def _load_json(path: Path) -> Union[dict, None]: if not path.exists(): return None with'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: if HAS_RAPIDJSON: data = load(f) else: data = load(f, encoding='utf-8') return data
async def settings_parser(guild_id): # Parse settings per guild with open( f'{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/cogs/core_multi_guild/cache/guild_settings.json' ) as settings_json: try: guild_settings = rapidjson.load(settings_json).get(guild_id) except: guild_settings = rapidjson.load(settings_json).get('default') return guild_settings
def __init__(self, n_log_names: list, s_log_names: list, c_log_name: str): potent = [] fired_neuron = [] weight = [] fired_synapse = [] for nl in n_log_names: with open(os.path.join(LOG_path, nl), 'r') as logfile: tmp = rapidjson.load(logfile, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE) potent.append(tmp[str(MULTI_potent_log)]) fired_neuron.append(tmp[str(MULTI_fired_neuron_log)]) for sl in s_log_names: with open(os.path.join(LOG_path, sl), 'r') as logfile: tmp = rapidjson.load(logfile, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE) weight.append(tmp[str(MULTI_weight_log)]) fired_synapse.append(tmp[str(MULTI_fired_synapse_log)]) with open(os.path.join(LOG_path, c_log_name)) as logfile: self.connections = rapidjson.load(logfile, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE) self.merged_potent = [] for t in range(len(potent[0])): tick = [] for thread in potent: tick.extend(thread[t]) self.merged_potent.append(tick) self.merged_f_n = [] for t in range(len(fired_neuron[0])): tick = [] for thread in fired_neuron: tick.extend(thread[t]) self.merged_f_n.append(tick) self.merged_weight = [] for t in range(len(weight[0])): tick = [] for thread in weight: tick.extend(thread[t]) self.merged_weight.append(tick) self.merged_f_s = [] for t in range(len(fired_synapse[0])): tick = [] for thread in fired_synapse: tick.extend(thread[t]) self.merged_f_s.append(tick) self.n_num = len(self.merged_potent[0]) self.s_num = len(self.connections) self.max_tick = len(self.merged_potent)
def test_collection_on_post(patch, magic, collection, siren): request = magic() response = magic() user = magic() patch.object(rapidjson, 'load') patch.object(Collections, 'apply_owner') collection.on_post(request, response, user=user) rapidjson.load.assert_called_with(request.bounded_stream) collection.apply_owner.assert_called_with(user, rapidjson.load()) collection.model.write.assert_called_with(**rapidjson.load()) siren.__init__.assert_called_with(collection.model, collection.model.write(), request.path) assert response.body == siren.encode()
def load_qubit_operator(file: TextIO) -> QubitOperator: """Load an operator object from a file. Args: file (str or file-like object): the name of the file, or a file-like object. Returns: op (openfermion.ops.QubitOperator): the operator. """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = json.load(file) return convert_dict_to_qubitop(data)
def load_args_from_config_file(path=None): quiet = False if path is None: quiet = True path = os.path.join(XDG_CONFIG_HOME, 'satori', 'rtm-cli.config') result = {} try: try: with open(path) as f: fileconfig = toml.load(f) for k, v in fileconfig.items(): print("From config file: {0} = {1}".format(k, v), file=sys.stderr) result[u'--' + k] = v except toml.TomlDecodeError: try: # Just in case the config file has the format credentials.json with open(path) as f: fileconfig = json.load(f) for k, v in fileconfig.items(): if k == 'auth_role_name': k = 'role_name' if k == 'auth_role_secret_key': k = 'role_secret' print("From config file: {0} = {1}".format(k, v), file=sys.stderr) result[u'--' + k] = v except ValueError: print("Invalid config file at {0}".format(path), file=sys.stderr) except (IOError, OSError): if not quiet: print("Couldn't read the config file at {0}".format(path), file=sys.stderr) return result
def __init__(self, url="ws://", port="8964", bulkSize=20, userDefinedDictFILE=None): self.port = port if url.startswith("ws"): self.ws_url = "{}:{}/Articut/WebSocket".format(url, port) self.url = "{}:{}".format(url.replace("ws", "http"), port) elif url.startswith("http"): self.ws_url = "{}:{}/Articut/WebSocket".format( url.replace("http", "ws"), port) self.url = "{}:{}".format(url, port) else: self.ws_url = "ws://{}:{}/Articut/WebSocket".format(url, port) self.url = "http://{}:{}".format(url, port) #enableTrace(True) = create_connection("{}/API/".format(self.ws_url)) self.ws_bulk = create_connection("{}/BulkAPI/".format(self.ws_url)) self.bulkSize = bulkSize self.userDefinedDictFILE = None self.openDataPlaceAccessBOOL = False self.fileSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 10 # 10 MB self.userDefinedDICT = {} if userDefinedDictFILE: try: if os.path.getsize(userDefinedDictFILE) <= self.fileSizeLimit: userDefinedFile = json.load( open(userDefinedDictFILE, "r", encoding="utf8")) if type(userDefinedFile) == dict: self.userDefinedDICT = userDefinedFile else: print("User Defined File must be dict type.") return { "status": False, "msg": "UserDefinedDICT Parsing ERROR. Please check your the format and encoding." } else: print("Maximum file size limit is 10 MB.") except Exception as e: print("User Defined File Loading Error.") print(str(e)) return { "status": False, "msg": "UserDefinedDICT Parsing ERROR. Please check your the format and encoding." } # Toolkit self.analyse = AnalyseManager() self.localRE = TaiwanAddressAnalizer(locale="TW") self.LawsToolkit = LawsToolkit() self.NER = GenericNER() self.POS = ArticutPOS()
def remove_images_from_reconstruction(sfm_data, images_to_remove): with open(sfm_data, "r") as infile: data = json.load(infile) # Get all valid views (not in image to remove) and remove poses for images to remove. invalid_pose_ids = [ view["value"]["ptr_wrapper"]["data"]["id_pose"] for view in data["views"] if view["value"]["ptr_wrapper"]["data"]["filename"] in images_to_remove ] data["extrinsics"] = [ pose for pose in data["extrinsics"] if pose["key"] not in invalid_pose_ids ] valid_view_ids = [ view["value"]["ptr_wrapper"]["data"]["id_view"] for view in data["views"] ] # Removing structures referencing those removed views. for structure in data["structure"]: for observation in structure["value"]["observations"]: if observation["key"] not in valid_view_ids: structure["value"]["observations"].remove(observation) # find a point has fewer than 2 views and remove them data["structure"][:] = [ data["structure"][i] for i in range(0, len(data["structure"])) if len(data["structure"][i]["value"]["observations"]) >= 2 ] with open(sfm_data, "w+") as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
def test_load_simple(self): jsonstr = """1""" stream = StringIO() stream.write(jsonstr) retobj = rapidjson.load(stream) self.assertEqual(retobj, 1)
def analyze_graphs(path): inpath, outpath = path if not os.path.exists(outpath): try: with open(inpath, 'r') as f: all_graphs = json.load(f) times = list(all_graphs.keys()) data = init_empyty_df(sorted(times)) for t, g in all_graphs.items(): G = json_graph.node_link_graph(g) #nx.write_gexf(nxG,'2018_10.gexf') G = nk.nxadapter.nx2nk(G) G.removeSelfLoops() #o = nk.overview(G) measures = graph_measures(G) data.loc[t] = measures data.to_csv(outpath) print('Save to %s' % outpath) except: print('Skip %s' % s) pass
def _load_shard_channeldata(subdir, fn, repodata): pth = os.path.join("repodata-shards", get_shard_path(subdir, fn)) if not os.path.exists(pth): assert False, repodata["packages"][fn] with open(pth, "r") as fp: shard = json.load(fp) return shard["channeldata"], shard["channeldata_version"]
def assign_room(config_file, times, verbose, shuffle_room, **kwargs): """Assign room to sensors to optimize the sum of intra-room correlation coefficients """ with open(config_file) as file: config_dict = rapidjson.load(file) config_dict["verbose"] = verbose >= 2 for key, val in kwargs.items(): if val: config_dict[key] = val config = config_loader.ColocationConfig(**config_dict) io.make_dir(config.base_file_name) if times == 1: tasks.TASKS[config.task].run(config) return accuracies = np.zeros(times) for i in progressbar.progressbar(range(times)): if shuffle_room: random.shuffle(config.selected_rooms) config.seed = i _, accu, _ = tasks.TASKS[config.task].run(config) accuracies[i] = accu io.save_npz(accuracies, config.join_name("accuracies.npz")) summary = scipy.stats.describe(accuracies) if verbose: print("mean accuracy: {}, minmax: {}".format(summary.mean, summary.minmax))
def __init__(self): try: f = open('last-plot-data.json', 'r') self.lastJson = rapidjson.load(f) f.close() except: self.lastJson = rapidjson.loads('{}')
def __init__(self, url="", port="8964", bulkSize=20, userDefinedDictFILE=None): self.port = port if "http" not in url: self.url = "http://{}:{}".format(url, port) else: self.url = "{}:{}".format(url, port) self.bulkSize = bulkSize self.processes = cpu_count() if self.processes > 8: self.processes = 8 self.userDefinedDictFILE = None self.openDataPlaceAccessBOOL=False self.fileSizeLimit = 1024 * 1024 * 10 # 10 MB self.userDefinedDICT = {} if userDefinedDictFILE: try: if os.path.getsize(userDefinedDictFILE) <= self.fileSizeLimit: userDefinedFile = json.load(open(userDefinedDictFILE, "r", encoding="utf8")) if type(userDefinedFile) == dict: self.userDefinedDICT = userDefinedFile else: print("User Defined File must be dict type.") return {"status": False, "msg": "UserDefinedDICT Parsing ERROR. Please check your the format and encoding."} else: print("Maximum file size limit is 10 MB.") except Exception as e: print("User Defined File Loading Error.") print(str(e)) return {"status": False, "msg": "UserDefinedDICT Parsing ERROR. Please check your the format and encoding."} # Toolkit self.analyse = AnalyseManager() self.localRE = TaiwanAddressAnalizer(locale="TW")
def test_load_with_io_stringio(self): jsonstr = """{"test": [1, "hello"]}""" stream = StringIO() stream.write(jsonstr) retobj = rapidjson.load(stream) self.assertEqual(retobj["test"], [1, "hello"])
def __load_metadata(self, file_location): if not os.path.exists(file_location): print(f"No metadata file found at this location {file_location}") exit() with open(file_location) as metadata_file: metadata = json.load(metadata_file) return metadata
def update_postgres(): PSQL_CREDENTIALS = rapidjson.load( open('/Users/joelhoward/repos/NHLFantasyPy/PSQL_CREDENTIALS.json')) conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=" + PSQL_CREDENTIALS['dbname'] + " user="******" password="******"SELECT date FROM game_logs;") from_date = max([d[0] for d in cur.fetchall()]) game_logs, player_info, team_info = data_scrape(do_update=True, from_date=from_date) copy_from_stringio(conn, game_logs, 'game_logs') cur.execute("SELECT player_id FROM player_info;") ids = [id[0] for id in cur.fetchall()] new_ids = [] for id in list(player_info['player_id']): if id not in ids: new_ids.append(id) if len(new_ids) > 0: copy_from_stringio(conn, player_info[player_info['player_id'].isin(new_ids)], 'player_info') cur.execute("DELETE FROM team_info;") copy_from_stringio(conn, team_info, 'team_info') conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close()
def load(cls, loc: str): """ Instantiates the DataStorage-inherited class by loading all files saved by `save` of that same class. :param str loc: Path to directory from which to load data :return: An instance of this class with the content of the files """ fields = dict() # List of fields non-loadable using the SERIALIZATIONS functions generals = list() for field_name in cls.__dict__["__dataclass_fields__"]: for _, load, ext in SERIALIZATIONS.values(): datapath = os.path.join(loc, f"{field_name}.{ext}") if os.path.exists(datapath): fields[field_name] = load(datapath) break else: generals.append(field_name) # Check if the field was saved with pickle any_json = False for key in generals: pfile = os.path.join(loc, f"{key}.{cls._pickle_ext}") if os.path.isfile(pfile): with open(pfile, "rb") as f: fields[key] = pickle.load(f) else: any_json = True if any_json: with open(os.path.join(loc, cls._json_name), encoding="utf-8") as f: fields.update(rapidjson.load(f)) return cls(**fields)
def json_load(datafile: IO) -> Any: """ load data with rapidjson Use this to have a consistent experience, set number_mode to "NM_NATIVE" for greatest speed """ return rapidjson.load(datafile, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE)
def load( fp: IO[str], object_hook: "Callable[[dict], Any]" = object_hook, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: """Loads a file object as JSON, with appropriate object hooks.""" return json.load(fp, object_hook=object_hook, **kwargs)
def test_file_object(): for stream in tempfile.TemporaryFile(), tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+', encoding='utf-8'): with stream: datum = ['1234567890', 1234, 3.14, '~𓆙~'] rj.dump(datum, stream) assert rj.load(stream) == datum
def getCityForecastDict(city): forecastDICT = {} for c in CityDICT: if city in c: forecastDICT = json.load(open(c, "r", encoding="UTF-8")) break return forecastDICT
def load_interaction_operator(file: LoadSource) -> InteractionOperator: """Load an interaction operator object from a file. Args: file (str or file-like object): the name of the file, or a file-like object. Returns: op (openfermion.ops.InteractionOperator): the operator. """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = json.load(file) return convert_dict_to_interaction_op(data)
def _read_shard_chunk(shard_pths): shards = [] for shard_pth in shard_pths: if os.path.exists(shard_pth): with open(shard_pth, "r") as fp: shards.append(json.load(fp)) return shards
def get_last_played_level(): mc_dir = SETTINGS.value("MinecraftDirectory", utils.get_default_minecraft_dir()) mc_saves = os.path.join(mc_dir, "saves") worlds_recently_modified = sorted( [os.path.join(mc_saves, s) for s in os.listdir(mc_saves)], key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True) for world in worlds_recently_modified: try: level = NBTFile(os.path.join(world, "level.dat")) with open( os.path.join( world, "advancements", os.listdir(os.path.join(world, "advancements"))[0])) as f: advancements = dict(json.load(f)) break except: continue data = { "name": str(level["Data"]["LevelName"]), "version": str(level["Data"]["Version"]["Name"]), "dataversion": int(str(level["Data"]["DataVersion"])), "adv": advancements } return data
def load_config_file(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Loads a config file from the given path Parameters: ----------- path: path as str Return: ------- configuration as dictionary """ try: # Read config from stdin if requested in the options with open(path) if path != '-' else sys.stdin as file: config = rapidjson.load(file, parse_mode=CONFIG_PARSE_MODE) except FileNotFoundError: raise OperationalException( f'Config file "{path}" not found!' ' Please create a config file or check whether it exists.') except rapidjson.JSONDecodeError as e: err_range = log_config_error_range(path, str(e)) raise OperationalException( f'{e}\n' f'Please verify the following segment of your configuration:\n{err_range}' if err_range else 'Please verify your configuration file for syntax errors.' ) return config
def load_file(path: Path) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: with'r') as file: config = rapidjson.load(file, parse_mode=CONFIG_PARSE_MODE) except FileNotFoundError: raise OperationalException(f'File "{path}" not found!') return config
def getRateData(): rateDICT = None dateSTR = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d") filePath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "rate_{}.json".format(dateSTR)) # 如果本機已有當天的匯率資料,直接讀取使用 if os.path.exists(filePath): rateDICT = json.load(open(filePath, encoding="utf-8")) # 本機無資料時,利用 [全球即時匯率API] 取得最新匯率 else: # 取得最新的匯率資料 result = get("") if result.status_code == codes.ok: rateDICT = result.json() # 儲存匯率資料,下次就可以直接讀取 with open(filePath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(rateDICT, f, ensure_ascii=False) else: print("[ERROR] getRateData() status_code => {}".format( result.status_code)) return rateDICT
def load_interaction_rdm(file: TextIO) -> InteractionRDM: """Load an interaction RDM object from a file. Args: file: a file-like object to load the interaction RDM from. Returns: The interaction RDM. """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) else: data = json.load(file) return convert_dict_to_interaction_rdm(data)
def get_config_values(project_path): config = get_full_path(project_path) print(config) with open(config) as file: config_values = rapidjson.load(file) return config_values
def open(self, path, font=None): with open(path, 'r') as file: d = json.load(file) assert self.version >= d.pop(".formatVersion") if font is not None: self._font = font return self.structure(d, Font)
def on_post(self, request, response, **params): json = rapidjson.load(request.bounded_stream) self.apply_owner(params['user'], json) item = self.model.write(**json) if item is None: raise HTTPBadRequest('Bad request', 'bad request') body = Siren(self.model, item, request.path) response.body = body.encode()
def test_load(self): jsonstr = b"""{"test": [1, "hello"]}""" fp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) fp.write(jsonstr) fp.close() check_fp = open( retobj = rapidjson.load(check_fp) self.assertEqual(retobj["test"], [1, "hello"]) # teardown check_fp.close() os.remove(
def test_item_on_patch(patch, magic, item, siren): patch.object(rapidjson, 'load') request = magic() response = magic() user = magic() item.on_patch(request, response, user=user, id=1)'edit',, item.model) siren.__init__.assert_called_with(item.model,, request.path) assert response.body == siren().encode()
def test_load_with_utf8(self): jsonstr = """{"test": [1, "こんにちは"]}""" if sys.version_info >= (3, ): fp = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, encoding='utf-8') else: fp = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) fp.write(jsonstr) fp.close() check_fp = open( retobj = rapidjson.load(check_fp) self.assertEqual(retobj["test"], [1, "こんにちは"]) # teardown check_fp.close() os.remove(
def on_patch(self, request, response, **params): """ Executes a patch request on a single item """ user = params['user'] query = == params['id']) try: result ='edit', query, self.model).get() except DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() json = rapidjson.load(request.bounded_stream) if result.edit(json) is None: raise HTTPBadRequest('Bad request', 'bad request') body = Siren(self.model, result, request.path) response.body = body.encode()