Esempio n. 1
def transform(src_crs, dst_crs, xs, ys, zs=None):
    """Transform vectors from source to target coordinate reference system.

    Transform vectors of x, y and optionally z from source
    coordinate reference system into target.

    src_crs: CRS or dict
        Source coordinate reference system, as a rasterio CRS object.
        Example: CRS({'init': 'EPSG:4326'})
    dst_crs: CRS or dict
        Target coordinate reference system.
    xs: array_like
        Contains x values.  Will be cast to double floating point values.
    ys:  array_like
        Contains y values.
    zs: array_like, optional
        Contains z values.  Assumed to be all 0 if absent.

    out: tuple of array_like, (xs, ys, [zs])
        Tuple of x, y, and optionally z vectors, transformed into the target
        coordinate reference system.

    if len(xs) != len(ys):
        raise TransformError("xs and ys arrays must be the same length")
    elif zs is not None and len(xs) != len(zs):
        raise TransformError("zs, xs, and ys arrays must be the same length")
    if len(xs) == 0:
        return ([], [], []) if zs is not None else ([], [])
        return _transform(src_crs, dst_crs, xs, ys, zs)
Esempio n. 2
    def rowcol(self, xs, ys, zs=None, op=math.floor, precision=None):
        Returns rows and cols coordinates given geographic coordinates

        xs, ys : float or list of float
            Geographic coordinates
        zs : float or list of float, optional
            Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based 
            coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based 
            transformations. Default: 0.
        op : function, optional (default: math.floor)
            Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (floor,
            ceiling, round)
        precision : int, optional (default: None)
            Decimal places of precision in indexing, as in `round()`.

            If input coordinates are not all equal length

            tuple of float or list of float
        AS_ARR = True if hasattr(xs, "__iter__") else False
        xs, ys, zs = self._ensure_arr_input(xs, ys, zs=zs)

        if precision is None:
            eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
        elif isinstance(precision, int):
            eps = 10.0**-precision
            eps = precision

        # If op rounds up, switch the sign of eps.
        if op(0.1) >= 1:
            eps = -eps
        f = lambda val: val + eps

            xs = list(map(f, xs))
            ys = list(map(f, ys))
            new_cols, new_rows = self._transform(
                xs, ys, zs, transform_direction=TransformDirection.reverse)

            if len(new_rows) == 1 and not AS_ARR:
                return (op(new_rows[0]), op(new_cols[0]))
                return ([op(r) for r in new_rows], [op(c) for c in new_cols])
        except TypeError:
            raise TransformError("Invalid inputs")
Esempio n. 3
 def _ensure_arr_input(self, xs, ys, zs=None):
     """Ensure all input coordinates are mapped to array-like objects
         If input coordinates are not all of the same length
     if (isinstance(xs, Iterable) and not isinstance(ys, Iterable)) or (
             isinstance(ys, Iterable) and not isinstance(xs, Iterable)):
         raise TransformError("Invalid inputs")
     if not isinstance(xs, Iterable) and not isinstance(ys, Iterable):
         xs = [xs]
         ys = [ys]
     if zs is None:
         zs = [0] * len(xs)
     elif not isinstance(zs, Iterable):
         zs = [zs]
     if len(set((len(xs), len(ys), len(zs)))) > 1:
         raise TransformError("Input coordinates must be of equal length")
     return xs, ys, zs
Esempio n. 4
    def rowcol(self, xs, ys, zs=None, op=math.floor, precision=None):
        """Get rows and cols coordinates given geographic coordinates.

        xs, ys : float or list of float
            Geographic coordinates
        zs : float or list of float, optional
            Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based 
            coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based 
            transformations. Default: 0.
        op : function, optional (default: math.floor)
            Function to convert fractional pixels to whole numbers (floor,
            ceiling, round)
        precision : int, optional (default: None)
            This parameter is unused, deprecated in rasterio 1.3.0, and
            will be removed in version 2.0.0.

            If input coordinates are not all equal length

        tuple of float or list of float.

        if precision is not None:
                "The precision parameter is unused, deprecated, and will be removed in 2.0.0.",

        AS_ARR = True if hasattr(xs, "__iter__") else False
        xs, ys, zs = self._ensure_arr_input(xs, ys, zs=zs)

            new_cols, new_rows = self._transform(
                xs, ys, zs, transform_direction=TransformDirection.reverse)

            if len(new_rows) == 1 and not AS_ARR:
                return (op(new_rows[0]), op(new_cols[0]))
                return ([op(r) for r in new_rows], [op(c) for c in new_cols])
        except TypeError:
            raise TransformError("Invalid inputs")
Esempio n. 5
    def xy(self, rows, cols, zs=None, offset='center'):
        Returns geographic coordinates given dataset rows and cols coordinates

        rows, cols : int or list of int
            Image pixel coordinates
        zs : float or list of float, optional
            Height associated with coordinates. Primarily used for RPC based 
            coordinate transformations. Ignored for affine based 
            transformations. Default: 0.
        offset : str, optional
            Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
            pixel or for a corner.
            If input coordinates are not all equal length

        tuple of float or list of float

        AS_ARR = True if hasattr(rows, "__iter__") else False
        rows, cols, zs = self._ensure_arr_input(rows, cols, zs=zs)

        if offset == 'center':
            coff, roff = (0.5, 0.5)
        elif offset == 'ul':
            coff, roff = (0, 0)
        elif offset == 'ur':
            coff, roff = (1, 0)
        elif offset == 'll':
            coff, roff = (0, 1)
        elif offset == 'lr':
            coff, roff = (1, 1)
            raise TransformError("Invalid offset")

        # shift input coordinates according to offset
        T = IDENTITY.translation(coff, roff)
        temp_rows = []
        temp_cols = []
            for pt in zip(cols, rows):
                y, x = T * pt

            new_ys, new_xs = self._transform(

            if len(new_ys) == 1 and not AS_ARR:
                return (new_ys[0], new_xs[0])
                return (new_ys, new_xs)
        except TypeError:
            raise TransformError("Invalid inputs")