Esempio n. 1
def sac_actor_critic_loss(
        policy: Policy, model: ModelV2, dist_class: Type[TFActionDistribution],
        train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:
    """Constructs the loss for the Soft Actor Critic.

        policy (Policy): The Policy to calculate the loss for.
        model (ModelV2): The Model to calculate the loss for.
        dist_class (Type[ActionDistribution]: The action distr. class.
        train_batch (SampleBatch): The training data.

        Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: A single loss tensor or a list
            of loss tensors.
    # Should be True only for debugging purposes (e.g. test cases)!
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]

    _is_training = policy._get_is_training_placeholder()
    # Get the base model output from the train batch.
    model_out_t, _ = model(
            obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS], _is_training=_is_training),
        [], None)

    # Get the base model output from the next observations in the train batch.
    model_out_tp1, _ = model(
            obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], _is_training=_is_training),
        [], None)

    # Get the target model's base outputs from the next observations in the
    # train batch.
    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model(
            obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], _is_training=_is_training),
        [], None)

    # Discrete actions case.
    if model.discrete:
        # Get all action probs directly from pi and form their logp.
        log_pis_t = tf.nn.log_softmax(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t), -1)
        policy_t = tf.math.exp(log_pis_t)
        log_pis_tp1 = tf.nn.log_softmax(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1), -1)
        policy_tp1 = tf.math.exp(log_pis_tp1)
        # Q-values.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t)
        # Target Q-values.
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t)
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            q_tp1 = tf.reduce_min((q_tp1, twin_q_tp1), axis=0)
        q_tp1 -= model.alpha * log_pis_tp1

        # Actually selected Q-values (from the actions batch).
        one_hot = tf.one_hot(
            train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], depth=q_t.shape.as_list()[-1])
        q_t_selected = tf.reduce_sum(q_t * one_hot, axis=-1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = tf.reduce_sum(twin_q_t * one_hot, axis=-1)
        # Discrete case: "Best" means weighted by the policy (prob) outputs.
        q_tp1_best = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(policy_tp1, q_tp1), axis=-1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = \
            (1.0 - tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES], tf.float32)) * \
    # Continuous actions case.
        # Sample simgle actions from distribution.
        action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy, policy.config,
        action_dist_t = action_dist_class(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_t), policy.model)
        policy_t = action_dist_t.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_t = tf.expand_dims(action_dist_t.logp(policy_t), -1)
        action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1), policy.model)
        policy_tp1 = action_dist_tp1.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_tp1 = tf.expand_dims(action_dist_tp1.logp(policy_tp1), -1)

        # Q-values for the actually selected actions.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(
            model_out_t, tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], tf.float32))
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(
                tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], tf.float32))

        # Q-values for current policy in given current state.
        q_t_det_policy = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_det_policy = model.get_twin_q_values(
                model_out_t, policy_t)
            q_t_det_policy = tf.reduce_min(
                (q_t_det_policy, twin_q_t_det_policy), axis=0)

        # target q network evaluation
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
                target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
            # Take min over both twin-NNs.
            q_tp1 = tf.reduce_min((q_tp1, twin_q_tp1), axis=0)

        q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(twin_q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
        q_tp1 -= model.alpha * log_pis_tp1

        q_tp1_best = tf.squeeze(input=q_tp1, axis=len(q_tp1.shape) - 1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES],
                                           tf.float32)) * q_tp1_best

    # Compute RHS of bellman equation for the Q-loss (critic(s)).
    q_t_selected_target = tf.stop_gradient(
        tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS], tf.float32) +
        policy.config["gamma"]**policy.config["n_step"] * q_tp1_best_masked)

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped).
    base_td_error = tf.math.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
        twin_td_error = tf.math.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    # Calculate one or two critic losses (2 in the twin_q case).
    prio_weights = tf.cast(train_batch[PRIO_WEIGHTS], tf.float32)
    critic_loss = [tf.reduce_mean(prio_weights * huber_loss(base_td_error))]
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            tf.reduce_mean(prio_weights * huber_loss(twin_td_error)))

    # Alpha- and actor losses.
    # Note: In the papers, alpha is used directly, here we take the log.
    # Discrete case: Multiply the action probs as weights with the original
    # loss terms (no expectations needed).
    if model.discrete:
        alpha_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
                    tf.stop_gradient(policy_t), -model.log_alpha *
                    tf.stop_gradient(log_pis_t + model.target_entropy)),
        actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
                    # NOTE: No stop_grad around policy output here
                    # (compare with q_t_det_policy for continuous case).
                    model.alpha * log_pis_t - tf.stop_gradient(q_t)),
        alpha_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(
            model.log_alpha *
            tf.stop_gradient(log_pis_t + model.target_entropy))
        actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(model.alpha * log_pis_t - q_t_det_policy)

    # Save for stats function.
    policy.policy_t = policy_t
    policy.q_t = q_t
    policy.td_error = td_error
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.alpha_value = model.alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy

    # In a custom apply op we handle the losses separately, but return them
    # combined in one loss here.
    return actor_loss + tf.math.add_n(critic_loss) + alpha_loss
Esempio n. 2
def cql_loss(policy: Policy, model: ModelV2,
             dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
             train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:
    policy.cur_iter += 1
    # For best performance, turn deterministic off
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]
    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    discount = policy.config["gamma"]
    action_low = model.action_space.low[0]
    action_high = model.action_space.high[0]

    # CQL Parameters
    bc_iters = policy.config["bc_iters"]
    cql_temp = policy.config["temperature"]
    num_actions = policy.config["num_actions"]
    min_q_weight = policy.config["min_q_weight"]
    use_lagrange = policy.config["lagrangian"]
    target_action_gap = policy.config["lagrangian_thresh"]

    obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS]
    actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]
    rewards = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS]
    next_obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
    terminals = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]

    model_out_t, _ = model({
        "obs": obs,
        "is_training": True,
    }, [], None)

    model_out_tp1, _ = model({
        "obs": next_obs,
        "is_training": True,
    }, [], None)

    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model({
        "obs": next_obs,
        "is_training": True,
    }, [], None)

    action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy.config, policy.action_space)
    action_dist_t = action_dist_class(
        model.get_policy_output(model_out_t), policy.model)
    policy_t = action_dist_t.sample() if not deterministic else \
    log_pis_t = torch.unsqueeze(action_dist_t.logp(policy_t), -1)

    # Unlike original SAC, Alpha and Actor Loss are computed first.
    # Alpha Loss
    alpha_loss = -(model.log_alpha *
                   (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach()).mean()

    # Policy Loss (Either Behavior Clone Loss or SAC Loss)
    alpha = torch.exp(model.log_alpha)
    if policy.cur_iter >= bc_iters:
        min_q = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if twin_q:
            twin_q_ = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
            min_q = torch.min(min_q, twin_q_)
        actor_loss = (alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - min_q).mean()
        bc_logp = action_dist_t.logp(actions)
        actor_loss = (alpha * log_pis_t - bc_logp).mean()

    # Critic Loss (Standard SAC Critic L2 Loss + CQL Entropy Loss)
    # SAC Loss
    action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(
        model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1), policy.model)
    policy_tp1 = action_dist_tp1.sample() if not deterministic else \

    # Q-values for the batched actions.
    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])
    q_t = torch.squeeze(q_t, dim=-1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,
        twin_q_t = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, dim=-1)

    # Target q network evaluation.
    q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
        # Take min over both twin-NNs.
        q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)
    q_tp1 = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, dim=-1)
    q_tp1 = (1.0 - terminals.float()) * q_tp1

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_target = (
        rewards + (discount**policy.config["n_step"]) * q_tp1).detach()

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped), for priority replay buffer
    base_td_error = torch.abs(q_t - q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        twin_td_error = torch.abs(twin_q_t - q_t_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error
    critic_loss = [nn.MSELoss()(q_t, q_t_target)]
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss.append(nn.MSELoss()(twin_q_t, q_t_target))

    # CQL Loss (We are using Entropy version of CQL (the best version))
    rand_actions = convert_to_torch_tensor(
        torch.FloatTensor(actions.shape[0] * num_actions,
                          actions.shape[-1]).uniform_(action_low, action_high),
    curr_actions, curr_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    obs, num_actions)
    next_actions, next_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    next_obs, num_actions)

    curr_logp = curr_logp.view(actions.shape[0], num_actions, 1)
    next_logp = next_logp.view(actions.shape[0], num_actions, 1)

    q1_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions)
    q1_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, curr_actions)
    q1_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, next_actions)

    if twin_q:
        q2_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions, twin=True)
        q2_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(
            model, model_out_t, curr_actions, twin=True)
        q2_next_actions = q_values_repeat(
            model, model_out_t, next_actions, twin=True)

    random_density = np.log(0.5**curr_actions.shape[-1])
    cat_q1 =[
        q1_rand - random_density, q1_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
        q1_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach()
    ], 1)
    if twin_q:
        cat_q2 =[
            q2_rand - random_density, q2_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
            q2_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach()
        ], 1)

    min_qf1_loss = torch.logsumexp(
        cat_q1 / cql_temp, dim=1).mean() * min_q_weight * cql_temp
    min_qf1_loss = min_qf1_loss - q_t.mean() * min_q_weight
    if twin_q:
        min_qf2_loss = torch.logsumexp(
            cat_q2 / cql_temp, dim=1).mean() * min_q_weight * cql_temp
        min_qf2_loss = min_qf2_loss - twin_q_t.mean() * min_q_weight

    if use_lagrange:
        alpha_prime = torch.clamp(
            model.log_alpha_prime.exp(), min=0.0, max=1000000.0)[0]
        min_qf1_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf1_loss - target_action_gap)
        if twin_q:
            min_qf2_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf2_loss - target_action_gap)
            alpha_prime_loss = 0.5 * (-min_qf1_loss - min_qf2_loss)
            alpha_prime_loss = -min_qf1_loss

    cql_loss = [min_qf2_loss]
    if twin_q:

    critic_loss[0] += min_qf1_loss
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss[1] += min_qf2_loss

    # Save for stats function.
    policy.q_t = q_t
    policy.policy_t = policy_t
    policy.log_pis_t = log_pis_t
    policy.td_error = td_error
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.log_alpha_value = model.log_alpha
    policy.alpha_value = alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy
    # CQL Stats
    policy.cql_loss = cql_loss
    if use_lagrange:
        policy.log_alpha_prime_value = model.log_alpha_prime[0]
        policy.alpha_prime_value = alpha_prime
        policy.alpha_prime_loss = alpha_prime_loss

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    if use_lagrange:
        return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
                     [policy.alpha_loss] + [policy.alpha_prime_loss])
    return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
Esempio n. 3
def cql_loss(
    policy: Policy,
    model: ModelV2,
    dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
    train_batch: SampleBatch,
) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:"Current iteration = {policy.cur_iter}")
    policy.cur_iter += 1

    # Look up the target model (tower) using the model tower.
    target_model = policy.target_models[model]

    # For best performance, turn deterministic off
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]
    assert not deterministic
    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    discount = policy.config["gamma"]
    action_low = model.action_space.low[0]
    action_high = model.action_space.high[0]

    # CQL Parameters
    bc_iters = policy.config["bc_iters"]
    cql_temp = policy.config["temperature"]
    num_actions = policy.config["num_actions"]
    min_q_weight = policy.config["min_q_weight"]
    use_lagrange = policy.config["lagrangian"]
    target_action_gap = policy.config["lagrangian_thresh"]

    obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS]
    actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]
    rewards = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS].float()
    next_obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
    terminals = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]

    model_out_t, _ = model(SampleBatch(obs=obs, _is_training=True), [], None)

    model_out_tp1, _ = model(SampleBatch(obs=next_obs, _is_training=True), [],

    target_model_out_tp1, _ = target_model(
        SampleBatch(obs=next_obs, _is_training=True), [], None)

    action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy, policy.config,
    action_dist_t = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t),
    policy_t, log_pis_t = action_dist_t.sample_logp()
    log_pis_t = torch.unsqueeze(log_pis_t, -1)

    # Unlike original SAC, Alpha and Actor Loss are computed first.
    # Alpha Loss
    alpha_loss = -(model.log_alpha *
                   (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach()).mean()

    batch_size = tree.flatten(obs)[0].shape[0]
    if batch_size == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

    # Policy Loss (Either Behavior Clone Loss or SAC Loss)
    alpha = torch.exp(model.log_alpha)
    if policy.cur_iter >= bc_iters:
        min_q = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if twin_q:
            twin_q_ = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
            min_q = torch.min(min_q, twin_q_)
        actor_loss = (alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - min_q).mean()
        bc_logp = action_dist_t.logp(actions)
        actor_loss = (alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - bc_logp).mean()
        # actor_loss = -bc_logp.mean()

    if batch_size == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

    # Critic Loss (Standard SAC Critic L2 Loss + CQL Entropy Loss)
    # SAC Loss:
    # Q-values for the batched actions.
    action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1),
    policy_tp1, _ = action_dist_tp1.sample_logp()

    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])
    q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(q_t, dim=-1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,
        twin_q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, dim=-1)

    # Target q network evaluation.
    q_tp1 = target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = target_model.get_twin_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,
        # Take min over both twin-NNs.
        q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

    q_tp1_best = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, dim=-1)
    q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - terminals.float()) * q_tp1_best

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_target = (
        rewards +
        (discount**policy.config["n_step"]) * q_tp1_best_masked).detach()

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped), for priority replay buffer
    base_td_error = torch.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        twin_td_error = torch.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    critic_loss_1 = nn.functional.mse_loss(q_t_selected, q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss_2 = nn.functional.mse_loss(twin_q_t_selected, q_t_target)

    # CQL Loss (We are using Entropy version of CQL (the best version))
    rand_actions = convert_to_torch_tensor(
        torch.FloatTensor(actions.shape[0] * num_actions,
                          actions.shape[-1]).uniform_(action_low, action_high),
    curr_actions, curr_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_t, num_actions)
    next_actions, next_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_tp1, num_actions)

    q1_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions)
    q1_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, curr_actions)
    q1_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, next_actions)

    if twin_q:
        q2_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions, twin=True)
        q2_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model,
        q2_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model,

    random_density = np.log(0.5**curr_actions.shape[-1])
    cat_q1 =
            q1_rand - random_density,
            q1_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
            q1_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach(),
    if twin_q:
        cat_q2 =
                q2_rand - random_density,
                q2_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
                q2_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach(),

    min_qf1_loss_ = (torch.logsumexp(cat_q1 / cql_temp, dim=1).mean() *
                     min_q_weight * cql_temp)
    min_qf1_loss = min_qf1_loss_ - (q_t.mean() * min_q_weight)
    if twin_q:
        min_qf2_loss_ = (torch.logsumexp(cat_q2 / cql_temp, dim=1).mean() *
                         min_q_weight * cql_temp)
        min_qf2_loss = min_qf2_loss_ - (twin_q_t.mean() * min_q_weight)

    if use_lagrange:
        alpha_prime = torch.clamp(model.log_alpha_prime.exp(),
        min_qf1_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf1_loss - target_action_gap)
        if twin_q:
            min_qf2_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf2_loss - target_action_gap)
            alpha_prime_loss = 0.5 * (-min_qf1_loss - min_qf2_loss)
            alpha_prime_loss = -min_qf1_loss

    cql_loss = [min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:

    critic_loss = [critic_loss_1 + min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss.append(critic_loss_2 + min_qf2_loss)

    if batch_size == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

        if twin_q:

    # Store values for stats function in model (tower), such that for
    # multi-GPU, we do not override them during the parallel loss phase.
    # SAC stats.
    model.tower_stats["q_t"] = q_t_selected
    model.tower_stats["policy_t"] = policy_t
    model.tower_stats["log_pis_t"] = log_pis_t
    model.tower_stats["actor_loss"] = actor_loss
    model.tower_stats["critic_loss"] = critic_loss
    model.tower_stats["alpha_loss"] = alpha_loss
    model.tower_stats["log_alpha_value"] = model.log_alpha
    model.tower_stats["alpha_value"] = alpha
    model.tower_stats["target_entropy"] = model.target_entropy
    # CQL stats.
    model.tower_stats["cql_loss"] = cql_loss

    # TD-error tensor in final stats
    # will be concatenated and retrieved for each individual batch item.
    model.tower_stats["td_error"] = td_error

    if use_lagrange:
        model.tower_stats["log_alpha_prime_value"] = model.log_alpha_prime[0]
        model.tower_stats["alpha_prime_value"] = alpha_prime
        model.tower_stats["alpha_prime_loss"] = alpha_prime_loss

        if batch_size == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    return tuple([actor_loss] + critic_loss + [alpha_loss] +
                 ([alpha_prime_loss] if use_lagrange else []))
Esempio n. 4
def actor_critic_loss(
        policy: Policy, model: ModelV2,
        dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
        train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:
    """Constructs the loss for the Soft Actor Critic.

        policy (Policy): The Policy to calculate the loss for.
        model (ModelV2): The Model to calculate the loss for.
        dist_class (Type[TorchDistributionWrapper]: The action distr. class.
        train_batch (SampleBatch): The training data.

        Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: A single loss tensor or a list
            of loss tensors.
    # Should be True only for debugging purposes (e.g. test cases)!
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]

    model_out_t, _ = model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, [], None)

    model_out_tp1, _ = model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, [], None)

    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, [], None)

    alpha = torch.exp(model.log_alpha)

    # Discrete case.
    if model.discrete:
        # Get all action probs directly from pi and form their logp.
        log_pis_t = F.log_softmax(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t), dim=-1)
        policy_t = torch.exp(log_pis_t)
        log_pis_tp1 = F.log_softmax(model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1), -1)
        policy_tp1 = torch.exp(log_pis_tp1)
        # Q-values.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t)
        # Target Q-values.
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t)
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)
        q_tp1 -= alpha * log_pis_tp1

        # Actually selected Q-values (from the actions batch).
        one_hot = F.one_hot(train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS],
        q_t_selected = torch.sum(q_t * one_hot, dim=-1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = torch.sum(twin_q_t * one_hot, dim=-1)
        # Discrete case: "Best" means weighted by the policy (prob) outputs.
        q_tp1_best = torch.sum(torch.mul(policy_tp1, q_tp1), dim=-1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = \
            (1.0 - train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float()) * \
    # Continuous actions case.
        # Sample single actions from distribution.
        action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy.config, policy.action_space)
        action_dist_t = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t),
        policy_t = action_dist_t.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_t = torch.unsqueeze(action_dist_t.logp(policy_t), -1)
        action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1), policy.model)
        policy_tp1 = action_dist_tp1.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_tp1 = torch.unsqueeze(action_dist_tp1.logp(policy_tp1), -1)

        # Q-values for the actually selected actions.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(
                model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])

        # Q-values for current policy in given current state.
        q_t_det_policy = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_det_policy = model.get_twin_q_values(
                model_out_t, policy_t)
            q_t_det_policy = torch.min(q_t_det_policy, twin_q_t_det_policy)

        # Target q network evaluation.
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
                target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
            # Take min over both twin-NNs.
            q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

        q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(q_t, dim=-1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, dim=-1)
        q_tp1 -= alpha * log_pis_tp1

        q_tp1_best = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, dim=-1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float()) * \

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_selected_target = (train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] +
                           (policy.config["gamma"]**policy.config["n_step"]) *

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped).
    base_td_error = torch.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
        twin_td_error = torch.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    critic_loss = [
        0.5 * torch.mean(torch.pow(q_t_selected_target - q_t_selected, 2.0))
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
        critic_loss.append(0.5 * torch.mean(
            torch.pow(q_t_selected_target - twin_q_t_selected, 2.0)))

    # Alpha- and actor losses.
    # Note: In the papers, alpha is used directly, here we take the log.
    # Discrete case: Multiply the action probs as weights with the original
    # loss terms (no expectations needed).
    if model.discrete:
        weighted_log_alpha_loss = policy_t.detach() * (
            -model.log_alpha * (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach())
        # Sum up weighted terms and mean over all batch items.
        alpha_loss = torch.mean(torch.sum(weighted_log_alpha_loss, dim=-1))
        # Actor loss.
        actor_loss = torch.mean(
                    # NOTE: No stop_grad around policy output here
                    # (compare with q_t_det_policy for continuous case).
                    alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - q_t.detach()),
        alpha_loss = -torch.mean(model.log_alpha *
                                 (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach())
        # Note: Do not detach q_t_det_policy here b/c is depends partly
        # on the policy vars (policy sample pushed through Q-net).
        # However, we must make sure `actor_loss` is not used to update
        # the Q-net(s)' variables.
        actor_loss = torch.mean(alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - q_t_det_policy)

    # Save for stats function.
    policy.q_t = q_t
    policy.policy_t = policy_t
    policy.log_pis_t = log_pis_t
    policy.td_error = td_error
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.log_alpha_value = model.log_alpha
    policy.alpha_value = alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
Esempio n. 5
def ddpg_actor_critic_loss(policy: Policy, model: ModelV2, _,
                           train_batch: SampleBatch) -> TensorType:

    target_model = policy.target_models[model]

    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    gamma = policy.config["gamma"]
    n_step = policy.config["n_step"]
    use_huber = policy.config["use_huber"]
    huber_threshold = policy.config["huber_threshold"]
    l2_reg = policy.config["l2_reg"]

    input_dict = SampleBatch(obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS],
    input_dict_next = SampleBatch(obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],

    model_out_t, _ = model(input_dict, [], None)
    model_out_tp1, _ = model(input_dict_next, [], None)
    target_model_out_tp1, _ = target_model(input_dict_next, [], None)

    # Policy network evaluation.
    # prev_update_ops = set(tf1.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS))
    policy_t = model.get_policy_output(model_out_t)
    # policy_batchnorm_update_ops = list(
    #    set(tf1.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) - prev_update_ops)

    policy_tp1 = target_model.get_policy_output(target_model_out_tp1)

    # Action outputs.
    if policy.config["smooth_target_policy"]:
        target_noise_clip = policy.config["target_noise_clip"]
        clipped_normal_sample = torch.clamp(

        policy_tp1_smoothed = torch.min(
                policy_tp1 + clipped_normal_sample,
        # No smoothing, just use deterministic actions.
        policy_tp1_smoothed = policy_tp1

    # Q-net(s) evaluation.
    # prev_update_ops = set(tf1.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS))
    # Q-values for given actions & observations in given current
    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])

    # Q-values for current policy (no noise) in given current state
    q_t_det_policy = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)

    actor_loss = -torch.mean(q_t_det_policy)

    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,
    # q_batchnorm_update_ops = list(
    #     set(tf1.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)) - prev_update_ops)

    # Target q-net(s) evaluation.
    q_tp1 = target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,

    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = target_model.get_twin_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,

    q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
        q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

    q_tp1_best = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, axis=len(q_tp1.shape) - 1)
    q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 -
                         train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float()) * q_tp1_best

    # Compute RHS of bellman equation.
    q_t_selected_target = (train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] +
                           gamma**n_step * q_tp1_best_masked).detach()

    # Compute the error (potentially clipped).
    if twin_q:
        td_error = q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        twin_td_error = twin_q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        if use_huber:
            errors = huber_loss(td_error, huber_threshold) + huber_loss(
                twin_td_error, huber_threshold)
            errors = 0.5 * (torch.pow(td_error, 2.0) +
                            torch.pow(twin_td_error, 2.0))
        td_error = q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        if use_huber:
            errors = huber_loss(td_error, huber_threshold)
            errors = 0.5 * torch.pow(td_error, 2.0)

    critic_loss = torch.mean(train_batch[PRIO_WEIGHTS] * errors)

    # Add l2-regularization if required.
    if l2_reg is not None:
        for name, var in model.policy_variables(as_dict=True).items():
            if "bias" not in name:
                actor_loss += l2_reg * l2_loss(var)
        for name, var in model.q_variables(as_dict=True).items():
            if "bias" not in name:
                critic_loss += l2_reg * l2_loss(var)

    # Model self-supervised losses.
    if policy.config["use_state_preprocessor"]:
        # Expand input_dict in case custom_loss' need them.
        input_dict[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.REWARDS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.DONES] = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
         critic_loss] = model.custom_loss([actor_loss, critic_loss],

    # Store values for stats function in model (tower), such that for
    # multi-GPU, we do not override them during the parallel loss phase.
    model.tower_stats["q_t"] = q_t
    model.tower_stats["actor_loss"] = actor_loss
    model.tower_stats["critic_loss"] = critic_loss
    # TD-error tensor in final stats
    # will be concatenated and retrieved for each individual batch item.
    model.tower_stats["td_error"] = td_error

    # Return two loss terms (corresponding to the two optimizers, we create).
    return actor_loss, critic_loss
Esempio n. 6
def actor_critic_loss(
        policy: Policy, model: ModelV2,
        dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
        train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:
    """Constructs the loss for the Soft Actor Critic.

        policy (Policy): The Policy to calculate the loss for.
        model (ModelV2): The Model to calculate the loss for.
        dist_class (Type[TorchDistributionWrapper]: The action distr. class.
        train_batch (SampleBatch): The training data.

        Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]: A single loss tensor or a list
            of loss tensors.
    # Should be True only for debugging purposes (e.g. test cases)!
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]

    i = 0
    state_batches = []
    while "state_in_{}".format(i) in train_batch:
        i += 1
    assert state_batches
    seq_lens = train_batch.get("seq_lens")

    model_out_t, state_in_t = model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS],
            "prev_actions": train_batch[SampleBatch.PREV_ACTIONS],
            "prev_rewards": train_batch[SampleBatch.PREV_REWARDS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, state_batches, seq_lens)
    states_in_t = model.select_state(state_in_t, ["policy", "q", "twin_q"])

    model_out_tp1, state_in_tp1 = model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],
            "prev_actions": train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS],
            "prev_rewards": train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, state_batches, seq_lens)
    states_in_tp1 = model.select_state(state_in_tp1, ["policy", "q", "twin_q"])

    target_model_out_tp1, target_state_in_tp1 = policy.target_model(
            "obs": train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],
            "prev_actions": train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS],
            "prev_rewards": train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS],
            "is_training": True,
        }, state_batches, seq_lens)
    target_states_in_tp1 = \
                                         ["policy", "q", "twin_q"])

    alpha = torch.exp(model.log_alpha)

    # Discrete case.
    if model.discrete:
        # Get all action probs directly from pi and form their logp.
        log_pis_t = F.log_softmax(model.get_policy_output(
            model_out_t, states_in_t["policy"], seq_lens)[0],
        policy_t = torch.exp(log_pis_t)
        log_pis_tp1 = F.log_softmax(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1, states_in_tp1["policy"],
                                    seq_lens)[0], -1)
        policy_tp1 = torch.exp(log_pis_tp1)
        # Q-values.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, states_in_t["q"], seq_lens)[0]
        # Target Q-values.
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
                target_model_out_tp1, target_states_in_tp1["twin_q"],
            q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)
        q_tp1 -= alpha * log_pis_tp1

        # Actually selected Q-values (from the actions batch).
        one_hot = F.one_hot(train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS].long(),
        q_t_selected = torch.sum(q_t * one_hot, dim=-1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = torch.sum(twin_q_t * one_hot, dim=-1)
        # Discrete case: "Best" means weighted by the policy (prob) outputs.
        q_tp1_best = torch.sum(torch.mul(policy_tp1, q_tp1), dim=-1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = \
            (1.0 - train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float()) * \
    # Continuous actions case.
        # Sample single actions from distribution.
        action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy, policy.config,
        action_dist_t = action_dist_class(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_t, states_in_t["policy"],
                                    seq_lens)[0], policy.model)
        policy_t = action_dist_t.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_t = torch.unsqueeze(action_dist_t.logp(policy_t), -1)
        action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(
            model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1, states_in_tp1["policy"],
                                    seq_lens)[0], policy.model)
        policy_tp1 = action_dist_tp1.sample() if not deterministic else \
        log_pis_tp1 = torch.unsqueeze(action_dist_tp1.logp(policy_tp1), -1)

        # Q-values for the actually selected actions.
        q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, states_in_t["q"], seq_lens,
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(
                model_out_t, states_in_t["twin_q"], seq_lens,

        # Q-values for current policy in given current state.
        q_t_det_policy = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, states_in_t["q"],
                                            seq_lens, policy_t)[0]
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_det_policy = model.get_twin_q_values(
                model_out_t, states_in_t["twin_q"], seq_lens, policy_t)[0]
            q_t_det_policy = torch.min(q_t_det_policy, twin_q_t_det_policy)

        # Target q network evaluation.
        q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,
                                                 seq_lens, policy_tp1)[0]
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
                target_model_out_tp1, target_states_in_tp1["twin_q"], seq_lens,
            # Take min over both twin-NNs.
            q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

        q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(q_t, dim=-1)
        if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            twin_q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, dim=-1)
        q_tp1 -= alpha * log_pis_tp1

        q_tp1_best = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, dim=-1)
        q_tp1_best_masked = \
            (1.0 - train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float()) * q_tp1_best

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_selected_target = (train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS] +
                           (policy.config["gamma"]**policy.config["n_step"]) *

    # BURNIN #
    B = state_batches[0].shape[0]
    T = q_t_selected.shape[0] // B
    seq_mask = sequence_mask(train_batch["seq_lens"], T)
    # Mask away also the burn-in sequence at the beginning.
    burn_in = policy.config["burn_in"]
    if burn_in > 0 and burn_in < T:
        seq_mask[:, :burn_in] = False

    seq_mask = seq_mask.reshape(-1)
    num_valid = torch.sum(seq_mask)

    def reduce_mean_valid(t):
        return torch.sum(t[seq_mask]) / num_valid

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped).
    base_td_error = torch.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
        twin_td_error = torch.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    critic_loss = [
        reduce_mean_valid(train_batch[PRIO_WEIGHTS] *
    if policy.config["twin_q"]:
            reduce_mean_valid(train_batch[PRIO_WEIGHTS] *

    # Alpha- and actor losses.
    # Note: In the papers, alpha is used directly, here we take the log.
    # Discrete case: Multiply the action probs as weights with the original
    # loss terms (no expectations needed).
    if model.discrete:
        weighted_log_alpha_loss = policy_t.detach() * (
            -model.log_alpha * (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach())
        # Sum up weighted terms and mean over all batch items.
        alpha_loss = reduce_mean_valid(
            torch.sum(weighted_log_alpha_loss, dim=-1))
        # Actor loss.
        actor_loss = reduce_mean_valid(
                    # NOTE: No stop_grad around policy output here
                    # (compare with q_t_det_policy for continuous case).
                    alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - q_t.detach()),
        alpha_loss = -reduce_mean_valid(
            model.log_alpha * (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach())
        # Note: Do not detach q_t_det_policy here b/c is depends partly
        # on the policy vars (policy sample pushed through Q-net).
        # However, we must make sure `actor_loss` is not used to update
        # the Q-net(s)' variables.
        actor_loss = reduce_mean_valid(alpha.detach() * log_pis_t -

    # Save for stats function.
    policy.q_t = q_t * seq_mask[..., None]
    policy.policy_t = policy_t * seq_mask[..., None]
    policy.log_pis_t = log_pis_t * seq_mask[..., None]

    # Store td-error in model, such that for multi-GPU, we do not override
    # them during the parallel loss phase. TD-error tensor in final stats
    # can then be concatenated and retrieved for each individual batch item.
    model.td_error = td_error * seq_mask

    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.log_alpha_value = model.log_alpha
    policy.alpha_value = alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
Esempio n. 7
def cql_loss(
    policy: Policy,
    model: ModelV2,
    dist_class: Type[TFActionDistribution],
    train_batch: SampleBatch,
) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:"Current iteration = {policy.cur_iter}")
    policy.cur_iter += 1

    # For best performance, turn deterministic off
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]
    assert not deterministic
    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    discount = policy.config["gamma"]

    # CQL Parameters
    bc_iters = policy.config["bc_iters"]
    cql_temp = policy.config["temperature"]
    num_actions = policy.config["num_actions"]
    min_q_weight = policy.config["min_q_weight"]
    use_lagrange = policy.config["lagrangian"]
    target_action_gap = policy.config["lagrangian_thresh"]

    obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS]
    actions = tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS], tf.float32)
    rewards = tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS], tf.float32)
    next_obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
    terminals = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]

    model_out_t, _ = model(SampleBatch(obs=obs, _is_training=True), [], None)

    model_out_tp1, _ = model(SampleBatch(obs=next_obs, _is_training=True), [],

    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model(
        SampleBatch(obs=next_obs, _is_training=True), [], None)

    action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy, policy.config,
    action_dist_t = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t),
    policy_t, log_pis_t = action_dist_t.sample_logp()
    log_pis_t = tf.expand_dims(log_pis_t, -1)

    # Unlike original SAC, Alpha and Actor Loss are computed first.
    # Alpha Loss
    alpha_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(
        model.log_alpha * tf.stop_gradient(log_pis_t + model.target_entropy))

    # Policy Loss (Either Behavior Clone Loss or SAC Loss)
    alpha = tf.math.exp(model.log_alpha)
    if policy.cur_iter >= bc_iters:
        min_q = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if twin_q:
            twin_q_ = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
            min_q = tf.math.minimum(min_q, twin_q_)
        actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.stop_gradient(alpha) * log_pis_t - min_q)
        bc_logp = action_dist_t.logp(actions)
        actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.stop_gradient(alpha) * log_pis_t - bc_logp)
        # actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(bc_logp)

    # Critic Loss (Standard SAC Critic L2 Loss + CQL Entropy Loss)
    # SAC Loss:
    # Q-values for the batched actions.
    action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1),
    policy_tp1, _ = action_dist_tp1.sample_logp()

    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, actions)
    q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(q_t, axis=-1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t, actions)
        twin_q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(twin_q_t, axis=-1)

    # Target q network evaluation.
    q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
        # Take min over both twin-NNs.
        q_tp1 = tf.math.minimum(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

    q_tp1_best = tf.squeeze(input=q_tp1, axis=-1)
    q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - tf.cast(terminals, tf.float32)) * q_tp1_best

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_target = tf.stop_gradient(rewards +
                                  (discount**policy.config["n_step"]) *

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped), for priority replay buffer
    base_td_error = tf.math.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        twin_td_error = tf.math.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    critic_loss_1 = tf.keras.losses.MSE(q_t_selected, q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss_2 = tf.keras.losses.MSE(twin_q_t_selected, q_t_target)

    # CQL Loss (We are using Entropy version of CQL (the best version))
    rand_actions, _ = policy._random_action_generator.get_exploration_action(
            tf.tile(action_dist_tp1.inputs, (num_actions, 1)), model),
    curr_actions, curr_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_t, num_actions)
    next_actions, next_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_tp1, num_actions)

    q1_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions)
    q1_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, curr_actions)
    q1_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, next_actions)

    if twin_q:
        q2_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions, twin=True)
        q2_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model,
        q2_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model,

    random_density = np.log(0.5**int(curr_actions.shape[-1]))
    cat_q1 = tf.concat(
            q1_rand - random_density,
            q1_next_actions - tf.stop_gradient(next_logp),
            q1_curr_actions - tf.stop_gradient(curr_logp),
    if twin_q:
        cat_q2 = tf.concat(
                q2_rand - random_density,
                q2_next_actions - tf.stop_gradient(next_logp),
                q2_curr_actions - tf.stop_gradient(curr_logp),

    min_qf1_loss_ = (
        tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_logsumexp(cat_q1 / cql_temp, axis=1)) *
        min_q_weight * cql_temp)
    min_qf1_loss = min_qf1_loss_ - (tf.reduce_mean(q_t) * min_q_weight)
    if twin_q:
        min_qf2_loss_ = (
            tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_logsumexp(cat_q2 / cql_temp, axis=1)) *
            min_q_weight * cql_temp)
        min_qf2_loss = min_qf2_loss_ - (tf.reduce_mean(twin_q_t) *

    if use_lagrange:
        alpha_prime = tf.clip_by_value(model.log_alpha_prime.exp(), 0.0,
        min_qf1_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf1_loss - target_action_gap)
        if twin_q:
            min_qf2_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf2_loss - target_action_gap)
            alpha_prime_loss = 0.5 * (-min_qf1_loss - min_qf2_loss)
            alpha_prime_loss = -min_qf1_loss

    cql_loss = [min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:

    critic_loss = [critic_loss_1 + min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss.append(critic_loss_2 + min_qf2_loss)

    # Save for stats function.
    policy.q_t = q_t_selected
    policy.policy_t = policy_t
    policy.log_pis_t = log_pis_t
    policy.td_error = td_error
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.log_alpha_value = model.log_alpha
    policy.alpha_value = alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy
    # CQL Stats
    policy.cql_loss = cql_loss
    if use_lagrange:
        policy.log_alpha_prime_value = model.log_alpha_prime[0]
        policy.alpha_prime_value = alpha_prime
        policy.alpha_prime_loss = alpha_prime_loss

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    if use_lagrange:
        return actor_loss + tf.math.add_n(
            critic_loss) + alpha_loss + alpha_prime_loss
    return actor_loss + tf.math.add_n(critic_loss) + alpha_loss
Esempio n. 8
def ddpg_actor_critic_loss(policy: Policy, model: ModelV2, _,
                           train_batch: SampleBatch) -> TensorType:
    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    gamma = policy.config["gamma"]
    n_step = policy.config["n_step"]
    use_huber = policy.config["use_huber"]
    huber_threshold = policy.config["huber_threshold"]
    l2_reg = policy.config["l2_reg"]

    input_dict = SampleBatch(obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS],
    input_dict_next = SampleBatch(obs=train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS],

    model_out_t, _ = model(input_dict, [], None)
    model_out_tp1, _ = model(input_dict_next, [], None)
    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model(input_dict_next, [], None)

    policy.target_q_func_vars = policy.target_model.variables()

    # Policy network evaluation.
    policy_t = model.get_policy_output(model_out_t)
    policy_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_policy_output(target_model_out_tp1)

    # Action outputs.
    if policy.config["smooth_target_policy"]:
        target_noise_clip = policy.config["target_noise_clip"]
        clipped_normal_sample = tf.clip_by_value(
        policy_tp1_smoothed = tf.clip_by_value(
            policy_tp1 + clipped_normal_sample,
            policy.action_space.low * tf.ones_like(policy_tp1),
            policy.action_space.high * tf.ones_like(policy_tp1),
        # No smoothing, just use deterministic actions.
        policy_tp1_smoothed = policy_tp1

    # Q-net(s) evaluation.
    # prev_update_ops = set(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS))
    # Q-values for given actions & observations in given current
    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])

    # Q-values for current policy (no noise) in given current state
    q_t_det_policy = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)

    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,

    # Target q-net(s) evaluation.
    q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1,

    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1_smoothed)

    q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t_selected = tf.squeeze(twin_q_t, axis=len(q_t.shape) - 1)
        q_tp1 = tf.minimum(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

    q_tp1_best = tf.squeeze(input=q_tp1, axis=len(q_tp1.shape) - 1)
    q_tp1_best_masked = (
        1.0 - tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES], tf.float32)) * q_tp1_best

    # Compute RHS of bellman equation.
    q_t_selected_target = tf.stop_gradient(
        tf.cast(train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS], tf.float32) +
        gamma**n_step * q_tp1_best_masked)

    # Compute the error (potentially clipped).
    if twin_q:
        td_error = q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        twin_td_error = twin_q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        if use_huber:
            errors = huber_loss(td_error, huber_threshold) + huber_loss(
                twin_td_error, huber_threshold)
            errors = 0.5 * tf.math.square(td_error) + 0.5 * tf.math.square(
        td_error = q_t_selected - q_t_selected_target
        if use_huber:
            errors = huber_loss(td_error, huber_threshold)
            errors = 0.5 * tf.math.square(td_error)

    critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.cast(train_batch[PRIO_WEIGHTS], tf.float32) * errors)
    actor_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(q_t_det_policy)

    # Add l2-regularization if required.
    if l2_reg is not None:
        for var in policy.model.policy_variables():
            if "bias" not in
                actor_loss += l2_reg * tf.nn.l2_loss(var)
        for var in policy.model.q_variables():
            if "bias" not in
                critic_loss += l2_reg * tf.nn.l2_loss(var)

    # Model self-supervised losses.
    if policy.config["use_state_preprocessor"]:
        # Expand input_dict in case custom_loss' need them.
        input_dict[SampleBatch.ACTIONS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.REWARDS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.DONES] = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]
        input_dict[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS] = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
        if log_once("ddpg_custom_loss"):
                "You are using a state-preprocessor with DDPG and "
                "therefore, `custom_loss` will be called on your Model! "
                "Please be aware that DDPG now uses the ModelV2 API, which "
                "merges all previously separate sub-models (policy_model, "
                "q_model, and twin_q_model) into one ModelV2, on which "
                "`custom_loss` is called, passing it "
                "[actor_loss, critic_loss] as 1st argument. "
                "You may have to change your custom loss function to handle "
         critic_loss] = model.custom_loss([actor_loss, critic_loss],

    # Store values for stats function.
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.td_error = td_error
    policy.q_t = q_t

    # Return one loss value (even though we treat them separately in our
    # 2 optimizers: actor and critic).
    return policy.critic_loss + policy.actor_loss
Esempio n. 9
def action_distribution_fn(
        policy: Policy,
        model: ModelV2,
        input_dict: ModelInputDict,
        state_batches: Optional[List[TensorType]] = None,
        seq_lens: Optional[TensorType] = None,
        prev_action_batch: Optional[TensorType] = None,
        explore: Optional[bool] = None,
        timestep: Optional[int] = None,
        is_training: Optional[bool] = None) -> \
        Tuple[TensorType, Type[TorchDistributionWrapper], List[TensorType]]:
    """The action distribution function to be used the algorithm.

    An action distribution function is used to customize the choice of action
    distribution class and the resulting action distribution inputs (to
    parameterize the distribution object).
    After parameterizing the distribution, a `sample()` call
    will be made on it to generate actions.

        policy (Policy): The Policy being queried for actions and calling this
        model (TorchModelV2): The SAC specific Model to use to generate the
            distribution inputs (see sac_tf| Must support the
            `get_policy_output` method.
        input_dict (ModelInputDict): The input-dict to be used for the model
        state_batches (Optional[List[TensorType]]): The list of internal state
            tensor batches.
        seq_lens (Optional[TensorType]): The tensor of sequence lengths used
            in RNNs.
        prev_action_batch (Optional[TensorType]): Optional batch of prev
            actions used by the model.
        prev_reward_batch (Optional[TensorType]): Optional batch of prev
            rewards used by the model.
        explore (Optional[bool]): Whether to activate exploration or not. If
            None, use value of `config.explore`.
        timestep (Optional[int]): An optional timestep.
        is_training (Optional[bool]): An optional is-training flag.

        Tuple[TensorType, Type[TorchDistributionWrapper], List[TensorType]]:
            The dist inputs, dist class, and a list of internal state outputs
            (in the RNN case).

    # Get base-model output (w/o the SAC specific parts of the network).
    model_out, state_in = model(input_dict, state_batches, seq_lens)
    # Use the base output to get the policy outputs from the SAC model's
    # policy components.
    states_in = model.select_state(state_in, ["policy", "q", "twin_q"])
    distribution_inputs, policy_state_out = \
        model.get_policy_output(model_out, states_in["policy"], seq_lens)
    _, q_state_out = model.get_q_values(model_out, states_in["q"], seq_lens)
    if model.twin_q_net:
        _, twin_q_state_out = \
            model.get_twin_q_values(model_out, states_in["twin_q"], seq_lens)
        twin_q_state_out = []
    # Get a distribution class to be used with the just calculated dist-inputs.
    action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy, policy.config,
    states_out = policy_state_out + q_state_out + twin_q_state_out

    return distribution_inputs, action_dist_class, states_out
Esempio n. 10
 def _get_q_value(self, model: ModelV2, model_out: TensorType,
                  actions: TensorType) -> TensorType:
     # helper function to compute the pessimistic q value
     q1 = model.get_q_values(model_out, actions)
     q2 = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out, actions)
     return torch.minimum(q1, q2)
Esempio n. 11
def build_slateq_losses(
    policy: Policy,
    model: ModelV2,
    train_batch: SampleBatch,
) -> TensorType:
    """Constructs the choice- and Q-value losses for the SlateQTorchPolicy.

        policy: The Policy to calculate the loss for.
        model: The Model to calculate the loss for.
        train_batch: The training data.

        The user-choice- and Q-value loss tensors.

    # B=batch size
    # S=slate size
    # C=num candidates
    # E=embedding size
    # A=number of all possible slates

    # Q-value computations.
    # ---------------------
    # action.shape: [B, S]
    actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]

    observation = convert_to_torch_tensor(
        train_batch[SampleBatch.OBS], device=actions.device
    # user.shape: [B, E]
    user_obs = observation["user"]
    batch_size, embedding_size = user_obs.shape
    # doc.shape: [B, C, E]
    doc_obs = list(observation["doc"].values())

    A, S = policy.slates.shape

    # click_indicator.shape: [B, S]
    click_indicator = torch.stack(
        [k["click"] for k in observation["response"]], 1
    # item_reward.shape: [B, S]
    item_reward = torch.stack([k["watch_time"] for k in observation["response"]], 1)
    # q_values.shape: [B, C]
    q_values = model.get_q_values(user_obs, doc_obs)
    # slate_q_values.shape: [B, S]
    slate_q_values = torch.take_along_dim(q_values, actions.long(), dim=-1)
    # Only get the Q from the clicked document.
    # replay_click_q.shape: [B]
    replay_click_q = torch.sum(slate_q_values * click_indicator, dim=1)

    # Target computations.
    # --------------------
    next_obs = convert_to_torch_tensor(
        train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS], device=actions.device

    # user.shape: [B, E]
    user_next_obs = next_obs["user"]
    # doc.shape: [B, C, E]
    doc_next_obs = list(next_obs["doc"].values())
    # Only compute the watch time reward of the clicked item.
    reward = torch.sum(item_reward * click_indicator, dim=1)

    # TODO: Find out, whether it's correct here to use obs, not next_obs!
    # Dopamine uses obs, then next_obs only for the score.
    # next_q_values = policy.target_model.get_q_values(user_next_obs, doc_next_obs)
    next_q_values = policy.target_models[model].get_q_values(user_obs, doc_obs)
    scores, score_no_click = score_documents(user_next_obs, doc_next_obs)

    # next_q_values_slate.shape: [B, A, S]
    indices =
    next_q_values_slate = torch.take_along_dim(next_q_values, indices, dim=1).reshape(
        [-1, A, S]
    # scores_slate.shape [B, A, S]
    scores_slate = torch.take_along_dim(scores, indices, dim=1).reshape([-1, A, S])
    # score_no_click_slate.shape: [B, A]
    score_no_click_slate = torch.reshape(
        torch.tile(score_no_click, policy.slates.shape[:1]), [batch_size, -1]

    # next_q_target_slate.shape: [B, A]
    next_q_target_slate = torch.sum(next_q_values_slate * scores_slate, dim=2) / (
        torch.sum(scores_slate, dim=2) + score_no_click_slate
    next_q_target_max, _ = torch.max(next_q_target_slate, dim=1)

    target = reward + policy.config["gamma"] * next_q_target_max * (
        1.0 - train_batch["dones"].float()
    target = target.detach()

    clicked = torch.sum(click_indicator, dim=1)
    mask_clicked_slates = clicked > 0
    clicked_indices = torch.arange(batch_size).to(mask_clicked_slates.device)
    clicked_indices = torch.masked_select(clicked_indices, mask_clicked_slates)
    # Clicked_indices is a vector and torch.gather selects the batch dimension.
    q_clicked = torch.gather(replay_click_q, 0, clicked_indices)
    target_clicked = torch.gather(target, 0, clicked_indices)

    td_error = torch.where(
        replay_click_q - target,
    if policy.config["use_huber"]:
        loss = huber_loss(td_error, delta=policy.config["huber_threshold"])
        loss = torch.pow(td_error, 2.0)
    loss = torch.mean(loss)
    td_error = torch.abs(td_error)
    mean_td_error = torch.mean(td_error)

    # Store values for stats function in model (tower), such that for
    # multi-GPU, we do not override them during the parallel loss phase.
    model.tower_stats["q_values"] = torch.mean(q_values)
    model.tower_stats["q_clicked"] = torch.mean(q_clicked)
    model.tower_stats["scores"] = torch.mean(scores)
    model.tower_stats["score_no_click"] = torch.mean(score_no_click)
    model.tower_stats["slate_q_values"] = torch.mean(slate_q_values)
    model.tower_stats["replay_click_q"] = torch.mean(replay_click_q)
    model.tower_stats["bellman_reward"] = torch.mean(reward)
    model.tower_stats["next_q_values"] = torch.mean(next_q_values)
    model.tower_stats["target"] = torch.mean(target)
    model.tower_stats["next_q_target_slate"] = torch.mean(next_q_target_slate)
    model.tower_stats["next_q_target_max"] = torch.mean(next_q_target_max)
    model.tower_stats["target_clicked"] = torch.mean(target_clicked)
    model.tower_stats["q_loss"] = loss
    model.tower_stats["td_error"] = td_error
    model.tower_stats["mean_td_error"] = mean_td_error
    model.tower_stats["mean_actions"] = torch.mean(actions.float())

    # selected_doc.shape: [batch_size, slate_size, embedding_size]
    selected_doc = torch.gather(
        # input.shape: [batch_size, num_docs, embedding_size]
        torch.stack(doc_obs, 1),
        # index.shape: [batch_size, slate_size, embedding_size]
        actions.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, embedding_size).long(),

    scores = model.choice_model(user_obs, selected_doc)

    # click_indicator.shape: [batch_size, slate_size]
    # no_clicks.shape: [batch_size, 1]
    no_clicks = 1 - torch.sum(click_indicator, 1, keepdim=True)
    # targets.shape: [batch_size, slate_size+1]
    targets =[click_indicator, no_clicks], dim=1)
    choice_loss = nn.functional.cross_entropy(scores, torch.argmax(targets, dim=1))
    # print(model.choice_model.a.item(), model.choice_model.b.item())

    model.tower_stats["choice_loss"] = choice_loss

    return choice_loss, loss
Esempio n. 12
def cql_loss(policy: Policy, model: ModelV2,
             dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
             train_batch: SampleBatch) -> Union[TensorType, List[TensorType]]:"Current iteration = {policy.cur_iter}")
    policy.cur_iter += 1

    # For best performance, turn deterministic off
    deterministic = policy.config["_deterministic_loss"]
    assert not deterministic
    twin_q = policy.config["twin_q"]
    discount = policy.config["gamma"]
    action_low = model.action_space.low[0]
    action_high = model.action_space.high[0]

    # CQL Parameters
    bc_iters = policy.config["bc_iters"]
    cql_temp = policy.config["temperature"]
    num_actions = policy.config["num_actions"]
    min_q_weight = policy.config["min_q_weight"]
    use_lagrange = policy.config["lagrangian"]
    target_action_gap = policy.config["lagrangian_thresh"]

    obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.CUR_OBS]
    actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]
    rewards = train_batch[SampleBatch.REWARDS]
    next_obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]
    terminals = train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES]

    policy_optimizer = policy._optimizers[0]
    critic1_optimizer = policy._optimizers[1]
    critic2_optimizer = policy._optimizers[2]
    alpha_optimizer = policy._optimizers[3]

    model_out_t, _ = model({
        "obs": obs,
        "is_training": True,
    }, [], None)

    model_out_tp1, _ = model({
        "obs": next_obs,
        "is_training": True,
    }, [], None)

    target_model_out_tp1, _ = policy.target_model(
            "obs": next_obs,
            "is_training": True,
        }, [], None)

    action_dist_class = _get_dist_class(policy.config, policy.action_space)
    action_dist_t = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_t),
    policy_t, log_pis_t = action_dist_t.sample_logp()
    log_pis_t = torch.unsqueeze(log_pis_t, -1)

    # Unlike original SAC, Alpha and Actor Loss are computed first.
    # Alpha Loss
    alpha_loss = -(model.log_alpha *
                   (log_pis_t + model.target_entropy).detach()).mean()

    if obs.shape[0] == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

    # Policy Loss (Either Behavior Clone Loss or SAC Loss)
    alpha = torch.exp(model.log_alpha)
    if policy.cur_iter >= bc_iters:
        min_q = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
        if twin_q:
            twin_q_ = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t, policy_t)
            min_q = torch.min(min_q, twin_q_)
        actor_loss = (alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - min_q).mean()

        def bc_log(model, obs, actions):
            z = atanh(actions)
            logits = model.get_policy_output(obs)
            mean, log_std = torch.chunk(logits, 2, dim=-1)
            # Mean Clamping for Stability
            mean = torch.clamp(mean, MEAN_MIN, MEAN_MAX)
            log_std = torch.clamp(log_std, MIN_LOG_NN_OUTPUT,
            std = torch.exp(log_std)
            normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(mean, std)
            return torch.sum(normal_dist.log_prob(z) -
                             torch.log(1 - actions * actions + SMALL_NUMBER),

        bc_logp = bc_log(model, model_out_t, actions)
        actor_loss = (alpha.detach() * log_pis_t - bc_logp).mean()

    if obs.shape[0] == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:

    # Critic Loss (Standard SAC Critic L2 Loss + CQL Entropy Loss)
    # SAC Loss:
    # Q-values for the batched actions.
    action_dist_tp1 = action_dist_class(model.get_policy_output(model_out_tp1),
    policy_tp1, log_pis_tp1 = action_dist_tp1.sample_logp()

    log_pis_tp1 = torch.unsqueeze(log_pis_tp1, -1)
    q_t = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS])
    q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(q_t, dim=-1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_t = model.get_twin_q_values(model_out_t,
        twin_q_t_selected = torch.squeeze(twin_q_t, dim=-1)

    # Target q network evaluation.
    q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_q_values(target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
    if twin_q:
        twin_q_tp1 = policy.target_model.get_twin_q_values(
            target_model_out_tp1, policy_tp1)
        # Take min over both twin-NNs.
        q_tp1 = torch.min(q_tp1, twin_q_tp1)

    q_tp1_best = torch.squeeze(input=q_tp1, dim=-1)
    q_tp1_best_masked = (1.0 - terminals.float()) * q_tp1_best

    # compute RHS of bellman equation
    q_t_target = (
        rewards +
        (discount**policy.config["n_step"]) * q_tp1_best_masked).detach()

    # Compute the TD-error (potentially clipped), for priority replay buffer
    base_td_error = torch.abs(q_t_selected - q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        twin_td_error = torch.abs(twin_q_t_selected - q_t_target)
        td_error = 0.5 * (base_td_error + twin_td_error)
        td_error = base_td_error

    critic_loss_1 = nn.functional.mse_loss(q_t_selected, q_t_target)
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss_2 = nn.functional.mse_loss(twin_q_t_selected, q_t_target)

    # CQL Loss (We are using Entropy version of CQL (the best version))
    rand_actions = convert_to_torch_tensor(
        torch.FloatTensor(actions.shape[0] * num_actions,
                          actions.shape[-1]).uniform_(action_low, action_high),
    curr_actions, curr_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_t, num_actions)
    next_actions, next_logp = policy_actions_repeat(model, action_dist_class,
                                                    model_out_tp1, num_actions)

    q1_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions)
    q1_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, curr_actions)
    q1_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, next_actions)

    if twin_q:
        q2_rand = q_values_repeat(model, model_out_t, rand_actions, twin=True)
        q2_curr_actions = q_values_repeat(model,
        q2_next_actions = q_values_repeat(model,

    random_density = np.log(0.5**curr_actions.shape[-1])
    cat_q1 =[
        q1_rand - random_density, q1_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
        q1_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach()
    ], 1)
    if twin_q:
        cat_q2 =[
            q2_rand - random_density, q2_next_actions - next_logp.detach(),
            q2_curr_actions - curr_logp.detach()
        ], 1)

    min_qf1_loss_ = torch.logsumexp(cat_q1 / cql_temp,
                                    dim=1).mean() * min_q_weight * cql_temp
    min_qf1_loss = min_qf1_loss_ - (q_t.mean() * min_q_weight)
    if twin_q:
        min_qf2_loss_ = torch.logsumexp(cat_q2 / cql_temp,
                                        dim=1).mean() * min_q_weight * cql_temp
        min_qf2_loss = min_qf2_loss_ - (twin_q_t.mean() * min_q_weight)

    if use_lagrange:
        alpha_prime = torch.clamp(model.log_alpha_prime.exp(),
        min_qf1_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf1_loss - target_action_gap)
        if twin_q:
            min_qf2_loss = alpha_prime * (min_qf2_loss - target_action_gap)
            alpha_prime_loss = 0.5 * (-min_qf1_loss - min_qf2_loss)
            alpha_prime_loss = -min_qf1_loss

    cql_loss = [min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:

    critic_loss = [critic_loss_1 + min_qf1_loss]
    if twin_q:
        critic_loss.append(critic_loss_2 + min_qf2_loss)

    if obs.shape[0] == policy.config["train_batch_size"]:


    # Save for stats function.
    policy.q_t = q_t_selected
    policy.policy_t = policy_t
    policy.log_pis_t = log_pis_t
    model.td_error = td_error
    policy.actor_loss = actor_loss
    policy.critic_loss = critic_loss
    policy.alpha_loss = alpha_loss
    policy.log_alpha_value = model.log_alpha
    policy.alpha_value = alpha
    policy.target_entropy = model.target_entropy
    # CQL Stats
    policy.cql_loss = cql_loss
    if use_lagrange:
        policy.log_alpha_prime_value = model.log_alpha_prime[0]
        policy.alpha_prime_value = alpha_prime
        policy.alpha_prime_loss = alpha_prime_loss

    # Return all loss terms corresponding to our optimizers.
    if use_lagrange:
        return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
                     [policy.alpha_loss] + [policy.alpha_prime_loss])
    return tuple([policy.actor_loss] + policy.critic_loss +
Esempio n. 13
    def _compute_critic_loss(
        model: ModelV2,
        dist_class: Type[TorchDistributionWrapper],
        train_batch: SampleBatch,
        discount = self.config["gamma"]

        # Compute bellman targets to regress on
        # target, use target model to compute the target
        target_model = cast(CRRModel, self.target_models[model])
        target_out_next, _ = target_model(
            {SampleBatch.OBS: train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]}

        # compute target values with no gradient
        with torch.no_grad():
            # get the action of the current policy evaluated at the next state
            pi_s_next = dist_class(
                target_model.get_policy_output(target_out_next), target_model
            target_a_next = pi_s_next.sample()
            if not self._is_action_discrete:
                target_a_next = target_a_next.clamp(

            # q1_target = target_model.get_q_values(target_out_next, target_a_next)
            # q2_target = target_model.get_twin_q_values(target_out_next, target_a_next)
            # target_q_next = torch.minimum(q1_target, q2_target).squeeze(-1)
            target_q_next = self._get_q_value(
                target_model, target_out_next, target_a_next

            target = (
                + discount
                * (1.0 - train_batch[SampleBatch.DONES].float())
                * target_q_next

        # compute the predicted output
        model = cast(CRRModel, model)
        model_out_t, _ = model({SampleBatch.OBS: train_batch[SampleBatch.OBS]})
        q1 = model.get_q_values(model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]).squeeze(
        q2 = model.get_twin_q_values(
            model_out_t, train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]

        # compute the MSE loss for all q-functions
        loss_q1 = (target - q1) ** 2
        loss_q2 = (target - q2) ** 2
        loss = 0.5 * (loss_q1 + loss_q2)
        loss = loss.mean(0)

        # logging
        self.log("loss_q1", loss_q1.mean())
        self.log("loss_q2", loss_q2.mean())
        self.log("targets_avg", target.mean())
        self.log("targets_max", target.max())
        self.log("targets_min", target.min())

        return loss
Esempio n. 14
def build_slateq_losses(
    policy: Policy,
    model: ModelV2,
    train_batch: SampleBatch,
) -> TensorType:
    """Constructs the choice- and Q-value losses for the SlateQTorchPolicy.

        policy: The Policy to calculate the loss for.
        model: The Model to calculate the loss for.
        train_batch: The training data.

        The Q-value loss tensor.

    # B=batch size
    # S=slate size
    # C=num candidates
    # E=embedding size
    # A=number of all possible slates

    # Q-value computations.
    # ---------------------
    observation = train_batch[SampleBatch.OBS]
    # user.shape: [B, E]
    user_obs = observation["user"]
    batch_size = tf.shape(user_obs)[0]
    # doc.shape: [B, C, E]
    doc_obs = list(observation["doc"].values())
    # action.shape: [B, S]
    actions = train_batch[SampleBatch.ACTIONS]

    # click_indicator.shape: [B, S]
    click_indicator = tf.cast(
        tf.stack([k["click"] for k in observation["response"]], 1), tf.float32)
    # item_reward.shape: [B, S]
    item_reward = tf.stack([k["watch_time"] for k in observation["response"]],
    # q_values.shape: [B, C]
    q_values = model.get_q_values(user_obs, doc_obs)
    # slate_q_values.shape: [B, S]
    slate_q_values = tf.gather(q_values,
                               tf.cast(actions, dtype=tf.int32),
    # Only get the Q from the clicked document.
    # replay_click_q.shape: [B]
    replay_click_q = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=slate_q_values *

    # Target computations.
    # --------------------
    next_obs = train_batch[SampleBatch.NEXT_OBS]

    # user.shape: [B, E]
    user_next_obs = next_obs["user"]
    # doc.shape: [B, C, E]
    doc_next_obs = list(next_obs["doc"].values())
    # Only compute the watch time reward of the clicked item.
    reward = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=item_reward * click_indicator, axis=1)

    # TODO: Find out, whether it's correct here to use obs, not next_obs!
    # Dopamine uses obs, then next_obs only for the score.
    # next_q_values = policy.target_model.get_q_values(user_next_obs, doc_next_obs)
    next_q_values = policy.target_model.get_q_values(user_obs, doc_obs)
    scores, score_no_click = score_documents(user_next_obs, doc_next_obs)

    # next_q_values_slate.shape: [B, A, S]
    next_q_values_slate = tf.gather(next_q_values, policy.slates, axis=1)
    # scores_slate.shape [B, A, S]
    scores_slate = tf.gather(scores, policy.slates, axis=1)
    # score_no_click_slate.shape: [B, A]
    score_no_click_slate = tf.reshape(
                tf.shape(input=policy.slates)[:1]), [batch_size, -1])

    # next_q_target_slate.shape: [B, A]
    next_q_target_slate = tf.reduce_sum(
        input_tensor=next_q_values_slate * scores_slate,
        axis=2) / (tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=scores_slate, axis=2) +
    next_q_target_max = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor=next_q_target_slate, axis=1)

    target = reward + policy.config["gamma"] * next_q_target_max * (
        1.0 - tf.cast(train_batch["dones"], tf.float32))
    target = tf.stop_gradient(target)

    clicked = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=click_indicator, axis=1)
    clicked_indices = tf.squeeze(tf.where(tf.equal(clicked, 1)), axis=1)
    # Clicked_indices is a vector and tf.gather selects the batch dimension.
    q_clicked = tf.gather(replay_click_q, clicked_indices)
    target_clicked = tf.gather(target, clicked_indices)

    td_error = tf.where(
        tf.cast(clicked, tf.bool),
        replay_click_q - target,
    if policy.config["use_huber"]:
        loss = huber_loss(td_error, delta=policy.config["huber_threshold"])
        loss = tf.math.square(td_error)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
    td_error = tf.abs(td_error)
    mean_td_error = tf.reduce_mean(td_error)

    policy._q_values = tf.reduce_mean(q_values)
    policy._q_clicked = tf.reduce_mean(q_clicked)
    policy._scores = tf.reduce_mean(scores)
    policy._score_no_click = tf.reduce_mean(score_no_click)
    policy._slate_q_values = tf.reduce_mean(slate_q_values)
    policy._replay_click_q = tf.reduce_mean(replay_click_q)
    policy._bellman_reward = tf.reduce_mean(reward)
    policy._next_q_values = tf.reduce_mean(next_q_values)
    policy._target = tf.reduce_mean(target)
    policy._next_q_target_slate = tf.reduce_mean(next_q_target_slate)
    policy._next_q_target_max = tf.reduce_mean(next_q_target_max)
    policy._target_clicked = tf.reduce_mean(target_clicked)
    policy._q_loss = loss
    policy._td_error = td_error
    policy._mean_td_error = mean_td_error
    policy._mean_actions = tf.reduce_mean(actions)

    return loss