Esempio n. 1
def list_imagesets(print_details: bool, explore_details: bool,
                   filter_str: str):
    """List available image sets on S3.
        print_details (bool): T/F print detailed view to console
        explore_details (bool): T/F bring up detailed view in pager
        filter_str (str): string to detailed view on. None if not provided by user.
    imageset_names = cli_spinner("Finding image sets on S3...",

    if explore_details or print_details:
        detailed_info = cli_spinner("Downloading imageset metadata from S3...",
        if explore_details:

    for name in imageset_names:
Esempio n. 2
def process_result(ctx: click.Context, result: CreateOutput, config: str):
    """Processes output of dataset creation
        ctx (Context): click context object
        result (CreateOutput): result of dataset creation plugin
        config (str): original config provided by user
        result (CreateOutput): result of dataset creation plugin
    if result is not None:
        # Gets dataset information from CreateInput
        ci = ctx.obj
        dataset_name = ci.metadata['dataset_name']
        dataset_path = ci.dataset_path / dataset_name

        # Uploads dataset to S3
        if (ci.upload):
            bucketConfig = get_config()
            bucket = bucketConfig["dataset_bucket_name"]
            cli_spinner("Uploading dataset to S3...",

        # Deletes local dataset
        if (ci.delete_local):
            cli_spinner("Deleting " + dataset_name + " dataset...",
                        shutil.rmtree, dataset_path)

    return result
Esempio n. 3
def inspect_dataset(dataset_name: str):
    """See detailed metadata about a dataset.

        dataset_name (str): string name of the dataset to inspect
        metadata = cli_spinner("Downloading dataset metadata from S3...",
                               get_dataset_metadata, dataset_name)
        click.echo(_stringify_metadata(metadata, colored=True))
    # get_dataset_metadata will raise a value error if the given dataset name does not exist on S3
    # OR if that dataset does not contain a metadata file. Currently these two situations are indistinguishible
    # TODO: separate errors for bad dataset name and dataset lacking metadata. This will need to be done in the
    # get_dataset_metadata function
    except ValueError as e:
        raise click.exceptions.BadParameter(dataset_name,
                                            param_hint='dataset name')
Esempio n. 4
def inspect_imageset(imageset_name: str):
    """See detailed metadata about a dataset.

        dataset_name (str): string name of the dataset to inspect
        metadata = cli_spinner("Downloading imageset metadata from S3...",
                               get_imageset_metadata, imageset_name)
        # can check if the metadata returned is for an individual image if it has pose info
        if 'pose' in metadata.keys():
            click.echo(Fore.RED + ('Set-wide metadata not found. '
                                   'Falling back to sample image metadata.'))
        click.echo(_stringify_metadata(metadata, colored=True))
    # get_imageset_metadata will raise a value error if imageset name not found
    except ValueError as e:
        raise click.exceptions.BadParameter(imageset_name,
                                            param_hint='imageset name')
    # get imageset_metadata will raise a KeyError if the imageset does not contain any metadata files.
    except KeyError as e:
        raise click.exceptions.ClickException(
            f'Given imageset "{imageset_name}" does not contain any metadata files.'
Esempio n. 5
def process_result(ctx: click.Context, result: TrainOutput, config: str):
    """Processes the result of a training by analyzing the given TrainOutput object.
    This callback is called after ANY command originating from the train command 
    group, hence the check to see if a result was actually returned - plugins
    simply do not return a TrainOutput from non-training commands.

        ctx (Context): click context object
        ti (TrainInput): TrainInput object stored at ctx.obj, created at start of training.
            This object contains the metadata from the run and the path to the
            training artifacts (at ti.artifact_path) which is printed to the user
            after a local training.
        result (TrainOutput): training output object returned by training plugin
        config (str): config option from train command. Click requires that command
            callbacks accept the options from the original command.
    if result is not None:
        # only plugin training commands that return a TrainOutput will activate this block
        # thus ctx.obj will always be a TrainInput object
        # NOTE: you cannot use the @pass_train decorator on process_result, otherwise on
        # non-training plugin commands, the TrainInput __init__ will be called by Click
        # when process_result runs and no TrainInput is at ctx.obj
        ti = ctx.obj    
        # store git info for plugin
        # NOTE: this will fail for plugins not installed via source
        plugin_repo_root = git.is_repo(result.plugin_dir)
        git_info = {}
        if plugin_repo_root:
            git_info["plugin_git_sha"] = git.git_sha(plugin_repo_root)
            # note running the patch commands in repo root will include patches for all plugins
            git_info["plugin_tracked_git_patch"] = git.git_patch_tracked(plugin_repo_root)
            git_info["plugin_untracked_git_patch"] = git.git_patch_untracked(plugin_repo_root)
            git_info = git.retrieve_from_pkg(result.plugin_dir)

        # upload if not in local mode, determined by user defined artifact_path field in config
        if not ti.config.get('artifact_path'):
            uuid = cli_spinner('Uploading artifacts...', _upload_result, result, ti.metadata, ti.plugin_metadata)
            click.echo(f'Artifact UUID: {uuid}')
            with open(ti.artifact_path / 'metadata.json', 'w') as f:
                json.dump(ti.metadata, f, indent=2)
            click.echo(f'LOCAL MODE: Not uploading model to S3. Model is located at: {ti.artifact_path}')
        # stop, terminate, or do nothing to ec2 based on policy
        ec2_policy = ti.config.get('ec2_policy')
        # check if the policy is to stop or terminate
        if ec2_policy == None or ec2_policy == 'stop' or ec2_policy == 'terminate':
            policy_str = ec2_policy if ec2_policy else 'default'
            click.echo(f'Checking for EC2 instance and applying policy "{policy_str}"...')
                # grab ec2 id
                with urlopen(EC2_INSTANCE_ID_URL, timeout=5) as url:
                    ec2_instance_id ='utf-8')
                click.echo(f'EC2 Runtime detected.')
                client = boto3.client('ec2')
                # default is stop
                if ec2_policy == None or ec2_policy == 'stop':
                    client.stop_instances(InstanceIds=[ec2_instance_id], DryRun=False)
                    client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[ec2_instance_id], DryRun=False)
            except URLError:
                click.echo('No EC2 runtime detected. Doing nothing.')
            click.echo('Not checking for EC2 runtime since policy is to keep running.')
    return result