Esempio n. 1
def compute_results(election):
    voted_ballots = db(db.ballot.election_id == == True).select()
    counters = {}
    rankers = {}
    for ballot in voted_ballots:
        results = unpack_results(ballot.results)
        for key in results:
            (name, scheme, value) = key
            if scheme == "checkbox":
                counters[key] = counters.get(key, 0) + (1 if results[key] else 0)
            elif scheme == "ranking":
                if not name in rankers:
                    rankers[name] = [[]]
                vote = rankers[name][-1]
                position = int(results[key])
                d = position - len(vote)
                if d > 0:
                    vote += [0] * d
                vote[position - 1] = value
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid Voting Scheme")
    for name in rankers:
        votes = rankers[name]
        cmajority = borda(votes, mode="exponential")
        ciro = iro(votes)
        cschulze = schulze(votes)
        for (r, k) in cmajority:
            counters[(name, "ranking", k)] = "M:%s" % r
        for (r, k) in ciro:
            counters[(name, "ranking", k)] += " I:%s" % r
        for (r, k) in cschulze:
            counters[(name, "ranking", k)] += " S:%s" % r
Esempio n. 2
def compute_results(election):
    voted_ballots = db(
    counters = {}
    rankers = {}
    for ballot in voted_ballots:
        results = unpack_results(ballot.results)
        for key in results:
            (name,scheme,value) = key
            if scheme == 'checkbox':
                counters[key] = counters.get(key,0) + (
                    1 if results[key] else 0)
            elif scheme == 'ranking':
                if not name in rankers:
                    rankers[name] = [[]]
                vote = rankers[name][-1]
                position = int(results[key])
                d = position-len(vote)
                if d>0: vote+=[0]*d
                vote[position-1] = value
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid Voting Scheme")
    for name in rankers:
        votes = rankers[name]
        cmajority = borda(votes,mode='exponential')
        ciro = iro(votes)
        cschulze = schulze(votes)
        for (r,k) in cmajority:
            counters[(name,'ranking',k)] = 'M:%s' % r
        for (r,k) in ciro:
            counters[(name,'ranking',k)] += ' I:%s' % r
        for (r,k) in cschulze:
            counters[(name,'ranking',k)] += ' S:%s' % r
Esempio n. 3
def compute_results(election):
    query =
    voted_ballots = db(query)(db.ballot.voted==True).select()
    counters = {}
    rankers = {}
    for k,ballot in enumerate(voted_ballots):        
        for name in ballot.results:
            # name is the name of a group as in {{name:ranking}}
            # scheme is "ranking" or "checkbox" (default)
            # value is the <input value="value"> assigned to this checkbox or input

            key = name +'/simple-majority/' + ballot.results[name]
            (name,scheme,value) = key.split('/',3)
            if scheme == 'simple-majority':
                # counters[key] counts how many times this checkbox was checked
                counters[key] = counters.get(key,0) + 1
            elif scheme == 'ranking':
                raise NotImplementedError
                # rankers[name] = [[2,1,3],[3,1,2],[1,2,3],...]
                #                 The sublists in rankers mean:
                #                 [[my first-preferred candidate is
                #                   the candidate whose identifying
                #                   number on the original ballot was
                #                   <the number given in this first
                #                   position here>],
                #                  [my second-preferred candidate is
                #                   the candidate whose identifying
                #                   number on the original ballot was
                #                   <the number given in this second
                #                   position here>],
                #                  [my third-preferred candidate is
                #                   the candidate whose identifying
                #                   number on the original ballot was
                #                   <the number given in this third
                #                   position here>], ...]
                # len(rankers[name]) = len(voted_ballots)
                # rankers[name][i][0] = ...?
                if not name in rankers:
                    rankers[name] = []
                if len(rankers[name])<k+1:
                vote = rankers[name][-1]
                print "ballot id:",, "key:",key, "results[key]:",results[key], "vote:",vote
                ranking = int(results[key])
                d = ranking-len(vote)
                if d>0:
                    print "vote before:", vote
                    print "vote after: ", vote
                vote[ranking-1] = value
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid Voting Scheme")    

    for name in rankers:
        votes = rankers[name]
        cmajority = borda(votes,mode='exponential')
        ciro = iro(votes)
        cschulze = schulze(votes)
        key = name+'/simple-majority/'+k
        for (r,k) in cmajority:
            counters[key] = 'M:%s' % r
        for (r,k) in ciro:
            counters[key] += ' I:%s' % r
        for (r,k) in cschulze:
            counters[key] += ' S:%s' % r

    print counters