Esempio n. 1
def directMain():
    logPrefix = os.path.join(mkdtemp(prefix="domfuzz-rdf-main"), "t")
    print logPrefix
    collector = createCollector.createCollector("DOMFuzz")
    bc = BrowserConfig(sys.argv[1:], collector)
    if bc.options.argURL:
        extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(bc.options.argURL)
        extraPrefs = ""
    br = BrowserResult(bc,
                       bc.options.argURL or "about:blank",
    print br.level
    if bc.options.submit:
        if br.level >= bc.options.minimumInterestingLevel:
            testcaseFilename = bc.options.argURL
            print "Submitting " + testcaseFilename
            quality = 0
            collector.submit(br.crashInfo, testcaseFilename, quality)
            print "Not submitting (not interesting)"
Esempio n. 2
def interesting(args, tempPrefix):
    global bcForLithium
    bc = bcForLithium
    url = bc.options.argURL
    extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(url)  # Re-scan testcase (and prefs file) in case Lithium changed them
    br = BrowserResult(bc, url, tempPrefix, extraPrefs=extraPrefs)
    return br.level >= bc.options.minimumInterestingLevel
Esempio n. 3
def interesting(args, tempPrefix):
    global levelAndLinesForLithium, deleteProfileForLithium, minimumInterestingLevel, lithiumURL, extraPrefsForLithium
    extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(
    )  # Re-scan testcase (and prefs file) in case Lithium changed them
    actualLevel, lines = levelAndLinesForLithium(lithiumURL,
    return actualLevel >= minimumInterestingLevel
Esempio n. 4
def directMain():
    logPrefix = os.path.join(mkdtemp(prefix="domfuzz-rdf-main"), "t")
    print logPrefix
    levelAndLines, options = rdfInit(sys.argv[1:])
    if options.argURL:
        extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(options.argURL)
        extraPrefs = ""
    level, lines = levelAndLines(options.argURL or "about:blank", logPrefix, extraPrefs=extraPrefs, leaveProfile=True)
    print level
Esempio n. 5
def directMain():
    logPrefix = os.path.join(mkdtemp(prefix="domfuzz-rdf-main"), "t")
    print logPrefix
    collector = createCollector.createCollector("DOMFuzz")
    bc = BrowserConfig(sys.argv[1:], collector)
    if bc.options.argURL:
        extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(bc.options.argURL)
        extraPrefs = ""
    br = BrowserResult(bc, bc.options.argURL or "about:blank", logPrefix, extraPrefs=extraPrefs, leaveProfile=True)
    print br.level
    if bc.options.submit:
        if br.level >= bc.options.minimumInterestingLevel:
            testcaseFilename = bc.options.argURL
            print "Submitting " + testcaseFilename
            quality = 0
            collector.submit(br.crashInfo, testcaseFilename, quality)
            print "Not submitting (not interesting)"
Esempio n. 6
def interesting(args, tempPrefix):
    global levelAndLinesForLithium, deleteProfileForLithium, minimumInterestingLevel, lithiumURL, extraPrefsForLithium
    extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(lithiumURL) # Re-scan testcase (and prefs file) in case Lithium changed them
    actualLevel, lines = levelAndLinesForLithium(lithiumURL, logPrefix=tempPrefix, extraPrefs=extraPrefs)
    return actualLevel >= minimumInterestingLevel
def retestAll():
    Retest all testcases in retestRoot, starting with the newest,
    without modifying that subtree (because it might be rsync'ed).

    testcases = []
    retestSkips = readSkips(skips)

    # Find testcases to retest
    for jobTypeDir in (os.path.join(retestRoot, x)
                       for x in os.listdir(retestRoot)
                       if x.startswith("dom" + "-")):
        if "mac" not in jobTypeDir:
            continue  # XXX just for now
        for j in os.listdir(jobTypeDir):
            if "-asan" in buildDir and "-asan" not in jobTypeDir:
                pass  # what's going on here???
            elif j.split("_")[0] in retestSkips:
                print "Skipping " + j + " for " + j.split("_")[0]
            elif "_0_lines" in j:
                print "Skipping a 0-line testcase"
            elif "_reduced" in j:
                job = os.path.join(jobTypeDir, j)
                testcase_leafs = filter(lambda s: s.find("reduced") != -1,
                if len(testcase_leafs) == 1:
                    testcase = os.path.join(job, testcase_leafs[0])
                    mtime = os.stat(testcase).st_mtime
                    testcases.append({'testcase': testcase, 'mtime': mtime})

    # Sort so the newest testcases are first
    print "Retesting " + str(len(testcases)) + " testcases..."
    testcases.sort(key=lambda t: t['mtime'], reverse=True)

    i = 0
    bc = domInteresting.BrowserConfig(
        ["--background", buildDir],
    tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp("retesting")

    # Retest all the things!
    for t in testcases:
        testcase = t['testcase']
        print testcase
        i += 1
        logPrefix = os.path.join(tempDir, str(i))
        extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(testcase)
        testcaseURL = loopdomfuzz.asFileURL(testcase)
        domresult = domInteresting.BrowserResult(bc,

        #if level > domInteresting.DOM_FINE:
        #    print "Reproduced: " + testcase
        #    with open(logPrefix + "-summary.txt") as f:
        #        for line in f:
        #            print line,

        # Would it be easier to do it this way?

        #with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
        #    p = subprocess.Popen([loopdomfuzz.domInterestingpy, "mozilla-central/obj-firefox-asan-debug/", testcase], stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        #    if p.wait() > 0:
        #        print "Still reproduces: " + testcase

        # Ideally we'd use something like "lithium-command.txt" to get the right --valgrind args, etc...
        # (but we don't want the --min-level option)

        # Or this way?

        #lithArgs = ["--strategy=check-only", loopdomfuzz.domInterestingpy, buildInfo.buildDir, testcase]
        #(lithResult, lithDetails) = lithOps.runLithium(lithArgs, logPrefix, options.targetTime)
        #if lithResult == lithOps.LITH_RETESTED_STILL_INTERESTING:
        #   print "Reproduced: " + testcase

Esempio n. 8
def retestAll(options, buildInfo):
    Retest all testcases in options.retestRoot, starting with the newest,
    without modifying that subtree (because it might be rsync'ed).

    assert options.testType == "dom"

    testcases = []
    retestSkips = readSkips(options.retestSkips)

    # Find testcases to retest
    for jobTypeDir in (os.path.join(options.retestRoot, x) for x in os.listdir(options.retestRoot) if x.startswith(options.testType + "-")):
        for j in os.listdir(jobTypeDir):
            if "-asan" in buildInfo.buildDir and "-asan" not in jobTypeDir:
            elif j.split("_")[0] in retestSkips:
                print "Skipping " + j + " for " + j.split("_")[0]
            elif "_0_lines" in j:
                print "Skipping a 0-line testcase"
            elif "_reduced" in j:
                job = os.path.join(jobTypeDir, j)
                testcase_leafs = filter(lambda s: s.find("reduced") != -1, os.listdir(job))
                if len(testcase_leafs) == 1:
                    testcase = os.path.join(job, testcase_leafs[0])
                    mtime = os.stat(testcase).st_mtime
                    testcases.append({'testcase': testcase, 'mtime': mtime})

    # Sort so the newest testcases are first
    print "Retesting " + str(len(testcases)) + " testcases..."
    testcases.sort(key=lambda t: t['mtime'], reverse=True)

    i = 0
    levelAndLines, domInterestingOptions = domInteresting.rdfInit([buildInfo.buildDir])
    tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp("retesting")

    # Retest all the things!
    for t in testcases:
        testcase = t['testcase']
        print testcase
        i += 1
        logPrefix = os.path.join(tempDir, str(i))
        extraPrefs = randomPrefs.grabExtraPrefs(testcase)
        testcaseURL = loopdomfuzz.asFileURL(testcase)
        level, lines = levelAndLines(testcaseURL, logPrefix=logPrefix, extraPrefs=extraPrefs, quiet=True)

        #if level > domInteresting.DOM_FINE:
        #    print "Reproduced: " + testcase
        #    with open(logPrefix + "-summary.txt") as f:
        #        for line in f:
        #            print line,

        # Would it be easier to do it this way?

        #with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
        #    p = subprocess.Popen([loopdomfuzz.domInterestingpy, "mozilla-central/obj-firefox-asan-debug/", testcase], stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        #    if p.wait() > 0:
        #        print "Still reproduces: " + testcase

        # Ideally we'd use something like "lithium-command.txt" to get the right --valgrind args, etc...
        # (but we don't want the --min-level option)

        # Or this way?

        #lithArgs = ["--strategy=check-only", loopdomfuzz.domInterestingpy, buildInfo.buildDir, testcase]
        #(lithResult, lithDetails) = lithOps.runLithium(lithArgs, logPrefix, options.targetTime)
        #if lithResult == lithOps.LITH_RETESTED_STILL_INTERESTING:
        #   print "Reproduced: " + testcase
