Esempio n. 1
    def map(self,
            fn: Union[CallableClass, Callable[[T], U]],
            compute: Optional[str] = None,
            **ray_remote_args) -> "Dataset[U]":
        """Apply the given function to each record of this dataset.

        This is a blocking operation. Note that mapping individual records
        can be quite slow. Consider using `.map_batches()` for performance.

            >>> # Transform python objects.
            >>> x: x * 2)

            >>> # Transform Arrow records.
            >>> record: {"v2": record["value"] * 2})

            >>> # Define a callable class that persists state across
            >>> # function invocations for efficiency.
            >>> class CachedModel:
            ...    def __init__(self):
            ...        self.model = init_model()
            ...    def __call__(self, batch):
            ...        return self.model(batch)

            >>> # Apply the transform in parallel on GPUs. Since
            >>> # compute="actors", the transform will be applied on an
            >>> # autoscaling pool of Ray actors, each allocated 1 GPU by Ray.
            >>>, compute="actors", num_gpus=1)

        Time complexity: O(dataset size / parallelism)

            fn: The function to apply to each record, or a class type
                that can be instantiated to create such a callable.
            compute: The compute strategy, either "tasks" (default) to use Ray
                tasks, or "actors" to use an autoscaling Ray actor pool.
            ray_remote_args: Additional resource requirements to request from
                ray (e.g., num_gpus=1 to request GPUs for the map tasks).

        fn = cache_wrapper(fn)

        def transform(block: Block[T]) -> Block[U]:
            block = BlockAccessor.for_block(block)
            builder = DelegatingArrowBlockBuilder()
            for row in block.iter_rows():

        compute = get_compute(compute)

        return Dataset(compute.apply(transform, ray_remote_args, self._blocks))
Esempio n. 2
    def flat_map(self,
                 fn: Union[CallableClass, Callable[[T], Iterable[U]]],
                 compute: Optional[str] = None,
                 **ray_remote_args) -> "Dataset[U]":
        """Apply the given function to each record and then flatten results.

        This is a blocking operation. Consider using ``.map_batches()`` for
        better performance (the batch size can be altered in map_batches).

            >>> ds.flat_map(lambda x: [x, x ** 2, x ** 3])

        Time complexity: O(dataset size / parallelism)

            fn: The function to apply to each record, or a class type
                that can be instantiated to create such a callable.
            compute: The compute strategy, either "tasks" (default) to use Ray
                tasks, or "actors" to use an autoscaling Ray actor pool.
            ray_remote_args: Additional resource requirements to request from
                ray (e.g., num_gpus=1 to request GPUs for the map tasks).

        fn = cache_wrapper(fn)

        def transform(block: Block[T]) -> Block[U]:
            block = BlockAccessor.for_block(block)
            builder = DelegatingArrowBlockBuilder()
            for row in block.iter_rows():
                for r2 in fn(row):

        compute = get_compute(compute)

        return Dataset(compute.apply(transform, ray_remote_args, self._blocks))
Esempio n. 3
    def filter(self,
               fn: Union[CallableClass, Callable[[T], bool]],
               compute: Optional[str] = None,
               **ray_remote_args) -> "Dataset[T]":
        """Filter out records that do not satisfy the given predicate.

        This is a blocking operation. Consider using ``.map_batches()`` for
        better performance (you can implement filter by dropping records).

            >>> ds.flat_map(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)

        Time complexity: O(dataset size / parallelism)

            fn: The predicate to apply to each record, or a class type
                that can be instantiated to create such a callable.
            compute: The compute strategy, either "tasks" (default) to use Ray
                tasks, or "actors" to use an autoscaling Ray actor pool.
            ray_remote_args: Additional resource requirements to request from
                ray (e.g., num_gpus=1 to request GPUs for the map tasks).

        fn = cache_wrapper(fn)

        def transform(block: Block[T]) -> Block[T]:
            block = BlockAccessor.for_block(block)
            builder = block.builder()
            for row in block.iter_rows():
                if fn(row):

        compute = get_compute(compute)

        return Dataset(compute.apply(transform, ray_remote_args, self._blocks))
Esempio n. 4
    def map_batches(self,
                    fn: Union[CallableClass, Callable[[BatchType], BatchType]],
                    batch_size: int = None,
                    compute: Optional[str] = None,
                    batch_format: str = "pandas",
                    **ray_remote_args) -> "Dataset[Any]":
        """Apply the given function to batches of records of this dataset.

        This is a blocking operation.

            >>> # Transform batches in parallel.
            >>> ds.map_batches(lambda batch: [v * 2 for v in batch])

            >>> # Define a callable class that persists state across
            >>> # function invocations for efficiency.
            >>> class CachedModel:
            ...    def __init__(self):
            ...        self.model = init_model()
            ...    def __call__(self, item):
            ...        return self.model(item)

            >>> # Apply the transform in parallel on GPUs. Since
            >>> # compute="actors", the transform will be applied on an
            >>> # autoscaling pool of Ray actors, each allocated 1 GPU by Ray.
            >>> ds.map_batches(
            ...    CachedModel,
            ...    batch_size=256, compute="actors", num_gpus=1)

        Time complexity: O(dataset size / parallelism)

            fn: The function to apply to each record batch, or a class type
                that can be instantiated to create such a callable.
            batch_size: Request a specific batch size, or leave unspecified
                to use entire blocks as batches.
            compute: The compute strategy, either "tasks" (default) to use Ray
                tasks, or "actors" to use an autoscaling Ray actor pool.
            batch_format: Specify "pandas" to select ``pandas.DataFrame`` as
                the batch format, or "pyarrow" to select ``pyarrow.Table``.
            ray_remote_args: Additional resource requirements to request from
                ray (e.g., num_gpus=1 to request GPUs for the map tasks).
        if batch_size is not None and batch_size < 1:
            raise ValueError("Batch size cannot be negative or 0")
        import pyarrow as pa
        import pandas as pd

        fn = cache_wrapper(fn)

        def transform(block: Block[T]) -> Block[U]:
            block = BlockAccessor.for_block(block)
            total_rows = block.num_rows()
            max_batch_size = batch_size
            if max_batch_size is None:
                max_batch_size = total_rows

            builder = DelegatingArrowBlockBuilder()

            for start in range(0, total_rows, max_batch_size):
                # Build a block for each batch.
                end = min(total_rows, start + max_batch_size)
                view = block.slice(start, end, copy=False)
                if batch_format == "pandas":
                    view = BlockAccessor.for_block(view).to_pandas()
                elif batch_format == "pyarrow":
                    view = BlockAccessor.for_block(view).to_arrow_table()
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"The given batch format: {batch_format} "
                        f"is invalid. Supported batch type: {BatchType}")

                applied = fn(view)
                if isinstance(applied, list):
                    applied = applied
                elif isinstance(applied, pa.Table):
                    applied = applied
                elif isinstance(applied, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
                    applied = pa.Table.from_pandas(applied)
                    raise ValueError("The map batch UDF returns a type "
                                     f"{type(applied)}, which is not allowed. "
                                     "The return type must be either list, "
                                     "pandas.DataFrame, or pyarrow.Table")


        compute = get_compute(compute)

        return Dataset(compute.apply(transform, ray_remote_args, self._blocks))