def load_data(file_name, shuffle=True, verbose=False): global CLASSES file_sentences = [] file_labels = [] file_ids = [] for label, c in enumerate(CLASSES): if verbose: print('reading ' + file_name + '.' + c) with open('%s.%s' % (file_name, c), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: for line in f: sentence = line[19:].strip() if len(sentence) > 1: file_sentences.append(sentence) file_ids.append(int(line[:18].strip())) file_labels.append(label) else: if verbose: print('One empty line.') file_data = [file_sentences, file_labels, file_ids] if shuffle: file_indexes = list(range(len(file_sentences))) shuffle_data = lambda v, ind: [v[i] for i in ind] shuffle_list(file_indexes) for i in range(len(file_data)): file_data[i] = shuffle_data(file_data[i], file_indexes) if verbose: print('Done reading.\n') return file_data
def gen_puzzles(): all_ids = [ for puzzle in Puzzles.query.all()] pids = [] while len(pids) != POSSIBLE_COMPLETED: pid = choose_random(all_ids) if pid not in pids: pids.append(pid) shuffle_list(all_ids) return pids
def play(self): shuffle_list(self.players) print('Playing order has been chosen:') for i, player in enumerate(self.players, start=1): print(f"Player {i} will be {}.") winner = False while not winner: plays = list() # [ for player in self.players] for player in self.players: print(f"{}, it's your turn.") if len(player.won_cards) > 0: print("You have these cards in your stash:") for card in player.won_cards: print(card) print("You have these cards on your hand:") plays.append( for i, player in enumerate(self.players): print(f"{} plays a {plays[i]} ") if plays[0] > plays[1]: print(f"{self.players[0].name} wins the round!") self.players[0].add_won_card(plays[0]) elif plays[0] < plays[1]: print(f"{self.players[1].name} wins the round!") self.players[1].add_won_card(plays[1]) self.players = self.swap_list(self.players) else: # TODO: A draw could result in the next winner gets to # TODO: choose either card from the draw pile print('It was a draw! Both cards are discarded.') for player in self.players: if player.winner(): print(f"{} won these cards:") print(f"{player.wins()}") print(f"The winner is {}") winner = True if not winner and len( == 0 and len( self.players[0].hand) == 0: winner = True print(f"There is no winner. What even is the purpose?") if len( > 1: for player in self.players: player.draw(self.deck)
def _chunk_tensor( x: Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], ...], y: torch.Tensor, num_sections: int, shuffle: bool ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Tuple[Optional[torch.Tensor], ...], torch.Tensor]]: split_x = [] for idx, x_section in enumerate(x): if x_section is not None: split_x.append(torch.chunk(x_section, num_sections)) else: split_x.append([None] * num_sections) # type: ignore split_y = torch.chunk(y, num_sections) return_arrays = list(zip(*split_x, split_y)) if shuffle: shuffle_list(return_arrays) return [(chunk[:-1], chunk[-1]) for chunk in return_arrays] # type: ignore
def _chunk_ndarray( x: Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], ...], y: np.ndarray, num_sections: int, shuffle: bool ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Tuple[Optional[np.ndarray], ...], np.ndarray]]: split_x = [] for idx, x_section in enumerate(x): if x_section is not None: split_x.append(np.array_split(x_section, num_sections)) else: split_x.append([None] * num_sections) split_y = np.array_split(y, num_sections) return_arrays = list(zip(*split_x, split_y)) if shuffle: shuffle_list(return_arrays) return [(chunk[:-1], chunk[-1]) for chunk in return_arrays] # type: ignore
def __init__(self, data, targets, length, start_index=0, shuffle=False, reverse=False, batch_size=128): super().__init__(data, targets, length, start_index=start_index, shuffle=shuffle, reverse=reverse, end_index=len(data[0]), batch_size=batch_size) assert isinstance(data, list), 'data must be list of timeseries' if any(isinstance(i, pd.DataFrame) for i in = [i.values for i in] if any(isinstance(i, pd.DataFrame) for i in self.targets): self.targets = [i.values for i in self.targets] if self.shuffle: zippd = list(zip(, self.targets)) shuffle_list(zippd) # inplace operation, self.targets = list(zip(*zippd)) # start index is the same for each profile # for each profile there's a different end_index self.end_index = [len(d)-1 for d in] batches_per_profile = [(e - self.start_index + self.batch_size)// self.batch_size for e in self.end_index] self.data_len = sum(batches_per_profile) self.batch_cumsum = np.cumsum(batches_per_profile)
def reset(self): self._next_counter = 0 if not self._random_distribution: shuffle_list(self._indices)
def next_song(self): if self.shuffle: self._songs = shuffle_list(self._songs) ...
def build_tfrecord_single(conf, mode='train', input_files=None, shuffle=True, buffersize=512): """Create input tfrecord tensors. Args: training: training or validation data_files. conf: A dictionary containing the configuration for the experiment Returns: list of tensors corresponding to images, actions, and states. The images tensor is 5D, batch x time x height x width x channels. The state and action tensors are 3D, batch x time x dimension. Raises: RuntimeError: if no files found. """ if 'sdim' in conf: sdim = conf['sdim'] else: sdim = 3 if 'adim' in conf: adim = conf['adim'] else: adim = 4 print('adim', adim) print('sdim', sdim) if input_files is not None: if not isinstance(input_files, list): filenames = [input_files] else: filenames = input_files else: filenames = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(conf['data_dir'], mode) + '/*') if mode == 'val' or mode == 'test': shuffle = False else: shuffle = True if not filenames: raise RuntimeError('No data_files files found.') print('using shuffle: ', shuffle) if shuffle: shuffle_list(filenames) # Reads an image from a file, decodes it into a dense tensor, and resizes it # to a fixed shape. def _parse_function(serialized_example): image_seq, image_main_seq, endeffector_pos_seq, gen_images_seq, gen_states_seq,\ action_seq, object_pos_seq, robot_pos_seq, goal_image = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] load_indx = list(range(0, conf['sequence_length'], conf['skip_frame'])) print('using frame sequence: ', load_indx) rand_h = tf.random_uniform([1], minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2) rand_s = tf.random_uniform([1], minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2) rand_v = tf.random_uniform([1], minval=-0.2, maxval=0.2) features_name = {} for i in load_indx: image_names = [] if 'view' in conf: cam_ids = [conf['view']] else: if 'ncam' in conf: ncam = conf['ncam'] else: ncam = 1 cam_ids = range(ncam) for icam in cam_ids: image_names.append( str(i) + '/image_view{}/encoded'.format(icam)) features_name[image_names[-1]] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string) if 'image_only' not in conf: action_name = str(i) + '/action' endeffector_pos_name = str(i) + '/endeffector_pos' if 'image_only' not in conf: features_name[action_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature([adim], tf.float32) features_name[endeffector_pos_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature( [sdim], tf.float32) if 'test_metric' in conf: robot_pos_name = str(i) + '/robot_pos' object_pos_name = str(i) + '/object_pos' features_name[robot_pos_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature( [conf['test_metric']['robot_pos'] * 2], tf.int64) features_name[object_pos_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature( [conf['test_metric']['object_pos'] * 2], tf.int64) if 'load_vidpred_data' in conf: gen_image_name = str(i) + '/gen_images' gen_states_name = str(i) + '/gen_states' features_name[gen_image_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string) features_name[gen_states_name] = tf.FixedLenFeature([sdim], tf.float32) features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, features=features_name) images_t = [] for image_name in image_names: image = decode_im(conf, features, image_name) if 'color_augmentation' in conf: # print 'performing color augmentation' image_hsv = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(image) img_stack = [ tf.unstack(imag, axis=2) for imag in tf.unstack(image_hsv, axis=0) ] stack_mod = [ tf.stack([x[0] + rand_h, x[1] + rand_s, x[2] + rand_v], axis=2) for x in img_stack ] image_rgb = tf.image.hsv_to_rgb(tf.stack(stack_mod)) image = tf.clip_by_value(image_rgb, 0.0, 1.0) images_t.append(image) image_seq.append(tf.stack(images_t, axis=1)) if 'image_only' not in conf: endeffector_pos = tf.reshape(features[endeffector_pos_name], shape=[1, sdim]) endeffector_pos_seq.append(endeffector_pos) action = tf.reshape(features[action_name], shape=[1, adim]) action_seq.append(action) if 'test_metric' in conf: robot_pos = tf.reshape(features[robot_pos_name], shape=[1, 2]) robot_pos_seq.append(robot_pos) object_pos = tf.reshape( features[object_pos_name], shape=[1, conf['test_metric']['object_pos'], 2]) object_pos_seq.append(object_pos) if 'load_vidpred_data' in conf: gen_images_seq.append(decode_im(gen_image_name)) gen_states = tf.reshape(features[gen_states_name], shape=[1, sdim]) gen_states_seq.append(gen_states) return_dict = {} image_seq = tf.concat(values=image_seq, axis=0) image_seq = tf.squeeze(image_seq) if 'use_cam' in conf: image_seq = image_seq[:, conf['use_cam']] return_dict['images'] = image_seq if 'goal_image' in conf: features_name = {} features_name['/goal_image'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string) features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, features=features_name) goal_image = tf.squeeze(decode_im(conf, features, '/goal_image')) return_dict['goal_image'] = goal_image if 'first_last_noarm' in conf: features_name = {} features_name['/first_last_noarm0'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string) features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, features=features_name) first_last_noarm0 = tf.squeeze( decode_im(conf, features, '/first_last_noarm0')) features_name['/first_last_noarm1'] = tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.string) features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example, features=features_name) first_last_noarm1 = tf.squeeze( decode_im(conf, features, '/first_last_noarm1')) return_dict['first_last_noarm'] = tf.stack( [first_last_noarm0, first_last_noarm1], axis=0) if 'image_only' not in conf: if 'no_touch' in conf: return_dict['endeffector_pos'] = tf.concat( endeffector_pos_seq, 0)[:, :-2] else: return_dict['endeffector_pos'] = tf.concat( endeffector_pos_seq, 0) if 'autograsp' in conf: return_dict['actions'] = tf.concat(action_seq, 0)[:, :-1] else: return_dict['actions'] = tf.concat(action_seq, 0) if 'load_vidpred_data' in conf: return_dict['gen_images'] = gen_images_seq return_dict['gen_states'] = gen_states_seq return return_dict dataset = dataset = if 'max_epoch' in conf: dataset = dataset.repeat(conf['max_epoch']) else: dataset = dataset.repeat() if shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=buffersize) dataset = dataset.batch(conf['batch_size']) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() output_element = {} for k in list(next_element.keys()): output_element[k] = tf.reshape( next_element[k], [conf['batch_size']] + next_element[k].get_shape().as_list()[1:]) return output_element
def regulariza(self, G, sentence_nodes, train_labels, path_out, total_pre_anotados=0.3, method='gfhf'): """ gerar as features de regularização """ total_samples = len(train_labels) cods = list(range(total_samples)) shuffle_list(cods) anotados = cods[0:int(total_samples * total_pre_anotados)] train = 'train_%d' test = 'test_%d' keys_anotados = [] for i in range(total_samples): if i in anotados: G.nodes[sentence_nodes[train % i]]['label'] = train_labels[i] keys_anotados.append(train % i) with open('anotados.txt', 'w') as f: for i in anotados: f.write('%d\n' % i) labels = ['p', 'nao_p'] columns = ['id', labels[0], labels[1], 'classe'] rows_train = [] rows_test = [] if method == 'gfhf': F = harmonic_function(G) elif method == 'llgc': F = local_and_global_consistency(G) if method in ['gfhf', 'llgc']: for key in sentence_nodes.keys(): id_node = sentence_nodes[key] split_key_node = key.split('_') t = split_key_node[0] cod = int(split_key_node[1]) if t == 'train': rows_train.append([ id_node, F[id_node][0], F[id_node][1], train_labels[cod] ]) if t == 'test': rows_test.append([id_node, F[id_node][0], F[id_node][1]]) elif method == 'gnetmine': M = GNetMine(graph=G) c = F = M.f['sentence_pair'] labels = M.labels nodes = M.nodes_type['sentence_pair'] dict_nodes = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(nodes)} for key in sentence_nodes.keys(): id_node = sentence_nodes[key] split_key_node = key.split('_') t = split_key_node[0] cod = int(split_key_node[1]) if t == 'train': rows_train.append([ id_node, F[dict_nodes[id_node]][0], F[dict_nodes[id_node]][1], train_labels[cod] ]) if t == 'test': rows_test.append([ id_node, F[dict_nodes[id_node]][0], F[dict_nodes[id_node]][1] ]) file_name_train = 'features_%s_pre_anotados_train.csv' % len(anotados) file_name_test = 'features_%s_pre_anotados_test.csv' % len(anotados) df_train = pd.DataFrame(rows_train, columns=columns) df_test = pd.DataFrame(rows_test, columns=columns[:3]) df_train.to_csv(path_out + file_name_train, index=False) df_test.to_csv(path_out + file_name_test, index=False)