}".format(len(self.container.currentItems))) return ret # def kickStart(self): # self.initState.apply(self) # self.lastFallbackStates = [] # pairItemLocDict =, self.container) # if pairItemLocDict == None: # # no pair found # self.log.debug("kickStart KO") # return False # self.collectPair(pairItemLocDict) # self.log.debug("kickStart OK") # return True def step(self, onlyBossCheck=False): self.cache.reset() if, self.container) and self.settings.progSpeed not in ['slowest', 'slow']: (itemLocDict, isProg) = itemLoc = self.chooseItemLocNoLogic(itemLocDict) if itemLoc is None: self.restrictions.disable() self.cache.reset() self.errorMsg = "Restrictions disabled" (itemLocDict, isProg) = itemLoc = self.chooseItemLocNoLogic(itemLocDict) assert itemLoc is not None self.ap =, self.container, itemLoc) return True self.determineParameters() # fill up with non-progression stuff isStuck = self.fillNonProgressionItems() if not self.container.isPoolEmpty(): isStuck = self.getItemFromStandardPool() if isStuck: if onlyBossCheck == False and, self.container): self.settings.maxDiff = infinity return self.step(onlyBossCheck=True) if onlyBossCheck == True: # we're stuck even after bumping diff. # it was a onlyBossesLeft false positive, restore max diff self.settings.maxDiff = self.maxDiff # check that we're actually stuck itemLoc = None if not, self.container): # stuck, rollback to make progress if we can't access everything yet itemLoc = self.rollback() # if itemLoc is None and self.lastFallbackStates is None: # # kickstart needed # return self.kickStart() if itemLoc is not None: self.collect(itemLoc) isStuck = False else: isStuck = self.getItemFromStandardPool() # self.log.debug("step end. itemLocations="+getItemLocationsStr(self.container.itemLocations)) return not isStuck def getProgressionItemLocations(self): return self.progressionItemLocs