Esempio n. 1
def calc_loss(scores, qd_labels, sigma):
    # TODO: Fix this spaghetti shit
    ranking_boi = np.float64(scores.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy())

    # Get the ranking
    if not isinstance(ranking_boi, np.ndarray):
        ranking_boi = np.array([ranking_boi])
    ranking, inv_ranking = rnk.rank_and_invert(ranking_boi)

    ranking = torch.tensor(ranking.copy()).cuda()

    # Get rid of pesky 1-document queries and initialize loss
    if len(scores) < 2:
        return 0, 0
    loss = 0

    # Vectorize the loss calculation
    # Calculate all score differences
    scorediff = scores - scores.T

    # Calculate all signs
    squeeze_labels = qd_labels.unsqueeze(-1)
    signs = torch.sign(squeeze_labels - qd_labels).float()

    # Loss is just vectorized formula
    # loss = (1/2) * (1-signs) * torch.sigmoid(scorediff) + torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-1 * sigma * scorediff))
    loss = (1 / 2) * (1 - signs) * sigma * scorediff + torch.log(
        1 + torch.exp(-1 * sigma * scorediff))
    loss = loss.sum()

    return loss, ranking
Esempio n. 2
def validate_ndcg(validation_set):
    with torch.no_grad():

        total_ndcg = 0

        for i, qid in enumerate(np.arange(validation_set.num_queries())):
            qd_feats = validation_set.query_feat(qid)
            qd_labels = validation_set.query_labels(qid)
            scores = model.forward(torch.tensor(qd_feats).float().cuda())

            # Make em torchy?
            qd_feats = torch.tensor(qd_feats).cuda()
            qd_labels = torch.tensor(qd_labels).cuda()

            # TODO: Fix this spaghetti shit
            ranking_boi = np.float64(scores.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy())

            # Get the ranking
            if not isinstance(ranking_boi, np.ndarray):
                ranking_boi = np.array([ranking_boi])
            ranking, inv_ranking = rnk.rank_and_invert(ranking_boi)

            ranking = torch.tensor(ranking.copy()).cuda()

            # Get rid of pesky 1-document queries and initialize loss
            if len(scores) < 2:

            total_ndcg += evaluate_model(model,

        return total_ndcg / validation_set.num_queries()
Esempio n. 3
def get_IRM(pred_scores, true_scores):
    Get an array with all delta_IRM(i,j) for all doc combinations 
    corresponding to a query.
    final_irm = []
    # When all relevances are 0, we set all delta irm to 1
    if sum(true_scores) != 0:
        true_ranking, _ = rnk.rank_and_invert(true_scores)
        before_irm = get_score(pred_scores, true_ranking)
        delta_irm = []
        prev_id = 0
        # Loop through all permutations of the docs
        for pair in itertools.permutations(enumerate(pred_scores), r=2):
            swap_scores = list(pred_scores)
            curr_id = pair[0][0]
            compare_id = pair[1][0]
            if curr_id == prev_id:
                delta_ij = calculate_delta(swap_scores, curr_id, compare_id, true_ranking, before_irm)
                delta_ij = calculate_delta(swap_scores, curr_id, compare_id, true_ranking, before_irm)
                delta_irm = [delta_ij]
            prev_id = curr_id
        final_irm = np.ones(((len(true_scores)), len(true_scores)-1))
    return final_irm
Esempio n. 4
def evaluate_model(model, validation_set, k = 5, regression = False):
    model:          Neural network model that we are using
    validation_set: Pointer to the validation set
    k:              Cutoff to be used to calculate NDCG
    regression:     Boolean variable to denote whether the model used 
                    regression or classification. This changes the way
                    we feed the scores to the NDCG function
    total_ndcg = 0

    # Main loop over all queries in validation set
    for qid in np.arange(validation_set.num_queries()):

        # Get features, prediction scores and labels
        qd_feats = validation_set.query_feat(qid)
        qd_labels = validation_set.query_labels(qid)
        scores = model.forward(torch.tensor(qd_feats).cuda().float())
        labels = torch.tensor(qd_labels).cuda()

        # Change scores to correct format for regression or classification
        if regression:
            prediction = scores
            prediction = prediction.squeeze(1).detach().cpu()
            softmax = F.softmax(scores)
            prediction = torch.argmax(softmax, dim=1)
            prediction = prediction.detach().cpu()

        # Get rankings based on scores
        pred_rank, _ = rnk.rank_and_invert(prediction)
        label_rank, _ = rnk.rank_and_invert(labels.detach().cpu())

        # Convert ranking to sorting usable for calculating NDCG
        sorted_pred = np.array([qd_labels[idx] for idx in pred_rank])
        label_rank = np.array(sorted(qd_labels, reverse=True))

        # Get rid of pesky 1-doc queries and naively prevent division by zero
        if len(sorted_pred) > 1 and np.count_nonzero(qd_labels) != 0:

            # k to len(sorted_pred) does NDCG over entire ranking
            k = len(sorted_pred)
            total_ndcg += ndcg_at_k(sorted_pred, label_rank, k)

    return total_ndcg/validation_set.num_queries()
Esempio n. 5
def get_score(pred_scores, true_ranking):
    Get the NDCG or ERR score of predicted scores vs true scores.
    pred_ranking, _ = rnk.rank_and_invert(pred_scores)
    if config.eval_metric == 'ndcg':
        score = evl.ndcg_at_k(pred_ranking, true_ranking, 0)
    elif config.eval_metric == 'err':
        score = evl.ERR(pred_ranking, true_ranking)
        raise Exception('Evaluation metric should be either ndcg or err.')
    return score
Esempio n. 6
import dataset
import ranking as rnk
import numpy as np

# we will rank 5 items with the scores:
scores = np.array([10., 8., 12., 9., 5.])

ranking, inverted_ranking = rnk.rank_and_invert(scores)

print('Ranking the scores: %s' % scores)
print('Resulting ranking: %s' % ranking)
print('This orders the scores as: %s' % scores[ranking])
print('an results in the inverted ranking: %s' % inverted_ranking)
print('The inverted ranking allows us to quickly see that:')
for i in range(scores.shape[0]):
    print('Item %d with score %0.02f has rank: %d' %
          (i, scores[i], inverted_ranking[i]))

print('It is also very useful for computing rank differences,')
print('for instance:')
for i, j in [(1, 2), (2, 4), (0, 3)]:
    print('the difference between item %d (at rank %d)'
          ' and item %d (at rank %d) is %d' %
          (i, inverted_ranking[i], j, inverted_ranking[j],
           inverted_ranking[i] - inverted_ranking[j]))
Esempio n. 7
print('Number of documents in test set: %d' % data.test.num_docs())

# initialize a random model
random_model = np.random.uniform(size=data.num_features)

# one score for every document (1d vector in ordering of the dataset)
all_scores =, random_model)

# rank every query for all scores (1d vector ordered by query ordering in dataset)
all_rankings, all_inverted_rankings = rnk.data_split_rank_and_invert(all_scores, data.train)

qid = 1
s_i, e_i = data.train.query_range(qid)

# to rank only a single query use rank_and_invert
query_ranking, query_inverted_ranking = rnk.rank_and_invert(all_scores[s_i:e_i])

assert np.all(np.equal(query_ranking, all_rankings[s_i:e_i]))
assert np.all(np.equal(query_inverted_ranking, all_inverted_rankings[s_i:e_i]))

print('Looking at query with id: %d' % qid)
print('Number of documents in query %d: %d' % (qid, data.train.query_size(qid)))
print('Scores for query %d: %s' % (qid, all_scores[s_i:e_i]))
print('Ranking for query %d: %s' % (qid, all_rankings[s_i:e_i]))
print('Inverted ranking for query %d: %s' % (qid, all_inverted_rankings[s_i:e_i]))

validation_scores =, random_model)
print('Evaluation on entire validation partition.')
results = evl.evaluate(data.validation, validation_scores, print_results=True)
Esempio n. 8
def run_epoch(model, optimizer, data, eval_every=10000, sigma=1, IRM='ndcg'):

    # Parameters
    temp_loss = 0
    overall_loss = 0
    epoch_loss = 0

    # Main Pairwise RankNet function
    for i, qid in enumerate(np.arange(data.train.num_queries())):

        # Zero the gradient buffer and get doc,query combinations, labels and scores
        qd_feats = data.train.query_feat(qid)
        qd_labels = data.train.query_labels(qid)
        scores = model.forward(torch.tensor(qd_feats).float().cuda())

        # Make em torchy?
        qd_feats = torch.tensor(qd_feats).cuda()
        qd_labels = torch.tensor(qd_labels).cuda()

        # TODO: Fix this spaghetti shit
        scores_d = scores.detach()
        ranking_boi = np.float64(scores.squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy())

        # Get the ranking
        if not isinstance(ranking_boi, np.ndarray):
            ranking_boi = np.array([ranking_boi])
        ranking, inv_ranking = rnk.rank_and_invert(ranking_boi)

        ranking = torch.tensor(ranking.copy()).cuda()

        # Get rid of pesky 1-document queries and initialize loss
        if len(scores) < 2:
        loss = 0
        # Vectorize the loss calculation
        # Calculate all score differences
        scorediff = scores_d - scores_d.T

        # Calculate all signs
        squeeze_labels = qd_labels.unsqueeze(-1)
        signs = torch.sign(squeeze_labels - qd_labels).float()

        # Loss is just vectorized formula
        lambdas_ij = sigma * ((1 / 2) * (1 - scorediff) -
                              (1 / (1 + torch.exp(sigma * scorediff))))

        # Get labels and get ranking
        np_labels = qd_labels.cpu().numpy()
        np_ranking = ranking.cpu().numpy()

        # Initialize permutations list and add initial permutation
        pred_perms = []
        sorted_pred = np.array([np_labels[idx] for idx in np_ranking])

        # Add all vectors of possible permutations to the list
        for p in range(len(sorted_pred)):
            for q in range(p + 1, len(sorted_pred)):
                perm_pred = sorted_pred.copy()
                temp = sorted_pred[p]
                perm_pred[p] = sorted_pred[q]
                perm_pred[q] = temp
        pred_perms = np.array(pred_perms)

        # Check correct IRM and calculate the scores for each permutation
        if (IRM == 'err'):
            ranking_measure = err(pred_perms)
        elif (IRM == 'ndcg'):
            label_rank = np.sort(np_labels)[::-1]
            ranking_measure = ndcg(pred_perms, label_rank)

        # Calculate all deltas for the IRM
        deltas = np.abs(ranking_measure[0] - ranking_measure[1:])
        delta_irm = np.zeros((len(ranking), len(ranking)))
        delta_irm[np.triu_indices(len(ranking), 1)] = deltas
        delta_irm = torch.from_numpy(delta_irm - delta_irm.T).float().cuda()

        # Get the lambdas and multiply with the delta irm values

        lambdas_ij = lambdas_ij * delta_irm
        lambas_i = lambdas_ij.sum(dim=1)
        loss = scores.squeeze() * lambas_i
        loss = loss.sum()

        # Keep track of rolling average
        rolling_avg = loss / (len(ranking)**2)
        overall_loss += rolling_avg
        temp_loss += rolling_avg.item()

        if (i + 1) % eval_every == 0:
            avg_ndcg = evaluate_model(model, data.validation, regression=True)
            print("NCDG: ", avg_ndcg, 'Loss: ', temp_loss / -eval_every)
            temp_loss = 0

        # Update gradients



    print("NDCG: ", evaluate_model(model, data.validation, regression=True))
    print("epoch_loss: ", overall_loss / data.train.num_queries())