Esempio n. 1
def canonicalize_outcome_smiles(outcome):
    # Uniquify via SMILES string - a little sloppy
    # Need a full SMILES->MOL->SMILES cycle to get a true canonical string
    # also, split by '.' and sort when outcome contains multiple molecules
    smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, True)
    outcome = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
    if outcome is None:
        vprint(1, '~~ could not parse self?')
        vprint(1, 'Attempted SMILES: {}', smiles)
        return None
    return '.'.join(sorted(Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, True).split('.')))
Esempio n. 2
def initialize_reactants_from_smiles(reactant_smiles):
    # Initialize reactants
    reactants = Chem.MolFromSmiles(reactant_smiles)
    Chem.AssignStereochemistry(reactants, flagPossibleStereoCenters=True)
    # To have the product atoms match reactant atoms, we
    # need to populate the Isotope field, since this field
    # gets copied over during the reaction.
    [a.SetIsotope(i + 1) for (i, a) in enumerate(reactants.GetAtoms())]
        'Initialized reactants, assigned isotopes, stereochem, flagpossiblestereocenters'
    return reactants
Esempio n. 3
def copy_chirality(a_src, a_new):

    # Not possible to be a tetrahedral center anymore?
    if a_new.GetDegree() < 3:
    if a_new.GetDegree() == 3 and \
            any(b.GetBondType() != BondType.SINGLE for b in a_new.GetBonds()):

    vprint(3, 'For isotope {}, copying src {} chirality tag to new',
        a_src.GetIsotope(), a_src.GetChiralTag())

    if not atom_chirality_matches(a_src, a_new):
        vprint(3, 'For isotope {}, inverting chirality', a_new.GetIsotope())
Esempio n. 4
def initialize_rxn_from_smarts(reaction_smarts):
    # Initialize reaction
    rxn = AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts(reaction_smarts)
    if rxn.Validate()[1] != 0:
        raise ValueError('validation failed')
    vprint(2, 'Validated rxn without errors')

    unmapped = 700
    for rct in rxn.GetReactants():
        # Fill in atom map numbers
        for a in rct.GetAtoms():
            if not a.HasProp('molAtomMapNumber'):
                a.SetIntProp('molAtomMapNumber', unmapped)
                unmapped += 1
    vprint(2, 'Added {} map nums to unmapped reactants', unmapped - 700)
    if unmapped > 800:
        raise ValueError(
            'Why do you have so many unmapped atoms in the template reactants?'

    return rxn
Esempio n. 5
def atom_chirality_matches(a_tmp, a_mol):
    Checks for consistency in chirality between a template atom and a molecule atom.

    Also checks to see if chirality needs to be inverted in copy_chirality
    if a_mol.GetChiralTag() == ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
        if a_tmp.GetChiralTag() == ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
            vprint(3, 'atom {} is achiral & achiral -> match', a_mol.GetIsotope())
            return True # achiral template, achiral molecule -> match
        # What if the template was chiral, but the reactant isn't just due to symmetry?
        if not a_mol.HasProp('_ChiralityPossible'):
            # It's okay to make a match, as long as the product is achiral (even
            # though the product template will try to impose chirality)
            vprint(3, 'atom {} is specified in template, but cant possibly be chiral in mol', a_mol.GetIsotope())
            return True

        # TODO: figure out if we want this behavior - should a chiral template
        # be applied to an achiral molecule? For the retro case, if we have
        # a retro reaction that requires a specific stereochem, return False;
        # however, there will be many cases where the reaction would probably work
        vprint(3, 'atom {} is achiral in mol, but specified in template', a_mol.GetIsotope())
        return False
    if a_tmp.GetChiralTag() == ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
        vprint(3, 'Reactant {} atom chiral, rtemplate achiral...', a_tmp.GetIsotope())
        if template_atom_could_have_been_tetra(a_tmp):
            vprint(3, '...and that atom could have had its chirality specified! no_match')
            return False
        vprint(3, '...but the rtemplate atom could not have had chirality specified, match anyway')
        return True

    isotopes_tmp = [a.GetIsotope() for a in a_tmp.GetNeighbors()]
    isotopes_mol = [a.GetIsotope() for a in a_mol.GetNeighbors()]

    # When there are fewer than 3 heavy neighbors, chirality is ambiguous...
    if len(isotopes_tmp) < 3 or len(isotopes_mol) < 3:
        return True

    # Degree of 3 -> remaining atom is a hydrogen, add to list
    if len(isotopes_tmp) < 4:
        isotopes_tmp.append(-1) # H
    if len(isotopes_mol) < 4:
        isotopes_mol.append(-1) # H

        vprint(10, str(isotopes_tmp))
        vprint(10, str(isotopes_mol))
        vprint(10, str(a_tmp.GetChiralTag()))
        vprint(10, str(a_mol.GetChiralTag()))
        only_in_src = [i for i in isotopes_tmp if i not in isotopes_mol][::-1] # reverse for popping
        only_in_mol = [i for i in isotopes_mol if i not in isotopes_tmp]
        if len(only_in_src) <= 1 and len(only_in_mol) <= 1:
            tmp_parity = parity4(isotopes_tmp)
            mol_parity = parity4([i if i in isotopes_tmp else only_in_src.pop() for i in isotopes_mol])
            vprint(10, str(tmp_parity))
            vprint(10, str(mol_parity))
            parity_matches = tmp_parity == mol_parity
            tag_matches = a_tmp.GetChiralTag() == a_mol.GetChiralTag()
            chirality_matches = parity_matches == tag_matches
            vprint(2, 'Isotope {} chiral match? {}', a_tmp.GetIsotope(), chirality_matches)
            return chirality_matches
            vprint(2, 'Isotope {} chiral match? Based on isotope lists, ambiguous -> True', a_tmp.GetIsotope())
            return True # ambiguous case, just return for now
            # TODO: fix this?

    except IndexError as e:
        raise KeyError('Pop from empty set - this should not happen!')
Esempio n. 6
def rdchiralRun(rxn, reactants, keep_isotopes=False, combine_enantiomers=True):
    rxn = rdchiralReaction (rdkit reaction + auxilliary information)
    reactants = rdchiralReactants (rdkit mol + auxilliary information)

    note: there is a fair amount of initialization (assigning stereochem), most
    importantly assigning isotope numbers to the reactant atoms. It is
    HIGHLY recommended to use the custom classes for initialization.

    final_outcomes = set()

    # We need to keep track of what map numbers
    # (i.e., isotopes) correspond to which atoms
    # note: all reactant atoms must be mapped, so this is safe
    atoms_r = reactants.atoms_r

    # Copy reaction template so we can play around with isotopes
    template_r, template_p = rxn.template_r, rxn.template_p

    # Get molAtomMapNum->atom dictionary for tempalte reactants and products
    atoms_rt_map = rxn.atoms_rt_map
    atoms_pt_map = rxn.atoms_pt_map

    # Run naive RDKit on ACHIRAL version of molecules

    outcomes = rxn.rxn.RunReactants((reactants.reactants_achiral,))
    vprint(2, 'Using naive RunReactants, {} outcomes', len(outcomes))
    if not outcomes:
        return []


    for outcome in outcomes:
        # Look for new atoms in products that were not in
        # reactants (e.g., LGs for a retro reaction)
        vprint(2, 'Processing {}', str([Chem.MolToSmiles(x, True) for x in outcome]))
        unmapped = 900
        for m in outcome:
            for a in m.GetAtoms():
                # Assign "map" number via isotope
                if not a.GetIsotope():
                    unmapped += 1
        vprint(2, 'Added {} map numbers to product', unmapped-900)

        # Check to see if reactants should not have been matched (based on chirality)

        # Define isotope -> reactant template atom map
        atoms_rt =  {a.GetIsotope(): atoms_rt_map[a.GetIntProp('old_mapno')] \
            for m in outcome for a in m.GetAtoms() if a.HasProp('old_mapno')}

        # Set isotopes of reactant template
        # note: this is okay to do within the loop, because ALL atoms must be matched
        # in the templates, so the isotopes will get overwritten every time
        [a.SetIsotope(i) for (i, a) in atoms_rt.items()]

        # Make sure each atom matches
        if not all(atom_chirality_matches(atoms_rt[i], atoms_r[i]) for i in atoms_rt):
            vprint(2, 'Chirality violated! Should not have gotten this match')
        vprint(2, 'Chirality matches! Just checked with atom_chirality_matches')

        # Check bond chirality
        #TODO: add bond chirality considerations to exclude improper matches


        # Convert product(s) to single product so that all
        # reactions can be treated as pseudo-intramolecular
        # But! check for ring openings mistakenly split into multiple
        # This can be diagnosed by duplicate map numbers (i.e., SMILES)

        isotopes = [a.GetIsotope() for m in outcome for a in m.GetAtoms() if a.GetIsotope()]
        if len(isotopes) != len(set(isotopes)): # duplicate?
            vprint(1, 'Found duplicate isotopes in product - need to stitch')
            # need to do a fancy merge
            merged_mol = Chem.RWMol(outcome[0])
            merged_iso_to_id = {a.GetIsotope(): a.GetIdx() for a in outcome[0].GetAtoms() if a.GetIsotope()}
            for j in range(1, len(outcome)):
                new_mol = outcome[j]
                for a in new_mol.GetAtoms():
                    if a.GetIsotope() not in merged_iso_to_id:
                        merged_iso_to_id[a.GetIsotope()] = merged_mol.AddAtom(a)
                for b in new_mol.GetBonds():
                    bi = b.GetBeginAtom().GetIsotope()
                    bj = b.GetEndAtom().GetIsotope()
                    vprint(10, 'stitching bond between {} and {} in stich has chirality {}, {}'.format(
                        bi, bj, b.GetStereo(), b.GetBondDir()
                    if not merged_mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(
                            merged_iso_to_id[bi], merged_iso_to_id[bj]):
                            merged_iso_to_id[bj], b.GetBondType())
                            merged_iso_to_id[bi], merged_iso_to_id[bj]
                            merged_iso_to_id[bi], merged_iso_to_id[bj]
            outcome = merged_mol.GetMol()
            vprint(1, 'Merged editable mol, converted back to real mol, {}', Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, True))
            new_outcome = outcome[0]
            for j in range(1, len(outcome)):
                new_outcome = AllChem.CombineMols(new_outcome, outcome[j])
            outcome = new_outcome
        vprint(2, 'Converted all outcomes to single molecules')

        # Figure out which atoms were matched in the templates
        # atoms_rt and atoms_p will be outcome-specific.
        atoms_pt = {a.GetIsotope(): atoms_pt_map[a.GetIntProp('old_mapno')] \
            for a in outcome.GetAtoms() if a.HasProp('old_mapno')}
        atoms_p = {a.GetIsotope(): a for a in outcome.GetAtoms() if a.GetIsotope()}

        # Set isotopes of product template
        # note: this is okay to do within the loop, because ALL atoms must be matched
        # in the templates, so the isotopes will get overwritten every time
        # This makes it easier to check parity changes
        [a.SetIsotope(i) for (i, a) in atoms_pt.items()]

        # Check for missing bonds. These are bonds that are present in the reactants,
        # not specified in the reactant template, and not in the product. Accidental
        # fragmentation can occur for intramolecular ring openings
        missing_bonds = []
        for (i, j, b) in reactants.bonds_by_isotope:
            if i in atoms_p and j in atoms_p:
                # atoms from reactant bond show up in product
                if not outcome.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atoms_p[i].GetIdx(), atoms_p[j].GetIdx()):
                    #...but there is not a bond in the product between those atoms
                    if i not in atoms_rt or j not in atoms_rt or not template_r.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atoms_rt[i].GetIdx(), atoms_rt[j].GetIdx()):
                        # the reactant template did not specify a bond between those atoms (e.g., intentionally destroy)
                        missing_bonds.append((i, j, b))
        if missing_bonds:
            vprint(1, 'Product is missing non-reacted bonds that were present in reactants!')
            outcome = Chem.RWMol(outcome)
            rwmol_iso_to_id = {a.GetIsotope(): a.GetIdx() for a in outcome.GetAtoms() if a.GetIsotope()}
            for (i, j, b) in missing_bonds:
                outcome.AddBond(rwmol_iso_to_id[i], rwmol_iso_to_id[j])
                new_b = outcome.GetBondBetweenAtoms(rwmol_iso_to_id[i], rwmol_iso_to_id[j])
            outcome = outcome.GetMol()
            vprint(3, 'No missing bonds')

        # Now that we've fixed any bonds, connectivity is set. This is a good time
        # to udpate the property cache, since all that is left is fixing atom/bond
        # stereochemistry.
        except ValueError as e:
            vprint(1, '{}, {}'.format(Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, True), e))

        # Correct tetra chirality in the outcome

        for a in outcome.GetAtoms():
            # Participants in reaction core (from reactants) will have old_mapno
            # Spectators present in reactants will have react_atom_idx
            # new atoms will have neither!
            if not a.HasProp('old_mapno'):
                # Not part of the reactants template

                if not a.HasProp('react_atom_idx'):
                    # Atoms only appear in product template - their chirality
                    # should be properly instantiated by RDKit...hopefully...
                    vprint(4, 'Atom {} created by product template, should have right chirality', a.GetIsotope())

                    vprint(4, 'Atom {} outside of template, copy chirality from reactants', a.GetIsotope())
                    copy_chirality(atoms_r[a.GetIsotope()], a)
                # Part of reactants and reaction core

                if template_atom_could_have_been_tetra(atoms_rt[a.GetIsotope()]):
                    vprint(3, 'Atom {} was in rct template (could have been tetra)', a.GetIsotope())

                    if template_atom_could_have_been_tetra(atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()]):
                        vprint(3, 'Atom {} in product template could have been tetra, too', a.GetIsotope())

                        # Was the product template specified?

                        if atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()].GetChiralTag() == ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
                            # No, leave unspecified in product
                            vprint(3, '...but it is not specified in product, so destroy chirality')

                            # Yes
                            vprint(3, '...and product is specified')

                            # Was the reactant template specified?

                            if atoms_rt[a.GetIsotope()].GetChiralTag() == ChiralType.CHI_UNSPECIFIED:
                                # No, so the reaction introduced chirality
                                vprint(3, '...but reactant template was not, so copy from product template')
                                copy_chirality(atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()], a)

                                # Yes, so we need to check if chirality should be preserved or inverted
                                vprint(3, '...and reactant template was, too! copy from reactants')
                                copy_chirality(atoms_r[a.GetIsotope()], a)
                                if not atom_chirality_matches(atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()], atoms_rt[a.GetIsotope()]):
                                    vprint(3, 'but! reactant template and product template have opposite stereochem, so invert')

                        # Reactant template chiral, product template not - the
                        # reaction is supposed to destroy chirality, so leave
                        # unspecified
                        vprint(3, 'If reactant template could have been ' +
                            'chiral, but the product template could not, then we dont need ' +
                            'to worry about specifying product atom chirality')

                    vprint(3, 'Atom {} could not have been chiral in reactant template', a.GetIsotope())

                    if not template_atom_could_have_been_tetra(atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()]):
                        vprint(3, 'Atom {} also could not have been chiral in product template', a.GetIsotope())
                        vprint(3, ', copy chirality from reactant instead')
                        copy_chirality(atoms_r[a.GetIsotope()], a)

                        vprint(3, 'Atom could/does have product template chirality!', a.GetIsotope())
                        vprint(3, ', copy chirality from product template')
                        copy_chirality(atoms_pt[a.GetIsotope()], a)

            vprint(3, 'New chiral tag {}', a.GetChiralTag())
        vprint(2, 'After attempting to re-introduce chirality, outcome = {}',
            Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, True))

        # Correct bond directionality in the outcome
        # TODO

        # Clear isotope
        if not keep_isotopes:
            [a.SetIsotope(0) for a in outcome.GetAtoms()]

        # Canonicalize
        smiles = canonicalize_outcome_smiles(outcome)
        if smiles is not None:

    # One last fix for consolidating multiple stereospecified products...
    if combine_enantiomers:
        final_outcomes = combine_enantiomers_into_racemic(final_outcomes)

    return list(final_outcomes)