def get_sample(self, dataset, augment=True): """Get a dataset sample. Args: dataset: a ravens.Dataset (train or validation) augment: if True, perform data augmentation. Returns: tuple of data for training: (input_image, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta) tuple additionally includes (z, roll, pitch) if self.six_dof if self.use_goal_image, then the goal image is stacked with the current image in `input_image`. If splitting up current and goal images is desired, it should be done outside this method. """ (obs, act, _, _), _ = dataset.sample() img = self.get_image(obs) # Get training labels from data sample. p0_xyz, p0_xyzw = act['pose0'] p1_xyz, p1_xyzw = act['pose1'] p0 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p0_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size) p0_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p0_xyzw)[2]) p1 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p1_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size) p1_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p1_xyzw)[2]) p1_theta = p1_theta - p0_theta p0_theta = 0 # Data augmentation. if augment: img, _, (p0, p1), _ = utils.perturb(img, [p0, p1]) return img, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta
def train(self, dataset, num_iter, writer, validation_dataset=None): """Train on dataset for a specific number of iterations.""" del validation_dataset for i in range(num_iter): obs, act, _ = dataset.random_sample() # Get heightmap from RGB-D images. configs = act['camera_config'] colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, configs) # Get training labels from data sample. pose0, pose1 = act['params']['pose0'], act['params']['pose1'] p0_position, p0_rotation = pose0[0], pose0[1] p0 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p0_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size) p0_theta = -np.float32( utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p0_rotation)[2]) p1_position, p1_rotation = pose1[0], pose1[1] p1 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p1_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size) p1_theta = -np.float32( utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p1_rotation)[2]) p1_theta = p1_theta - p0_theta p0_theta = 0 # Concatenate color with depth images. input_image = np.concatenate((colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None]), axis=2) # Do data augmentation (perturb rotation and translation). input_image, _, roundedpixels, _ = utils.perturb(input_image, [p0, p1]) p0, p1 = roundedpixels # Compute training loss. loss0 = self.pick_model.train(input_image, p0, theta=0) loss1 = self.place_model.train(input_image, p1, theta=0) loss2 = self.match_model.train(input_image, p0, p1, theta=p1_theta) with writer.as_default(): tf.summary.scalar( 'pick_loss', self.pick_model.metric.result(), step=self.total_iter + i) tf.summary.scalar( 'place_loss', self.place_model.metric.result(), step=self.total_iter + i) tf.summary.scalar( 'match_loss', self.match_model.metric.result(), step=self.total_iter + i) print( f'Train Iter: {self.total_iter + i} Loss: {loss0:.4f} {loss1:.4f} {loss2:.4f}' ) self.total_iter += num_iter
def get_sample(self, dataset, augment=True): (obs, act, _, _), _ = dataset.sample() img = self.get_image(obs) # Get training labels from data sample. p0_xyz, p0_xyzw = act['pose0'] p1_xyz, p1_xyzw = act['pose1'] p0 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p0_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size) p0_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p0_xyzw)[2]) p1 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p1_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size) p1_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p1_xyzw)[2]) p1_theta = p1_theta - p0_theta p0_theta = 0 if augment: img, _, (p0, p1), transforms = utils.perturb(img, [p0, p1]) p0_theta, p1_theta, z, roll, pitch = self.get_six_dof( transforms, img[:, :, 3], (p0_xyz, p0_xyzw), (p1_xyz, p1_xyzw)) return img, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta, z, roll, pitch
def act(self, obs, info, compute_error=False, gt_act=None): """Run inference and return best action given visual observations.""" # Get heightmap from RGB-D images. colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config) # Concatenate color with depth images. input_image = np.concatenate( (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None]), axis=2) # Attention model forward pass. attention = self.attention_model.forward(input_image) argmax = np.argmax(attention) argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=attention.shape) p0_pixel = argmax[:2] p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / attention.shape[2]) # Transport model forward pass. transport = self.transport_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel) _, z, roll, pitch = self.rpz_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel) argmax = np.argmax(transport) argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=transport.shape) # Index into 3D discrete tensor, grab z, roll, pitch activations z_best = z[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None] roll_best = roll[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None] pitch_best = pitch[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None] # Send through regressors for each of z, roll, pitch z_best = self.rpz_model.z_regressor(z_best)[0, 0] roll_best = self.rpz_model.roll_regressor(roll_best)[0, 0] pitch_best = self.rpz_model.pitch_regressor(pitch_best)[0, 0] p1_pixel = argmax[:2] p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / transport.shape[2]) # Pixels to end effector poses. p0_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds, self.pixel_size) p1_position = utils.pix_to_xyz(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds, self.pixel_size) p1_position = (p1_position[0], p1_position[1], z_best) p0_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p0_theta)) p1_rotation = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW( (roll_best, pitch_best, -p1_theta)) if compute_error: gt_p0_position, gt_p0_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose0'] gt_p1_position, gt_p1_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose1'] gt_p0_pixel = np.array( utils.xyz_to_pix(gt_p0_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size)) gt_p1_pixel = np.array( utils.xyz_to_pix(gt_p1_position, self.bounds, self.pixel_size)) self.p0_pixel_error(np.linalg.norm(gt_p0_pixel - np.array(p0_pixel))) self.p1_pixel_error(np.linalg.norm(gt_p1_pixel - np.array(p1_pixel))) gt_p0_theta = -np.float32( utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(gt_p0_rotation)[2]) gt_p1_theta = -np.float32( utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(gt_p1_rotation)[2]) self.p0_theta_error( abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p0_theta - p0_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180)) self.p1_theta_error( abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p1_theta - p1_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180)) return None return {'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation), 'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)}