Esempio n. 1
    def getPath(self, start):
        This function uses A* to generate a from start to end and then returns it.
        :param start:
        :return: list of points (x,y touples) that is the path to take to the goal
        came_from = self.aStarSearch(start)          ## Get dictionary from astar
        path = [self._goal_pos]                      ## Initialize path

        ## Prime the statements for iterating to the end of the path
        current_location = self._goal_pos
        prev = came_from[current_location]
        current_location = prev

        ## Traverse the tree from leaves to trunk
        while prev is not None:
            prev = came_from[current_location]
            if prev is None:
            current_location = prev

        path.reverse()                              ## Reverse the list so it goes from start to finish

        ## Convert the path list to a publishable list so we can view the path in rViz
        self.path_list = tools.publishListfromTouple(path)
        self._repaint_map(path=True)                ## Repaint the map so we can see it.

        return path
Esempio n. 2
    def getWaypoint(self):
        start = (self.current_x,self.current_y)

        pathToNodify = self.getPath(start) # Get path from A*
        nodePath = []  # What will become the path of only relevant nodes.
        prevSlope = 1337.0  # Create an impossible to match previous slope

        for node in range (0, len(pathToNodify)-1): # For every node in the path created by A*:
            if pathToNodify[node] != self._goal_pos: # Do not try to calculate a slope for the last node
                #calculate current slope, from current position to next position.
                deltax = 1.0*(pathToNodify[node][0]-pathToNodify[node+1][0])#Calcualte delta x based on node and the node ahead
                deltay = 1.0*(pathToNodify[node][1]-pathToNodify[node+1][1])#calculate delta y
                currentSlope = deltax/(deltay+0.000001) #So that we don't have devide by 0 errors. Dunno how else to fix
                if currentSlope != prevSlope: # If we see a slope change
                    nodePath.append(pathToNodify[node])# Add the new node
                    prevSlope=currentSlope # Update th slope

        #Append the very last node, so that we have a complete path.
        self.waypoint_list = tools.publishListfromTouple(nodePath)
        # print nodePath
        return nodePath