Esempio n. 1
def validate_requirements(component_names):
    # type: (List[Text]) -> None
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry
    import importlib

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        for package in component_class.required_packages():
            except ImportError:
    if failed_imports:
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct version numbers for each requirement
        if os.path.exists("dev-requirements.txt"):
            all_requirements = __read_dev_requirements("dev-requirements.txt")
            missing_requirements = [
                r for i in failed_imports for r in all_requirements[i]
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. To use this pipeline, run\n\t"
                + "> pip install {}".format(" ".join(missing_requirements)))
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. Please install {}".
                format(" ".join(failed_imports)))
Esempio n. 2
def validate_requirements(component_names,
    # type: (List[Text], Text) -> None
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
    if failed_imports:  # pragma: no cover
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct version numbers for each requirement
        if os.path.exists(dev_requirements_file):
            all_requirements = _read_dev_requirements(dev_requirements_file)
            missing_requirements = [
                r for i in failed_imports for r in all_requirements[i]
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. To use this pipeline, run\n\t"
                + "> pip install {}".format(" ".join(missing_requirements)))
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. Please install {}".
                format(" ".join(failed_imports)))
Esempio n. 3
def validate_requirements(
    # type: (List[Text], Text) -> None
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
    if failed_imports:  # pragma: no cover
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct version numbers for each requirement
        all_requirements = _read_dev_requirements(dev_requirements_file)
        if all_requirements:
            missing_requirements = [
                r for i in failed_imports for r in all_requirements[i]
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. " +
                "Failed to find the following imports {}. ".format(", ".join(
                    failed_imports)) +
                "To use this pipeline, you need to install the missing dependencies, e.g. by running:\n\t"
                + "> pip install {}".format(" ".join(missing_requirements)))
            raise Exception(
                "Not all required packages are installed. " +
                "To use this pipeline, you need to install the missing dependencies. "
                + "Please install {}".format(", ".join(failed_imports)))
Esempio n. 4
 def __get_component(self, component_name, meta, context, model_config):
     component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
     cache_key = component_class.cache_key(meta)
     if cache_key is not None and self.use_cache and cache_key in self.component_cache:
         component = self.component_cache[cache_key]
         component = registry.load_component_by_name(component_name, context, model_config)
         if cache_key is not None and self.use_cache:
             self.component_cache[cache_key] = component
     return component
Esempio n. 5
    def __get_cached_component(self, component_name, model_metadata):
        # type: (Text, Metadata) -> Tuple[Optional[Component], Optional[Text]]
        """Load a component from the cache, if it exists. Returns the component, if found, and the cache key."""
        from rasa_nlu import registry
        from rasa_nlu.model import Metadata

        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        cache_key = component_class.cache_key(model_metadata)
        if cache_key is not None and self.use_cache and cache_key in self.component_cache:
            return self.component_cache[cache_key], cache_key
            return None, cache_key
Esempio n. 6
    def __get_cached_component(self, component_name, model_metadata):
        # type: (Text, Metadata) -> Tuple[Optional[Component], Optional[Text]]
        """Load a component from the cache, if it exists. Returns the component, if found, and the cache key."""
        from rasa_nlu import registry
        from rasa_nlu.model import Metadata

        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        cache_key = component_class.cache_key(model_metadata)
        if cache_key is not None and self.use_cache and cache_key in self.component_cache:
            return self.component_cache[cache_key], cache_key
            return None, cache_key
Esempio n. 7
def validate_requirements(
    # type: (List[Text], Text) -> None
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
Esempio n. 8
    def __get_cached_component(self, component_name, metadata):
        # type: (Text, Metadata) -> Tuple[Optional[Component], Optional[Text]]
        """Load a component from the cache, if it exists. Returns the component, if found, and the cache key."""
        from rasa_nlu import registry
        from rasa_nlu.model import Metadata

        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        if component_class is None:
            raise Exception("Failed to find component class for '{}'. Unknown component name.".format(component_name))

        cache_key = component_class.cache_key(metadata)
        if cache_key is not None and self.use_cache and cache_key in self.component_cache:
            return self.component_cache[cache_key], cache_key
            return None, cache_key
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, config):
        from rasa_nlu.registry import get_component_class

        self.config = config
        self.training_data = None
        self.pipeline = []

        # Transform the passed names of the pipeline components into classes
        for component_name in config.pipeline:
            component_class = get_component_class(component_name)
            if component_class is not None:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unregistered component '{}'. Failed to start trainer.".
Esempio n. 10
def validate_requirements(component_names: List[Text]) -> None:
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to
    instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
    if failed_imports:  # pragma: no cover
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct
        # version numbers for each requirement
        raise Exception("Not all required packages are installed. " +
                        "To use this pipeline, you need to install the "
                        "missing dependencies. " +
                        "Please install {}".format(", ".join(failed_imports)))
Esempio n. 11
    def __get_cached_component(
        self, component_meta: Dict[Text, Any], model_metadata: 'Metadata'
    ) -> Tuple[Optional[Component], Optional[Text]]:
        """Load a component from the cache, if it exists.

        Returns the component, if found, and the cache key.

        from rasa_nlu import registry
        # try to get class name first, else create by name
        component_name = component_meta.get('class', component_meta['name'])
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        cache_key = component_class.cache_key(component_meta, model_metadata)
        if (cache_key is not None and self.use_cache
                and cache_key in self.component_cache):
            return self.component_cache[cache_key], cache_key
            return None, cache_key
Esempio n. 12
def validate_requirements(component_names: List[Text]) -> None:
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to
    instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
    if failed_imports:  # pragma: no cover
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct
        # version numbers for each requirement
        raise Exception("Not all required packages are installed. " +
                        "To use this pipeline, you need to install the "
                        "missing dependencies. " +
                        "Please install {}".format(", ".join(failed_imports)))
Esempio n. 13
    def __get_cached_component(self,
                               component_meta: Dict[Text, Any],
                               model_metadata: 'Metadata'
                               ) -> Tuple[Optional[Component], Optional[Text]]:
        """Load a component from the cache, if it exists.

        Returns the component, if found, and the cache key.

        from rasa_nlu import registry
        # try to get class name first, else create by name
        component_name = component_meta.get('class', component_meta['name'])
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
        cache_key = component_class.cache_key(component_meta, model_metadata)
        if (cache_key is not None and
                self.use_cache and
                cache_key in self.component_cache):
            return self.component_cache[cache_key], cache_key
            return None, cache_key
Esempio n. 14
def validate_requirements(component_names, dev_requirements_file="alt_requirements/requirements_dev.txt"):
    # type: (List[Text], Text) -> None
    """Ensures that all required python packages are installed to instantiate and used the passed components."""
    from rasa_nlu import registry

    # Validate that all required packages are installed
    failed_imports = set()
    for component_name in component_names:
        component_class = registry.get_component_class(component_name)
    if failed_imports:  # pragma: no cover
        # if available, use the development file to figure out the correct version numbers for each requirement
        all_requirements = _read_dev_requirements(dev_requirements_file)
        if all_requirements:
            missing_requirements = [r for i in failed_imports for r in all_requirements[i]]
            raise Exception("Not all required packages are installed. " +
                            "Failed to find the following imports {}. ".format(", ".join(failed_imports)) +
                            "To use this pipeline, you need to install the missing dependencies, e.g. by running:\n\t" +
                            "> pip install {}".format(" ".join(missing_requirements)))
            raise Exception("Not all required packages are installed. " +
                            "To use this pipeline, you need to install the missing dependencies. " +
                            "Please install {}".format(", ".join(failed_imports)))