def reqToken(self): self.token = raw_input('+ token list: ') try: self.openToken = open(self.token).readlines() except Exception as f: printf('salah/* ' + str(f)) self.reqToken()
def penginstalan(): printf("salah/* requests module is not installed!") ask=raw_input('\033[1;37m\033[31m[-]\033[0m install? [y/n]: ') if ask.lower() == "y": perintah('pip2 install requests;pip install requests') perintah('clear') else: keluar()
def tk(self): try: o = raw_input('token list : ') self.op = open(o).readlines() self.main() except Exception as f: printf("salah/* " + str(f))
def main(self): printf(""" red/*** white/*SELECT REACTION MENU red/*** red/*1blue/*)white/* ANGRY red/*2blue/*)white/* LOVE red/*3blue/*)white/* SAD red/*4blue/*)white/* WOW red/*5blue/*)white/* HAHA red/*6blue/*)white/* LIKE """) tipe = raw_input('* select: ').replace('1', 'ANGRY').replace( '2', 'LOVE').replace('3', 'SAD').replace('4', 'WOW').replace( '5', 'HAHA').replace('6', 'LIKE') for tken in self.op: x = tken.split('\n')[0] sundul = {'access_token': x, 'type': tipe} rr = post("" + self.wall_id + "/reactions", data=sundul) if "error" in rr.text.lower(): rs = loads(rr.text) printf("salah/* Error msg:white/* " + rs['error']['message'][0:40] + " ..") else: printf("green/*++ Suksess liked ...white/*") printf("notice/* job finished.") cacheclean.cache() keluar()
def main(self): for x in self.openToken: xx = x.split('\n')[0] payload = {'access_token': xx, 'message': self.pesan} rr = put("" + self.reqIDS + "/comments", data=payload) if "error" in rr.text.lower(): js = beban(rr.text) printf("red/*-white/* Error msg: " + js['error']['message'][0:20]) else: printf("green/*++ white/*spammers send successfully.") tidur(00.01) self.main()
def menu(self): rf = requests.get( '' + str(open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0])) js = beban(rf.text) for xx in js['data']: self.kiko.append(xx['name'] + " -> " + "\033[1;37m\033[31m" + xx['id'] + "\033[0m") self.teman.append(xx['id']) tokens = ambil('' + str(open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0])) a = beban(tokens.text) print(blackEngineer_Banner) printf("red/* ++ whitebold/*Welcome green/*" + a['name'] + "red/* ++white/*\n") pilihan = raw_input('choice: ') if "1" in pilihan: postid() elif "2" in pilihan: min() elif "3" in pilihan: self.comment() elif "4" in pilihan: self.delFriends() elif "5" in pilihan: try: self.searchFriends() except: raise self.searchFriends() elif "6" in pilihan: self.get_id_statusFriends() elif "7" in pilihan: self.update() elif "8" in pilihan: elif "9" in pilihan: keluar("[!] Keluar!") else: printf('salah/*wrong input.') perintah('clear')
def rmv(self): # Call self.teman self.tmn = [] = [] for x in self.teman: self.nama = ambil("" + x + "?access_token=" + str(open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0])) self.s = beban(self.nama.text) try: self.sock = self.s['hometown']['name'] for xx in if xx.lower() in self.sock.lower(): pass else: self.s = beban(self.nama.text) self.sock = self.s['hometown']['name'] mulai = put( '' + x + '?method=delete&access_token=' + str(open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0])).text b = ambil( '' + str(open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0])).text jsjs = beban(b) for xd in jsjs['data']:['id']) self.tmn.append(self.sock.lower()) if len(self.tmn) != 0: print "" + G + "[" + O + self.s[ "name"] + G + "]" + W + " -> " + G + "[" + O + self.sock.lower( ) + G + "]" + W + R + " delete" printf("salah/* Friends: " + str(len( self.tmn = [] = [] else: print "" + G + "[" + O + self.s[ "name"] + G + "]" + W + " -> " + G + "[" + O + self.sock.lower( ) + G + "]" except Exception as f: pass
def reqPesan(self): try: printf('notice/* type <space> for new lines.') self.pesan = raw_input('+ message: ').replace('<space>', '\n') printf('notice/* starting jobs ...') printf('notice/* press CTRL+C To stopping loop ...') except: raise self.reqPesan()
def searchFriends(self): teman = raw_input('+ query: ') for x in self.kiko: if not teman in x.lower(): pass else: try: print "[result]:", x.lower().replace( teman, "" + "\033[0m" + "\033[1;37m\033[31m" + "" + teman + "" + "\033[0m" + "") except: pass if len( == 0: printf('salah/* No Results search for: ' + teman) raw_input("\033[1;32m*\033[0mpress enter to menu ...") perintah('clear') else: = [] raw_input("\033[1;32m*\033[0mpress enter to menu ...") perintah('clear')
def lives(self): try: open('raw/tools/lives/lives.txt') except: printf('salah/* downloading resources ...') try: b = base64.b16decode(self.tete) download(b, 'raw/tools/lives/lives.txt') printf('notice/* downloading ok!') raw_input("\033[1;32m*\033[0mpress enter to menu ...") perintah('clear') except Exception as f: printf('\nsalah/* connection rijected.') keluar()
apus('raw/tools/lives/lives.txt') self.lives() # Check if access token not found def cek(self): try: o = open('token.txt').read().split('\n')[0] oo = open('token.txt').readlines() if len(oo) == 0: apus('token.txt') banner() raw_input( '\033[1;32m*\033[0mpress enter to generate access token ...' ) access_token() else: except Exception as f: banner() raw_input( '\033[1;32m*\033[0mpress enter to generate access token ...') access_token() if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as f: printf("salah/* ERROR: " + str(f)) printf("[!] Keluar!") keluar()